HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-24 541 SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 24, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, June 24, 1946, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, Rowse, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, appeared before the Board with Mr. E. A. Lindstrom, Plumbing Inspect- No of. Concrete Mr. DeFoe again dasoussed concrete houses. Houses Inasmuch as the Board had previously informed the Building Inspector that in its opinion the constructitbn of concrete houses, as explained by the contractor, does not comply with the Lexington Building Laws, no further action was taken on the matter. Mr. DeFoe stated that he had received three quotations Order for weed chains. Hunt-Marquardt, Inc. was the low bidder, Chains and Mr. DeFoe has already placed an order. Mr. Rowse moved that the Superintendent' s action be approved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it w as so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that the employees in the Public Works Held Department had spoked to him again relative to their rates, Over etc. He said that he suggested that they go along as they are because from investigation he finds that they are receiv- ing more money per week than is received by Public Works Employees in other Towns. He said, however, that they were working longer hours -- more hours than they should, according to -State Law. He said that before any change in rates is made, an eight hour day should be established. It was decided to take no action on this, and to bring the matter up again in two weeks. Mr. DeFoe said that for the last four or five years the men in the Public Works Department have been working Pub. Wks. eight hours straight time, six days a week but on their Employees vacations they were being paid only forty-four hours Vacation per week, and he felt that they were justified in asking Pay for forty-eight hours pay for vacation. 48 Hour Mr. Rowse moved that the Supt. of Public Works be Week authorized to pay the men in the Public Works Department 542 00 straight pay, forty-eight hours a week, for vacations. kr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. ►� Mr. DeFoe also brought up the matter of sick benefits, Held but it was decided to hold this over until the next meeting Over of the Board. Mr. DeFoe recommended the installation of one street Street light at the corner of Fair Oaks Drive and Wachusett Circle. Light Mr. Rowse moved that the installation of one street Fair Oaks light at the corner of Fair Oaks Drive and Wachusett Circle Dr. be approved. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that an add had been inserted in the local paper for a clerk, but not a single reply was received. He suggested that the salary of $25 per week be included in the advertisement. The Board had no objection. Mr. DeFoe and Mr. Lindstrom retired at 8:10 P.M. , and Mr. Edwin B. Worthen, Jr. , appeared before the Board. Names for Mr. Worthen presented a list of suggested named for Future future streets. He stated that insofarr as he new, it was Streets the only copy in existence and he asked if the Board would have copies made for the Engineering Department, the Planning Board and the Selectmen. Parking Mr. Worthen said that the Planning Board had requested Area him to report to the Selectmen and explain to them a general plan showing the lines along which they are thinking relative to the Parking Area between Waltham, Muzzey and Forest Streets. The Chairman me.t►tioned to Mr. Worthen that the Board Trailers of Selectmen expect to have a request for permission to Next Town maintait a trailer at the corner of Marrett and Prospect Meeting Hill Roads. Mr. Rowse suggested that the Planning Board consider making a change in the Plumbing Laws so that it may be presented At the next Town Meeting. Mr. Worthen retired at 8:30 P.M. and Mr. John Calabrese appeared before the Board. He stated that he owned the property at the corner of Marrett and Prospect Hill Roads and wvould like to erect a garage and tell wn in a trailer at this location until such time as he is able to obtain materials to build a house. He stated that the landlord of his presentuhome is selling the house and he must vacate. The Chairman explained that insofar as the Building and Plumbing Laws are concerned, the maintenance of a trailer would be a direct violation. Deny Mr. Paxton informed Mr. Calabrese that there is a regular Request trailer camp at Lake Walden at Conciocd. Mr. Calabrese Live in said that he was aware of this fact, but it was too far away Trailer from his business. 543 The Chairman stated that the Board would discuss his request and would let him know of the decision reachedl Mr. Paxton stated that he was in sympathy with the problem, but he was definitely opposed to having a trailer placed in this particular location. He said that he would suggest Mr. Calabrese looking for some other solution to his problem. Mr. Calabrese retired at 8:40 P.M. Mr. Paxton moved that the request be denied. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Messrs. Eugene McCarthy, Robert Watt and Edwin Chapin of the Veterans of Foreign Wars appeared before the Board. Mr. McCarthy discussed at length the veterans desire VFW to conduce Penny Sales and Carnivals and said that he hoped Penny the Board of Selectmen would reconsider their decision on Sales & this subject. Carnivals Mr. McCarthy stated that the Post had also instructed him to discuss the use of Estabrook Hall for Meetings. They would like to have an understanding with the Selectmen whereby VFW they could use Estabrook Hall until they have a hall of their Use own. of The Chairman said that in his opinion it should be Estabrook voted on by Town Meeting, but the Board of Selectmen Hall for has no objection to having them use the hall on a Meetings temporary basis. The group retired at 8:P.M. A letter was received from Eugene B. Hamilton, 23 Powder House Terrace, West Somerville, requesting the Water extension of a water main on Liberty Avenue to Braemore Main Terrace and toward Ledgelawn Avenue . A second communicat- Liverty ion was received f - Mr. Hamilton requesting the extension Ave. of a water main in Liberty Avenues Both letters were referred to Mr. DeFoe , Supt. of Public Works. A letter was received from Arthur F. Viano protesting Taxi against the Board's action in issuing the permission to Stand establish a taxi stand at the front of his property (the Aldrich Property) . The Chairman agreed to contact Mr. Viano. The Chairman read a letter from Roy A. Cook, Forest Warden, stating that because of the unusual dry season and the large number of grass and wood fires, it is necessary Transfe, to request an additional 0200 for the remainder of the year. Forest Mr. Locke moved that the Appropriation Committee Warden be requested to transfer the sum of $200 from the Reserve II Fund to the Forest Fires - Expenses Account. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 544 00 A letter was received from the Appropriation Committee stating that it had been voted to beansfer the sum of $1,204 Transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Pensions - Fire Department for Fire Dpt. the retirement of Captain Charles H. Mugridge and Captain Pensions Charles G. Richards as of September 1, 1946 and June 30, 1946 Mugridge respectively. Richards The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Thomas C. O'Brien's offer of $160 for Lots 71, part of 70 and part of 69 Sylvia Street. Mr. Rowse moved that a proposal to sell the lots be advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further Adv. Prop.condideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the En Sylvia Board. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Street The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Geza Hauck's offer of $300 for Lot 143, Outlook Drive. A proposal to sell this lot was advertised in the June 13 , 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. As a result of this advertisement, an offer of $300 was Sell received from Harold A. Conant, 47 Lincoln Street, Lexington. Lot 143 Mr. Saran moved that Mr. Hauck's Offer be accepted and that Lot 143 Outlook Drive be sold and conveyed to Mr. Hauck. Sell Lot Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 143 Outlool; A letter was received from Robert G. Poirer offering Drive $100 for Lots 431, 432, and 433 Tucker Avenue , Lexington. Mr. Sarano moved that a proposal to sell the lots be Adv. Lots advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further 431, 432 consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the 433 Board. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Tucker Avenue A letter was received from Mrs. Steele Lindsay, Chairman of the Posture Clinic, submitting the names of Mrs. Dana Norris, App't 7 Winthrop Road, and Mrs. Lawrence Viano, 14 Vine Brook Road, Mrs. as members of the Posture Clinic. These two individuals will Norris replace Mrs. S. Randolph Kelley and Miss Margaret Kettell who & Mrs. have reigned. Viano to Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was Posture voted tb appoint Mrs. Dana Norris and Mrs. Lawrence Viano members Clinic of the Posture Clinic for a term expiring March 31, 1947. Permit to Application was received from George Whiting for permission Store to use the magazine at the Public Works Building for the Storage Dynamite of dynamite. Pub. Mr. Paxton moved that the application be approved. Mr. mks. Bldg. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Mr. Samuel Parker for the use Use of of Estabrook Hall on the evening of June 25 , 1946 for a meeting Hall relative to the Youth Canteen. 545 Mr. Sarano moved that the application be approved, free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Lexington Servicemen' s Committee for the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of July 2, 1946 for a testimonial to the volunteer workers of Use of the Service Center. Hall Mr. Locke moved that the use of the hall be granted, free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Veterans of Foreign Use of Wars for permission to use Estabrook Hall on July 10, 1946 Hall for a meeting. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Eminent Domain Orders were received, having been pre- Sign pared by the Town Counsel, for taking the Russell, Lexington Eminent Estates, Tr. and the William E. Mulliken Properties for Domain school purposes. Ordars Mr. Locke moved that the orders be signed. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Locke , it Manor was voted to construct aan,itary sewers in that part of Sewer North Lexington as shown on a set of plans in the office System of the Town Engineer, entitled "Plan of Proposed Sewers in To be Manor Sewerage System, Lexington, Mass. , Scale 1"= 40' , Const- Apr. 24, 1946, John T. Cosgrove , Town Engineer". ructed Sewers are to be constructed in the following streets: Bedford Street Valley Road Harding Road /Mike Road Gleason Road Dee Road Simonds Road Hillside Terrace Eaton Road North Hancock Street Dexter Road Preston Road Ledgelawn Avenue Sunnyknoll Avenue Williams Road Bertwell Road Reed Street The original orders have been filed in the Registry of Deeds and copies have been filed with the Department of Public Works and the Board of Selectmen. rdv. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was for voted that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to advertise Bids for bids for the construction of sanitary sewers in that part of North Lexington as shown on a set of plans in the office of the Town Yingineer entitled "Plan of Proposed Sewers in Manor Sewerage System, Lexington, Mass. Scale 1" = 40 ' Apr, 24, EWA 00 a , o 1946, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer". I The Chairman informed the Board that he had inspected Signal the Signal Corps Depot consisting of four coultgtofweparcels Corps of land comprising approximately 47 acres and two buildings Depot located on the westerly side of Wood Street near the Bedford For Sale Airport. The heating, plumbing, electrical and air condition- ing systems remain in the building and the land is zoned for residential purposes. The Chairman said that it cost *160,000 when it was built. Softball The Chairman informed the Board that the Softball League League would like a place to keep their equipment and he asked whether Place to or not the Board would have any objections to him speaking to Store Mr. Garrity. 1 Equipment Mr. Paxton said that he had received the impression from Mr. Garrity that there isn't a suitable place mailable. The Board had no objections, however, to the Chairman contacting Mr. Garrity. Jury Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Serano, it was List voted to approve the Jury List as follows: LIST OF JURORS AS SUBMITTED BY TIM BOARD OFII N OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON,, 1946 Name Occupation Address Anderson, Robert A. Engineer 7 York Street Andrews, Daniel J. Carpenter 21 Shirley Street Avery, Lowell L. Insurance 33 Tower Road Ball, Alfred T. Printer 302 Marrett Road Barnes, William A. Salesman 13 Muzzey Street Barrett, Walter E. Superintendent 195 Pollen Road Barrows, Clifton F. Tree Surgeon 8 Locust Avenue Birch, Sydney Manufacturer 35 Independence Ave. Black, Harry C. Acoountatt 136 Bedford Street Bodge, Fred W. Clerk 7 Belfry Terrace Boyce, Arthur V. Inspector 30 Charles Street Bradford, Edward A. Artist 16 Parker Street Briggs, Russell Retired 27 Eliot Road Britton, Frederick S. Advertising 8 Bedford Street Bryant, Carl E. Banking 12 Fair Oaks Drive Bryant, Joseph A. Chem. Mgr. 6 Colony Road Bullock, ChristOpher Painter 10A Hill Street Burbidge, Harold W. Milkman 22 Butler Avenue Burleigh,ahard, DeanmB. Electrician 14 BowkeraStreetve Bushar , James 547 Name Occupation Address II Butters, George W. A Manager 40 Highland venue gg Caldwell, Laurie S. Carpenter 27 Deming Road Cameron, Donald B. Insurance 30 Carville Avenue Carey, Charles C. Vice President 3 Eliot Road Carlson, Edward Elec. Engineer 82 Fottler Avenue Chadwick, Arthur B. President 18 Richard Road Chapin, Stanley E. Carpenter 516 Mass. Avenue Chapmen, Everett T. Clerk 10 Curve Street Childs, Edmund S. Meat Dealer 7 Adams Street Cobb, Stanley T. Bank Clerk 40 Bloomfield Street Coley Grant B. Gen. Manager 97 Blake Road Coleman, Harry H. Foreman 6 Raymond Street Connell, James J. Adv. Solicitor 55 Forest Street Copeland, Dwight L. Engineer 12 Plymouth Rbad Corrigan, James F. Funeral Dir. 109 Mass. Avenue Cunningham, Thurman Engineer 21 Barnes Place Custance, Roy Florist work 9 Kendall Road Cutter, Ernest Accountant 127 Follen Road Davis, George M. Clerk 36 Woodland Road Dearborn, Horace G. Painter 118 Marrett Road Dolan, Robert E. Baker 443a Mass. Avenue II Doucette, Stanley Salesman 20 Charles Street Dresselly, Andrew Sculptor 12 Patriots Drive Drury, Herbert W. Manager 9 Plainfield Street Duffy, J. Henry Insurance 25 Maple Street Dwyer, Charles L. Electrician 15 Freemont Street Ferry, John A. Machinist 86 Wood Street Fifield, Donald M. Insurance 25 Adams Street Flynn, Henry x. Plumber 26 Oakland Street Foster, Larry N. Comm. Artist 1984 Mass. Avenue Freeman, Daniel H. Advertising 305 Bedford Street Runkhauser, Elmer N. Jr. Ind. Eng. 1377 Mass. Avenue Galbraith, Thomas A. Electrician 178 Waltham Street Gardner, William Q. Manager 30 Bloomfield Street Garmon, Ro.&nd E. Janitor 737 Mass. Avenue Goodall, Rawley Estimator 10 Lexington Avenue Gowan, George M. B. & M. 1387 Mass. Avenue Griffiths, Sherman C. Sales Mgr. 15 Highland Avenue Gustin, Bertram P. Salesman 84 Middle Street Hadley, Warren K. Ass't Mgr. 488 Mass. Avenue Hagar, Clayton M Ice Cream MfA. 28 Slocum Road Hagar, Guy S. Train Starter 15 Cliffe Avenue II Hall , Earle R. Accountant 917 Mass. Avenue Hall, John G. Paper Bag In4us- 18 Stratham Road, Hall, I�c;�teber Artist try/ 95 Meriam Street., Hampton, Daniel D. Barber 20 Bartlett Avenue Hanson, Harry Car Inspector 12 Curve Street Harding, Lloyd C. Bank Clerk 50 Tucker Avenue 548 GO Name Occupation Address oc 74 Hardy, Sherman K. Salesman 80 Hill Street Hathaway,, Alton H. Food Broker 16 Vine Brook Road Heath, Charles Insurance 70 Burlington Street Hersom, Fred E. Insurance 36 Blake Road Hodgdon, Milton F. Prod. Control 36 Hayes Avenue Holm, John A. Machinist 228 Lincoln Street Holmes, Horace E. Auditor 66 Farmcrest Avenue Hudson, Frank E. Telephone 23 Baker Avenue Hunneman, Frederic B. Jr.Superintendent 3 Wallis Court Hunt, George V. Post Office 58 Farmorest Avenue Hyde, Walter L. Superintendent 22 Forest Street Ingraham, John M. Metal Worker 35 Hayes Lane Johnson, Roy Insurance 2295 Mass. Avenue Johee, Vernon C. Accountant 51 Gleason Road Kakas, E. Gordon Furrier 44 Locust Avenue Kelley, John J. Raytheon 8 Muzzey Street Kenealy, John T. Merchant 15 Independence Ave. Kenskey, Francis C. Engineer 33 Oakland Street. Kraetzer, Joseph G. Insurance 85 Meriam Street Krepp, George V. Chemist 19 Cedar Street Lambert, Frank Auditor 23 Lowell Street Lamont, Harold B. Security Dealer 20 Winthrop Road IILawrence, Herbert M. Hardware 36 Highland Avenue Lee, Robert C. Ins. Underwriter 9 Jackson Court Lewis, Thomas B. Fuel Price Sp. 59 Ng. Hancock St. Marshman, Stanley U. Pathescope 19 Curve Street Martin, Emil W. Sales Rep. 33 Follen Road McElman, Clarence E. Buyer 30 Farmcrest Avenue McLaughlin, Patrick Bus Driver 11 Fletcher Avenue McQuillan, Rufus L. Salesman 35 Tower Road Moons, Thomas Salesman 84 Simonds Road Morey, George P. Broker 90 No. Hancock St. Morey, Lloyd H. Treasurer 12 Daniels Street Morris, Thomas C. Chemist 4 Robbins Road Morse, Charles E. Bank Clerk 57 Harding Road Murphy, John F. Branch Mgr. 64 Marrett Road Muzzey, Clifford L. Salesman 14 Glen Road Myers, J. Raymond Prod. Mgr. 26 Locust Avenue Nordstrom, Karl Chemist 28 Sherman Street O'Brien, Garrett C. Painter 8 Bartlett Avenue O' Connor, William Gas Station 290 Marrett Road Ormand, Frederick S. Nursery 104 Bedford Street Parsons, Philip B. Artist 18 Revere Street Patterson, Howard A. Supervisor 123 Blake Road 111 Peabody, Henry F. Accountant 8 Curve Street Peck, Charles b. Salesman 5 Washington Street 549 Name Occupation Address IIPeirce, James Adv. Mgr. 2184 Mass. Avenue Perkins, Frank R. Purch. Agent 15 Woodland Road Petterson, Carl R. Golf Pro. 8 Hill Street Phillips, William E. Davis Aircraft 10 Bloomfield Street Ray, John M. Druggist 55 Reed Street Richards, Randall W. Auto Salesman 67 Farmerest Avenue Ripley, Aiden Artist 52 Pollen Road Robinson, Vernon T. Retired 3 Audubon Road Rogers, George Supervisor 60 Concord Avenue Russell, Herbert P. Office Mgr. 6 Berwick Road Saul, George W. Engraver 53 Pleasant Street Sears, Edson B. Pharmacist 10 Berwick Road Shea, Justin L. Auto Dealer 517 Mass. Avenue Silaby, Frederick W. Sail Maker 19 Muzzey Street Sloane, Johh R. Ins. Mfg. 23 Edgewood Road Slocomb, Louis W. Sales Mgr. 91 Gleason Road Smith, Charles W. Merchant 11 Bloomfield Street Smith, Clarence E. Broker 6 Pinewood Street Smith, Walter C. Jr. Salesman 17 Coolidge Avenue Soderberg, A. Randall Auditor 51 Dexter Road Stevens, Damon B. Rubber Business 25 Highland Avenue II Stevens, Peter H. Engineer 31 Hancock Street Sweeney, John J. Mailman 10 Barnes Place Sweetser, Douglass D. Dept. Mgr. 2 Hilltop Avenue Tarbell, Carl B. Salesman 2 Raymond Street Temple, Walter F. Paper Salesman 1894 Mass. Avenue Thayer, Raymond H. Leather Salesman 17 Nicholas Road Vaughn, Charles F. Accountant 5 8ottage Street Viano, Lawrence F. Garage Owner 14 Vine Brook Road Waddleton, Joseph P. Steam Insp. 15 Norton Road Welti, Edgar Printer 302 Marrett Road White, Bradford C. Mech. Eng. 3 Hancock Avenue Wills, Frederick D. Engineer 58 Prospect Hill Rd. Wilson, John A. Maintenanne 62 Fern Street Winlock, Harvey F. Purch. Agent 61 Meriam Street Winslow, Ralph T. R. R. Accountant 43 Locust Avenue A true copy, Attest: 1 '11:°L61 � , L % k / / / ' r