HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-12 101 SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 12, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held Tuesday evening, November 12, 1946 at 8 05 p.m. in the Selectmen' s xoom, Town Office Building. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Rowse , Locke, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Bertram P. Paper Gustin telephoned just prior to the meeting this Drive evening with a request for permission to conduct a paper drive under the auspices of the Lexington Athletic Booster Club on either December 8th or December 15th. Mr. Rowse moved that the request be granted for which ever Sunday the club prefers. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Commonwealth of Massa- Snow chusetts Department of Public -Works stating that the Removal IICommonwealth will plow snow from the end of the State Highway on Maple Street to Massachusetts Avenue. Letter was received from Merlin J. Ladd requesting Insur- the renewal of an insurance policy in the amount of ante $15,000, which expires on December 5 , 1946. Mr. Paxton stated that he thought this policy had already been renewed with Mr. Ladd, who now is not a resident of Lexington. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to renew the policy through the office of John Lamont providing it has not already been placed with Mr. Ladd. Letter was received from L6uise C. Vanderhout, Presi- Tables dent of the Unity-Lend-A-Hand Society requesting permission to borrow eight long tables for the luncheon and fair to be held at the Unitarian Church on November 21, 1946. Mr. Sarano moved that the Society be gran#ed permission to use as many tables as are available. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Lexington Visiting Nurse Use of Association requesting permission to use the front hall Front in the Cary Memorial Building to receive and prepare Hall ii donations for Thanksgiving distribution on November 26, Cary 1946. Bldg. 102 cr Mr. Locke moved that the request be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so vbted. Request Letter was received from the Board of Public Welfare For requesting a transfer of $40 from the Bridge Charitable Transfer Fund for partial payment for new dentures for Mrs. Joseph- ine Hanna, 110 Woburn Street, Lexington. Mr. Rowse moved that the Trustees of Public trusts be requested to approve an expenditure from the Bridge Charitable Fund in the amount of $40 in partial payment of new dentures for Mrs. Josephine Hanna. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Lawn Petition was received together with data relative to Bowling the construction and maintenance of lawn bowling at the recreational field. The Clerk was instructed to refer the petition to the Recreational Committee for study and report. Gasoline Application was received from Willima T. Hardy, 752 License Waltham Street, for a gasoline license for the storage of 8 ,000 gallons in underground tanks at the corner of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue. Mr. Hardy has purchasd this property from John A. Sellars. Mr. Rowse moved that the license be written in Mr. Hardy' s name . Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from James A. DeRosa, 50 Dealer' s Walnut Street, Arlington for a Second-Class Agent' s License. License Mr. DeRosa intends to sell second hand cars in an open air lot at 27 Mass. Avenue. Denied Mr. Rowse moved that the application be denied. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Barnes A request was received from the Lexington Youth Committee Property for permission to use a room in the Barnes Property as a permanent Youth Committee office. Mr. Rowse moved that the application be denied. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted Use of Application was received from the Lexington Club, Inc. Hall for permission to conduct a Children' s Christman Party in Cary Hall on Saturday afternoon, December 21, 1946 from 1 00 p.m. to 4 00 p.m. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 103 Application was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars for permission to use Estabrook Hall Use of and a Conference Room on Wednesday evening, December Hall 4, 1946. Mr. Paxton moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received signed by Manfred L. Warren, Use of requesting permission on behalf of the Lexington High H�11 School Class of 1948, to conduct a class dance in Cary Hall on the evening of November 29, 1946. Mr. Locke moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge . Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that the officers of Use of the 4-H Club had requested permission to hold a meet- Selectmen ing in the Selectmen' s Room on Thursday evening, November 14, 1946. Mr. Rowse moved that the request be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke , it Water was voted to sign the following water orders • Woodcliffe Road Hudson Road Underwood Avenue Munroe Road Normandy Road (Woodcliffe Road) ORDER OF TAKING By the Town of Lexington of Easement for the Construction of a Water Main WOODCLIFFE ROAD From Spring Street to Hudson Road a distance of approximately 2410 feet . AREAS, at a meeting duly called and held on March 25, 1946, the Town Meeting of Lexington pursuant to an article in the warrant of the meeting for which duo notice was given, duly adopted by unanimous vote the following vote and made an appropriation therefor: 104 °C got "Voted That the Selectmen be authorized to istall water mains not less than 6" nor more than 16" in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946, subject to the assessment of betterments, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor." For the purpose of said installations the sum of $10,000 .00 was transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Fund to the Water Construction - Sundry Streets Account. AND WHEREAS, the right of way and easement hereinafter des- cribed and taken are necessary for the establishment and maintenance of the said water main, NOW, THEREFOR, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners, for and in behalf of the said town, by virtue of the authority conferred upon them by the foregoing vote and of every other power them thereto enabling, hereby adopt this order of taking by eminent domain, for the said public improvement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a water main in Woodcliffe Road from Spring Street to Hudson Road a distance of approximately 2410 feet as aforesaid, the following easement, namely The right to enter upon the land shbwn as Woodcliffe Road on a plan entitled, "Proposed Water Mains for Subdivision Plan of Part of the Cutler Farm Lexington, Mass. , Scale 1 In. = 100 Ft. Sept. 23 , 1946, FredA. Joyce , Surveyor, Belmont , Mass. L.C.#19485, " and owned by Lily C. Johanson, and construct therein a line of water main with all necessary connections, shut-offs, and appurtenances substantially as shown on a plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. , dated Sept. 23 , 1946, to be recorded herewith. The easement covered by this taking includes the right on the part of the Selectmen of the said town or other duly authorized agents of the town to enter upon, dig up, open and use the land embraced within the said way as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of initially constructing and tnereafter maintaining, operating, , inspecting, repairing and replacing from time to time the said water main, (the said town being always bound to see that the ground after the completion of the work in each case is cleared of all surplus material and surface left in as smooth and good condition as at the time of entry. ) Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws. The area which it is expected will receive advantages other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement comprises the several lots hhown upon the plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. , above referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. 105 We estimate the betterments that would be assessed upon each said parcel of landtobe as shown in the said schedule. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. To have and to hold the said easement to the Town of Lexington, its successors and assigns , to its and their own use and behoof forever agreeable to the provisions of the said Chapter 79 of the General Laws and all pertinent acts in amendment thereof or supplemental thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington aforesaid have hereunto subscribed our names this 12th day of November, 1946. SELECTMEN /R/ A. Rdward Rowse OF /4/ Frm 1 H. Locke /s/ George W. SaranEEXINGTON /s/ William C. Paxton COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. November 1241946 Then personally appeared the above named A. Edward• Rowse , and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, before me, * Errol H. Locke, George W. Sarano, and William C. Paxton /s/ Hazel H. Murray Notary Public 1 r 106 , 1 44 SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED bErl.e,AMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER I WOODCLIFFE ROAD From Spring Street to Hudson Road a distance of approximately 2410 feet. Owner as of Jan. 1, 1946 Certificate Nr1. Lot No. Assessment Lily C. Johanson 19485 23 $ 27.44 x x x x 28 130.00 x x x x 53 125 .46 x x x x 54 148.65 x " " " 57 126.31 x x " " 56 120.00 " " " x 82 126.31 x x x x 83 110.00 x x x x 84 111.28 It x " x 85 145.03 " " " " 112 100.00 x x " x 111 100.00 " " " " 110 100.00 " " x It 109 100.00 It " " " 108 100.00 x x " " 107 100.00 " " " " 106 100.00 " x " " 86 115.00 x ft " x 87 115.00 ft x It If 88 110.00 x x " x 91 105.00 II x x " " 92 105.00 x x x x 93 105.00 ft " x x 94 105.00 , 107 Owner as of Jan. 1, 1946 Certificate No. Lot No. Assessment !.ily"C. Johanson 19485 95 $105.00 " " " " 96 105.00 " 103 148.00 " " " " 102 100.00 " " " " 101 100.00 " " 100 100.00, " # " " 99 100.00 " " " " 98 129.04 ( Hudson Road) ORDER OF TAKING By the Town of Lexington of Easement for the Construction of a Water Main HUDSON ROAD From Spring Street to Woodcliffe Road a distance of approximately 900 feet. WHEREAS, at a meeting duly called and held on March 25, 1946, the Town Meeting of Lexington pursuant to an article in the warrant of the meeting for which due notice was given, duly adopted by unanimous vote the following vote and made an appropriation therefor "Voted That the Selectmen be authorized to install water mains not less than 6" nor more than 16" in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946, subject to the assessment of betterments, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor. " For the purpose of said installations the sum of $10,000.00 was transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Fund to the Water Oonstruction- Sundry Streeta Account. AND WHEREAS, the right of way and easement hereinafter described and taken are necessary for the establishment and maintenance of the said water main NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of II Lexington, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners, for and in behalf of the said town, by virtue of the authority --- 108 00 .10 conferred upon them by the foregoing vote and of every other II power them thereto enabling, hereby adopt this order of I taking by eminent domain, for the said public improvement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a water main in Hudson Road from Spring Street to Woodcliffe Road a distance of approximately 900 feet as aforesaid, the following easement, namely The right to enter upon the land shown as Hudson Road on a plan entitled, "Proposed Water Mains for Subdivision Plan of Part of the Cutler Farm, Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 In. = 100 Ft. Sept. 23, 1946, Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Maws. L.C. #19485, " and owned by Lily C. Johanson, and construct therein a line of water main with all necessary connections, shut-offs, and appurtenances substantially as shown on a plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. , dated Sept. 23 , 1946, to be recorded herewith. The easement covered by this taking includes the right on the part of the Selectmen of the said town or other duly authorized agents of the town to enter upon, dig up, open and use the land embraced within the said way as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of initially constructing and thereafter maintaining, operating, inspecting, repairing and replacing from time to time the said water main, (the said town being always bound to see that the ground after the completion of the work in each case is cleared of all surplus material and surface left in as smooth and good condition as at the time of entry) . Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accord- ance with the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws. The area which it is expected will receive advantages other than the general advantage to the community from such improvemement comprises the several lots shown upon the plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. , above referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that would be assessed upon each said parcel of land to be as shown in the said schedule. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. To have and to hold the said easement to the Town of Lexington, its successors and assigns, to its and their own use and behoof forever agreeable to the provisions of the said Chapter 79 of the General Laws and all pertinent acts in amendment thereof or supplemental thereto. IN WITNNSS WHEREOF the undersigned being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington aforesaid have hereunto sub- scribed our names this 12th day of November, 1946. /s/ William G., pottegLECTMEN /s/ A. Edward Rowse OF /s/ George W. Sarano /s/ ".»„i q Locke LEXINGTON /s/ William C. Paxton r 109 COMMONWALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IMiddlesex, ss. November 12, 1946 Then personally appeared the above named William G. Potter, A. Edward Rowse, Errol H. Locke , George W. Sarano and William C. Paxton, and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, before me, /s/ Hazel J. Murray Notary Public SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER BUD80N ROAD From Spring Street to Woodcliffe Road a distance of approximately 900 feet. Owner as of Jan. 1. 1946 Certificate No. Lot NQ. Assessment Lily C. Johanson 19485 10 $ 15.61 " of " 11 15.00 , n n n n 9 110.00 n n n n 40 130.00 n It n n 8 105.00 n If n „ 41 125.00 if n n n 7 110.00 " " " " 69 125.00 " " " " 6 110.00 II n n n 5 158.91 n n " „ 70 125.00 II " n n f/ 97 125.00 " " 239 109.71 n n n n 238 105.00 no G of (Underwood Avenue) ORDER OF TAKING By the Town of Lexington of Easement edr the Construction of a Water Main UNDERWOOD AVENUE From Spring Street to Woodcliffe Avenue a distance of approximately 900 feet. WHEREAS, at a meeting duly called and held on March 25, 1946, the Town Meeting of Lexington pursuant to an article in the warrant of the meeting for which due notice was -given, duly adopted by unanimous vote the following vote and made an appropriation therefor: "Voted That the Selectmen be authorized to install water mains not less than 6" nor more than 16" in diameter in such appepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946, subject to the assessment of betterments, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor." For the purpose of said installations the sum of *10,000.00 was transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Fund to the Water Construction - Sundry Streets Account. AND WHEREAS, the right of way and easement hereinafter described and taken are necessary for the establishment and maintenance of the said water main: NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Uommissioners,. for and in behalf of the said town, by virtue of the authority conferred upon them by the foregoing vote and of every other power them thereto enabling, hereby adopt this order of taking by eminent domain, for the said public improvement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a water main in Underwood Avenue from Spring Street to Woodcliffe Avenue a distance of approximately 900 feet as aforesaid, the following easement, namely: The right to enter upon the land shown as Underwood Avenue on a plan entitled, "Proposed Water Mains for Subdivision Plan of Part of the Cutler Farm, Lexington, Mass. , Scale 1 in.= 100 Dt, Sen. 23 , 1946, Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. L.C. #19485," and owned by Lily C. Johanson, and construct therein a line of water main with all necessary connections, shut-offs, and appurtenances substantially as shown on a plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. , dated Sept. 23 , 1946, to be recorded herewith. The easement covered by this taking includes the right on the part of the Selectmen of the said town or other duly authorized agents of the town to enter upon, dig, up, open and use the land embraced within the said way as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of initially constructing and thereafter maintaining, operating, inspecting, repairing and replacing from time to time the said water main, (the said town being always bound to see that the ground after the completion of the work in each wase is cleared 111 of all surplus material and surface left in as smooth and good condition as at the time of entry( . Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws. The area which it is expected will receive advantages other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement comprises the several lots shown upon the plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. , above referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that would be assessed upon each said parcel of land to be as shown in the said schedule. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. To have and to hold the said easement to the Town of Lexington, its successors and assigns, to its and their own use and behoof forever agreeable to the previsions of the said Chapter 79 of the General Laws and all pertinent acts in amendment thereof or supplemental thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington aforesaid have hereunto subscribed our names this 12th day of November, 1946. /s/ William G. Pott_er__TKEN G a T,'.dward Rowse OF /s/ George W. Sarano LEXINGTON /s/ Errol H. Locke /s/ William C. Paxton COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. November 12, 1946 Then personally appeared the above named William G. Potter, A. Edward R•bwse, Errol H. Locke, George W. Sarano and William C. Paxton, and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, before me , /s/ Hazel J. Lurray Notary Public 112 cp SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED tir4ftr,tuto,141-0 it itytrn.zL TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER I viu bAokIOD AVENUE From Spring Street to Woodcliffe Avenue a distance of approximately 900 feet. Owner as of ;an. 1, 191+6 Certificate No. Lot No. Assessment Lily C. Eoh*nson 19485 18 $ 00.00 n n n * 19 20.00 n n n n 33 130.00 n it * * 32 130.00 n n ft n 48 125.00 It n n n 49 125.00 n n n n 62 125.00 n n IN It 61 125.00 n n n n 77 125.00 I n n n * 78 125.00 n n n * 90 125.00 n n n * 89 125.00 118 ORDER OF TAKING II (Munroe Road) By the Town of Lexington of Easement for the Construction of a Water Main MUNROE ROAD From Hudson Road to beyond Woodcliffe Road a distance of approximately 1800 feet. WHEREAS, at a meeting duly called and held on March 25, 1946, the Town Meeting of Lexington pursuant to an article in the warrant of the meeting for which due notice was given, duly • adopted by unanimous vote the following vote and made an appropri- ation therefor. "Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to install water mains not less than 6" nor more than 16" in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946, subject to the assessment of betterments, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor. " For the purpose of said installations the sum of $10,000.00 was trans- ferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Fund to the Water Construction - Sundry Streets Account. AND WHEREAS, the right of way and easement hereinafter described and taken are necessary for the establishment and maintenance of the said water main; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lex- ington, acting as a Board of Mater and Sewer Commissioners, for and in behalf of the said town, by virtue of the authority con- ferred upon them by the foregoing vote and of every other power them thereto enabling, hereby adopt this order of taking by eminent domain, for the said public improvement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a water main in Munroe Road from Hudson Road to beyond iftodcliffe Road a distance of approximately 1800 feet as aforesaid, the following easement , namely: The right to enter upon the land shown as Munroe Road on a plan entitled, "Proposed Water Mains for Subdivision Plan of Part of the Cutler Farm, Lexington', Mass. , Scale 1 In.= 100 Ft. Sept. $3, 1946, Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont , Mass. L.C. #19485, " and owned by Lily C. Johanson, and construct therein a line of water main with all necessary connections, shut-offs, and appurtenances substantially as shown on a plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. , dated Sept. 23 , 1946, to be recorded herewith. The easement covered by this taking includes the right on the part of the Selectmen of the said town or other duly authorized agents of the town to enter upon, dig up, open and use the land embraced within the said way as may be reason- ' ably necessary for the purpose of initially construdting and thereafter maintaining, operating, inspecting, repairing and replacing from time to time the said water main. (the said town 114 00 being always bound to see that the ground after the completion of the work in each case is cleared of all surplus material and surface left in as smooth and good condition as at the time of entry) . Betterments will be assessed for this improvement inr_accordance with the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws. The area which it is expected will receive advantages other than the general advantage to the communtiy from such improvement comprised the several lots shown upon the plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont , Mass. , above referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that would be assessed upon each said parcel of land to be as shown in the said schedule. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. To have and to hold the said easement to the Town of Lexington, its successors and assigns, to its and their own use and behoof forever agreeable to the provisions of the said Chapter 79 of the General Laws and all pertinent acts in amendment thereof or supplemental thereto' IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington aforesaid have hereunto subscribed our names this 12th day of November, 1946. /s/ William G. Potter /s/ A. Edward RowseffELECTMEN /s/ Errol H. Locke OF /s/ George 17 Sarano LEXINGTON /s/ William C. Paxton COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. November 12, 1946 Then personally appeared the above named William G. Potter, A. Edward Howse, Errol H. Locke, George W. Sarano and William C. Paxton, and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument by them sub- scribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, before me, /s/ Hazel J. MMurra Y Notary Public. 115 SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS I II REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER 1I MUNROE ROAD From Hudson Road to beyond Woodcliffe Road a distsnce of approximately 1800 feet. Rimer as of Jan. 1 , 1946 Certificate No. Lot No. Assessment Lily C. Johanson 19485 42 $ 105.00 » » » » 43 105.00 » » » » 44 105.00 » » » " 45 105.00 n " " " 46 105.00 » It » " 47 105.00 » » » » 50 106.00 II » » » » 51 105.00 » » » 52 100.00 » » » " 55 146.77 » » n " 26 146. 58 » If » " �9 100.00 » » » " 3o 100.00 » » It " 31 100.00 » » » " 34 105 .00 » If " " 35 105.00 » » » » 27 140.00 » » » » 96 105 .00 M » w » 37 105.00 " W " » 38 100.00 I » » » » 39 100.00 116 on (Normandy Road) ORDER OF TAKING By the Town of Lexington of Easement for the Construction of a Water Main NORMANDY ROAD From Hudson Road to Woodcliffe Road a distance of approximately 1500 feet. WHEREAS, at a meeting duly called and held on March 25 , 1946, the Town Meeting of Lexington pursuant to an article in the warrant of the meeting for which due notice was given, duly adopted by unanimous vote the following vote and made an appropriation therefor: "Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to install water mains not less than 6" nor more than 16" in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946, subject to the assessment of betterments, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor." For the purpose of said installations the sum of $10,000.00 was transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Fund to the Nater Construction - Sundry Streets Account. AND WHEREAS, the right of way and easement hereinafter described and taken are necessary for the establishment and maintenance of the said water main, NOW, THERKROR , the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners, for and in behalf of the said town, by virtue of the authority conferred upon them by the foregoing vote and of every other power them thereto enabling, hereby adopt this order of taking by eminent domain, for the said public improvement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a water main in Normandy Road from Hudson Road to Woodcliffe Road a distance of approximately 1500 feet as aforesaid, the following easement, namely The right to enter upon the land shown as Normandy Road on a plan entitled, "Proposed Water Mains for Subdivision Plan of Part of the Cutler Farm, Lexington, Mass. , Scale 1 In.= 100 Ft. Sept . 23 , 1946, Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass L.C. #19485, " and owned by Lily C. Johanson, and construct therein a line of water main with all necessary connections, shut-offs, and appurtenances substantially as shown on a plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. , dated Sept. 23 , 1946, to be recorded herewith. The easement covered by this taking includes the right on the part of the Selectmen of the said town or other duly authorized agents of the town to enter upon, dig up, open and use the land embraced within the said way as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of initially constructing and thereafter maintaining, operating, inspecting, repairing and replacing from time to time the said water main, (the said town being always bound to see 117 that the ground after the completion of the work in each case is cleared of all surplus material and surface left in as smooth and good condition as at the time of entry) . Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws. The area which it is expected will receive advantages other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement comprises the several lots shown upon the plan of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. , above referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that would be assessed upon each said parcel of land to be as shown in the said schedule. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. To have and to hold the said easement to the Town of Lexington, its successors and assigns, to its and their own use and behoof forever agreeable to the provisions of the said Chapter 79 of the General Laws and all pertinent acts in amendment thereof or supplemental thereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington aforesaid have hereunto subscribed our names this 12th day of November, 1946. /s/ William G. Potter /s/ A. Edward Rowse SELECTMEN /g/ Frrnl H TnokA OF /s/ George W. SaranoLEXINGTON /s/ Th'i 11 'tam C_ Pay-fro n COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. November 12, 1946 Then personally appeared the above named William G. Potter, A. Edward Rowse, Errol H. Locke, George W. Sarano and William C. Paxton,and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free ant and deed of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, before me, /s/ Hazel J. Murray Notary Public. 118 00 SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS sio REFERRED TO IN TBE FOREGOING ORDER ' NORMANDY ROAD From Hudson Road to Woodcliff e Road a distance of approximately 1500 feet. Owner as Of Jan. 1. 1946 Certificate No. Lot No. Assessment Lily C. Johanson 19485 71 $ 105.00 n n n n 72 105.00 I, It n n 73 105.00 n n t► 74 105.00 II tt n n 75 105.00 n n n n 76 105.00 n tt n It 79 110.00 n n n t► 80 110.00 " n n n 81 110.00 I It ,t It n 58 105.00 II n n ft 59 105.00 It It n n 60 105.00 n n n It 63 105.00 n n n n 64 105.00 n it It n 65 105.00 II n n It 66 105.00 n n tt " 67 105.00 1 n It n n 68 105.00 119 According to information received from Mr. Carroll , Number the following is the number of registered voters in Of each precinct, as `oD November 5, 1946 Registered Precinct 1 1859 Voters Precinct 2 1510 Precinct 1646 Precinct #4 1868 At 8:40 p.m. Mr. John Baskin and Mr. John Lyon Castle appeared before the Board. Heights Mr. Baskin presented blueprints of the Castle Developm' t Heights layout, which was approved by the Board of Survey on October 28, 1946. He stated that Mr. Carlson, who owns a parcel of land on Hayes Avenue refuses to cooperate in any way in building the street to be known as Castle Road. Mr. Paxton said that if Mr. Baskin did not get per- mission from Mr. Carlson, he will have to narrow the sippe within the right of way lines. Mr. Locke asked if any of Mr. Carlson' s property would be distmabed. Mr. Baskin replied in the negative. Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Baskin had conferred with him on this subject and wondered whether or not the Board would be' willing to accept and build the street, providing he paid his share of the costs. The Chairman explained that the only way it could be done is to ask Town Meeting to accept it . Mr. Paxton suggested that a revision of the Board of Survey plan might be worked our whereby Castle Road would be built only as far as Mr. Carlson' s property. The Chairman raised the question as to how this could be accomplished if the plan is already recorded at the registry. Mr. Lyon stated that the plan has not yet been recorded, and that he has it in his office. Mr. Baskin and Mr. Lyon retired at 8 55 p.m. A ttur record, Attest 2Y-(a.24.1(ti'' lerk t 1 �