HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-10 529 SF7 CTMEN'S MEETING IIJune 10, 194e A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, June 10, 1946, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, Rowse and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe and Mr. E. A. Lind- strom appeared before the Board. Mr. Lindstrom acknowledged the Board' s recent appointment making him Building and Plumbing Inspector for the Town, and asked if the salary could be set up differently. The Chairman asked Mr. Lindstrom if he had any suggestions, and he said that he would like $2,200 for each job. The Chairman said that the Board recognized the fact that the building inspections this year would be out of porportion in comparislin to what they have been, but the P1utbing De- partment inspections would not be so great in comparison. Mr. Lindstrom said that there would be as much inspection on the plumbing as there is on the building. The Chairman asked if there would be more plans, specifications, etc. , to check and approve in the building department, and Mr. Lindstrom replied in the affirmative. Mr. Lindstrom said that he is giving up his business Mr. to take over the job, and if anything did happen where- Lindst- by the two positions were separated and he was plumbing rom inspector only, he would receive $1,800 per year, which Plumbing would not be sufficient to support his family. 8c The Chairman explained that the present allocation Bldg.Insj of amounts is for this year only. Mr. Rowse stated that the Selectmen had met with the Appropriation Committee and in the final analysis they all Salaries agreed on the present set up. Of Twer The Chairman asked if there was any question other Positionf than the fact that Mr. Lindstrom might be at some future time appointed to the positioh of Plumbing Inspector only, and he replied in the negative. The Chairman assured Mr. Lindstrom that next year one amount will be appropriated for the two jobs. Mr. Rowse asked if the salary of the Plumbing Inspector is increased, will the Civil Service freeze it at that level. Mr. Li$dstrom said that he wasn't sure. Mr. Rowse suggested that more complete information be obtained relative to the Civil Service angle. The Chairman asked Mr. Lindstrom to obtain some informat- ion from the Division of Civil Service. He explained that the Selectmen have already requested a transfer, but the matter could be taken up with the Appropriation Committee again and 530 00 nq ca the amounts re-arranged. Mr. Lindstrom retired at 7:45 p.m. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he had talked with Officer O'Leary relative to the claim for damages presented Pay by John Buckley, 121 Vine Street, Lexington. Buckley Officer O'Leary stated that he thought the Town truck Claim may have been "in the right. " Mr. DeFoe said that the lowest quotation received for repairing Mr. Buckley' s car was $72 and he thought it would be advisable for the Town to pay one half the cost. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to authorize Mr. DeFoe to settle the claim for damages presented by John Buckley, 121 Vine Street, Lexington, by paying one half the cost , a release to be obtained before payment is made. Eurchase Mr. DeFoe said that he would like to purchase a new New Adding Underwood Adding Machine for the Public Works Department. Machine He said that the girls prefer the Underwood to the Public Burroughs. Works The Chairman asked if there were sufficient funds to pay Dept. for the unit, and Mr. DeFoe replied in the affirmative. He said that the net cost would be ;202, and there is an item in the budget of ;400, which includes money for the purchase of an adding machine. Mr. Sarano moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to purchase an Underwood Adding Machine. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe stated that he had received a new proposal for flameproofing and cleaning the curtains in Cary Memorial Hall. No Action The Chairman asked if the present curtains were worth Fireproofing; flameproofing, and Mr. Locke asked if Mr. DeFoe thought Curtain in the material was in good enough condition to stand a cleaning. Cary Hall Mr. DeFoe said that to replace the curtains would be expensive because of the fact that material at the present time is jzighly priced, and he thought that if the present curtains were flameproi6fed, the Board could not be criticized in the event a fire did occur. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to take no action at the present time. Mr. DeFoe requested permission to purchase a 500 GPM centrifugal pump belonging to the government and stored at the Central Fire Station. He said that the machi a cost the government $1, 500 and he can purchase it for ;285 . Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to purchase one 500 GPM dentrigugal pump; the cost apt 0 exceed 531 085 and to be charged to the Road Machinery Account. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe stated that the contractor erecting a new Grant house on Grant Place wants to replace the present two- Place inch water line that supplies the houses on Grant Water Place. He wants the Town to give him another wet tapping at the main to promote the two-inch line whtQli goes through private property. The Chairman stated that inasmuch as the water main is in private property, it is up to the individuals, and not the responsibily of the Town. The Board has no objection to Mr. DeFoe working out some arrangement if there would be no expense to the Town. He was instructed not to put in a cab cock. Mr. DeFoe reported that the Veterans of Foreign 'Wars VFW Rent were four months in arrears on the rental of the Barnes Barnes Property. Property Mr. Rowse moved that a letter be written from the Selectmen's Office requesting immediat4 payment. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that he had received axrequest for street Street lights on Fair Oaks Terrace and to properly illuminate Lights this section, it will take two lights. Fair Oaks Mr. Rowse moved that the installation of two street Terrace lights be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Robert C. Merriam Renew stating that policy No. 305927 of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Ins. company which insures automobiles, trucks, road machinery, etc. , Pol- 1 against fire will expire on July 1, 1946. icy Mr. Rowse moved that the policy be renewed through the same office. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Terry Cataldo, 59 Bow Street, stating that Mill Brook at the Arlington-Lexington Complaint line is stopped up, and the water is draining onto his Mill property. Brook Mr. Rowse moved that a letter to the Town of Arlington be written relative to the complaint. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Salvatore Gianino, 43 Woburn Street, requesting that the sidewalk adjoining his Sidewalk premises be properly gr-aded and laid with granolithic 43 Woburn sidewalk. Street ' Mr. Defoe stated that he is having this laid out. Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:14 p.m. 532 oo r. Daniel A. Lynch, Town Counsel, appeared before __ the Board to confer with the Selectmen on the proposed Follen Real Estate Agreement between the Selectmen and the Church Follen Church Society. Real The Chairman explained that the Pollen Church Estate Society gangs to start the erection of a parish house and Agreement are desirous to obtain as soon as possible a twenty foot strip of land on the Adams School Property. The Board of Selectmen at a meeting held on April 29, 1946, acting under the vote passed at the Annum Town Meeting, voted to sell this strip for one dollar and other consideration. Mr. Lynch said that the property can only be sold for fair consideration and that one dollar is not enough. Mr. Locke stated that if the Selectmen were to deed the twenty foot strap, would the Pollen Church Society have to pay for it, and Mr. Lynch replied in the affirmative. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to rescind the following vote of April 29, 1946: "Mr. Rowse moved that the Board of Selectmen sell to the Pollen Church Society a twenty foot strip of land on the Adams School Property for one dollar and other consider- ation, and that the Selectmen enter into an agreement to purchase from the Pollen Church Society a portion of the land now being used as a driveway ; subject to the approval of Town Meeting. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted." Mr. Rowse moved that the twenty-foot strip of land on the Adams School Property be sold and conveyed to the Follen Church Society for *100 and sign an Agreement that the Society will convey to the Town, if the next Town Meeting, Vote on so voted, the land starting at the boundary of the present Pollen church property and driveway going to the Adams School Church and oohtinuing in a straight line to the intersection of Land the twenty foot strip that they are purchasing from the Town. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. A letter was recieved from the Town Counsea, informing the Board that he had a lengthy conference at his office with Robett L. Ryder regarding the taxes outstanding on the various Ryder properties in Lexington. He also discussed the vote of the Town Meeting to take some of the Ryder Property by Eminent Domain or purchase as a site for the proposed new high school. Mr. Lynch stated that it may be possible to agree with Mr. Ryder on a fair valuation of this property, having in mind that the remaining land will be substantially improved and the value of same will appreciate substantially by the eeeetion of the proposed new high school To Take Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was By E & D voted to authorize Mr. Lynch to prepare the orders to take Property asevotedhe Russell, thedMarch,der and Mulliken 1946 Town Meetinges undericlesEminent omgin For 60 and 61. S0h001 Purposes The Chairman informed the Town Counsel that the Board had received a letter from Daniel J. O'Connell represent- ing Paul Scurto of Somerville. Mr. Scurto owns some land 533 in Lexington located on Hillcrest Avenue, and he desires to have so-called Zoar Avenue legally abandoned and the Abandon- land assessed to the abutters according to their interests went as they appear on record. Zoar Ave. The Chairman also explained that Zoar Avenue is a private way. Mr. Lynch said that the signatures of all abutters and parties in interest in the property should be obtained before the abandonment is made. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. O'Connell be advised that inas- much as Zoar Avenue is a private way it will be necessary to obtain the signature of all the abutters and all parties in interest on the property before the desired abandonment is affected. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Town Counsel regarding the status of William A. Cann who held the position of part- time Building Inspector for the Town of Lexington. Mr. Lynda stated that it is definitely impossible to legally pay vacation money to retired employees after June 1, 1946. Mr. Lynch retired at 8:55 p.m. The following representatives of the Youth Canteen Youth appeared before the Board; Mrs. Cook, Miss McKenna, Miss Canteen Zelldn; Messrs. Schuler, Connor, Slocumb and Tebbetts. Mr. Tebbetts stated that the young people have been trying for a number of years to form a Youth Canteen and the present group have been working for about six months; meeting as often as three times a week. He explained in detail the plans they had in mind and stated that they would like per- mission to use some of the roams in the Barnes Property for a Youth Canteen. He said that there would be a voluntary adult supervisory group. He stated that they would need a room for dancing, a room for a coke bar, room for ping pong tables and a room for bobbies. The Chairman explained that a portion of the Barnes Property is now occupied by the Department of Public Welfare and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. Rowse said that if the construction of the East Lexington Fire Station is approved, the Fire Engineers will need room to rouse the firemen. Mr. Rowse asked when the Youth Canteen would need the rooms, and Mr. Tebbetts replied that they need them as soon as possible. Mr. Rowse asked if there were any adult advisors and Mr. Tebbetts replied in the affirmative stating that the following II individuals were connected with the group Mrs. McAnaul, Mrs. Driscoll, Rev. Handley, Mr. Fencer and Mr. Terhune. The Chairman said that the request would be given further condideration and the group advised as to what decision is made. 534 00 x The group retired at 9:15 p.m. At 9:20 p.,m. Mr. DeFoe; Mr. Simeone, a contractor, Mr. Shaw, and Engineer and Architect; Messrs. Remes, Clare and Rutherford appeared before the Board. Mr. Shaw presented pictures of concrete houses which Concrete he contemplates constructing on Maple Street. Houses lhe Chairman asked if his understanding was correct that the houses are not built to one set plan, and Mr. Shaw replied in the affirmative. The Chairman said that the Town of Lexington regatres a foundation of approximately four feet and these proposed units will be set on a slab. Mr. Rowse said that this would not comply with the Building By-law. Mr. Sarano asked what the minimum floor level would be, nd Mr. Shaw replied that it would be at least eighteen inches above the finished grade. Mr. Sarano asked if they had a Board of Survey Plan approved and Mr. Simeone replied in the negative. He said that he was having a plan drawn for the Board of Survey. A lengthy discussion was held, after which the Chair- man informed the group that the Board would give the matter consideration. The group retired at 9: 55 p.m. The following members of the Board of Fire Engineers appeared before the Board: Chief Engineer Emery; Messrs. Adams, Donnelly, Fawcett and Deputy Chief Cook. Mr. Emery presented a copy of a letter to each member of the Board, dated June 7, 194.6, requesting retirement and pension of two full-time members of the Lexington Fire Retire- Department -- Captain Maugridge and Captain Richards. The meat letter stated that Captain Mugridge has been on the Of Two permanent force for twenty-four years and has a letter from Members his physician stating that his condition is such that he Fire cannot perform with safety the arduous and strenuous duties of a fireman. Captain Richards has been on sick leave for Live and one half months. The Chairman stated that the Town has accepted the Act whereby these two men could be retired, but the Board has not discussed the matter of money being made available so that the logical thing to do is to request the Appropriation Committee to make a transfer. Mr. Rowse asked if Captain Mudgridge's retirement could be postponed. Mr. Emery said that Captain Mudgridge has asked for 535 ' September 1, 1946 and that day meets with the approval of the Board of Fire Engineers. Mr. Emery said that they have sufficient funds in the Fire Department Budget to take care of any changes, but money for retirement must be provided. He said that the Fire Engineers suggest June 30, 1946 as the retirement date for Captain Richards. Mr. Emery said that as soon as the Board of Fire Engineers know what action the Appropriation Committee will take, they will then appoint three men to the Fire Department. Mr. Emery said that the Fire Engineers have a letter from Hoxie and Spellman requesting vacation pay. Mr. Hoxie reported bfck from the Armed Forces on October 22, 1945 and Mr. Spellman reported baok on January Fire 16, 1946. Dept. The Chairman said that one police officer who ret- Vets urned was given two weeks vacation pay, and he presumed Vacat- the Board of Selectmen would take the same action with ion the two firemen. Pay Mr. Emery said that he had received an opinion from the Town Counsel stating that the men were not entitled to the additional two weeks vacation with pay, and the Fire Engineers cannot pay them in view of this decision, unless so authorized by the Board of Selectmen. IIMr. Rowse asked if there were sufficient fund;; in the fire department budget to cover this item and Mr. Emery replied in the affirmative . The Board agreed to authorize payment of an "axtra two weeks" vacation to Walter F. Spellman, Jr. , and Fr derick A. Hoxie , the extra two weeks to be in addition to th two weeks 1946 vacation, but the men are to be restricted to actually two weeks off duty. Mr. Emery said that a year ago the Board of Fire New Wage Engineers established new wage rates, but conditions have Rates changed and the Engineers would like to start the new Fire Dept.,, men at *6.25 instead of *5.50 and to raise them to $7 at the end of the first year, instead of the end of the second year. The Chairman asked if the possibility of having a Town Meeting and requesting an increase for all Town employees would upset this. Mr. Emery said that the pressure of what other Towns are doing will force the Town of Lexington to considering having the fireman twenty-four hours on and twenty-four hours off, instead of forty-eight hours on and forty-eight hours off. By so doing, they will have more time to increase their wage earnings. He said that the starting pay is too low under present conditions. ' The Chairman asked if the Fire Engineers started a new wan at the higher rate, would there be any conflict with the ien now in the department . L __ 536 00 142-4 nq Mr. Emery said that there is only one man who would be affected and they would increase his pay. The Chairman asked if there was sufficient money in the account, and Mr. Emery replied in the affirmative. The Board of Selectmen is agreeable to starting the new rates, outlined by Mr. Emery, as of July 1, 1946. The Board of Fire Engineers retired at 10:25 p.m. Keefe Mr. Edward J. Keefe appeared before the Board. Taxi to Mr. Keefe said that he had permission from the owners Locate of the furniture store to have a telephone on the side of On Waltham the building and he would like permission from the Select- Street men to maintain a taxi stand on Waltham Street facing Massachusetts Avenue. The Chairman said that the matter would be taken up with the Police Department and further consideration be given the request. Mr. Keefe retired at 10:29 p.m. Mr. Locke moved that the request be granted, subject to the approval of the Police Department. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe returned to the meeting and further discussion was held relative to the concrete houses on Maple Street:. Concrete The Board felt that the Building Laws should be complied Houses with. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to advise the Building Inspector that the? Build- ing Laws should be complied with and it is the opinion of the Board that the proposed concrete houses will not comply. Mr. DeFoe retired at 10:40 p.m. Fair Oaks Letter was received from the Fair Oaks Road Improvement Improvement Association requesting an estimate of the cost of acceptance Committee of the streets and the installation of a sewer system. They also inquired as to when they may expect the job completed. No action was taken on the matter. Letter was received from the Veterans of Foreign VFW Use of Wars requesting the use of Cary Hall on the evening of June Hall 5 19, 1946, in preference to Estabrook Hall. Mr. Rowse moved that the request be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Dr. Jay L. Hoffman, Veterans Hospital, Bedford, stating that he would prefer payment of Defer Pay- his ambulance bill to be delayed until settlement of his ment accident claim. Hoffman Mr. Sarano moved that Dr. Hoffman's request be granted Ambulance and that payment of his bill be deferred. Mr. Rowse Bill seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 537 Opinion was received from the Planning Board Harrington relative to making Harrington Road one way. Rd.- One It was decided to take no action on the matter Way until the Chief of Police returns. Letter was received from the American Legion, Stanley Legion Hill Post No. 38, Inc. , requesting permission to conduct to a paper drive sometime in the fall; the proceeds of which Conduct are to be used for the purchase of uniforms for the Lexington Paper Drum Corps. Drive Mr. Rowse moved that the request be approved and a In Fall permit issued when the date is scheduled. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was voted. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee Cannot relative to a transfer from the Reserve Fund for the Cary Transfer Memorial Library Account. The Division of Accounts has Money to ruled that a transfer from the Reserve Fund to pay the Cary Lib. architect's fees cannot be made inasmuch as this is not Account an unforeseen or extraordinary item. The letter also For stated that the Division of Accounts advised that no Architeo* expenditure can be made to obligate the Town until the Fees Appropriation has been approved aiz.;an Annual or Special Town Meeting and also approved by the Division of Accounts. Mr. Rowse moved that the Clerk advise the Library Trustees of this communication. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Robert G. Poirier, 18 Tucker Tax Avenue, offering $75 for Lots 431, 432 and 433 Tucker Avenue. Title Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Poirier be advised that the Tucker Board would entertain an offer of $100 for these lots. Mr. Avenue Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Giza Hauck, 70 Outlook Drive, Adv. offering $300 for Lot 143 , Outlook Drive. Lot 143 Mr. Rowse moved that the offer be advertised and that further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting Outlook of the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was Drive so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Nicholas Thambaehts offer of $550 for Lots 130, 131 and 132, Marrett Sell Road, Farmhurst, Section 4, Lot 145 Bridge Street and Lots Farmhurst A and B, Marrett Road, larmhurst, Section 4. Lots to Mr. Locke moved that the offer be accepted and the Thambash lots sold and conveyed to Nicholas Thambash. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from John C. Taylor, 23land y Street, Everett, offering $100 for Lots 64 to 68 inc. on Offer Lots Bellflower �t#seet. 64 to 68 Bellflow- er Street 38 00 Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Taylor be informed that the Board of Selectmen will entertain an offer of 1200 for these lots. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and itwas so voted. The Chairman explained to the Board that Mr. Spencer had advised that the discrepancy in the lot line pertaining to Lot 4, Hazel Road, had been corrected and that this piece of land may be sold. Lot 4 Mr. Robert E. Sharkey, 68 Winter Street, had submitted Hazel Road an offer of 1150 for Lots 4 and 5, but the Town does not own Lot 5. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Sharkey be informed that the Board of Selectmen will entertain an offer of 1100 for Lot 4. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Committee Letter was received from James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, Five on informing the Board that the Moderator had appointed the Recreation committee df five to bring in a written report to the Board of Selectmen not later than the next Annual Town Meeting Appt'd. containing recommendations regarding the Town' s recreational By requtfi ments. The following individuals have been appointed Moderator to serve on this committee: John P1 Whalen; Mrs. John T. Cosgrove, D. Sargent Goddard, Bertram P. Gustin, and Thomas Moon. Committee Letter was received from James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, On War informing the Board that the Moderator had appointed a Memorial representative committee to determine the location and htttorical appropriatness of a memorial to the Lexington Minute-Men of 1775. The following individuals have been appointed to serve on this committee: Julius Seltzer; Fred W. Bodge, John T. Garrity; Mrs. Robert W. Fernald; Mrs. Richard E; Rowse, Philip P. Parsons; and Walter L. Chambers. Use of Application was received from the Lexington Athletic Conference Booster Club for permission to use the conference room on Room the evening of June 12, 1946 for a meeting. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the room be granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Lexington Junior High Use of School requesting permission to.Luse Cary Memorial Hall on the Hall morning of June 19, 1946 for graduation rehearsal and the morning of June 20, 1946 for graduation exercises. Mr. Locke moved that both used be granted free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 539 Application was received from the American Legion Auxiliary requesting the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the Use of evening of October 25 , 1946, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Hall for a card party. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted, free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upoh motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to approve the following licenses Paul W. Franks 1722a Mass. Avenue Public Carriage Now has two and wants a third W. S. Couette 1710 Mass. Ave. Auctioneer William Viano 1794 Mass. Ave. Sunday Movies Licens- Richard Kelly Lowell `St. Suhday Golf ew Application was received from Paul W. Franks for a license to maintain and operate a third Public Carriage. The Public question was raised as to whether or not the operators of this Carrie- business were residents of Lexington. ge It was decided to hold action up on this application License until next meeting of the Board. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it Sign was voted to sign the Dog Warrant. Dog Warrant The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Howard S. 0. Nichols Nichols' term as a member of the Contributory Retirement Reappoint- System would expire on July 1, 1946. ed Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Nichols be reappointed for Retirment a three-year term, ending July 1, 1949. Mr. Locke System seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. George L. Russell's term as a member of the Board of Health would expire on Russell June 1, 1946. Reappoint Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Russell be reappointed for a ed three year term, expiring June 1, 1949. Mr. Locke Board of seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Health Sidewalk orders for No. 30 Bedford Street (Boyd Property) and 34 Bedford Street (Viano Property) were approved. Sidewalk Orders Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was Close voted that the Town Office Building would close on Monday, June 17 June 17, 1946, all day. The Chairman informed the Board that Winston C. Lufkin, Lufkin Shirley Street, would like to purchase the Lexington Cab Taxi Company. Mr. Lufkin is not a veteran, but he has been License employed for this concern since the business first operated and has lived in Lexington for a number of years. 540 00 Mrs. Lufkin is a cripple and may be able to assist him in the business. The Board had no objection to granting Mr. Lufkin' s license if and when he purchases the business. A true record, Attest: /2:1 c 1