HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-18 448 nu SELECTMEN'S 11_,E'TING March 18, 1946 ' A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room Town Office Building, on Monday evening, March 18 , 1946 at 7 30 P.M. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, Rowse, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7 30 P.M. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, appeared before the Board. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that the State would like to rent the power sweeper from the Town. The Chairman asked Mr. DeFoe to find out how much the State would be willing to pay for rental . Mr. DeFoe said that there is a new man in charge of the mosquito control project and he stated that last year the project had used a truck belonging to the Town of Lexington, and he wanted to know whether or not they could have the truck again this year. Mr. Paxton explained that last year the Town had more Mosquito trucks than they could use because of the labor situation. Project He said that the Town furnished the gasoline and oil and Req. Use received $300 or $400 for rental. Truck Mr. Rowse thought that the question was whether or not the equipment would be needed by the Town. Mr. Locke said that he assumed that the equipment would be used outside of Lexington, and Mr. Paxton replied in the affirmative and further stated that only light loads would be carried. He said that the project last year used only one truck which was rented to them by the Town. The Chairman suggested that Mr. DeFoe determine whether or not he would have a truck to spare. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he had spent the day in Davisville, Rhode Island, investigating government surplus To Pur. equipment. He said that the Town can buy a one-half yard Surplus shovel and if purchased to be used for Board of Health work, Govern'mt the unit may be purchased at a price of approximately $5, 500. Equipment He said that the Town can purchase a Caterpillar D-4 Tractor .at approximately $2,028. A Buffalo Springfield Roller may be purchased for $2,16. An International two and one-half ton dump hydrolic hoist truck may be purchased for $1,854 each. Mr. DeFoe said that these trucks would be good for snow removal. They have twelve tires and the engine is standard international. Mr. Paxton suggested purchasing four trucks. Mr. DeFoe explained that if no money is available at the present time to place an order, a letter could be written indicating the intention to purchase and this would incur no obligation on the part of the Town if the money were not made available. Mr. Paxton asked if the units were all asse*bled, and Mr. DeFoe replied in the affirmative. 449 He stated that all the equipment is new and may be paid for sixty days after delivery. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to authorize the Supt. of Public Works to place an order for the follanving new units of government surplus equipment One-half yard shovel--approximately #5, 500 , Caterpillar D-4 Tractor -- approximately $ 2,4)28, Buffalo Springfield Roller -- approximately $ 2,156• and 4 two and one-half Ton International Trucks -- app. $1,854 each. Mr. DeFoe retired at 8.04 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from John Mazzanovich, 30 Hancock Street, Lexington, stating that one of the large elm trees on his property, bord in the sidewalk in Hancock Street, shows signs oT decay at the base of the trunk. Decaying Mr. Mazzanovich said that he had been informed by a treeree man that the sidewalk had killed one of the big roots ncock St. and decay had gone up the artery into the main trunk. Mr. Mazzanovich said that if through prompt action by the Park Department this and one other tree could be properly restored, he would be more than willing to pay a just share of the expenses involved. Mr. Sarano moved that no action be taken on the matter. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Guy Franceschelli, Complaint 34 Grapevine Avenue, Lexington, registering a complaint Grapevine the condition of this particular avenue. Grapevine Avenue Avenue is an unaccepted way and, therefore, the Town has no right to make entry. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. E. A. Comeau , 301 Main Street, West Concord, requesting a permit to move a wood Move frame building, 30 feet x 46 feet, on the property of Bldg. Miss Edit2 W. Willard, 66 North Street, Lexington, from Permit the southeast side of North Street to the northwest side of North Street. Mr. Rowse moved that the permit be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. D. E. Sweet, 9 'Walnut Street, Marblehead, Massachusetts, requesting an invitation for the Sea Scout Ship Marblehead to participate in the 19th 19th of April celebration. April It was decided to refer the letter to the Chairman of Celebr,tn the 19th of April committee. At 8:15 P.M. Messrs. Eugene McCarthy, William Barnes and Thomas Brown of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, appeared before the Board. Mr. McCarthy said that inasmuch as the V.F.W. organization must vacate the Barnes Property, he would like Use of to know whether or not they may use Estabrook Hall for three Estabrook or four meetings. Hall The Chairman asked whether it would be for three meetings, and Mr. McCarthy replied that it would be three or possibly four. 450 00 The Chairman stated that he believed the Hoard would >1 have no objection. Mr. McCarthy said that he, as Chairman of the Housing Committee of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, would like to know if there would be any chance of the Veterans purchasing the old East Lexington Fire Station. He said that if the organization could purchase a piece of property farther down the avenue from the present fire station, they would like to purchgse a building and move it onto this property. A Req. Mr. Rowse stated that in the bid relative to the East From Lexington Station one of the requirements is that the present Vets. to building be taken down. Purchase He said that the Board has already received offers for the E. Lex. building, and the chances are that this requirement would be Fire Stn. taken out of the contract. He asked if Mr. McCarthy would like to make an offer tonight. Mr. McCarthy stated that if the Veterans are promised a chance to purchase the building, he feels certain that they would be able to obtain the land. The Chairman reminded the group that they would have to check the Zoning Laws before determining where the building is to be placed. The Chairman stated that the Board has received an offer of $100 for the building as it is, and Mr. Brown said that the Veterans would be willing to double the offer. The Chairman said that the Board would not be signing any contract until after Town Meeting, and in the meantime, the Veterans could find out whether or not they would be able to purchase the property. He said that any interest would have to be of a tentative nature. The group retired at 8:30 P.M. The Chairman informed the Board that sometime ago Dr. Short had telephoned him relative to assisting Dr. Spencer Dr. Taylor, former dentist in Lexington, in obtaining a release Taylor' s from the Army. He stated that Dr. Short wanted to know whether Release or not the Board would be willing to do anything on Dr. Taylor' s behalf. The Chairman suggested that a letter might be written to Mrs. Rogers, and the Board had no objection. A letter was received from Mr. John F. Rich accepting Rich Acc. his appointment as an Associate Member of the Board of Appt. to Appeals. Bod of Appeals A letter was received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Division of Forestry, relative to the appointment of a local Moth Superintendent, such appointment is required by law. Appt Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. John J. Garrity be appointed Moth Moth Superintendent in the Town of Lexington for a term expiring Supt. March 31, 194.7. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 451 Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Paxton, Annual it was noted to make the following appointments for the Appoint- year ending March 31, 1947 (Quote) See page 455 ments Public Official Bond in the amount of : 1,000 on Town Clerk behalf of Tames J. Carroll as Town Clerk was received. Bond Mr. Rowse moved that the bond be approved. Approved Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Surety Bond in the amounts of 347,100 on behalf of James J. Carroll as Town Treasurer was received. Town Treas. Mr. Rowse moved that the bond be approved, subject to Bond approval of Commissioner Henry F. Long. Mr. Sarano Approved seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Sub. Comm. Long' s Approval The Board gave further consideration 0 Mr. Dennis J. Carroll' s offer of 3350 for Lots 18 to 21 inc. , Reed Street, Lots 27 to 29 inc . , Garfield Street , and Lots 30, 31, 35, 36 and 38 Poplar Street. Sell A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the Tax Title March 14, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Lan. No Lots to persons contacted the Selectmen' s Office as a result of Dennis the advertisement. Carroll Mr. Rowse moved that the lots be sold and conveyed to Mr. Carroll. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Israel Bernsteinls offer on behalf of Harold S. Pierce of 3222.44 for Lots 29 to 32 inc . on Earle Street, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the Tax Title March issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. No persons Sale to contacted the Selectmen' s Office as a result of the Pierce advertisement. Mr. Sarano moved that the lots be sold and conveyed to Mr. Harold Pierce. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Paxton, it was voted that the following Special Police Offiedrs be Appoint appointed for a term expiring March 31, 1947. (Quote) Special See page 45 Police The Chairman stated that Father Desmond had approach- Officers ed him sometime ago relative to the use of the playground onJune 13 , 1946 for a Penny Sale. The Board had no object- Peggy ion to the East Lexington playground being used for such Sale a purpose. Playgoun< The Chairman wanted to know whether or not the Board had decided to take any action relative to the operation of a processing plant located on the Harrod Property. Operation Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Cann, the Building Processing Inspector, be requested to submit his interpretation of Plant in the Zoning Law that permits the operation of the East Lex. processing plant in its present location. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 452 ot �a A letter was received from Gordon Richards advising PC ' East Lex. the Board as to the economies incorporated in the plans and Fire St. specifications for the proposed fire station in East Economies Lexington. The Clerk was instructed to .eknowled.ge the letter and to advise the Building Committee that the Board of Selectmen believes that the changes constitute substantial variation from the original plans and specifications, and the Board, therefore, is opposed to letting the contract with these variations At 9 55 P.M. Messrs. Paxton agd Sarano retired, and the Board of Public Welfare appeared before the Board. Mr. Lyons stated that the Board of Public Welfare were lead to believe that the employees in the Public Welfare Department were to receive an increase in salary. A lengthy discussion was held on the subject, and the Board of Public Welfare retired at 10 20 P.M. A true record, Attest /1 ; 9 1 1 1