HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-19 590 a° SELECTMEN'S MEETING August 19, 1946 ' A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, August 19, 1946 at 7:40 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, $owse, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7 :40 p.m. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, appeared before the Board. He said that the Empire people called to his attention the fact that meters are going up $2.00 each. He said that the town has purchased only 130 5/8 meters this year, and he felt that he should take advantage of the present prices. Mr. Rowse asked him how long it would be before the New meters would be needed. Water Meters Mr. DeFoe replied that he has enough for this year. Mr. Rowse asked if there were sufficient funds at the price of $12.60 each, and Mr. DeFoe replied that unless there are a number of breaks, there would be enough money and he recommended purchasing 100 new meters. Mr. Paxton moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to place an order for fif ty,cmeters. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that he had been given authority to Water extend 100 feet of water main in Larchmont Lane, providing Main the abutter across the street, who does not need the Larohmont water, will sign an agreement relative to any future use. Lane Mr. DeFoe said that this particular abutter will not come in to see him. Mr. Rowse moved that the water main be installed subject to the assessment of betterments. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A lengthy discussion was held relative to adjustment Salaries of salaries of the Town employees. The following Public schedule was suggested for presentation at the Town Meeting in October• 1 591 Present Suggested r .82 .90 .95 1.05 48 hour week " " " Frederick T. Maloney (Equipment Operator) .90 1.10 " " " Geza Hauck (Town Mechanic ) 1.25 1.30 " " " Perrie R. Collicut (Ass't Mechanic) 1.00 1.10 " " " Micheal F. Shea (Town Painter) 1.00 1.10 " " " George Harrington 1.015 1.05 44: ht3ur week 48 hour time Wallace C. Weisinger 1.05 1.30 48 hour week Anthony Cataldo .95 1.10 " " " Robert Booth .75 .90 " " " Conrad Buck .75 .90 " " " Charles H. Brenton 1.00 1.15 R " " Cemetery Laborers .92 1.05 .85 .95 .80 .90 r .70 .85 . Mr. DeFoe asked for authorization to start work on the Coolidge Avenue sewer. Coolidge Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Avenue Sarano, it was voted to order completion of the sewer installation on Coolidge Avenue as soon as possible. Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:40 p.m. Hearing was declared open on the petition of Henry Wallrath J. Wollrath for permission to install an underground tank Gasoline on his premises at 60 Reed Street, Lexington for the Hearing storage of 500 gallons of gasoline. A notice of the hearing was inserted in the August 8, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. No persona appeared in favor or in opposition. Mr. Rowse moved that the petition be approved and the license granted, subject to the approval of the Board of Fire Engineers. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8 45 p.m. the following members of the Appropriation Committee appeared before the -Board Chairman Brown, Messrs. I Hall, Hopkins, Hoyt, Hynes, Denney, Lane and Macbeth. Mr. Samborski and Mrs. Morey of the School Committee were also present. 592 00 The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen explained the proposed salary adjustments which the Board of Selectmen are recommending relative to the men in the Public Works Approp. Department. Comm. Mr. Rowse asked what changes had been made in the School Department relative to the Salary of janitors and Mrs. Morey replied that the present rates were established the first of April. Mr. Rowse asked if they had been increased more than the 15%. Mr. Hoyt said that he thought the School Department had given several of the janitors an increase this year. Mrs. Morey said that if the Selectmen gave the Town janitors consideration, she thought the school janitors should also be given consideration. Mr. Hoyt suggested that the group find out first what is going to be done relative to the school teachers. The Chairman of the Beard of Selectmen stated that if the Appropriation Committee is in accord with the School Committee in so far as teachers salaries are concerned, the Selectmen have no comments. Mrs.Morey said that the School Committee is recommending a flat $300 yearly bonus for each teacher, which would go along beginning the first of September until the time of Town Meeting, at which time there would have to be a new scale because the Town must vote on the equal pay bill. Mr. Macbetn asked if the $300 bonus would apply to new teachers, and Mrs. Morey replied in the negative. She said that the new teachers are being hired at a higher rate of pay. Consideration was then given to the members of the Fire and Police Departments. The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen said that if the salaries in these two departments are increased on approximately the same basis with the Public Works employees, the increase would amount to about 12+ 0. The members of the School Committee retired at 9:20 p.m. Mr. Hoyt suggested a 120 increase for all full and part time employees with the exception of the School Department and the Public Works Department; this increase to be retroactive from September 1, 1946 to December 31, 1946, with the proviso that it carries to April 1, 1947. Letter was received from the Board of Appeals req- Request uesting a transfer from the Reserve Fund of $50 to take For a care of outstanding bills amounting to $17 and many Transfer anticipated bills for the balance of the year. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $50 from the Reserve Fund to the Board of Appeals Expenses Account. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. L 593 A bill forrofessional services of Harry C. Boyd, Request et al vs. Viano Properties, Inc . , et al - Zoning Board For A of Appeals was received from the Town Counsel in the Transfer amount of $300. The balance, according to the Accounting Department, in this account is $185. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $115 from the Reserve Fund to the Law Department - Personal Services and Special Fees Account. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Appropriation Committee retired at 10:03 p.m. It was decided to invite Chief engineer of the Board of Fire Engineers, Chief of Police, Chairman of the Library Trustees, and The Chairman of the Cemetery Commiss- ioners to meet with the Selectmen on Tuesday, September 3 , 1946 to discuss the proposed salary adjustments. A petition was received from the residents of Dunham Request Street requesting the installation of a street light on For A the Edison pole #222-3 . Street Mr. Paxton moved that the petition be referred to Light Mr. DeFoe with the request that he contact the Boston Edison Company for a survey. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Francis Y. Rice on b6half Request of the residents on Blake Road between the intersection for of Preston toad and Burlington Street requesting the Street installation of street lights. Light Mr. Sarano moved that the communication be referred to the Supt. of Public Works with the request that he contact the Boston_Edison Company for survey. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mrs. Walter E. Sands, 57 Restore Meriam Street, asking that the sidewalk on Meriam Street, Sidewalk which is now overgrown be restored and a "Slow - Meriam Children" sign be posted. Street The Clerk was instructed to request the Supt. of Public Works to have the underbrush cleared away and a sign posted. Letter was received from Mrs. Bertha L. Cooper, Drainage 14 East Street requesting drainage of the street in Complaint front of her property, to eliminate the accumulation of water. The Clerk was instructed to request the Supt. of Public Works to investigate this condition and report to the Board as to the possibility of setting this up as a 594 OD nqpoc future drainage project. I Letter was received from Harold J. Toole, Director New of Water Division and chief Water Supply Engineer of the Force Main Metropolitan District Commission. Mr. Toole stated that the commission, at a meeting held on August 15, 1946, authorized him to notify the officials of the Town of Lexington that they would endeavor to construct a new force main from its system to the Lexington town line. They propose to lay approximately 3400 feet of 20 =inch main from the main at Forest and Summer Streets, Arlington to the Lexington town line near Summer Street, limgt:i---t3 ' Summer Street, Arlington, providing the Town of Lexington will purchase and install a suitable Ventui meter at the town line and turn this meter installation over to the District Commission when the service is connected. Mr. Rowse moved that the Clerk be instructed to Article tell Mr. Toole that an article would be inserted in the in the Warrant for the Town Meeting requesting an appropriation Warrant for this purpose. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Building Inspector regarding trailers in the Town of Lexington. He said that if a person owning a trailer complies with the Building Code under Article 12, Section 1C and also ,Statim: azd alp Section 29 of the Plumbing Laws, it would be impossible to prohibit the use of trailers. The Chairman agreed to discuss the subject of trailers further with the Planning Board. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Richard Tax Title Sorrentino's offer of $300 for Lots 17 and 18, Bow li Lots Sold Street and Lots 89 and 90, Theresa Avenue.A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the August 8, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen' s Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sarano moved that the offer be accepted, and that Lots 17 and 18, Bow Street and Lots 89 and 90, Theresa Avenue be sold and conveyed to Mr. Sorrentino, Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Lot 77 Letter was received from Axel D. Wilson, 167 Wachusett Marrett Avenue, Arlington Hts. offering $100 for Lot 77, Marrett Road. Road The Chairman informed the Board that there is a brook running through this parcel of land. I 595 It was decided to have the Supt. of Public held Over Works check this property relative to the drainage. Letter was received from Mrs. Louise Sexton stating that she is considering selling her property Sexton at 1519 Massachusetts Avenue, and would like to know Property whether or not the Town of Lexington would like to purchase the property at a price of 418,000. The Chairman informed the Board that the building is assessed for 45,000 and the 9,480 square feet of land is assessed for 41,900. The Chairman explained that Mrs. Sexton came into see him and at that time wanted to know if the Town would give 415, 000 for the property. He said that he advised her that he did not know what the Town would do or what action the Board might take. Mr. Rowse moved that Mrs. Sexton be offered $15,000 and ask her if she would give the Town an option. If so, an article would be inserted in the warrant for the next Town Meeting to determine whether or not the Town desires to purchase the property. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Veterans of Foreign V.F.W. Wars requesting permission to conduct a field day on the Request Adams School playground on October 12, 1946. School The Clerk was instructed to ask the organization Play- to submit a detailed report of the entertainment and ground program which they contemplate. Letter was received from the Veterans of Foreign Y.F.W. Wars requesting a reduction from 425 per month to Request 115 per month for the rental of the three rooms in the Redact- ell of the Barnes Property. ion The Clerk was instructed to advise the organization Rent that the Board voted to reduce the rent from 425 a month to $15 a month and to call to their attention that it should definitely be understood that there will be no heat in that section of the property this coming season. Application was received from JoUn Lamont on behalf Use of of the Lexington Grange requesting permission to Hall conduct a fair in Cary Memorial Hall on Saturday, September 14, 1946, from 2 00 p.m. to 10 00 p.m. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of $hto hall be granted subject to a charge of 415. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Lexington Choral Uses of Society requesting the use of Cary Memorial Hall oh Hall Friday evening, November 15 , 1946 for a concert. 596 00 A second application was received from the Lexington Choral Society requesting the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of March 27, 1947 for a rehearsal , and Friday, March 28, 1947 for a concert. Mr. Sarano moved that the uses be granted free of charge. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Date of The Chairman reminded the Board that no vote had Special been taken as to the date of the coming Town Meeting. Town Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, Meeting it was voted to hold a Special Town Meeting on October 7, 1946. A lengthy letter was received from W. S. Couette, Poor Secretary of the Veterans' Emergency Housing Committee Farm stating that the Committee had come to the conclusion Site that the Poor Farm site should be laid out in lots For Lots of 12, 500 feet, and should be sold to veterans at the For sum of 000 per lot, provided the veterans, collectively Veterans interested in the property, cooperatively erect their own housing accommodations. The Committee requested consideration be given to the lowest possible assessment governing the taxes, on the structures to be erected, for a period to be estimated for five year. The Clerk was instructed to check with the School Department as to the possibility of utilizing this property for a school, and to also inquire of the Planning Board whether or not they had any idea pertaining to this property. Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Howse, Abandon it was voted to request the Supt. of Public Works to see Marrett about the possibility of abandoning Marrett Street. Street A true record, Attest: Clerk x tr