HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-02 x:35 SELECTMEN'S MEETING December 2, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, December 2, 1946 at 7:30 p.m. chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke and Sarano were present. The clerk wqs also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared Jurors before the Board for the drawing of three jurors. Mr. Carl E. Bryant, Banking, 12 Fair Oaks Drive, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, Second Session at Cambridge, beginning January 6, 1947. Mr. Charles 11. Smith, Merchant , 11 Bloomfield Street, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, First Session at at Cambridge, beginning January 6, 1947. Mr. Justin L. Shea, Auto Dealer, 517 Mass. Avenue, wad drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session at Cambridge, beginning January 6, 1947. Mr.' Carroll retired at 7:32 p.m. and Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe , Supt. of Public Works, appeared before the Board. 11Letter was received from Mr. DeFoe referring to a transfer of $1,000 as a result of his request for $2,000 Road for the Road Machinery Account. Mr. DeFoe has paid Machinery outstanding bills amounting to $775, leaving a balance Account of $225 for the remainder of the year. He stated that sines he must continue to purchase necessary gasoline, oil and parts, it appears to him that at leatt another $1,000 should be transferred as outlined in his letter last week. Mr. Locke moved that the Appropriation Committee be asked to reconsider the Board' s original request of a transfer of $2,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Road Machinery Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that since the last meeting of the Gasoline Board, Mr. Manning of the Penn Oil Company had been in Bids to see him. The Chairman said that in view of the fact that the Gult Oil Company and the Standard Oil Company were not given an opportunity to bid on the Town's gasoline supply for the year 1947, it would seem that possibly now bids should be requested. 136 ' ' dot Mr. DeFoe said that the Shell Oil Company has just put in an additional 1,000 gallon storage tank at the Public Works Building. He said that this was an extra costly installation, and the company paid $429.29 to have it installed. Mr. DeFoe said that he has a written release from the Shell Oil Company relieving the Town of the thirty day notice of intent to cancel the existing contract. He said that he has indicated to the Colonial Beacon Oil Company that they had been awarded the contract, but nothing has been conveyed to them in writing. The Chairman said that he thought the Board should chsbk with. %he Town Counsel, and obtain his opinion as to whether or not the Town is obligated to accept the bid of the Colonial Beacon Oil Company having indicated orally that the business would be awarded tip them. The Chairman said that if the Town Counsel rules that the Town is obligated, Mr. DeFoe could then contact the Colonial Beacon Oil Company and ask if they would be willing to rebid with the companies that have not had an opportunity to submit quotations . Repair Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that it would cost Clocks approxiamtely $75 to have the clocks in the Town Office Building repaired. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to authorize Mr. DeFoe to have the clocks repaired at a cost not to exceed $100. Manor Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that John Marr, the Sewer Metcalf & Eddy Engineer, has taken a position with the Engineer American Bridge Company. Metcalf & Eddy are sending out a man to take Mr. Marr' s place, but his rate of pay will be more. He will receive $250 a month for six full days a week. Rental of Mr. DeFoe asked if Town equipment could be rented Town for back filling. Equipment Mr. Locke said that he thought Town equipment should not be rented for private work unless in connection with improving streets , the abutter should pay the bare cost and the Board of Selectman- ahodld coddider each request separately. Held Over It was decided not to make any decision on the matter until all members of the Board are present. Mr. DeFoe retired at 7:35 p.m. , and Mr. Bicknell, attorney for the Mulliken estate appeared before the Board. L_� 137 Mr. Bicknell said that at the time the Town considered widening Waltham Street, Otis Mulliken thought he should Mulliken receive about $ 5 1 ,000 for the front land, and $3 , 500 for Property the rear land. Mr. Mulliken feels justified in requesting this, because of the advance in the price of real estate. Mr. Bicknell said that there are about 7 3/4 acres involved, and the Town has made an offer of $2, 500. Mr. Bicknell said that in accordance with Section 39 of Chapter 79, G. L. , the Town now should make a compromise. The Chairman said that the Town took the land by Eminent Domain, and levied a value of $2, 500. The Town now settles the damage for $1,000 . He said that the Board could go before Town Meeting and ask for the money . Mr. Locke asked where the money would come from in the event of a law suit, and the court fixes the amount of damages. Mr. Bicknell said that the judgment levies it on the tax rate. Mr. Bicknell said that Mr. Mulliken preferred to settle the case oflt of court. The Chairman said that he thought the Board wits of the same opinion, and that same settlement could be made out of court. He said that the Board would consider the matter, and if an agreement were arrived at, the Town Meeting in March would be asked to make the money avail- ' able. He said that Mr. Bicknell would be notified of any decision the Board would make. Mr. Bicknell retired at 8:10 p.m. Form letter was received from Governor Tobin request- Coal ing information to be used to facilitate the equitable Supply distribution of available bituminous coal supplkes. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the communication to the Lexington Coal Company and selicit their cooperation in submitting the requested information. Letter was received from Colonel Barry , Chairman of Welfare the Board of Public Welfare, together with a letter from Compens'n the Department of Civil Service, pertaining to the Plan Compensation Plan for Welfare employees. Thomas J. Grechan, Director of divil Service, stated in his letter that he could not approve the salary ranges as submitted, inasmuch as one of the requirments in connection with the Welfare Compensation Plan is that the Director may approve a salary range which is fixed by a municipality only if the range consists of a minimum rate, at least ttne intermed'late rate,iand a miximum rate. He stated that bbfore-the niinimum'and maximum salary rates al fixed may be approved the plan must include in addition at least one intermediate rate. This amouht may be as much as $240 in the case of the agent, and as much as $180 in 138 x 1 the case of the social worker and the clerks, but in no case may exceed these amounts. Uponiimotion of Mr. Locke , seconded by Mr. Saran, it was voted to approve an annual increment of *100. Adams Letter was received from the Civic Committee of the School East Lexington Men's Club subrhitting recommendations Playground relative to the skating rink and baseball diamong at the Adams School Playground. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the letter to the Committee on Recreational Facilities, and the Chair- man agfee& to contact Mr. Garrity, Supt . of Parks and Play- grounds, and obtain his reaction to the recommendations. Kinneen's Letter was received from Mr. Garrity regarding a Pond skating and hockey rink at Kinneen's Pond. Mr. Garrity stated that in his opinion Kinneen's Pond is not large enough for both hockey and skating. He said that a great many children use this pond in the winter ti.aet, and he believes that the pond should be left for the younger children. He stated that the high school has just installed a board rink on the premises, and it seems to him that the group requesting the use of Kinneen's Pond could be given the privilege of using the school rink. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to request Mr. Garrity to discuss the matter with the School Department . Letter was received from Daniel A. Lynch, Town Veterans Counsel, relative to Chapter 599 of the Legislative Acts Advisory of 1946. Mr. Lynch said that this act was approved rune Board 14, 1946 and, having an emergency preamble, became effective immediately. He said that it is his opinion that the appointment of an unpaid advisory boadd to render such assistance as the Director of Veterans' Services may Legal request, is mandatory. Opinion Letter was received from the Veterans of Foreign Adams School Wars informing the Board that due to the decision of the Lex- Property ington Board of Appeals, it will be impossible for the V. F. W. Veterans to use the so-called Adams School Property for a Veterans headquarters. The V.F.W. would like to know if at some later date, if more favorable action were given the matter, would the offer to sell the property still hold, or does the ruling of the Board cancel the offer and acceptance. 139 The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter and to convey to them that the Board of Selectmen is will- ing to sell the property to them for the purpose of erect- ing a Veterans home. The Board felt that if the organizatlthn sees the way clear to use it for that purpose, the Board would be will- ing to leave the offer open for a reasonable length of tine. Application was received from the Veterans of Foreign Use of Wars requesting permission to use Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of December 19, 1946 for a dance. Mr. Locke moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, Licenses it was voted to approve the following licenses: John J. Rudd 1849 Mass. Avenue Package Goods Store Liggett Drug 'ompany 1721 Mass. Avenue Common Victualler William Viano 1794 Mass. Avenue Sunday Movies Letter was received from James J. Carroll , Town Ass't Clerk Clerk and Treasurer, advising the Board that he was & Treas. appointing Miss Mary R. McDonough as the Assistant Appointed Town Clerk and Assistant Town Treasurer, subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Carroll stated that Commissioner Long advised him that he would have to obtain a bond in the amount of $5, 000 on behalf of Mies McDonough as Assistant Treasurer. Mr. Locke moved that the appointment be approved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Shairman informed the Board that Mr. Paxton had Castle Rd. talked to him relative to Baskin's development of Castle Develop- Road. Mr. Baskin wanted to know whether or not the Town ment will accept the street and build it under the betterment assessment method. That means that all the work that Baskin would do would be done by the Town, or under the supervision of the Town and would include a 4 inch Macadam pavement. The cost would be proportioned among the abutters but Baskin owns all the land with the exception of one lot. In addition, he wants the Town to put in the water and sewers. Mr. Paxton felt that the Town could accept and construct the street. He said that the Town should determine the location of the water and sewer services to the adjoining lots, and the services 140 oc t should be run over to the shoulders of the road before putting on the final pavement. The street will be accepted and 10of the cost will be charged to the abutters. Mr. Locke said that he thought there was some question as to whether or not the Board of Selectmen should change the policy. It was decided to hold the matter over until all members of the Board are present. Budgets Budgets were acted on as follows; Account Requested Approved Comm. on Veterans Rehabilitation and Employment $200.00 $200.00 Memorial Day 250.00 250.00 Pensions - Police 1500.00 1500.00 Unclassified 250.00 250.00 A true copy; Attest, Clerk Nr The next meeting of the Selectmen will be held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, next Monday evening, December 9, 1940 at 7 30 p.m.