HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-30 SELECTMEN'S MELTING September 30, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, September 30, 1946, at 7 30 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, Paxton, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present . At 7:35 p.m. the Board of Selectmen, acting as Board of the Board of Survey, declared a hearing open upon the Survey petition of John Baskin for approval of a plan of Hearing Castle Road, as shown on a plan submitted and entitled, Castle Rd. "Plan and Profile of Castle Rd. , Lexington, Mass . Scale Hor. 1" - 40' , Vert. 1" = 41' , August 28, 1946, Albert A. Miller & Wilbur C. Nylander, Civil Engrs. & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. Notice of the hearing was inserted in the September 19, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. Messrs. Baskin, Miller, Cosgrove and DeFoe were present. There were also nine other persons present at the hearing. Mr. Miller, the Engineer, presented the plans and explained the layout. Mr. DeFoe said that he and Mr. Cosgrove, the Town Engineer, had gone over the proposed layout and recommended a bond in the amount of 13 ,000. Mr. Baskin said that he would like eighteen months in which to complete the work. The Chairman asked if any persons present were opposed to the sub-division. Mr. Howard S. 0. Nichols, 29 Hayes Avenue, said that he could see no reason why anyone would object to such a layout. He said that his only point of view would b e to urge the Board of Survey to make sure that the entrance into the new road is made as safe as possible. He stated that it comes in at a bad curve. He said that there is an increading amount of traffic on Hayes Avenue, and it is likely to increase further. He said that he assumed that Mr. Baskin' s engineer and the Town Engineer had all this in mind in developing the approach, but if there is any way to make it safer than it is shown on the plan, he would like to have the Board of Survey make that their object. No persons wished to speak in favor or in opposition the proposed layout. The hearing was therefore adjourned at 7: 55 p.m. - — 40 or i Mr. Paxton again recommended that a portion of Omit Section 5 and Section 8 be eliminated in the Board Part of of Survey agreements. Sect. 5 Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Saran, & it was voted to leave out the following restriction in Sect. 8 all further Board of Survey agreements Bd. of Section 5- "for failure to complete work on the Survey specified date the penalty will be $25 per day. " Section 8 -"this agreement shall bind the sub- divider, its successors and assigns, and shall be covenant running with the land. " Mr. Paxton suggested that Mr. Baskin contact the $3 ,000 individual who owns the property at the corner of Hayes Bond Req. Avenue to determine whether or not he would be willing 1$ mos. to sell a portion of the land, and thus make the entrance Time. to the new road safer. Limit Mr. Baskin agreed, and the Chairman stated that the Board of Survey would defer signing the plan. Mr. Paxton moved that a bond in the amount of $3 ,000 be required and that a time limit be set at eighteen months . Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Miller and Mr. Baskin retired at 8:10 p.m. The following individuals were drawn for jury Jurors service: Edmund S. Childs, 7 Adams Street, Lexington, Meat Dealer, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session, at Cambridge, beginning October 21 , 1946. Guy S. Hagar, Train Starter, 15 Cliffe Avenue, Lexington, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session, at Cambridge beginning October 21, 1946. Horace E. Holmes, Auditor, 66 Farmcrest Avenue, Lexington, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, Second Session, at Cambridge beginning November 4, 1946. Garrett C. O'Brien, Painter, 8 Bartlett Avenue, Lexington, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, First Session, at Cam- bridge beginning November 4, 1946. Vote to Mr informed the Board that he would like to DeFoe Increase increase the Road Machinery Appropriation being requested Road Mach. at the Special Town Meeting from$15OO to $2500. Approp. to $2500. 41 Mr. Paxton moved that the amount in the Road Machinery Vote be changed from $1500 to $2500. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse arrived at the meeting at 8 20 p.m. Mr. E. A. Lindstrom, Building and Plumbing Inspector, Hill appeared before the Board. House Mr. Lindstrom said that he had inspected the Hill on house on Adams Street. He said that on the third floor Adams there is a lavatory and a wash basin, and evidence that St. the basin is being utilized as a sink, inasmuch as there were dishes it it. He said that he also noticed a two burner electric stove. He said an individual by the name of Hunter is living on the third floor, and a Mr. Kennedy lives on the second floor. On the second floor, there is a bathroom and two bedrooms. Mr. Lindstrom said that on March 20, 1946, Mr. Hill applied for a permit to construct an outside staircase extending from the second floor to the first floor. He said that on May 8, 1946, Mr. Watt, the plumber, applied for a permit to change over the bathroom and install another lavatory. Mr.Lindstrom said that he could not refuse to issue the permit. Mr. Rowse said that he thought the owner of the property should be advised that they are breaking the law, and informed that the house is in an area zoned for single families. The Chairman asked Mr. Lindstrom if the developer of the Custom Built Homes had built more streets than the Custom Board of Survey has approved. Built Mr. Lindstrom replied in the negative. Homes The Chairman asked if the water had been installed, and Mr. Lindstrom replied in the negative. He said that he has not been aible, to find anything that would lead him to believe that they will not try to complete the houses. Mr. Lindstrom retired at 8 35 p.m. Mr. George Morey and George W. 1mery of the Community Fund Committee , Messrs. Whalen, Gustin, and Moone of the Committee on Recreational Facilities, appeared before the Board. Mr. Morey said that three weeks ago , the Boston Community Fund had been requested by the Lexington Branch to make a survey of the recreational requirements in the Town. He said that it occurred to the Community Chest Recreat- Committee that this activity might interfere with the ional plans which the Selectmen may have had in mind when they Survey appointed the Recreational Committee. 42 Recreational The Chairman said that he did not believe that Survey the Selectmen had any definite plan..in mind. He said that the Committee had been appointed, but the Board has received no report as to what they intend to do. Mr. Morey said that he thought that the best thing for the Community Chest Committee to do is to prepare to have the survey made. Mr. Whalen said that a copy of the survey wpald be helpful to the Committee on Recreational Facilities. He said that he did not believe that this survey would conflict with his committee. Mr. Paxton suggested that the Committee on Recreational Facilities submit a report of progress to the Board of Selectmen in November or December, and to incorporate the Community Chest survey in the report. Mr. Gostin replied that his committee expected to have their report for the Board early in December. The group, with the exception of Mr. Emery, retire. at 8:50 p.m. Mr. Emery said that the Board of Fire Engineers would like to have Coolidge Avenue, where the sewer is being installed, made as level as possible so that the brush fine equipment could get through. Mr. Emery retired at 8.55 p.m. Request Mr. Seymourian and four other residents of Laconia For Street appeared before the Board. Mr. Seymourian presented Acceptance a petition requesting the acceptance of Laconia Street. Laconia Mr. Rowse explained to the group that the Board would Street refer the petition to the Engineer. The Chairman stated that the Engineer will make a survey and notify the petitioner how much it will cost. Mr. Paxton explained the procedure of street acceptances to the group, and they retired at 9:25 p.m. Petition was received signed by Corazzini Bros. and Request Edwin W. Hdtchinsen, for the installation of a water main For 'Water in Blossom Street. Main in No action was taken on the matter. Blossom St. Petition was received signed by two residents of Emer&ld Street requesting the installation of a street Request light. For Street The Clerk was instructed to refer the petition to the Light Supt. of Public Works for investigation and report. Emerald St. 111 43 Application was received from Fred A. Joyce Engineer representing the Custom Built Homes, Inc. for a Board of Survey hearing for further sub-division of part of the Cutler Farm. It was decided that no Board of Survey hearings will be advertised in the future until the plans, profiles, bond and agreements were completed and ready for sig- natures. At 9:30 p.m. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Worksi. appeared before the Board. Install Mr. DeFoe discussed at length the possiblility of Six-inch installing a water main in Bridle Path. At the Pipe present time, there is a one-inch pipe in this street. Bridle Mr. Paxton moved that the Supt. of Public Works Path be authorized to install a six-inch water pipe. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that it would be Supplement's necessary for the Board to approve a supplementary Agreement agreement to the Manor Sewer contract for changes Manor Sewer in plans and specifications. He said at the very beginning of the job, the trench was found to be five feet deeper than shown on the plans. He stated that the plans show a 14. foot cut, when actually it is 19 feet. Mr. DeFoe discussed at length changes in the plans and specifications, and stated that the "extras" would cost at a mininum, ? 3�638. and up to a maximum of $5550. Mr. Rowse moved that the supplementary agreement bd' approved. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe asked permission to exhange some transit pipes for which he has no use for some copper tubing owned by the Town of Arlington. Mr. Rowse moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to make the exchange. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that he had talked with Mr. Johnson of F. K. JOnson, Inc. relative to the purchase of a new coupe for the Public Works Department. Mr. .DeFoe inquired as to how the Board would feel about purchasing the low priced Oldsmobile in the event that the dealer has one before a new Chevrolet comes through. Mr. lowse fmved that the Supt. be authorized to place Author- an order with F. K. Johnson for a Chevrolet coupe. Mr. ize Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Purchase of New Car 44 I It is understood that if an Oldsmobile comes through before a Chevrolet, the Supt. is to bring the matter before the Board again. Mr. DeFoe requested permission to sell some old fittings used for lead pipe, and to replace them with copper tubing. Mr. Paxton moved that his request be granted. Mr. Saran° seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe stated that the hold-up policy placed Renew through the office of Amer A. Lord and Company will Policy expire October 9, 1946. Mr. Rowse moved that the policy be renewed through the same office. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe inquired as to whether or not the Board Authorize desired to authorize him to purchase pipe for the Purchase Lowell Street water job. He said that it will cost Pipe approximately 0720 to purchase pipe now. Lowell Mr. Paxton moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to Steeet place an order for the pipe we will need for the Summer-Lowell Street water job. Mr. Saran° seconded, the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse stated that he was opposed to purchasing materrialm without available funds. Mr. DeFoe was not authorized to place orders for pipe for anything beyond the supply for the Lowell Street project. Mr. DeFoe retired at 10 20 p.m. Legal The Chairman read a letter from the Town Counsel Opinion Re; giving his opinion as to the legality of the form of Motor license which the Board has been using for the operation Vehicle of motor vehicles for hire. License Mr. Lynch stated that upon examination of the Statute, he is of the opinion that the license is legal, and that its use may be continued. Midd. & Mr. Sarano moved that the application received from Boston St. the Middlesex & Boston Street Railway Company for per- Railway mission to operate motor vehicles for hire over the Co. License following/be signed: routes No. 1 - from the Arlington-Lexington town line, via Route 2, Concord turnpike to the corner of Route 2, Concord turnpike end Spring Street via Spring Street to the corner of Spring Street and Marrett Road, Route 2a, thence via Marrett Road to the corner of Marrett Road and Access Road, thence via Access Road to the Lexington-Lincoln town line . ALS No. 2 - From the junction of Marrett Road, Route 2a, and Massachusetts Avenue , via Massachusetts Avenue to the junction of Massachusetts Avenue and Bedford Street. No. 3 - From the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Wood Street, via Wood Street, to the Lex- ington-Bedford town line. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Vincent R. Ignico' s offer of $150 for Lots 11 , 12, 13 , Block 17, Reed Street. A proposal to sell the lots was advertised in the Sell September 26, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. Lots 11, No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result 12,13 of the advertisement. Blk.17 Mr. Locke moved that the offer be accepted and that Reed St. Lots 11, 12 and 13 , Block 17, Reed Street, be sold and conveyed to Mr. Vincent R. Ignico, Mr. Saran seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Leslie J. Sell Wood's offer 'of $250 for Lots 128-135 inc. on Webb Street Lots and Lots 160-189 inc. on Young Street. 128- A proposal to sell the lots was advertised in the 135 September 26, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. Webb No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result St. & of the advertisement. 160-189 Mr. Locke moved that the offer be accepted and Young St. that Lots 128-135 inc . on Webb Street and Lots 160-189 on Young Street be sold and conveyed to Mr. Leslie J. Wood. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from George Jackson, President of the Lexington Youth Committee, requesting permission Use of to use Cary and Estabrook Halls on Friday, October 18, Halls 1946 from 8 :00 p.m. to midnight for a canteen. ]1r4 Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of November 1, 1946 from 8 00 p m. to midnight for a dance. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be grantild free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. L r-- 4S 444Upon motion of Mr. Paston, seconded by Mr. Locke, Sewer it was voted to sign the Ellis Street and Taft Avenue . Orders Sewer Orders in the following form ( Ellis Street) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting in pursuance of the provisions of 6hapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, and of every other power and authority hereto enabling, at a meeting duly held this thirtieth day of September, 1946, has laid out and voted to construct a common sewer in Ellis Street, a way in said town opened or dedicated to the public use which has not become a public way, as more fully shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of 'Proposed Sewers in Taft Ave. & Ellis St. , Lexington, Mass. , Aug. 21, 1946, Scale 1 in. = 40 ft. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, " abutting the premises numbered 6 thereon designated as Lots pt . X69 and pt. 371, on the Assessors' Plans and does hereby ORDER that the same be constructed in said location. A plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewers in Taft Ave. Pc Ellis St. , Lexington, Mass. Aug. 21, 1946, Scale 1 in.- 40 ft. , John T. Cosgrove , Town Engineer" is to be recorded herewith all in compliance with the vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 25, 1946 as follows "VOTED That the Selectmen be authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946 in accordance with St. 1897, Chapt. 504 , as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and to appropriate the sum of $19,517.24 for said installations, this amount_to be provided by transfer from the Sewer Construction Federal Aided Projects Account . " That the work be done by , or under the direction of, the Superintendent of Public Works who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof , together with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to the Board an account thereof, and that thereafter, one half ( i) of the cost of construction thereof shall be assessed upon the estates specially benefited thereby, under and subject to the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. 1 47 And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of this Board, be filed for record in the Registry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County , as a statement of our action in the premises, in compliance with the provisions of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. The assessment so tobe made are estimated, and the estates upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering of said street, or otherwise dibsignated, as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. /s/ William G. Potter /s/ George W. Saranm SELECTMEN /s/ Errol H. Locke OF /s/ A. Edward Rowse LEXINGTON ATTEST /s/ William C Paxton /s/ Hazel J. hurray Clerk. TOWN OF LEXINGTON Schedule of Estimated assessments, and estates to be assessed for construction of sewer in ELLIS STREET abutting the estates numbered below House Lot Supposed Estimated Number No. Owner Area Assessment 6 pt. 369 pts. 370 , 371 Fannie A. Lambert 4,740' $73.00 48 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS (Taft Alae. ) Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting in pursuance of the provisions of Chppter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, and of every other power and authority hereto enabling, at a meeting duly held this 30th day of September, 1946, has laid out and voted to construct a common sewer in Taft Avenue, a public way in said town, as more fully shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Taft Ave. , & Ellis St. , Lexington, Mass. Aug. 21, 1946, Scale 1 in.= 40 ft. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," abutting the premises numbered 53 , 54, 57, 58 , 64, thereon designated as Lots 96, 97 , 98, 99, 100 , 101, 102, 103 , 104, 105, 106 , 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 , 114, 115, 116, Dt. ,352, 353 , 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360 , 361, 362, 363 , 364, 365 , 366, 367, 368, pt. 369, on the Assessors' Plans and does hereby ORDER that the same be constructed in said location. A plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Taft Ave. & Ellis St. , Lexington, Mass. , AU 211 1.904 8041e ill.= 40 ft. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, " is to recorded herewith all in compliance with the vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 25, 1946 as follows "VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946 in accord- ance with St. 1897, Chapt. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and to approp- riate the sum of $19,517.24 for said installations, this amount to be provided by transfer from the Sewer Construction Federal Aided Projects Account. " That the work be done by, or under the direction of , the Super- intendent of Public Works who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof, together with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to this Board an account thereof, and that thereafter, one half (1) of the cost of construction thereof shall be assessed updn the estates specially benefited thereby, under and subject to the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of the Board, be filed for record in the Registry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County, as a statement of our action in the premises, in compliance with the provisions of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. The assessments so to be made are estimated, and the estate' upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering of said street or otherwise designated, as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. /s/ .illiam G. Potter 49 I /s/ George W. Sarano SELECTMEN /s/ Errol H. Locke /s/ A. Edward Rowse OF LEXINGTON 1 /s/ William C. Paxton ATTEST: /s/ Hazel J. Murray Clerk. TOWN OF LEXINGTON I Schedule of estimatedassessments, and estates to be assessed for construction of sewer in Taft Avenue abutting the estates numbered below House Lot Supposed Estimated Number Number Owner Area Assessment pt. 352 Matthew M. & Marie A. 4, 140' $ 63.00 pt. 353 Zubowitch II pt . 354 Louise T. Bowman 5,400' 83 .00 pt. 355 pt. 356 Alfred J. & Anna Merchant5,400' 83.00 54 pt. 357 pts. 3$8, 359 Peter Van Gemert 8, 100' 124.00 pt. 360 pts. 361, 362 E. G. Barker Lumber 8,100' 124.00 pt. 363 Co. , Inc. 58 pt. 64 pt. $65 James & Mary T. Irwin 5,400 ' 83.00 64 pt. 366 Edna A. Doughty 5,400 ' 83.00 * pt. 367 47 pt. 96 Stewart & Grace Cairns, pt. 97 Trustees 4, 500 ' 69.00 pt. 98 pt. 99 Mary A. Dobson 4,090 ' 63 .00 II *64 pt. 368 65,00 pt. 369 George H. & Edna A. Doughty r 50 House Lot Owner Area Estimated Number Number Supposed Assessment 53 pts. 100-104 inclusive Jenny C. Coye 11 ,250' $172.00 105 , 106, 107 Louise 0. Bielley 7, 650' 117.00 57 108, 109 Frank DeFelice 5,400' 83 .00 110, 111 Antonio Cantore 5, 400' 83.00 112, 113 Assunta S. Cantore 5,400' 83 .00 114, 115 Ludicino & Marguerite 8,860' 135.00, 116 Barri The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Harold Wilson requesting permission for the Good Samaritan Circle of Use of Kings Daughters to hold a rummage sale in the garage of Garage the Barnes Property. Barnes Mr. Rowse moved that the request be granted. Mr. Property Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. ' The Chairman asked the Board what they desired to do relative to the salary of the Supt. of Public Works. DeFoe's Updin the motion of Mr. Locke , seconded by Mr. Paxton, Salary it was voted to advance the salary of the Supt. of Putaic Works from *5400 per year to 0000 per year, effective October 1, 1946. A true record, Attest : 1).e k /921---1-44441— d' X11 10I 1 4