HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-16 24 c 6 SELECTMEN'S b" STING September 16, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, September 16, 1946 at 7 30 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present . At 7 30 p.m. Mr. C. B. Wildes, 74 Winter Street, appeared before the Board. He explained that he had been before the Board of Appeals relative to cone t.ing the building on his property into a single family residence. Wildes He said that the Board of Appeals informed him that he (3onvert'g should sub-divide his property so that his house would Building be on a separate lot. He presented a blueprint and explained that he would have a frontage of 107 ' . Mr. Locke asked how wide the lot is on the. paralled lines and Mr. Wildes replied that it would be a little better than 80' . The Chairman requested that Mr. Wildes leave the blueprint with the Board and stated that ha would advise him of whatever action might be taken. 111Mr. Wildes retired at 7:40 p.m. It was decided to refer the blueprint to the Building Inspector and to ask him whether or not he would issue a building permit on the layout as presented. If he agrees, the case is closed insofar as the Board of Appeals and the Selectmen are concerned. Mr. Paxton moved that the Clerk contact Mr. Wildes by telephone and suggest that he present his plan to the Building Inspector and request a permit. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that M . DeFoe recommended the Street installation of one street light on Goodwin Road. Light Mr. Locke moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to Goodwin proceed to have one street light installed on Goodwin Road Road. Mr. Paxtpn seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that Mr. DeFoe had received a notice that the price of pipe is going up twenty per cent within a month or so but if he places an order Place Order now, the pipe will be delivered at the present price. For Pipe Mr. Paxton moved that the Superintendent of Public Works be authorized to place an order for the pipe. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so 111voted. A petition was received from the Boston Edison Pole Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Co. Location 'Dot the 'bemovai and location of one pole as follows Bedford Street, approximately 400 feet northwest of Williams Street - one ( 1) pole. Bedford Street, approximately 390 feet northwest of Williams Street - remove one (1) pole. Mr. Paxton moved that the petition be approved and the order signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it waw so voted. Notice was received from the County Commissioners of Hearing a meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 26, 1946 at Commiss'na 10 :30 a.m. for a discussion of matters pertaining to re public roads. Public It was decided to request the Supt. of Public Works Roads to have a definite program outlined with estimates of cost of the proposed improvements and to submit it to the Board next Monday evening. A letter was received from Metcalf & Eddy together Sign with two copies of a proposed contract prepared by Mr. Contract Lynch, Town Counsel, in connection with their services Metcalf relative to the Manor Sewer Project. The contract was Eddy signed by Arthur L. Shaw of Metcalf & Eddy in Manor anticipation of execution by the Selectmen. Sewer Mr. Locke moved that the Board of Selectmen sign the contract. Mr. Paxtonseconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Town Clerk to which Delay was attached a copy of a claim from Francis Keefe, 622 Claim Massachusetts Avenue , Arlington, Attorney representing Joseph and Grace M. Delay. Mr. Keefe' s letter stated that Helen Delay, a minor, claims damages for personal injuried caused by a fall alleged to have been the result of .ndefective condition of Vine Street. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. DeFoe to refer the claim to the insurance company. Peltion signed by eleven citizens was received Street requesting the installation of a street light on Lisbeth Light Street. Lisbeth Mr. Paxton moved that the petition be referred to Street the Supt. of Public Works for his investigation and recommendation. Mr. Sarano sdconded the motion, and it was so voted. 111 26 A letter was received from Leslie J. Wood offering Offer of $250 for Lots 128-135 inc. on Webb Street and 160-189 $250 for on Young Street. Lots on The offer was held over for one week pending a report Webb and from the committee on tax title property. Young Sts. The Board gave further consideration to Alfred A. Batstone's offer of $156 for Lots 86 to89 inc. , Bartlett Avenue. A proposal to sell these lots was Sell advertised in the September 12, 1946 issue of the Lexington Lots on Minute-Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office Bartlett as a result of the advertisement. Ave. to Mr. Sarano moved that the offer be accepted and that Batstone Lots 86 to 89 inc. on Bartlett Avenue be sold and conveyed to Alfred R. Batstone. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Greeley A copy of a letter written by Roland B. Greeley, Letter to Chairman of the Committee on School Site , to J. Willard Hayden on Hayden was received. Mr. Greeley attempted to explain Aldrich to Mr. Hayden why his committee had requested the Property Selectmen to insert an Article in the Warrant for the As School October 7, 1946 meeting. Site It Vias decided to obtain Mr. Lynch's opinion as to whether or not there is any possibility that the con- ditions outlined in Mr. Hayden' s deed conveying the Aldrich property to the Town may be changed. Held A letter was received from Vincent R. Ignico , 18 Over Outlook Drive, offering $150 for Lots 11,12 and 13 , Block 17, Reed Street. Mr. Ignico's offer was held over until the next meeting of the Board pending a report-'frbr%ti a committee on tax title property. Boosters Application was received from the Lexington Athletic Use of Boosters Club for permission to use a conference room the Conf. third Thursday in each month from October, 1946 to Room June, 1947. The Chairman agreed to discuss the use of the room with the Boosters to determine whether or not their meetings could be held in a private home. Application was received from the Lions Club requesting Lions permission to use Cary Memorial Hall on November 19 , 296nd Club 21, from 10 :00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. for a Merchants Use of Exhibition. Hall 27 Mr. Paxton moved that the use of the hall be granted, subject to a charge of $50. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Sarano , it Sign was voted to sign the following sewer orders: Bennett Sewer Avenue, Leighton Avenue and Tarbell Avenue. Orders (Bennett Avenue ) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting as pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereto and in amendment there- of, and of every other power and authority hereto enabling, at a meeting duly held this 16th day of September, 1946, has laid out and voted to construct a common sewer in Bennett II Avenue , a way in said town opened or dedicated to the public use which has not become a public way, as more fully shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewers in Bennett Ave. & Tarbell Ave. , Lexington, Mass. , Aug. 21, 1946, Scale 1 in. = 40 Ft. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, " abutting the premises numbered 15_thereon designated as Lots176, 1$' , 178, 179, pt. 180, pt. 233, 234, 235 on the Assessors' Plans and does hereby ORDER that the same be constructed in said location. A plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewers in Bennett Ave. & Tarbell Ave. , Lexington, Mass. , Aug. 21, 1946, Scale 1 in. - 40 Ft. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," is to be recorded herewith all in compliance with the vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 25, 1946 as follows "VOTED That the Select- men be authorized to install sewer mains in each _accepted or unaccepted stteets as may be applied for during the year 1946 in accordance with St. 1897, Chap. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and to appropriate the sum of $19,517.24 for said installations, this amount to be provided by transfer from the Sewer Construction Federal Aided Projects Account. " That the work be done by, or under the direction of, the Superintendent of Public Works who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof, together with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to the Board an account thereof, and that thereafter, one half (i) of the cost of construction thereof shall be assessed upon the 2E3 estates specially benefited thereby, under and subject to the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of this Board, be filed for record in the Registry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County, as a statement of our action in the premises in compliance with the provisions of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. The assessments so to be made are estimated, and the estates upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering of said street, or otherwise designated, as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. /s/ William G. Potter Selectmen /s/ Errol H. Locke of /s/ George W. Sarano Lexington ATTEST: /s/ William C. Paxton /s/ Hazel 07. Murray Clerk. TOWN OF LEXINGTON Schedule of estimated assessments, and estates to be assessed Annexed to Sewer Order for construction of sewer on Bennett Avenue abutting the estates numbered below Street Parcel Estimated Number Number Area Supposed Owner Assessment 15 Lots 176,177 5 ,600 sq. ft. Gladys S. Pawlowski $ 96.00 " 178, 179, 7, 200 " " August N. & Anna B. 124.00 pt. 180 Nickla*son Pt. 233, 234, -7,200 " " Mary E. Clifford 124.00 235 I 29 (Leighton Ave. ) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IMiddlesex, ss. Town of Lexington ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereof pnd in amendment there- of, and of every other power and authority hereto enabling, at a meeting duly held this sixteenth day of September, 1946, has laid out and voted to construct a connom sewer in Leighton Avenue, a way in said town opened or dedicated to the public use which has not become a public way, as more fully shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Leighton Ave. , Lexington, Mass. , Aug. 21, 1946, Scale 1 in. = 40 Ft. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, " abutting the premises numbered 11 thereon designated as Lots 96, 97 and 98, on the Assessors' Plans and does hereby ORDER that the same be constructed in said location. A plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Leighton Ave. , Lexington, Mass. , Aug. 21, 1946, Scale 1 in.= 40 Ft. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer" is to be recorded herewith all in compliance with the vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 25, 1946 as follows: "VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946 in accordance with St . 1897, Chap. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and to appropriate the sum of $19, 517.24 for said installations, this amount to be provided by transfer from the Sewer Construction Federal Aided Projects Account. " That the work be done by, or under the direction of, the Superintendent of Public Works who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof, together with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to the Board an account thereof, and that thereafter, one half (i) of the cost of construction thereof shall be assessed upon the estates specially benefited thereby , under and subject to the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of this Board, be filed for record in the Registry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County, as a state- ment of our action in the premises, in compliance with the provisions of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. 30 cry yl The assessments so to be made are estimated, and the estates upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering of said street , or otherwise designated, as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. /s/ William G. Potter SELECTMEN /s/ Errol H. Locke Js/ Georwe W. Ssrano OF • J ' : " •: ; • . ATTEST: ION /s/ Hazel J. Murray Clerk. TOWN OF LEXINGTON Schedule of estimated assessment , and estates to be Annexed to Sewer Order for construction of sewer on Leighton Avenue abutting the estates numbered below Street Parcel Owner Estimated Number Number Area Supposed Assessment 11 Lots 96-98 inc. 8, 100 Francis J. and $108.00 Jennie K. Boisvert (Tarbell Avenue) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereto an in amendment thereof, and of every pthsr power and authority hereto enabling, at a meeting duly held this sixteenth day of September, 1946, has laid out and voted to construct a common sewer in Tarbell Avenue, a way in said town opened or dedicated to the public use which has not become a public way, as more fully shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed 31 IISewers in Bennett Ave. & Tarbell Ave. , Lexington Mass. , Aug. 21, 1946, HBe 1 in.= 40 Ft. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, " abutting the premises numbered 57, 60 and 62 thereon designated as Lots 161, 162, 163 , 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 , 174, and 175, on the Assessors' Plans and does hereby ORDER that the same be constructed in said location. A plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewers in Bennett Ave. & Tarbell Ave. , Lexington, Mass. , Aug. 21, 1946, Scale 1 in :40 ft. , John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, " is to be recorded herewith all in compliance with the vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 25, 1946 as follows "TOTED That the Select- men be authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946 in accordance with St. 1897, Chap. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and to appropriate the sum of $19,517.24 for said installations, this amount to be provided by transfer from the Sewer Coni struetion Federal Aided Projects Account. " That the work be done by, or under the direction of, the Superintendent of Public Works who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof, together with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to the Board an account thereof, and that thereafter, one half (i) of the cost of construction thereof shall be assessed upon the estates specially benefited thereby, under and subject to the protisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of this Board, be filed for record in the Registry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County, as a statement of our action in the premises, in compliance with the provisions of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. The assessments so to be made are estimated, and the estates upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering of said street , or otherwise designated, as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. /s/ William G. Potter SELECTMEN OF /s/ Errol H. Locke LEXINGTON /s/ George W. Sarano ATTEST: /s/ William C. Paxton Is/ Hazel J. Murray Clerk. M2 x n TOWN OF LEXINGTON Schedule of estimated assessments, and estates to be assessed Annexed to Sewer Order for construction of sewer on Tarbell Avenue abutting the estates numbered below Street Parcel Owner Estimated Number Number Area Supposed Assessment 44 Lot 161 2,760 sq. ft. Anna B. Nicklarson *48.00 162, 163 5,470 " " Charles H. Williams 94.00 164 2,730 " " Gladys S. IPowlowski 47.00 60 165, 166, 167 8, 150 " " Charles H. & Gladys 149.00 , _ L. Williams 62 168, 169 4, 590 " " John L. Thompson 79.00 62 170, 171, 172 6,760 n " " " " 116.00 57 173, 174, 175 7,200 " " Lincoln J. & Lavonia E. Holden 124.00 The Chairman informed the Board that the Lexington Community Community Fund would like permission to use a conference room Fund to from November 3 , 1946 to November 27, 1946 for their Use headquarters inasmuch as there isn't any vacant store ' Conference available They will be using the room from 9 00 a.m. until Room 5:30 p.m. and from 7 00 p.m. to 9 :00 p.m. every day. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the conference room be granted, free of charge. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Town of The Chairman reviewed briefly the case of the Town of 1 Lex. v. Lexington v. Rose Scurto. Sou 'to Mr. Paxton moved that the case be referred to Mr. Lynch, Reviewed Town Counsel, and that he be instructed to proceed with the matter. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Messrs. Paxton and Sarano retired at 8:30 p.m. At 9 :00 pram. the following members of the Appropriation ApproprifitionCommittee appeared before the Board: Chairman Brown, Messrs. Newhall , Jenney, Lane, Winlock and Macbeth. Mr. Macbeth stated that Mr. Dines, Assistant Director of Accounts, advised him that to date Commissioner Long has not approved any increases for wages where the money was to be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Howeveri , if a Town votes at a Town Meeting to increase salaries, the appropriation would be valid and Mr. Long has no right to over-rule it. Mr. Macbeth stated that the Thwn can charge the 1947 appropriation and accrue the salaries up through January 2, 1947 and on January 2, 1947 they could be paid, but they must be added to the tax rate in 1947. I The Chairman asked how a Town can vote to pay salaries without the money available. Mr. Macbeth replied that the Town Meeting may authorize the increases payable January 2, 1947 and then in 1947 it is an expense and the Town Oust meet the expense which has already been obligated. He said that the Town can borrow in anticipation of taxes. The Chairman said that he expected detailed in- formation relative to the salary question from the Town Counsel within a day or two. Mr. Brown said that Colonel Barry, Chairman of the Board of Public Welfare, had informed the Appropriation Committee that the sum of $7,500 would be sufficient for Old Age Assistance for the balance of the year. Mr. Macbeth said that under Article 3 , with reference Purchase to the so-called Leary Property, Mr. Dines stated that Leary the Town must have a definite specific purpose for Property purchasing the property, but he may have meant that he would not approve a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. It was dedided to have either George W. Emery or a member of the Board of Fire Engineers prepared to explain to Town Meeting Section 85-E, Chapter 32 of the General Laws. It was also decided to go along with the article on salaries regardless of Mr. Dine's ruling. A true record, Attest C erk The next gular meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held in the Selectmen" ! •. 0 Town Office Building, on Monday evening, September 23, 194. a " , ± • m.