HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-29 524 cx SELECTMEN'S MEETING May 29, 1946 II A Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. The members were notified of this meeting by a notice mailed on May 28, 1946. CLairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, Rowse and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. George H. Macbeth, 507 Weltham Street, Lexington, appeared before tie Board relative to the position of temporary Town Accountant/expects to be discharged from the Army and resume his duties on September 1, 194E+. George H. Mr. Macbeth stated that he had not done any. municipal Macbeth accounting work for approximately fifteen years, and that he Appointed made an audit for the Towns of Wellesley and Stoneham. Temporary The Chairman stated that Mr. White will be in a Town Acct position to spend one day a week ih the Accounting Department and the Board of Selectmen intend to request tre Appropria- tion Committee to transfer sufficient funds frcm the Reserve Fued to make it possible for Mr. Macbeth to work one week with MP. White before he terminated his services. The Chairman asked if Mr. Macbeth knew what salary the II position paid, and he stated that he had read in the Appropriation Committee report that the salary was 0,500 per year, and he presumed he would receive the same. The Chairman stated that the amount availeble was $3 ,500 and that is all the Board could agree tc pay. Mr. Macbeth said that it would be agreesb],e to him. It wad decided that unless Mr. Macbeth heerd to the contrary, he could report to work on Friday morning, May 31, 1946. Trustees Mr. Macbeth retired at $:45 p.m. and Rev. Harold T. of Cary Handley and Webster Thomas, representing the Trustees of Library the Cary Memorial Library, appeared before the Board Re: Att. 65 relative to A title 65 in the Warrant for the ual Town Which was Meeting on March 25, 1946. The Vote covering his Article Disapproved has been disapproved by the Division of Accoun s. By Div. of Mr. Thomas said that the Trustees feel th t the Accounts mistake made at the Annual Town Meeting should be rectified at the earliest possible moment. The Chairman said that he and the rest of the members of the Board regret that an error has been made, and he, personally, would like to have any action on tke matter deferred, inasmuch as there is a possibility o a Town Meeting being called for this fall or late s er. Mr. Thomas wanted to know what the Trustees would IIdo relative to Mr. Geeeley's bill. * for the town of Lexington. The Chhirman explained to Mr. Macbeth that the osigion is definitely temporary and that the regular Town eeountant 525 Mr. Sarano inquired as to whether or not the Selectmen should contact Mr. Greeley to find out how he might feel about the situation. Mr. Rowse asked how much money the Trustees actually needed to pay Mr. Greeley to date. Mr. Thomas said that it would be something around $3 ,000, and Mr. Handley said that it would be between $3 ,000 or $4,000. The Chairman stated that if a Town Meeting were called, incurring approximately $200 expenses, the Town Meeting Members might not appropriate the money. Mr. Thomas said that insofar as he knows, Town Meeting Members are saying that a mistake has been made and they want to know why it isn't being rectified. At 8 05 p.m. the following members of the Appropriation Approp. Committee appeared before the Board: Chairman Brown, Messrs. Comm. on Grush, Hoyt, Hynes, Lane and White. Article The Chairman explained that the Board and the Library 65 Trustees had been discussing the vote covering Article 65 and stated that the $5,000 provided by transfer from the Excess & Deficiency Account was not sufficient to make the Vote legal and, theredore, there is no money available to pay the architect . The Chairman said that the Board wondered whether or not it would be legal to ask the Appropriation Committee to transfer enough money to take care of the money now due the architect. If in the fall it is necessary to have more money from the Reserve Fund, a Special Town Meeting could be called and a transfer requested from the Excess & Deficiency. He informed the Appropriation Committee that the Trustees are in a position of owing the architect with no money available to pay him. Mr. Brown asked how much money was needed, and Mr. Thomas said that it is approxiamtely $3 ,200. Mr. Handley said that they hoped to have the plans and specifications completed as soon as possible. The Chairman suggested that a legal &pinion be obtained and that any decision arrived at should tentative. Mr. White said that he did not think a transfer would be allowed unless authorized by Town Meeting. He said that if the Trustees continue with the plans and specifications, the debt incurred cannot be considered an emergency. Mr, Sarano said that if a transfer could be made to pay Mr. Greeley what is now due him, it would indicate that it is the opinion of both the Board of Selectmen and the Appropriation Committee that they intend to rectify the mistake in the future. He asked if that was what the Trustees wanted. Mr. Handley said that the obvious will of the Town Meeting.is upset because of a technicality and a technicality should not prevent the will of the people from going through. Mr. Potter asked how it would be if the Board went ahead 526 00 on the basis that the Division of Accounts would ?C' approve a transfer. Mr. Hoyt asked if the Division of Accounts approved, would the Appropriation Committee then be requested to make a transfer, and Mr. Potter replied in the affirmative. Mr. Hoyt said that he would not vote for it and he didn't think the Appropriation Committee woulchave the authority to do it. Mr. Brown suggested that the Town Accountant contact the Division of Accounts and inquire whether cr not they would approve the transfer, and that the next step would be to find out whether or not the architect wculd wait until Town Meeting appropriates money. The Chairman said that if the Division of Accounts approved of the transfer, the Appropriation Committee would be requested to make it. Messrs. Thomas and Handley retired at 8:17 p.m. Building The Chairman reminded the group that Mr. Cann had Inspector resigned as Building Inspector, effective May 6, 1946. He said that the Board conferred and the only way they could satisfy Mr. Cann was to tell him that they would be willing to go along on a basis of $3 , 500 salary, plus $400 automobile allowance. The Chairman stated that after that the Appropriation Committee approved $2,750 per year salary and $250 per year automobile allowance. The Chairman stated that the Board now finds itself in the position of having the State rule that Mr. Cann cannot continue as Building Inspector because being over seventy years of age, he must retire as of June 1, 1946. He said that the Selectmen would like the Appropriation Committee to transfer a sufficient sum to pay Zr. Cann from May 7, 1946 to June 1, 1946 at the rate of $3 , 500 per year and $400 per year car allowance. Temporary The Chairman said that the Board would also like Town the Appropriation Committee to transfer a sufficient sum to Accountant pay Raymond L. White two weeks' vacation and t) provide money to pay George H. Macbeth, temporary Accountant, for an overlapping period of one week and also tp pay for Mr. White' s vacation. Mr. Hoyt asked if Mr. Macbeth would recei7e the same rate of pay now being paid to Mr. White, and tie Chairman replied in the affirmative. Mr. Macbeth, however, will not serve in the capacity of Secretary of the Appropriation Committee. Mr. Hoyt said that he believed the change could be considered as an emergency and a transfer made . Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Saran, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer sufficient funds from the Reserve Fund to the Building Inspector- Personal Services Account do pay Mr. William A. Cann from May 7, 1946 to June 1;, 1946 527 at the rate of $3 , 500 per year, plus $400 per year auto- mobile allowance. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer sufficient funds to pay hbe position of Plumbing Inspector at the rate of $2,000. plus #200 oar allowance and the position of Building Inspector at $2,400 per year, plus $200 car allowance. Mr. Rowse's motion was not seconded and, therefore, did not carry. Mr. Sarano suggested that the combined jobs be set up without any distinction in salary. Mr. Rowse explained that Mr. Lindstrom would like the salary of the Plumbing Inspector determined because it comes under Civil Service and by making a definite amount, he would be afforded some protection. Mr. Hoyt stated that two separate budgets are set up and that the Division of Accounts should determine whether or not these two positions may be combined. Mr. Locke reminded the Board that at the present time there is already an appropriation of $200 automobile allowance for the Building Inspector and $200 automobile allowance for the Plumbing Inspector, therefore, this item will have to be changed. Mr. Hoyt asked if the tf<wo positions will have to be kept separate, and the salaries increased and Mr. Rowse replied in the affirmative. Mr. Hoyt suggested that an increase be made for each department at the present time to bring the total figure up to $4,400 per year and when budgets are considered, the position could be set up on whatever basis the Board thinks is best. Mr. Rowse asked how much each position would be increased and Mr. Hoyt suggested increasing the plumbing Appoint inspector up to $1,400 per year. Lindstrom Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Ernest A. Lindstrom be Full-time appointed full-time Plumbing and Building Inspector at the Building rate of $1,800 per year for the Plumbing Inspector and $2,600 & per year for the Building Inspector, plus a total of $400 Plumbing car allowance ; effective jnne 1, 1946. Mr. Rowse seconded Inspector the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. George Macbeth be appointed temporary Town Accountant at the rate of $3 , 500 per year, effective May 31, 1946. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A true record, Attest: 67e: / lerk 528 00 The next rear meeting of the Board of 8alectmen will be held on Monday even , Tune 10, 1946. 1