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April 15, 1946
A regular meeting or the board or Selectmen was Held
in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Orrioe 'Buildiug, on Monaay
evening, April 15, 1946, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Potter,
Locke and Paxton w ere preseut . Tne Clerk was also present.
At ?:30 p.m: Mi . Josepn H. DeFue, Supt. of Public Works,
appeared before the Boars. Extension
Mr. Deleoe eald tuai, tue estimated cost of construction Woburn
or tue sewer on Wouurn street is approximately 01/9,000. He Street
informed the Board tnat ne nad written to Mr. Mulligen, whose Sewer
name appeared first on the petition requesting the sewer
installation, and advised him that it could not be done this
Mr. Defoe requested permission to purchase a caterpillar Vote to
grader from the War Assets Corporation at a cost of 04,927. 50. Purchase
Mr. Paxton moved that Mr. DeFoe be autnorized to purchase Caterpil]
this unit at the price quoted. Mr. Locke seconded the ar
motion, and it was so voted. Grader
Mr. Defoe informed the board that he had an opportunity
to purchase another 11 foot plow, and he believed the Town Vote to
should have it. Purchase
Mr. Paxton moved that Mr. DeFoe be autnorized to purchase 11 root
this unit at a cost not to exceed 0280. Mr. Locke seconded Plow
the motion, and it was so voted.
At 8 00 p.m. the rollowing persons appeared relative to board of
R. Lockwood Tower' s, et al, Board of Survey Hearing: W. S. Survey
Couette, Agent for the developer, Mr. Ford, an Engineer bearing
representing Everett s. brooks, Rupert Stevens; Robert L. H. Lock-
Ryder; Stanley Higgins ; and six otner individuals. wood
Mr. Couette said that the developer has come to a point Tower
on Eollen Hill where he must open up another section. He
presented plans and profiles and explained that they intended
to extend Buckman Drive, Locust Avenue and Churchill Lane .
Mr. Couette stated that they will open thirty-nine lots.
The Chairman asked it the plans presented tonignt
included all the layout wnich tney intend to improve.
Mr. Couette replied teat it includes all tnat tney intend
to do at this time.
Mr. Paxton asked it this rurtner development tied in
oompletely witu the original plan, and Mr. Couette replied
in the affirmative.
He said that they would extend the drain in both instances
to a proper point beyond the limit or the lot lines as shown
so as to cause no nuisance.
` ne Chairman asked it there were any persons present who
objected to the layout.
No one appeared in opposition.
The group retired at 8: 20 p.m.
476 co
The chairman read a letter from Mr. Chester Lidberg,
Lidberg 92 Adams Street, stating that a few years ago the Town took
Request a strip of land through the center of his field and promisedTow
Town water within a year.
Water Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Lidberg had mentioned this to
him, but he has never been able to find any such agree- -
ment. He said that he thought it would strengthen the y
connection were made, and that it would be to the Town's
advantage to have a 8 inch connection between East and North
White The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Evelyn White, 11
C'ompl't Belfry Terrace, complaining of the condition of the fence
Held between Belfry Park and her property.
Over The Clerk was instructed to give the Supt. of Public
(Fence) works a copy of Mrs. White's letter, and to hold the complaint
over for one week.
Sewer The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Arthur L. Graves,
Pipe 76 Bloomfield Street, inquiring as to the cost of extending
Bloom- the sewer pipe down Bloomfield Street Extension.
field The Board requested the Supt. of Public Works to have
St. Ext. an estimate of cost prepared.
Hearing was declared open upon the application or D.F.
D. F. Ross, 3 Depot Square, for permission to increase the storage
Ross of gasoline in his underground tanks from 500 gallons to
GgsOline 1500 gallons. Notice of the nearing was inserted in the
Hearing April 4, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man.
No persons appeared in favor or in opposition.
Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was
voted to grant the petition; subject to the approval of the
Board or Fire Engineers.
At 8;4U p.m. Deputy Chief Cook; George W. Emery, Chief
Ambulance .engineer of the Board of Fire Engineers; and Mr. Carl Terhune,
Regul'ns appeared before the Board for the purpose or discussing
Remove regulations governing the use of the Veterans' MOmorial
xestric- Ambulance.
tions Mr. Emery said that from the Fire Department 's point of
For Mo. view, they were only trustees of the ambulance, and that they
of May would do whatever the Board of Selectmen requested them to do,
insofar as they could without prejudicing the personnel of the
Fire Department. Mr. Emery wanted to know it the Board intend-
ed to make the ambulance available ror any person who wanted
it; that is, go to a hospital and return from a hospital.
The Chairman replied in the arrirmative.
Deputy Chief Cook called the Board's attention to the fact
that often times a Welfare Patient is taken to a hospital in
the ambulance and it is necessary to wait three or four hours
before returning with the patient.
Deputy Chief Cook said that the department was short-
handed right now, although the brush fire season is drawing
to a close.
He further stated that on Wednesday and Thursday they
do not plan to call on Mr. Terhune.
Mr. Bruery said that if it was the intention to have
ambulance service without restrictions, he tnought it would be
wise for the Fire Department to take on a seventeenth man.
Mr. Terhune said that he couldn't take time to accompany
Welfare patients to the hospital.
Deputy Chief Cook stated that they have been sending two
firemen on Welfare cases.
The Chairman suggested that the restrictions now governing
the use of the ambulance be removed and thus make it available
to any resident of Lexington for transportation to or from
hospitals, and that these changes would be for a trial period,
errective during the month of May only.
The Chairman said that he would like to see this tried out
just to see how much revenue the Town may collect and secondly,
to see how much Welfare work may be eliminated.
Mr. Emery asked if the Board would object to replacing one
man who has resigned.
The Board felt that the Fire Department should replace the
may in question if possible.
Mr. Emery presented two bids for a two-ton truck, and Vote tc
said that he had more or less committed the Town on a Diamond fur.
T truck. Diamond
Deputy Chief Cook explained wny ne preferred tue Diamond T
T to a mask truck. 'Truck
Mr. Locke asked it the price was within tue appropriation, for
and Mr. Emery replied in the arrirmative. Fire Dept.
Upon motion or Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Paxton, it was
voted to purenase a Diamond T truck ror tue Fire Department.
Tne group retired at 9:10 p.m.
Petition was received, signed by thirteen residents or Petition
Taft Avenue, requesting tile installation of a sewer. Tait Ave.
The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the Beg. for
petition to the Supt. of Public Works. Sewer
Application was received from Mr. Harry C. Boyd,
30 Bedford Street, requesting that the sidewalk adjoining Req. for
his premises be properly graded and laid with granolithic Sidewalk
sidewalit. at 30
Mr. Locke moved that the work be done whenever the Bedford
Department of Public Works nas sufficient time and labor. Street
Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
The Board reit that if the Town were going to be putting /
in betterment sidewalks, it would be more satisfactory to take 1,/
them by blocks, rather than individual properties.
The Chairman read a letter from the Lovell Bus Lines, Inc.
advising that the directors of the company had authorized
478 cc
Lovell payment of one-half of the cost of constructing a rx4
Bus Line street or way, approximately 24 feet in width, leading >"C
Pay i from Bedford Street to land which the Lovell Bus Lines,
Cost of Inc. intend to purchase for building a garage. IIStreet
The Chairman regd a letter from the Lexington Chamber
Req. to of Commerce inquiring as to whether or not it would be
Change possible to increase the time limit in the present one-
1-hr. Perky hour parking areas to a two-hour limit.
ing Limit The Clerk was instructed to refer the request to the
to 2-hr. Police Department for recommendation.
The Chairman read a letter from the Parish Committee
Req. of the First Parish Church requesting that Harrington Road
Herring- be restricted to one-way traffic from Bedford Street on
ton Road Sundays.
I way on Mr. Paxton suggested that the Supt. of Public Works
Sundays contact Mr. Copell of the State Department of Public Works
and request that a survey of this area be made.
Mr. DeFoe said that he had the Engineering Department
prepare a list of assessments on the Manor Sewer to be
submitted to the Registry. He said that in no case can
the Town assess the abutter more than the estimated cost
Manor and, therefore, he intended to figure the cost three times
Sewer more than what it actually figures this year. He said
Figures that the estimates are to be figured now, but the cost is
For to be figured six months after the job is completed.
Registry Mr. Paxton moved that the filing of figures in the
Held Registry on the Manor Sewer be postponed until all the
Over. members of the Board are present . jar. Locke seconded the
motion, and it was so voted.
I The Clerk was instructed to make an appointment for
the Town Counsel to meet with tne board next Monday evening.
Mr. DeFoe retired at 9:45 p.m.
Tne Chairman reminded the board tnat a request snould
Ins. be made for an appraisal of all Town buildings for the purpose
Appraisal of fire insurance.
Town Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Paxton, it
Bldgs. was voted to write Mr. Converse Hill and to advise him that
the Adjourned Town Meeting had appropriated poOO for an
appraisal. It was further voted to request him to contact
the National Appraisal Company and arrange to have an
appraisal made.
The Chairman read a letter signed by residents bf
Hancock Avenue opposing the granting or tne petition or tne
Pet. Lovell Bus Lines, Inc. for permission to erect and main-
Opposing tain a garage on the premises at 47-49 Bedford Street, Lex-
Lovell ington.
Bus The Board felt that no action should be taken on
Line tae matter, inasmucn as it comes under tne jurisdiction of I tne Board or Appeals.
A letter was received from Mr. Cnarles H. NesKy,
jjo Riverside Avenue , Medford, offering to redeem Lot 05,
Marrett Road.
Tne orrer was rererred to tne Committee on Tax Title
A letter was received from Mr. George H. Doughty,
64 Taft Avenue, Lexington, offering ;220 for Lots 366 and Held
367, Taft Avenue, Lexington. Over
The offer was referred to tne Committee on Tax Title
A letter was received from Edwin A. Wheeler offering 50
eacn for Lots 20 and 21, Block lo, Heed Street, Lexington. Held
The matter was referred to the Committee on Tam Title Over
Application was retieived from the Amvets for the use
of Estabrook Hall on the evenings of May 9 and May 16, 1946,
from 8:00 p.m. to midnight for a meeting. Amvets
Mr. Locke moved that the uses or tne nail be granted Use of
free or charge. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it Hall
was so voted.
Application was received from the War Parents of
America requesting the use of Estabrook Ball on the. evening War
of April 2b, 1946, from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p,Cm. for a Parents
business meeting. Use of
Mr. Locke moved that the use of tne nail be granted, Hall
free of charge. Mr. Paxton seconded the Motion, and it
was so voted.
The Chairman said tnat Eugene McCarthy of the Veterans
of Yoreign Wars had inquired as to whether or not the Board Vets to
of Selectmen would allow tnat organization to use a room in Use Ell
the Barnes Property ell until they obtain a permanent Barnes
residence. Property
The Chairman agreed to check with Lr. Molay and report Held Over
back to the Board.
The Dhairman stated tnat Joseph Cotton had telephoned
him and wanted to know what the Town was co.ing to do with
his property wnien nad been used for Victory Gardens. Restore
The Chairman said tnat Mr. Garrity nad informed hiip Cotton
that it would cost approximately $60 to restore tne land. Property
Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Garrity be autnorized to do Victory
the necessary work at a cost not to exceed $60, and that Garden
this amount be charged to the Unclassified Account. Land
Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
A true record, Attest:
r Clerk