HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-20 510 00 SELECTMEN'S MEETING May 20,1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, May 20, 1946, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke , Rowse, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, appeared before the Board. Mr. DeFoe reported that the Town Engineer had refigured the cost for the installation of a sewer for 156 Vine Street (Kineen Property) using the frontage of Kineen 150 feet. The total costwill be $452, of which $168 is Sewer Mr. Kineen' s share. Mr. Rowse asked if the 150 foot frontage _ncluded all the Kineen Property. Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Kineen has two other properties, but they are already connected with the main sewer. Mr. DeFoe said that there had been some discussion New relative to Mr. Joseph Vitale taking over the position of Janitor janitor, but Mr. Vitale is not interested. Mr. DeFoe said that he had a talk with Mr. Rochette and if he takes over this job , it will be necessary to obtain somebody to read meters. The Board left the decision entirely up to the Supt. of Public Works. Mr. DeFoe reminded the Board that the recent Town Installa- Meeting had voted the installation of street lights on tion Leonard Road, Grapevine Avenue, and the junction of Summit Street and Grandview. He said that in his opinion there should Lights be two:;lights on Leonard Road, two on Grapevin Avenue, and one at the junction of Summit and Grandview. Mr. Paxton suggested that the Superintend nt contact the Boston Edison Company and have a survey made before the actual installation. Mr. DeFoe agreed. Tarbell Mr. DeFoe maid that he had a talk with Mr, Raymond L Work in White, Town Accountant, and Miss Tarbell. Public Mr. White informed him that he is not going to hire Works anyone , and said that he would have no objections to Miss Department Tarbell being transferred to the Department of Public Works next week. 511 Mr. Rowse stated that he had talked with Mr. James H. Russell in view of his coming back to work for the Town. Mr. RusFe11 informed Mr. Rowse that his papers are in for his discharge on July 31, and if it does not take more than ter. days for his physical, he will be back the first of September. Mr. DeFoe said that he had already arranged for Miss Tarbell to come into his office, and Mr. Rowse asked about Miss McNamara. Mr. DeFoe said that she is going to take over the work of the Building and Plumbing Inspectors, and also the Supt. of Parks & Playgrounds, effective Friday, May 24, 1946. Mr. Rowse thought that the Board should request the Appropriation Committee to transfer funds from which to pay Miss McNamara. The Chairman stated that the Building, Plumbing and Park Departments all come under the Department of Public Works. Mr. Paxton suggested that all clerks should be assigned wherever the Supt. of Public Works so desires, and that they should not be broken down ill various departments. NB sled this would eliminate making out many separate payrolls. Mr. Rowse said that the Appropriation Committee should be advised that Miss Tarbell is being transferred to the Department of Public Works. At 8:00 p.m. hearing was declared open upon the application of Bradford Motor Company, 34 Bedford Street, Bradford ' Lexington, for permission to increase the storage of Motor gasoline in underground tanks from 2000 gallons to 7500 Company gallons. Notice of the hearing was inserted in the Gasoline May 9, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. Hearing Mr. Bradford and Mr. Eugene Viano appeared before the Board. Mr. Baran asked how many tanks there would be, and Mr. Viano replied that he intends to have two 3 ,000 gallon tanks and one 1, 500 gallon tank. Mr. Paxton moved that the license be granted; subject to the approval of the Board of Fire Engineers. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Bradford and Mr. Viano retired at 8 09 p.m. At 8:10 p.m. hearing was declared open upon the Rotundi application of Ernest Rotundi & Sons, 199 Laurel Street Gasoline Melrose, for permission to store 1,000 gallons of gasoline Hearing on premises at the junction of Marrett Road and Route 2A. This gasoline is to be used in connection with the new highway. Notice of the hearing was inserted in the May 9, 1946, issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. 512 00 Mr. Paxton moved that the license be granted, subject to the approval of the Board of Fire Engineers. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he and Mr. Garrity had inspected the maple tree in front of the property of Lauritz A. Lauritzen of 24 Parker Street, and they both recommend that it be removed. Mr. Rowse moved that the tree be posted for removal. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe reported that he investigated Mr. Walter Brenton's complaint relative to an elm tree in front of his property at 43 Marrett Street. He said that he did not Defer believe the Town employees could remove this tree, and that Removal it would have to be let out by contract , which would probably of cost between two br three hundred dollars. Brenton Mr. Rowse asked if it were in a dangerous condition Tree and Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Garrity felt that the condition of the tree is no worse at the present time than it has been for the past three or four years. Item It was decided to defer the removal of this tree until for next year, and that a sum of money b e included in the budget Budget to cover the cost. The Chairman read a letter from Carmine Cuec&iallo, Board 37 Ward Street, requesting re-instatement as an employee Not of the Town of Lexington. To Enter Mr. Paxton said that it has been the policy of the Personnel Board of Selectmen for the past ten years not to enter into Problems the problems pertaining to the personnell of the various Depart- departments. mems Mr. Rowse moved that the re-employment of Mr. 0uccinello be left entirely up to the Supt. of Public Works. ! 1 . Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Hear- The Chairman read a letter from the County Commissioners ing stating that a second hearing on the petition for the County relocation and specific repairs of Grove Street will be held on Grove Monday, June 10, 1946. St. The Clerk was instructed to request the Supt. of Public Works to attend this hearing. The Chairman read a letter from the Commonweal h of R Chap- Massachusetts, Department of Public Works, stating hat the ter Commissioners have allotted $500 for the maintenanc of 90 Chapter 90 roads in Lexington and $5,000 for the im rovement Allot- of Grove Street, Lexington. ments I 513 ' Mr. Degoe retired at 8:25 p.m. and Mr. Carl Veinot appeared before the Board to discuss a pictorial Town repott for the Town of Lexington. Mr. Vienot submitted a:list of suggested subjects, and stated that as the Board studied the list there light be items which they would eliminate and others which they might add. The first two pages consisted of a survey of the law relative to Town Reports. The Chairman told Mr. Vienot that the Board expected only to include the essential reports in a pictorial report, and that the Selectmen would make sure it is legally correct. Mr. Rowse raised the question as to whether or not the pictorial town report should be prepared by Mr. Vienot and the Selectmen, or by a committee. Mr. Locke said that someone would have to do the preliminary planning and layout. Mr. Vienot said that he believed the Board would be better satisfied if they did have a committee and that he would work Mdith the committee or be a member of the committee. Mr. Vienot said that the Selectmen already have the basic work because a 11 the department heads submit a report. He said that these reports could be ddited and supplemented with appropriate photographs of the activities of the various departments. Mr. Rowse said that he thought the Selectmen should decide in the final analysis what the report should include. Mr. Vienot reminded the Board that they must also choose a commercial photographer. The Chairman said that what the Board is primarily interested in at the present time is what should be done first, and Mr. Vienot said that perhpas the first step would be for him to make up a dummy. This dummy could be submitted to the committee together with a copy of the list presented at this meeting. Mr. Vienot said that the reports could be compiled and referred to the committee for editing. Mr. Sarano moved that a committee of three be appointed to study and compile material for a pictorial town report. Mr. Vienot retired at 8:65 p.m. , and Mr. A. B. Wewt appeared before the Board. Mr. West presented a plan showing the layout of seven lots which are all staked out and ready to sell and are Proposed located on Oak Street. Layout The Chairman stated that the Town owns twenty-three OAL St. lots in this vicinity, and he wondered whether or not it would be passible to have the Hillside Avenue lots relocated into 100 fett lots and make the layout in connection with Mr. IIWest's development. 514 Go Mr. Sarano asked if the Town Engineer had checked the layout presented by Mr. West. Mr. West stated that Mr. Cosgrove had approved the layout. Mr. Vest stated that water goes up Oak Street in a two inch pipe from Massachusetts Avenue. He said that it ends approximately across from his driveway. He asked if the Town felt committed to furnish water up to this point in a larger line. He said what he wanted to know was whether or not it was up to him to lay a larger pipe, or if it were up to the Town. He said that he wanted the Town to provide water in exchange for the land taken when Oak Street was widened to 40 feet. Mr. Paxton said that as he recalled Metcalf & Eddy's report, they recommended a twelve inch main for Oak Street. The Chairman stated that the Board feels that when a street is widened, the adjoining lots are benefited. Mr. West said that Mr. Nichols put in the pipe and then itras taken over by the Town. Held Over The Chairman said that the Board would obtain some information relative to both the pipe and the widening of the street and advise Mr. West. Mr. West retired at 9:14 p.m. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Denis J. Carroll, Request to 11 Garfield Street, requesting permission to chinge the Change course of a brook running through his property. Course of The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Carroll that Brook the Selectmen have no authority to comply with his request, and, therefore, assume no responsibility for changin@; the flow of water on any individual's property. Request for The Chairman read a letter from Jack & A1'a, Socony No Parking Service Station, 27 Massachusetts Avenue. Sign The letter stated that individuals were parking their Private ears in the Socony driveway, and they requested the erection Driveway of a "No Parking " sign. No action The Clerk was instructed to advise the comilainant that the Town has no authority to post a private driveway. The Chairman read a letter from Daniel J. C 'Connell on behalf of Paul Scurto, owner of the land &orated on Hill- crest Avenue. Zoar Mr. O'Connell wrote that Scurto owns lots 16, 17 & 18 Avenue bounded by the so-called Zoar Avenue and also Lcts 24, 25 and Abandon- 26 on the opposite side of the street on the so-called Zoar ment Avenue. Mr. O'Connell stated that Zoar Avenue neer w as used as a street and Mrs. Scurto desires to have the avenue legally abandoned and the land assessed to the abutters according to their interests as they appear on record. 515 IIHe further stated that proceedings to accomplish the change will have to be initiated by the Town of Lexington. Mr. Paxton suggested that if all the abutters approve of abandoning the street, he thought it might be a good idea. It was decided to have the Chairman contact Mr. Lynch, the Town Counsel, relative to this matter. Offer A letter, dated May 15, 1946, was received from Lots 42 Mrs. the:_Rich, 37 Kendall Road, offering $400 for Lots 42 and 43 , and 43, now called A, Kendall Road, Farmhurst, Section 3. Kendall A letter, dated May 17, 1946, was received from Mrs. Merles Sweny, 1699 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, offering 4-f;400 for the same lots. Mr. Nicholas Thambas4, 34 Walnut Street, had previously offered $250, and a notice was inserted in the May 16, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. It was decided to have the Chairman find out when Mrs. Held Rich purchased the two adjoining lots which she now owns. Over The matter was held over until the next meeting of the Board. A letter was received from Nicholas Thambash, 34 Walnut Street, offering the sum of $150 for Lots 131 and 132, Farmhurst, Section 4. Mr. Sarano moved that a proposal to sell the lots be Lots 131 advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further 132 consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of Farmhurst the Board. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was Section so voted. 4 A letter was received from the Tool Owners Union inviting the Board of Selectmen to a mass meeting to be Tool held in the high school auditorium on Wednesday even- Owners ing, May 22, 1946. The Selectmen were invited to sit on Union the platform 4ith the other representatives of various civil, fraternal and veterans organizations. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the invitation and to advise the organization that the Selectmen expected to be present but prefer to attend as individuals citizens and not as members of the Board of Selectmen. Letter was received from John J. Garrity, Supt. of Parks and Playgrounds, submitting a partial list of playground instructbve for approval. Play- Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it ground was voted to approve the following list and salaries: Instruct- ors Constance Fuller 10 weeks $25.00 per week. ' Beverly Freeman 9 " " 23.00 " " Doris Andrews 10 " " 18.00 " " Virginia 'Pardon 10 " " 23.00 " " Thomas Moon 10 " " 15.00 " " Evelyn Hooper 8 " " 25.00 " " 516 oc A letter was received from the Cary Memorial Library Library Trustees requesting the Board of Selectmen to Vote remedy the" defective vote" by calling a special Town Meeting if necessary on Article 65 authorizing the Trustees to continue and complete plans and specifications for a new and enlarged Cary Memorial Library. They also wanted to know whether or not the declaration of the vote "defective" applies only to the bond issue. Mr. Rowse moved that the Cary Memorial Library Trustees be advised that the entire vote is illegal, and hat no part of the money is available. Mr. Paxton seconded t e motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse further moved that the Board of S lectmen is not in favor of calling a Special Town Meeting at thea present time. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from the Town Clark informing the Board that the Moderator had made the followCng appointments of a committee to obtain preliminary plans, estimate of cost and incidental expenses for the construction of a high school: Mr. Russell H. Kettell 10 Eliot Road Mrs. Douglas T. Gleason 11 Robbins Road (Katherine M. ) John F. Rich, Esq. 27 Meriam Street Mr. Charles G. Davis 9 Washington Street Remove The Chairman read a letter from James J. Carroll, Town Objection Treasurer, together with a copy of a letter from Francis X. To Article Lang, Director of Accounts, stating that the objection raised relative to Article 30 "North Lexington Sewer" has been entirely removed. Letter was received from the Planning Board with respect Over- to Article XIX of the Building By-laws. The };Tanning Board hanging does not look favorably upon a revision of Article XIX cover- Signs ing signs and they would be disposed to oppose a revision at a Town Meeting. The Clerk was instructed to request the Building Inspector to write surrounding town and request a copy of their regulations covering signs. At 10:00 P.M. Mr. J. Milton Brown, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, appeared before the Board. Mr. Brown stated that the Appropriation Committee belie/es that the Building Inspector's salary should be at the rate of $2,750 per year, plus $250 per year for auto allowance; making the total annual rate $3 ,000. He further stated that the Appropriation Qommittee had transferred the sum of $1,200 to take sore of this increase. Mr. Brown retired at 10:30 P.M. 517 IThe Chairman read a letter from Ralph Winslow of the Follen Church Society acknowledging the Board's letter entertaining an offer of $900 for the So-called Adams School Lot on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts Avenue. Adams Mr. Winslow stated that a special meeting of the parish School committee has been called for June 5, 1946 to determine Lot what action the members of the parish society desire to take. He asked the Board to forward the necessary papers in connection with the twenty foot stttp of land in the rear of the church so that they could be presented to the church members on June 5 , 1946. The Clerk was instructed to write the Town Counsel and ask him to prepare whatever agreement is necessary to complete the transaction relative to the twenty foot strip of land. A bill was received from the Town Counsel in the amount Tax of $25 for his services in connection with the tax lien case Lien of the Town of Lexington v. Ryder. Case Mr. Rowse moved that the bill be approved for payment and charged to the Law Department - Personal Services Account. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Lexington Allied Veterans Council requesting the use of Cary Memorial Hall or Cary Memorial Building on Memorial Day, May 30, 1946. Use of Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the building be Cary granted free of charge . Mr. Locke seconded the motion, Blgg. and it was so voted. Application was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting the use of Estabrook Hall on the evenings of June 9, and June 16 for meetings. Use of Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted Hall free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received Prot the Lexington Club, Inc. for permission to use Estabrook Hall on the evening of May Use of 29, 1946. Hall Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge, Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from James J. Carroll on behalf of Adolph W. Samborski requesting the use of Estabrook Hall for a meeting of the Lexington Athletic booster Club on May 27, 1946 from 8:00 p.m. to 10 :00 p.m. Use of Mr. Paxton moved that the use of the hall be granted Hall free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 518 OD Post The Chairman read a letter from James 4. Carroll, Cane Town Clerk, informing the Board that at the present time Oldest Mrs. Ellen S. Ballard, 8 Raymond Street, is the oldest Citizen citizen in the Town of Lexington. She will celebrate her 100 birthday on July 19, 1946. Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Sarano, Licenses it was voted to approve the following licenses: Bertram C. Herbert 93 Mass. Ave. Common Vietualler William Viano 1794 Mass. Ave. Sunday Movies Richard Kelly Lowell Street Sunday Golf The Chairman asked the Board if they wanted to do Incl anything about increasing the salary of the Suct. of Public Salary Works. Supt. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was Public voted.to advance the salary of the superintendent from Works *4800 per year to $5400 per year, retroactive to April 1, 1946. Mr. Paxton suggested that the Board of Selectmen write a Le. to letter of appreciation to the Supt. of Public Works for the Supt. time and effort he has given to obtaining equipment for the Thanks Town. A letter, dated May 18 , *as received from Alberico Sell Sgrosso stating that he would pay $50 each for Lots 14 Lots 14 and 15, Block 17, Reed Street. A previous offer had been 15 received from Fred J. Gillis, Lowell and North Streets, Reed St. Lexingtont submitting an offer of $50 each. Mr. Locke moved that the first offer be accepted, and that the lots 14 and 15 , Block 17, Reed Street, be sold and conveyed to Fred J. Gillis. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. It was decided to have the Chairman contact Mr. Cann Building and if he is not interested in remaining as Building Inspector Inspector, the Board will have to call a special meeting. Mr. Rowse moved that if the Town is left without a Building Inspector, the Chairman is authorized to contact Mr. Lindstrom to request him to act as both Building and Plumbing Ispector on a Temporary basis. Mr. Lcoke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A true record, Attest A ` /{ Clerk.