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April 8, 1946
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the
Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, April
8, 1946. Chairman poster, Messrs. Locke, Rowse and Paxton were
present. The Clerk was also present .
At 7:30 P. M. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared
before the Board for the drawing of three factors:
Mr. Charles J. Wichert, Recog. Clerk, 12 Fletcher Avenue, Jurors
was drawn to serve on Civil Business, First Session, East
Cambridge , beginning May 6, 1946.
Mr. Robert C. McAnaul, Mechanic, 2261 Massachusetts Avenue,
was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session, East
Cambridge, beginning the sixth day of May.
Mr. Harold S. Stone, Engineer, 40 Harding Road, was drawn to
serve on Civil Business, Second Session at East Cambridge,
beginning May b.
Mr. Carroll retired at 7 35 P. M. , and Mr. Jeseph DeFoe,
Supt. of Public Works, appeared before the Board.
Mr. I)eFoe said that he had talked with Mr. Cosgrove, Town Complst
Engineer, r$lative to an inquiry received from James J. Murphy Re :
pertaining to the removal of several large Maple trees Removal
contemplated in connection with the widening of Grove Street, Maple
The plan for the widening of the street is in the County Court Trees
House, and Mr. Cosgrove told Mr. Murphy that it could be seen on
there. Mr. Cosgrove believes that by shifting the line the Grove
best they can do is to save only one or two of the trees. St.
Mr. Paxton said that he thought the trees were in back of Wideninr
the wall in which case if they were put within the right of way
any actual construction would not effect them because they
would be in between the traveled way and the right of way.
Mr. DeFoe said he would contact Mr. Howard Hatch,
County Engineer, on the matter.
Mr. DeFoe reported that he had investigated the complaint
received from Martha J. Wilson relative to the brook running Wilson
through the Wilson Property on Pleasant Street and also the Complat,
complaint pertaining to the retaining wall. He said that there Re
are three places where the wall is falling in, and he believes Brook
that as soon as the Town obtains a shovel, this situation should &
be alleviated. Wall on
The Board suggested that Mr. Dena advise the Wilsons Propert;
that he expected to be in a position to take care of both
matters this year.
Mr. DeFoe stated that he had investigated the request Residents
received from several residents of Woburn Street for the of
extension of the sewerage system. He stated that the Town Woburn
to go down Lowell Street to Maple Street or else go down St. Req.
through the fields. He said that it would involve a lot of sewer
Ext. of
470 00
beyond the sewer itself on Woburn Street.
The Board instructed Mr. DeFoe to advise the petitioner
that the Town has no funds or men to do the work this year, but
it will be given consideration next year.
Sell Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he had received a bid
Old of $250 for the old General shovel.
Shovel Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to accept
the bid. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Sell Mr. DeFoe stated that he has received one bid for the two
Old old compressors of $700 if both of them are sold. He said
Compres- that he expected another offer in the morning.
sors Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to sell the
two compressors to the highest bidder. Mr. Paxton. seconded
the motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. DeFoe stated that he had received a bid from a Mr.
Sell Old Tropeano of $15 for the old trailer which the Town formerly
Trailer used to carry tools. He said this unit had not been used for
years and there are no tires on it.
Mr. Paxton moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to sell the
trailer for $15. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so
Mr. DeFoe stated that a Mr. Swenson came in to see him
about plows . He said that the Town now owns a 10 foot plow
Sell Old which is worn out and obsolete. Mr. Swenson will allow $50
' Plows and for this plow and $35 for another old plow which is never used.
To purchase This will enable to the Town to purchase a new 11 foot
New Ones plow at a net cost of $200.
Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to purchase
one 11 foot plOw at a price not to exceed $200. Mr. Paxton
seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:25 Pal. and Mr. William Cann
Building Inspector, appeared before the Board.
The Chairman asked Mr. Cann for an opinion relative to
No the erection of pre-fabricated houses.
Pre-fab- Mr. Cann replied that the erection of these houses
ricated would be in violation of the Building Laws.
The Board had requested Mr. Cann to make a report
relative to the "Gold Ribbon Packing Plant" being operated on the
Processing soccall.ad Harrod Property in East Lexington.
Plant in Mr. Cann said that on July 3 , 1945 an application was
East Lex. taken out for a store and storage and a permit issued. He
stated that according to Page 13, Section 10 of the Zoning
Laws, he had the right to issue such a permit. He stated that
this location had been used as a store until 1940. Mr. Cann
Mr. Cann said that the Cataldo's now have a machine, which
takes twelve persons to operate, for washing celery. He
said that the celery is washed, packed and then taken to
Mr. Rowse said that the premises are not being used as
a store today and Cataldo must discontinue the operation
of the processing plant or else have a hearing before the
Board of Appeals.
Mr. Rowse asked if Mr. Cann had issued a permit to build
a garage, and he replied in the affirmative .
Mr. Locke asked if the garage is fireproof, and Mr. Cann
stated that it isn't finished.
The Chairman suggested that before the garage is completed
Lr. Cataldo be advised that he is violating the Zoning Laws.
Upon motion of Mr. Rowse , seconded by Mr. Paxton, it was
voted to instruct Mr. Cann to take whatever action is necessary
to have the present use of the property located at 703-705
Massachusetts Avenue discontinued.
Mr. Cann retired at 8 45 P.M. and Messrs. Bateman, Couette
and Handley of the Chanter of Cor,r:.erce appeared before the
Board. The purpose of this appointment was to consider the
acute housing shortage in Lexington. Chamber
The Ghairmanssaid that the Board would be very sLad to of
discuss the problem and receive any suggestions the Commerce
Chamber of Commerce might have. Housing
Mr. Couette said that the Chamber of Commerce thought Veterans
the so-called poor farm located on the corner of Hill and
Cedar Streets would be a good site to house veterans. He
said that the group present this evening would like to know
if they would have the interest of the Board in going forward
to get together a definite program, including an outline of
eostsy with the idea of seeing to it that a veterans' housing
project Would be erected there and dwelling units rented to
veterans. He said that the Chamber of Commerce suggests that
this be used as an emergency and temporary proposition on a
rental basis not to exceed three years.
The Chairman said that the first thing that came to his
mind was the question as to whether or not there is enough of
the boys in the Town who would like to live to this type of
Mr. Handley stated that the Town is short 300 units, and
he thought many of them would go into reasonably rented
The Chairman reminded the group that insofar as financing
such a project is concerned, it would require a vote of the
Town, and a vote of the Town would also be necessary to make
any change in the present Zoning Laws.
Mr. Handley suggested that a committee be appoint8d. by
the Board of Selectmen to make a study of the present .need for
housing units.
Mr. Rowse suggested that a survey of the Town be made by
the committee to determine how many rooms may be available in
private homes.
The Chairman said that the Board would discuss the matter,
and let the Chamber of Commerce know what might be done.
The group retired at 9: 25 P.M.
It was decided to hold any decision over for another
week so that each member of the Board might have an oppor-
tunity to give some thought as to whom to appoint to serve
on such a committee.
Mr. Potter agreed to talk with Mr. Couette again
before the next meeting.
A letter was received from Ira. A. Rix requesting
Permit to permission to sell pop corn at the corner of Maarrett Road
Sell and Waltham Street.
Pop Mr. Rik has had a permit of this type for several years
Corn previous to the war.
Mr. Rowse moved that the request be granted, and that
Mr. Rix be advised that the stand must be located at a
reasonable distance from the highway. Mr. Locke seconded
the motion, and it was so voted.
V. F. W. A letter was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars
Poppy Day requesting a permit to conduct their annual "Poppy Day" on
May 25, 1946.
Mr. Rowse moved that a permit be granted. Mr. Locke
seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Application was received from the Lexington Athletic
Boosters Booster Club requesting permission to use Cary Memorial Hall
Use of Hall on the evening of Thursday, May 2, 1946, from 6:15 P.M. to
9 00 P.M. for a testimonial dinner.
Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted
free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was
so voted.
Application was received from the Sachem Counci1,. Inc.
Boy Scouts Boy Scouts of America, requesting the use of Cary Memorial
Use of Hall Hall on the evening of May 25, 1946, from 6 3o P.M. to
11.30 P.M. for a Sea Scout Bridge of Honor.
Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted
free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was
-so voted.
A.pplicatibn was received from the Lexington Girl Schatz
Girl Scouts requesting permission for the use of Cary Memorial Hall on
Use of Hall the evening of May 17, 1946, from 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.
for a rally.
Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall ge granted free
of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Ralph F.
Clark's offer of $200 for Lots 1-4, Colonial Heights,
Sell Lots Massachusetts Avenue , Lexington. A proposal to sell these
1-4 lots was advertised in the April 4, 1946 issue of the Lexington
Colonial Minute-Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen' s Office as a
Hghts result of the advertisement.
Mass. Ave. Mr. Locke moved that the offer be accepted, and that
Lots 1-4, Colonial Heights, Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington,
be sold and conveyed to Mr. Ralph F. Clark. Mr. Rowse
seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Matthew
Harvey's offer of t75 for Lot 49, Taft Avenue and Charles
Street and Lot 59, Taft Avenue and Towle' Street, A ` Sell Let
proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the April 4, 49 Taft
1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. Ave. &
Mr. Laurence Cafarella submitted an offer of $75 Charles
for Lot 50 on the corner of Bowker Street and Taft Avenue . Street
Mr. Charles D. McGillivray submitted an offer of Also Lot
$60 for Lot 49, Taft Avenue and Charles Street. 50 Bowker
Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it & Taft
was voted to accept the offer of $60 for Lot 49, Taft Avenue
Avenue and Charles Street and that this lot be sold and
conveyed to Mr. McGillivray.
Mr. Rowse moved that the offer of 75 be accepted, and
that Lot 50, Bowker Street and Taft Avenue be sold and conveyed
to Mr. Laurence S. Cafarella. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion,
and it was so voted.
The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Carl 0.
Wennberg' s offer of $300 for Lots 110D,1102Z&110F, Fair Oaks Sell Lots
Terrace, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots was 110D,
advertised in the April 4, 1946 issue of the Lexington 110E,
Minute-Man. As a result of the advertisement an offer 110F
in the amount of $451 was received from William A. Barnes Fair
and an offer of $500 was received from Gustave E. Gustayson. Oaks Terr
Mr. Rowse moved that the highest bid be accepted, and
that Lots 110D, 110E, and 110F, Fair Oaks Terrace, Lexington,
be sold and conveyed to Mr. Gustave E. Gustayson.
The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Lawrence Selig,
owner of the Lexington Cab Company, had contacted him and
stated that he had an opportunity to sell his business to a Sale of
resident of Winchester. Taxi
The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Selig and Business
inform him that the Board would not grant a Public Carriage
License to anyone who is not a resident of Lexington.
It was also decided to request Mr. Selig to advise the
Board if, and when, he disposes of his business.
Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded the Mr. Paxton, it was
voted to request the Planning Board to make a study of the Request
area in the vicinity of Waltham and Muzzey Streets, Mass- Planning
achusett s Avenue and Forest Street, and to submit recommend- Board to
ations to the Board relative to the possibility of increasing Study
the business property and parking areas in connection with Parking
it. Area
The Chairman informed the Board that new typewriters Sell Old
were being purchased for the Selectmen's Department, and Typew'ts
two of the Clerks would like to purchase the old machines Purchase
at the price allowed by the Royal Typewriter Company, i.e. , New Ones
$15 for one and $17.50 for the other.
474 00
Mr. Rowse moved that the Clerks be allowed to purchase
the two old machines. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it
was so voted.
A true record, Attest:
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