HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-08 550 171SELECTMEN'S MEETING July 8, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, July 8, 1946, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Rowse and Paxton were prestnt. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. bids on the North Lexington Sewer were to Open be opened. Those present were Tracy W. Ames, George W. Emery; Bids on Alan G. Adams; Gordon D. Richards: Stanley Higgins, Assistant the North Town Engineer, Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works; John H. Lexington Hubbart of the Lexington Manor; and fourteen other individuals. Sewer Bids were opened and read by the Supt. of Public Works as follows: MANOR SEWLRS LEXINGTON, MASS. July 8, 1946 Contractors' Bids Baker & Co. V. Barlett. Cibotti & C. & R. Const. Inc. Co. Andreassi Co. $185, 582.00 $179,558.90 $178,934.65 $140,223 .00 ' W. C. Ferguson John MoConald A. Piatelli Rocco Edwin Matz Const. Co. Zoppo $ 144,238.00 $ 164,26540 $ 177,499.50 $198,517.50 The grapp, with the exception of Mr. DeFoe, retired at 8:00 P.M. The Superintendent was instructed to analyze the three low bids and to present them to the Board of Selectmen at a special meeting on July 11, 1946 at 7:30 P.M. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded b Mr. Paxton, it was voted that all bids, with the exception of the three low ones, together with the certified checks or bonds, be returned as per the agreement. Peiti#on was received from the Boston Edis+Df Company for Pole permission to remove one pole on Fern Street, approxi4ately Location 30' southeast of Moreland Avenue, and to install one pole on Moral Fern Street, approximately 55' southeast of Moreland Avenue. and Avenue Mr. Paxton moved that the petiton be signed and the order signed. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 551 A letter was received from the County Commissioners, dated June 27, 1946, advising that they had voted and signed an order allotting the sum of $500 for the maintenance of about 13.75 miles of road in Lexington. A letter was received from the Commonwealth of Mass- achusetts, Department of Public Works, dated June 28, 1946, together with a contract for the maintenance of certain roads _ in Lexington under the provisions of G. L. , Section 34, Chap. Chapter 90, 90 Mr. Paxton moved that the contract be signed, and Roads returned to the -Department of Public Works. Mr. Rowse Contract seconded the motion, and it was so voted. ct Signed The Chairman read a letter from Gail W. Smith, 174 Wood Street, stating that after he had purchased property Drainage on Maple Street he had endeavored to have the brook running Smith through his property cleaned out, by the Town of Arlington Maple St . inasmuch as Arlington has a 20 foot right of way along the brook. Mr. Smith said that nothing has ever been done and he wanted to know if there was any way the Selectmen of Lexington could use their influence to have the situation cleared up. The Chairman said that he had been trying to find out whether or not an Agreement between the two Towns had ever been made, and insofar as he is able to determine, there is no record of any such agreement. A letter was received from Mrs. Charles W. Roberts, 78 Simonds Road , Secretary of the Lexington Field and Gardens& Club, stating that the Club recommended a new curbing on Garden the westerly side of the roadway from the land of the Club re. Boston & Maine to Massachusetts Avenue at Emery Park. Emery The Club further requested that the sidewalks be put in Park better condition, replanting of shrubs and a rubbish container. The Chairman agreed to contact Mrs. Roberts. At 8;20 P.M. Board of Survey hearing was declared open Custom upon the application of ''ustom Build Homes, Inc. Built Mr. Charles H. McLaughlin; his architect, Mr. Fred Homes Inc. Joyce, Mr. Clem Ferguson of the Planning Board; Stanley Board of Higgins, Assistant Town Engineer, Mrs. Ruth Morey, Sec- Survey rotary of the School Committee ; and eight other persons Hearing were present at the hearing. The Chairman stated that the plans had never been presented to the Board of Survey E►?' the Engineering Department and that the only action the Boaru can take is to adjourn the hearing until the next meeting which will be July 22, 1946. In the meantime, the Engineers and the Board of Survey would have an opportunity to check the plans. Mr. Paxton asked if there was a plot plan available . showing the entire area and Mr. Joyce replied in the negative. The Chairman asked if the Planning Board Mad approved the layout. 552 Go ca Mr. Ferguson said that the Planning Board has studied the plans and recommended certain changes. Mr. Joyce presented a plan and Mr. Ferguson, after checking it, informed the Board of Survey that the changes recommended by the Planning Board had been made. Mr. Paxton asked if Mr. McLaughlin intended to develop the entire section at this time, and Mr. McLaughlin replied in the negative stating that they would have to bring water in from Spring Street to the Concord Turnpike. Mr. Paxton stated that if the complete plan meets with the approval of the Planning Board, Mr. McLaughlin should make a plot plan of the area which he intends to develop at the present time with complete plans and profiles. He stated that the Board of Survey required a Completion Bond guaranteeing that the streets will be completed within a certain specified time after the agreement with the Board of Survey.. Mr. Walter Ahlgrimm, 77 Spring Street, said that he was very much interested in the drainage beaause he now has to pump water from his cellar six months of the year. Mr. McLaughlin felt that perhaps underground conditions caused this problem rather than the surface drainage. The Chairman explained that the hearing would have to be adjourned and any decision deferred until two weeks, The hearing was dedlared closed at 8:40 P.M. and the group retired. Chief John W. Rycroft appeared before the Board at 8:45 P.M. Request He said that he would like to bbtain a certified list Certified from the Civil Service of men eligible for appointments, List of inasmuch as he would like two additional men. Eligibles The Board agreed to contact the Division of Civil from Civil Service and request a certified list. Serv. for A brief discussion was held relative to the Chief's Police Dept. attendance at the F.B.I. School in 'Wallington, D. D. He retired at 8: 55 P.M. and Mr. DeFoe returned to the meeting. A letter was received from Francis K. Lang, Director of Accounts, stating that the Division of Accounts had been Putting directed by the provisions of Resolve No. 45, adopted by Towns on the Legislature in 1946, to investigate the approximate 5 Day wk. additional cost to cities and towns in the Commonwealth of placing all services on a five day week of 37i hours for office workers, and 40 hours for all others, and the approximate additional personnel that would be required to effect such change. A questionnaire was enclosed, a copy to be trans- Question- mitted to each department, to be returned not later tib nacre July 31, 19464 553 The Clerk was instructed to submit the questionnaire to the Supt. of Public Works. A letter was received from T. A. Custance, Church Moderator of the First Baptist Church, requesting a Req. permit for the Round Table Club of that Church to Permit conduct a paper drive In Saturday, September 14, 1946. For Paper The Chairman reminded the Board that a permit had Drive been granted the American Legion on Sunday, September 15, 1946. He said that he had already explained this to Mrs. Patterson, a member of the Round Table Club who had telephoned. him. Mr. Rowse moved that the application be refused, and that Mr. Custance be advised that inasmuch as a permit has already been granted to the American Legion, the Board felt that in all fairness to that organization any other drive should be conducted at a later date. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Locke arrived at the meeting at 9 00 P.M. At 9:00 P.M. Deputy Chief Roy A. Cook and the following members of the Board of Fire Engineers appeared before the Board: Chief Engineer, George W. Emery, Alan G. Adams, ' Robert Fawcett and Thomas C. Donnelly. Mr. Gordon Richards of the Central Station Building Committee was also present. Mr. Emery said that the Board of Fire Engineers had drawn up specifications for moving the fire alarm system to the new fire station on Bedford Street. They were approved by the Town Counsel, and the Fire Engineers asked for bids. Mr. Louis W. Bills, bid of $5,250 was the lower of the two bids received. Mr. Emery explained that Mr. Bills had estimated the Award work would cost $3 ,000 and the Fire Engineers asked for Bid For $4,000•. This amount was reduced by the Appropriation Moving Committee to $3 ,500. Fire Mr. Rowse asked if the bid had to be presented at Alarm this time. Mr. Emery explained that certain work must be done when the cement floor is poured. Mr. Rowse said that it would not be necessary to stay within the $3,500, but that it would be necessary to stay within the $15,000 lump sum appropriated for contingencies, fire alarm system, etc. Mr. Emery said that they would like to have the approval of the Board to award the contract to Mr. Billk. Mr. Richards stated that the only work that has to be II done now is to set the conduits and sleeves and the rest of the work may be done when the building is completed. 554 op The Chairman felt that the logical thing to do was to have Mr. Bills go aheqd and order his material. Mr. Rowse moved that the bid submitted by Louis W. Bills in the amount of $5,250 be accepted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Emery explained that the Board of Fire Engineers had asked for bids and they believe the work should be under the supervision of Deputy Chief Cook. Mr. Richards had no objection and stated that the Building Committee knew nothing about moving the fire alarm system. It was decided that the Selectmen should advise Mr. Bills that his bid had been accepted, and that- a contract will be prepared by the Town Counsel and forwardddto him. The Board had no objection to the Fire Engineers super- vising the work. The group retired at 9:30 P.M. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that Mr. Timothy Kineen, Sewer Sewer 156 Vine meet, wants to pay cash for the installation Installa Installa- of a sewer at his property. Mr. DeFoe would like per- tion tion mission to install the sewer as soon as he has the opportunity. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to authorize the Supt. of Public Works to construct the sewer in Vine Street. Mr. DeFoe requested the approval of the Board for Approve 1,000 ft. of 6 inch of Vit. Clay pipe from stock (Waldo Purchases Brothers) ; 2 cars (approx. ) 5000 ' of 6 inch Vit. Clay pipe from stock (Waldo Brothers) ; and 1 car (approx. ) Clay Pipe 2,500' of six inch Vit. Clay pipe from stock (Portland Stoneware) Mr. Rowse moved that the purchases be approved. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe also requested approval of the Board for 1,000' of 3/4 inch copper tubing from Red Hed. Mr. Rowse moved that the purchase be approved. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe explained to the Board that he firmly Purchase belieaged that the Town should purchase sixty-five more Water Empire Water Meters. Meters Mr. Paxton moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to purchase sixty-five water meters. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that Sohn Lichtenberg, Incfease Rodsman in the Engineering Department, received $28 per Lichtehberg week and actually takes home $26.40 for the support of a Pay wife and four children. Mr. Lichtenberg did not ask for an increase in salary, but did ask to be transferred to some other position which would pay more money. Mr. DeFoe said that the next lowest paid man in the Engineering Department is Mr. Lawton who received $34.50, and Mr. DeFoe recommended that Mr. Lichtenberg's salary be increased to $34.50 per week, retroactive to June 1, 555 II 1946. M . Rowse moved that Mr. John Lichtenbert' s salary be increased from $28 to $34.50 per week, retroactive to June 1, 1946. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that he had received only two prices for snow plow frames for the new trucks and he recommended purchasing four air lift plows from the Dgar Sales Company. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to pur- chase the four plows at a cost not to exceed $295 each; the expenditure to be charged to the Snow Removal Account. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe stated that he would like to purchase three cab protectors at a cost of $50 each. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to purchase the protectors and charge the expense to the Road Machinery Account. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it xes,,so voted. Mr. DeFoe explained that Mr. Rupert Stevens had a problem in the Tower Development, and would like to vary the Rupert the drainage as shown on the Board of Survey plan. Stevens Mr. Paxton said that the plan should have a notation Tower that drainage in oertain sections was canceled by the Board Dev. of Selectmen, acting as the Board of Survey, on July 8, Drain- 1946. age Mr. Rowse moved that the Supt. of Public Works be Problem authorized to write to Mr. Couette, who represents the Towers, and also to take the necessary steps to postpone the installation of surface drainage. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe retired at 9:55 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from Ruth Morey, Secretary of the School Committee, stating that the Committee is of the opinion that the salaries of the Lexington School teachers Sch. must be increased and that increase should become effective Com. To September 1, 1946. Meet & The Clerk was instructed to invite the School Committee Discuss to meet with the Board of Selectmen on Monday evening, Teachers August 5, 1945. Salaries A letter was received from Roland B. Greeley, Chairman of the Committee for the Selection of School Sites. Mr. Greeley stated that if any steps can possibly be taken by the which may lead to the release of the restrictions on the Aldrich Property, the Committee recommends that they be taken. Mr. Greeley also stated that improving the winter sports center now might result in making available part of the Aldrich property for school purposes. 556 00 a The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter and to advise Mr. Greeley that it is not possible at this Aldrich time to develop the winter sports area at the so-oalled Property Aldrich Property, donated to the Town by Mr. j, Willard School Hayden. Sites A letter was received from the Town Clerk stating that the Moderator had appointed the following indi iduals to Cary serve on the Cary Lecture Committee: Philip M'r Clark; Lecture Doris Bond; and Walter E. Sands . Comm. A letter was received from Mr. Henry S. Raymond, 16 Complaint Clerke Street, complaining about a power hammer which he Power claims to be in operation at the blacksmith shop adjacent Hammer to his property. The Chairman agreed to investigate the complaint and report at the next meeting. A letter was received from Mr. Laurence Allen, 24 Outlook Drive, offering $200 for Lot 21, Fair Oaks, Downing Road, Offer Lexington. $200 Mr. Paxton moved that a proposal to sell Ithe lot be Lot 21 advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further Downing consideration be given the offer at the next mleeting of the Road Board. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it as so voted. A letter was received from. Vincent Ignico,, 18 Outlook Drive, offering $100 for Lot 195, Farmhurst, Section 4, Grassland Street. Mr. Paxton moved that a proposal to sell Ithe lbt be advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Robert G. Poirier' s offer of $100 for Lots 431, 432 and 433 inc. , Tucker Avenue, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the June 27, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. No Tax Title persons contacted the Selectmen' s Office as a result of the Property advertisembnt. Poirier Mr. .Locke moved that the offer be accepted and that Lots 431 to .433 inc. , Tucker Avenue, be sold and conveyed to Robert G. Poirier. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so votedl Tax Title The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Thomas G. Boynton O'Brien's offer, submitted on behalf of Leo and Eva Boynton, offering $160 for Lot 71, part of Lot 70, and part of Lot 69, on Sylvia Street, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the June 27, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. 557 Mr. Rowse moved that the offer be accepted, and that Lot 70, part of 71, and part of 69, be sold and conveyed to Leo and Eva Boyhton. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Robert E. Sharkey's offer of *100 for Lot 4, Welcome Development, Hazel Road. A proposal to sell this lot was advertised in the June 27, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Officeas a result of the advertisement. Mr. Rowse moved that the offer be accepted, and that Sell Lot Lot 4, Welcome Development, Hazel Road, be sold and 4 Hazel conveyed to Mr. Robert E. Sharkey. Mr. Paxton seconded Road the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Arthur P. Viano' s latter protesting against the issuing of a taxi stand permit at the cornerof Massachusetts Avenueand Waltham Street was held over. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Viano that the Board believed this location to be a proper one. The Board gave consideration to the proposed rules and regulations for the operation of public carriages in the Taxi Town of Lexington. Rules & The Chairman, a member of the Committee who formulated the rules, said that he recom.ended having them published in the local paper. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Paxton, it was voted that the rules and regulations be adopted and published in the Lexington Minute-Man. Application was received from Ruth Hardy requesting Pppeorn permission to sell popcorn at Hardy's Garage at 911 Permit Waltham Street, Lexington; Mr. Rowse moved that the request be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Paxton, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Licenses Transfer peddler' s license to William J. Endres. William Robert Cann 1965 Mass. Ave. Auctioneer's license (new) William Viano 1794 Mass. Ave. Sunday Movies Ralph J. White 56 Woburn St. Junk (renewal) JesseeMeadows 536 Mass. Ave . Junk I I i _. 558 00 c Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Locke, Sidewalk it was voted to adopt an order for the construction of a 43 granolithic sidewalk on the southerly side of Woburn Street Woburn St. at property at No. 43 Woburn Street. Pictorial The Chairman asked the Board about appointing a Town committee relative to a pictorial town report. Repprt Mr. Rowse said that he would have a list of possible members for the next meeting. Pictures The Chairman recommended having Roger Morrill take Swimming some pictures of the Women's Champion Swimming Meet scheduled Meet to be held at the Center Playground on Saturday, July 13 , 1946. It was decided to contact Mr. Morrill and ask to have six pictures taken. Neon Mr. Rowse reported that he had met 'With the Planning Signs Board relative to signs. The Planning Board is opposed to neon signs in general. He said that the Planning Board intends to discuss the subject further at another meeting and will advise the Board of any decision. The Chairman informed the Board that there is a police Turn in car at the Public Works Building with no radiator which is to Old Police be turned in whenever a new car is available. F. K. Car Johnson, Inc . can allow $450, instead of $250, providing he ha the car before OPA comes back into existence. The Chairman stated that a new car has already been ordered. Mr. Rowse moved that F. K. Johnson, Inc. be advised that the used police car is to be turned in at this time. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman reminded the Board that the adjourned Town Revision Meeting, April 1, 1946, voted under Article 37, that the Precincts Selectmen be directed to review and revise, if necessary, in their discretion, the boundaries or the number of voting precincts in the Town in December, 1946. The Clerk was instructed to write the Assessors and the Town Engineer stating that the Board of Selectmen desires to maintain the four precincts, but would like them equalized as much as possible and to request recommendations to the Board. The Chairman also called the Board' s attention to the fact that the adjourned Town Meeting, held on April 1, 1946, under Article 26, voted that the Selectmen be authorized to obtain plans, specifications and estimate3 of the cost of 559 construction of a new locker building for the Center Playground and report not later than the next Town Meeting, and that the sum of $600 be appropriated therefor, to be Appoint provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Locker The Chairman suggested that the Committee on Buildin, Recreation serve on the Locker Building Committee together Comm'te with Mr. John J. Garrity, Supt. of Parks & Playgrounds. Upon motion of Mr. Locke , seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to request the following individuals to serve on the Locker Building Committee John Whalen, Mrs. John T. Cosgrove; D. Sargent Goddard, Bertram P. Gustin, Thomas Moon; and Mr. John J. Garrity. A letter was received from Mr. Collins, Temporary Agent of the Board of Public Welfare, requesting approval of a $30 transfer from the Bridge Charitable Fund to purohase Tr. clothing for Millie D'Arrigo and three Ferry Children to Money send them to camp. Send Mr. Rowse moved that the Trustees of Public Trusts be Child'' requested to transfer the sum of $30 from the Bridge To Charitable Fund. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it Camp was so voted. A true record, attest: Clerk 1, z