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May 27, 1946
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday
evening May 27, 1946 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs.
Rowse, Locke, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk
was also present.
The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Ernest A.
Lindstrom, present part-time Plumbing Ispector for the town,
is interested in the position of Building and Plumbing
Inspector as a combined full-time position, and wants a
salary of $4,400 per year, plus $400. for his automobile Building
allowance. He said that Mr. Lindstrom relizes that such Inspector
a position may have permanency to it and he is willing to
give up his business which brings in approximately $6,000.
per year. The Chairman explained to the Board that Mr.
Cann, the present part-time Building Inspector, must
according to law, cease working for the Town as of June
1, 1946.
Mr. Rowse asked if Mr. Lindstrom would be available
immediaSely and the Chairman said that he would handle
both jobs until his business is straightened out.
Mr. Paxton suggested that the positions of Building
and Plumbing Inspect: ms be combined as one position and
the salary paid for one position rather than breaking it
down with a portion for the Building Inspector and a por-
tion for the Plumbing Inspector.
Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. DeFoe, Superintendent of Public
Works, appeared before the Board at 7: 55 p.m.
The Chairman stated that the Board was in full agree-
ment that the position of Building and Plumbing Inspectors
should be combined.
Mr. DeFoe stated that Mr. Lindstrom has a Class C
Builder's License issued by the City of Cambridge which
is a third-class license.
Mr. Rowse said that the Board is in accord insofar
as combining the two positions, but he raised the question
as to the Civil Service angle.
Mr. Lindstrom said that his position as Plumbing
Inspector is under Civil Service and he would like to be
protected. He said that at some future time another Board
of Selectmen might decide to have a separate inspector for
each position and he would like the salary for the Plumbing
Inspector established so that he would not be left without
his own business and e. stnall l salary as Plumbing Inspector.
He said that he would like to have the salary for Plumbing
Inspector set at $2,800.
520 CO
The Chairman stated that $2,750. has been provided for t
the Building Inspector, _plus $250. car allowance ; 1100.
for the Plumbing Inspector, plus $200. car allowan a and
the Board considered requesting a transfer of $500 to the
Plumbing Inspector's account. Next year, after th two
positions had been combined, Mr. Lindstrom could consider
any figure he wanted to for the Plumbing Inspector, He
said, however, that anything upon which the Board eight de-
cide this evening would be tentative and the Appropriation
Committee would have to be consulted.
Mr. Rowse asked if the twn jobs were combined what
the status of the Civil Service would be and Mr. Lindstrom
said that it might be that the Building Inspector would also
have to be under Civil Service.
Mr. Lindstrom retired at 8 10 p.m.
Mr. DeFoe asked who is responsible for the installa-
tion of driveways from the street to the property _ine on
accepted streets. Mr. Paxton said that he believed it to
Drive- be the responsibility of the Town, to take care of the
ways ramps, and he thought it was well to have the good will
of the citizens. He said that if manpower is avai_able,
the Town should do the work and if not, it should be post-
Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Hitchcock of the Boston
Edison Company had checked the proposed locations of
street lights on Leonard Road, Grapevine Avenue an the
Street junction of Summit and Grandview and approved them as
lights recommended by the superintendent.
Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Lo ke.v
it was voted to authorize the installation of 2 li is
on Leonard Road, 2 lights on Grapevine Avenue and I.
light at the junction of Summit and Grandview.
Mr. DeFoe reported that an expense in the amount
of $75.17 had been incurred by the Park Department and
Stone an expense in the amount of $14.40 had been incurrd
house by the Highway Department in connection with the moving of
the Ellen Stone house. The Board instructed Mr. D Foe
to submit a bill for the total amount to. Mr. Goodw-.n, the
Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:20 p.m.
Applications for the temporary postion of Town Account
Town were received from George H. Macbeth, 507 Waltham treet,
Acct. a C.F.A. and from a Mr. Slader also of Waltham Str et.
The Chairman agreed to obtain some character refer noes on
Mr. Macbeth and have more information for the join meeting
of the Board of Selectmen and the Appropriation Committee.
The Chairman read a letter from Thomas S. Grindle,
Supt. of Schools, relative to a communication from the
Lexington Nurseries, Inc . pertaining to traffic conges- Traffic
tion at the High School. The School Committee does not congestion
believe that the situation is serious and when the at High
fiussell land is purchased, it will be possible for the School
school buses to turn around in the rear of the school
building. The buses will then be able to unload pupils
on school property.
The Chairman read a letter from Rev. Sidney R. King
minister of the Community Church in Burlington, stating
that a hearing was scheduled for Friday, May 31, 1946
relative to the proposed dog track in Burlington. The Rade Track
Clerk was instructed to obtain a copy of the sense of
the meeting vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting in
March, notorized by the Town Clerk, and have it presented
at the meeting.
Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee
advising the Board that the following transfers from the
Reserve Fund had been approved: Appropriation Committee- Transfers
Expenses, $100.00 , Other Finance Offices & Accounts, $300.00
and Public Welfare-Administration, $120.00
The Chairman read & letter from the Appropriation
Committee advising the Board that the sum of $2,750. had
been approved for the annual salary of the Building Transfer
Inspector and the sum of $250. had been approved for Building
car allowance. The Committee voted to transfer $1,200. Ins. Acct
to pay the approved salary and automobile allowance.
The- Chairman read a letter from the Town Account-
ant relative to the re-employment of Mr. Cann As Building
Inspector at the rate or $3 , 500. per year, plus $400.
per year for automobile allowance. The Accountant said
that in reading amunicipal law and checking with the
Division of Accounts, such payment cannot be made.
The Chairman read a letter from the County Personnel_.
Board, 251 State House, Boston informing the Board that
it will be unlawful to pay the Building Inspector for any
service rendered after the last day of May. The letter
stated that theInspector I pector was required to be retired (with-
out any allowance) on attaining age seventy. His further
service was allowable only under Ch 16 of 1942 which was
cancelled by Ch. 55, 1946.
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The Chairman read a letter from Raymond L. White,
Town Accountant, advising the Board that he has tendered
his resignation as Town Accountant to the Town Olerk.
Mr. White said that he would remain for two weeks to
complete the work in his office.
The Board gave further consideration to Nicholas
Thambash' s offer of $150. for Lots 131 and 132 Marrett
Tax Road. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in
Title the May 23, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Wan. No
persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of
the advertisement.
Mr. Rowse moved that the offer be accepted and that
Lots 131 and 132 Parrett Road, Lexington, be sold and
conveyed to Nicholas Thambash. Mr. Locke seconded the
motion, and it was so voted.
Bill in the amount of $50.00 was received from the
Town Counsel for drafting deeds.
Legal Mr. Rowse moved that the bill be approved for pay-
bill ment and charged to Law Department-Personal Services and
Special Fees Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion,
and it was so voted.
A copy of a Metter written to Mr. George W. Emery
from the Town Counsel relative to vacation pay for re-
Vacation turned veterans was received. The Chairman said that
pay for he and Mr. Locke had discussed the matter at length with
veterans Mr. Emery. The Chairman agreed to obtain more information
relative to payment of vacation pay to Maurice Woodward,
a returned veteran of theolice Department and report to
the Board at the next meeting .
The Board gave further consideration to Mrs. Ethel
Rich' s offer of $400. for parts of Lots 42 and 43, Sub-
division called A, Kendall Road. A proposal to sell was
Tax advertised in the May 16, 1946 issue of the Lexington
title Minute-Man. As a result., an offer of $400. was received
from Charles F. Sweny, 1699 Cambridge Street, Cambridge.
Mr. Sarano moved that the offer received from Mrs.
Rice be accepted and that part of Lots 42 and 43 , Sub-
division called A, Kendall Road, Lexington be sold and
conveyed to Mrs. Rich. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion,
and it was so voted.
Letter was received from Thomas G. O'Brien, 11
Tax Title Beacon Street, Boston, on behalf of Leo and Eva Boyhton,
offering $160. for Lot 71 and part of Lot 70 and part
of Lot 69 on Sylvia Street. The offer was held over for
one week.
A letter was received from Geza J. Hauck, 70 Outldok
Drive, Lexington offering 1300. for Lot 143 Outlook Drive.
The offer was held over for the next meeting of the Board.
The Chairman read a letter from William I. Burnham
stating that he would like to purchase a 500 gallon pump
and engine on skids, now located at the Central Fire Sta- Pump at
tion. Mr. Burnham did not state what he would be willing Central
to pay for the unit. Station
The Chairman reported that this unit had been offered
to the Fire Department by the governement and Deputy Chief
Cook would like to dispose of it.
Mr. Rowse stated that bids should be received on the
pump, and the Chairman agreed to contact Deputy Chief Cook
to find out the cost.
Letter was received from Stanley R. Tebbetts requesting
the use of a conference room in Cary Memorial Building
for a committee meeting of the Youth Canteen on Tuesday
evening June 4, He also requested the use of Estabrook Uses of
Hall for a meeting on Tuesday evening, June 11. halls
Application was received from Norman W. Schuler for
the Yough Canteen requesting the use of Estabrook and
Cary Halls on the evening of rune 7 from 8:00p.m. to 11:30 p.#i.
for a canteen.
Mr. Paxton moved that the uses of halls be granted free
of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so
The Clerk informed the Board that the Lexington High
School graduating class had requested the use of Cary
Memorial Hall for rehearsals every afternoon the first
week in June. The Board had no objection.
Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it
was voted to grant the following licenses:
Walter J. Rose 6 Tewksbury Street Public Carriage
Pine Meadows Golf Cedar Street dommon Victualler
Hattie E. A. Peckham 37 Hancock Street "
William Viano 1794 Mass. Avenue Sunday Movies
Richard Kelly Lowell Street Sunday Golf
Generino Luongo 47 Pleasant Street Peddler' s
The warrant for the State Primaries to be held on
June 18, 1946 was signed.
A true record, Attest:
rfY ,` le , lectmen.