HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-06 497 SELECTMEN'S MEETING 11. May 6, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, May 6, 1946 at 7:30 P,M. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, Rowse, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 PuM. Mr. DeFoe and Mr. C. L. Haskell of the Mutual Studios of Nashua, New Hampshire appeared before the Board. Mr. Haskell is very much interested in flameproofing Flame- the draperies in the Cary Memorial Building. Mr. DeFoe proofing explained that the linings on about 3/4 of the curtains Curtains are in a very bad condition, and it might be more Cary Bldg economical to purchase new curtains. Mr. Haskell said that he has found similar situations in various Towns, and Lamy instances the linings have been removed and the curtains are them treated. The Chairman said that he believed the proper procedure would be to obtain prices on the work and also to determine whether or not the present draperies are to be dyed of Held Over replaced. He said that he would let Mr. Haskell know/what decision the Board arrived. Mr. Haskell retired at 7:40 p.m. , and Mr. W. S. Couette appeared before the Board. Mr. Couette said that he had the document, as required Follen by tkze Town in connection with the Follen Hill Develop- Hill meat, signed and took it to a reputable bonding company Devol'mt which refused to write the bond. Mr. Couette stated that under the Town requirements there is a penal Clause which would make it possible that for any breach whatsoever even Request if 95 per cent of the work had been completed, the Town for could call upon the bonding company or the Towers for the Acceptance sub of $10,000. He said that in the first Tower Develop- Of Surety meat a Surety Bond in the amount of $1,000 was accepted. Bond In- Mr. Couette said that the Towers wanted to go ahead and stead develop, but if the Town insists on this type of bond, it $10,000 will be impossible for them to do so. Penal Mr. Couette said that the bonding company had Clause suggested that the bond be a straight performance bond similar to the one written in connection with the new Central Fire Station, The Chairman asked if Mr. Couette objected to the amount Cr to the form of bond. Mr. Couette replied that it was the form. He said, however, that the amount did seem excessive. Mr. Rowse asked if all Mr. Couette wanted at present was to have the agreement so worded that the work could be done . Mr. Couette replied in the affirmative. 08 Go 1-11 Messrs. DeFoe, Couette and Paxto retired to telephone the Town Counsel and ask hi advice relative IIto the Board of Survey bond. Tropeano At 8:00 p.m. hearing was declared open upon the Gasoline application of Joseph A. Tropeano, 17 Iarohmont Lane, Hearing Lexington, for permission to install one underground 500 Gals. tank for the storage of 500 gallons of gasoline to be used in connection with his farm. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. Mr. Locke moved that the application be approved, subject to the approval of the Board of Fire Engineers. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from the Town Clerk to which was attached a copy of the resignation of Mr. William A Cann, effective immddiately. Mr. Rowse suggested that Mr. Cann be requested to give the Board a month's notice. The matter of filling Resignation the vacancy was considered at length, and Mr. Saran Building suggested that Mr. Cann be offered $3 ,000 a year, plus Inspector $100 additional for his ear. Mr. Locke felt that the Board would have to go along with Mr. Cann temporarily at least. It was finally decided to have the Chairman contact Mr. Cann and also to ask Mr. Charles Ferguson if he IIwould take the job for a few weeks. Mr. Wrightington's letter of April 29, 1946 relative to Lot 33, Crescent Road, was held over from the last meeting. The Chairman explained that this particular lot was Lot 33 originally part of the Hatch Farm which was sold to the Crescent Lexington Homes, Inc. When the Lexington Homes, Inc. Road submitted a map to the Board of Assessors showing these No. Abatem't lots, Lot 33 was shown, but they did not own it. It was Assessment assessed to Lexington Homes, Inc. , but should have been assessed to Mrs. Hatch. The Chairman explained that the lot is served by a water Main but the hydrant is on the line between Lots 33 and 34. Inasmuch as the lot is served, it cannot be abated. Cannot The Chairman read a notice from the Commonwealth of Employ Massachusetts relative to Chapter 55 of the Acts of 1946 Retired which amends Chapter 16 of the Acts of 1942 by providing Persons that the latter act shall remain in effect only until the After first day of June, 1946. Reemployment of persons after June, 1946 retirement under the provisions of Chapter 16 shall not extend beyond June 1, 1946. There is a maximum penal$y of $1,000 for violating or neglecting to comply with this chapter. This section applies to Mr. John L. Murray II employed by the Town as a janitor. 499 The Clerk was instructed to so advise the Supt. of Public Works. Application was received from G. Rotondi & Sons, Tentative 199 Laurel, Street, Melrose, for permission to store use Rotondi 1,000 gallons of gasoline at the junction of Marrett & Serfs Road and Route 2A. This gasoline is to be used in Gasoline connection with the new Massachusetts State Highway. Hrng. Mr. Sarano moved that the application be New State tentatively approved, Subject to a hearing as Highway requited by law. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Charles R. Neskey's offer of $250 for Lot 85, Marrett Road, Lexington. Mr. Neskey was the former owner of this lot. Sell Mr. Rowse moved that the offer be accepted, and Neskey that Lot 85, Marrett Road, Lexington, be sold and Lot 85 conveyed to Mr. Charles Neskey. Mr. Locke seconded Marrett the motion, and it was so voted. Road The Board gave further consideration to Mrs. George H. Doughty's offer of $300 for Lots 366 and 367, Sell Lots Taft Avenue, Lexington. A proposal to sell these 366 & 367 lots was advertised in the May 2, 1946 issue of the Taft Ave. Lexington Minute-Man. No persons contacted the to Doughty Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Rowse moved that the offer be accepted, and that Lots 366 and 367, Taft Avenue, be sold and conveyed to Mrs. Doughty. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Carl E. Lannquist' s offer of $250 for Lot 114, Cary Avenue, Lexington. H proposal to sell this lot was advertised Sell Lot in the May 2, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man 114 Cary No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result Avenue of the advertisement. to Lann- Mr. Rowse moved that the offer be accepted, and quilt that Lot 114, Cary Avenue, be sold and conveyed to Mr. Lannquist. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Joseph A. Beleastro's offer of $300 for Lot 81 Marrett Road, was held over from the last meeting df Adv. Lot 81 the Board. Marrett Rd. Mr. Rowse moved that a proposal to sell the lot be advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further consideration be given the offer at the next II meeting of the Board. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 500 co a Mr. Roy Wood's offer of $200 for Lots 160-189 inc. Offer for on Webb and Young Streets was held over. Lots 160- The Chairman stated that these lots contain almost 189 Webb & 200 acres, and the Committee on Tax Title Property is of Young Sts. the opinion that the Town should receive at least $200. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Wood be advised that the Board of Selectmen would entertain an offer of $200 for these particular lots. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton and Mr. DeFoe returned to the meeting at Wright 8:23 P.M. Car Mr. DeFoe reported that he had a conversation with Accident Mr. William Wright, 26 Butler Avenue, Lexington, whose car was damaged when the Town Truck skidded into it. Mr. Wright wants the Town to pay the entire cost of repairs which is approximately $170. Mr. Rowse asked if Mr. DeFoe recommended paying the bill, and he replied in the affirmative. Mr. Locke moved that the bill be paid and charged to the Snow Removal Account. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he had received four Bids on bids on hydrants and valves. Hydrants Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Saran, it & Valves was voted to accept the bid of the Mueller Company to furnish the hydrants and valves necessary for the Lockwood Tower Development and the Barrymeade Farm Development. It was further voted to accept the bid of Neptune Meter Company to furnish the Town with watermmeters. Boiler Mr. DeFoe reported that the boiler insurance in the Ins. Held amount of $25 ,000 would expire on June 17, 1946. Over It was decided to hold this matter over for another week. The Chairman informed the Board that he had talked to Mr. larindle, Supt. of Schools relative to the request received Use of Hall from Norman W. Schuler representing the Youth Canteen for the Youth use of Cary Memorial Hall for a dance. Canteen Mr. Grindle agreed that this activity should be held in the school gyynasium. The Chairman further stated that he had received a telephone call from Stanley Tebbetts who explained that this is not a school project, but is to provide recreation for the youth of Lexington. The advisors are Daniel A. Lynch, a lawyer, Carl Terhune, a reporter, and three teachers, Alan Slocombe; Miss P. Fencer and Miss McIntyre. Mr. Paxton moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 501 Application was received from the Softball League requesting the use of the Conference Room on May 7, 1946 from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for a meeting. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted Softball free of charge. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and League it was so voted. Use At 8:40 p.m. hearing was declared open upon the Room petition of George W. & Helen Barry Sarano for the approval of the Board of Survey of a plan of Barrymeade Drive. Mr. Worthen, Chairman of the Planning Board, was present at the hearing. Board of Notice of the hearing was read by the Chairman. Survey Mr. Worthen asked how many lots there would be in Barrymeade the development, and Mr. Sarano replied that there would be Drive 26. Mr. Paxton states that the drainage should be inked in in red to the proper location. He also said that the street profile should be inked in in red and the percentages shown properly. The Board of Survey postponed signing the plan of the layout of Barrymeade Drive until the petitioners had signed a contract and obtained a performance bond. At 9:05 p.m. Messrs. Lynch and Couette returned to the meeting for further consideration of the Follen Hill Develop- , ment. Mr. Lynch said that Mr. Barnes had telephoned him today and raised the question as to whether or not the company Follen would write the bond, but he did not say that the company Hill would not write it. It is copied from a similar bond Develop- used by the Towers, but is more severe than a performance bond. Mr. Lynch stated that if 90 per cent of the work contracted to do is completed, the Town could demand $10,000 on the basis of the bond. However, on a performance bond, the surety company would have to complete the work. Mr. Lynch said that he believed the Town would be adequately protected on a performance bond, and that he would be satisfied with a performance and lien bond if the Selectmen approved. Mr. Paxton said that back in 1940 the Board required the subdivider to post ohly $1,000 bond and he could not sell the lots until the streets were accepted. Mr. Paxton explained that in this procedure there were disadvantages both to the Town and to the subdivider. He said that the Board met with a group of real estate agents and subdividers and came to the conclusion that they wanted the performance bond equal to the estimated cost of construction and to include a time limit. The subdivider could then sell lots as soon as the agreements were executed. Mr. Couette said that he didn't intend to sell any lots until the roads are completed. 502 00 no Mr. Paxton said that he believed the particular type of bond and agreement used in connection with the Lexington Country Club Estates is applicable to the Tower Development. Mr. Couette said that all they needed was a change in the form of the bond. Mr. Rowse suggested that Section 8 be taken out of the agreement ; subject to the approval of the Town Counsel. Mr. Couette said that he would have to have new agree- ments prepared and signed and then presented to the bonding company. He asked if Mr. Lynch would take these agreements and contact Mr. R. Tyler. Mr. Lynch agreed to write up the performance bond. Messrs. Worthen and Couette retired at 9:20 p.m. The Chairman stated that Webster Thomas called on Acquisition him one day last week and wanted to know if the Selectmen . Land for would do something about acquiring the land at the rear of School the high school, the Mulliken property; and the Lexington Purposes Estates Trust. Mr. Rowse asked if the Board is required to endeavor to purchase the property, and Mr. Locke said he thought it would be logical to have a refusal. Mr. Lynch suggested that the Board contact the owners and see it the property canoe purchased for the amount appropriated. If the Iwners decline it, the Town then takes it by Eminent Domain and assesses the damages. He said that it would be good judgment to make an effort to purchase the property. The Clerk was instructed to prepare a copy of the votes relative to the parcels of land desired by the school committee and to forward them to Mr. Lynch. North Leg. Mr. Lynch informed the Board that the Selectmen must Sewer sign an order for the tonstruction of the North Lexington Sewer and within thirty days after the order is signed, a plan must be filed showing what easements, are to be taken. He stated that Mr. DeFoe and Mr. Cosgrove are working on the project at the present time, and he didn't think the vote should be recorded until their work is completed. A true record, Attest: l / le .