HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-11 442 00 S,LECTMEi tS nq MARCH 11, 1946 tiC A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, evening, March 11, 1946, at 7 :30 P. M. Messrs. Locke, Potter, Rowse, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. The Board welcomed the new member, Mr. William C . Paxton. Mr. Locke said that the first business William was for the Board to organize. C. Potter Mr. Rowse moved that Mt. William G. Pottei be elected Elected Chairman of the Board for the coming year. Mr. Locke Chairman seconded the motion, and it wa, unanimously voted. Upon Mr. Potter' s request, Mr. Locke agreed to serve as Chairman for the evening. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he had checked with the Town Counsel relative to making entry on North Street; the relocation of which has been ordered by the County Commissioners. The Town Counsel advised Mr. DeFoe that the Town could go in and do any kind of work, but it was essential to keep a record of what was done and under what Entry date. on Mr. Rowse asked if the Town had to notify anyone that North entry had been made, and Mr. DeFoe said that he would have Street to notify the County Commissioners. Mr. DeFoe reported that he had explained to Wallace Weisinger the action taken by the Board relative to his Wallace drain. Mr. Weisinger feels that the Town should go further Weisinger with him on this matter, inasmuch as the drain in question Drain belongs to the Town and is plugged up by the Town dump. Mr. Potter stated that he did not believe that there is any obligation on the part of the Town because of the fact that the drain had evidently been laid by a private individual. Mr. Paxton said that the drain originally came across Bedford Street in front of the Middlesex and Boston Railway Property and ended on the northerly side of the Public Works Building. He stated that when the filling was put in, the end of the pipe was covered over and it would have to be tied into the present drain near the underpass. Mr. Paxton Held said this would be quite a job, and he thought that the Over pipe should be opened up or a new one laid. Mr. DeFoe said that it might be more feasible to start in fresh. The matter was held over pending further information to be obtained by Mr. DeFoe. Add. Room Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Cann obviously has not suf- Building ficient room to do the necessary checking of plans, etc. Plumbing Mr. DeFoe suggested that Mr. Garrity's Clerk take over the Dep'ts. clerical work of both the Plumbing and Building Departments, 443 He said in this way the Building Inspector would have more time to spend outside on inspections. Mr. DeFoe said that the logical place for the inspectors would be where the Welfare Office is at the present time. Mr. Locke said that the Welfare Department would have to be moved out. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that the Veterans of Foreign Wars be advised that they would have to vacate the Barnes Property as of May 1, 1946, inasmuch as the building will be needed for Town departments because there is not sufficient room in the Town Office Building. Mr. DeFoe retired at 8 :07 P. M. , and the following members of the Appropriation Committee appeared before the Approp. Corp. Board: Chairman Hoyt, Messrs . J. Milton Brown, Ronald School Comm. Brown, Grush, Hopkins, Hynes, Lane, Newhall, Winlock, and Comm'rs. Town Accountant White. Messrs . Thomas, Samborski and Assessors Mrs . Morey of the School Committee; Mr. Steeves of the & Selectmen Board of Assessors, and Mr. Walsh of the Cemetery Com- Meet Acc. to missioners were also present. By-laws. Chairman Hoyt of the Appropriation Committee con- ducted the meeting. He informed the group that the meeting had been scheduled in accordance with Article 13, Section 2 of the General By-Laws of the Town of Lexington, which states that the Appropriation Committee shall, prior to each annual town meeting for the trarjsaction of business, hold one or more meetings at which on the Selectmen, the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, the Chairman of the School Committee and the Chairman of the Cemetery Committee shall be invited to be present to consider the items whi-ch make up the annual budget, and any other municipal matters. Mr. Hoyt said that the only item his committee had to discuss with the Selectmen at the present time was the matter Inc. of the Road Machinery- Account. He asked if the Board of Road Selectmen intended to increase the account from $26,000 to Mach. 02, 000, and Mr. Potter replied in the affirmative. Acct. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, the Selectmen voted to increase the Road Machinery Account to $32,000; $18,500 to be transferred from the Road Machinery Fund, and the balance to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Mr. Locke referred to Article 30 of the Warrant, and informed the group that since this item pertaining to the Article Manor Sewer had been discussed with the Appropriation Com- 30 mittee, the Board of Selectmen had made a more actual check Sewer of the costs based on the figuring of the cost of sewer Constructicn construction, based on a five-year average. He stated that because there was no construction in 1944 or 1945, and very little in 1941, 1942 and 1943, the average cost of sewer construction per foot is something around four dollars; one- half of this would be assessed against the abutters. u 444 �o He stated that it is indicated that, because of the fact that the Town did no work in the last two years, the , actual cost of this construction will be extremely high, and that the abutters will pay about 20 per cent, and the Town will pay 80 per cent of the cost of the sewer. Mr. Ronald Brown asked if the Lexington Manor Sewer had been considered a health menace, and Mr. Locke replied that it had in some cases. Mr. Brown said that if it were too much of a health menace, the Town might have to go ahead with it, regarres of the cost. Mr. Rowse stated that the solution of the problem is to go to the Legislature and ask for a new method of assessing the cost. Mr. Locke said that the Board of Selectmen has not formally expressed themselves Ubn this, but they do feel that it should be explained to Town Meeting and then let Town Meeting vote on it. Mr. Hoyt said that the Appropriation Committee had approved both cemetery budgets, and have used $3,500 from the sale of Lots Fund this year. Sale Mr. Walsh, Chairman of the Cemetery Commissioners, of said that the Commissioners would not make any objection, Lots but that the money should be expended under the jurisdiction Fund of the Selectmen and the Cemetery Commissioners. Mr. Hoyt asked if the Assessors had any items for discussion, and Mr. Steeves replied in the negative. Mr. Locke asked Mr. White about Form No. 62. Author- izing Salary Increase for Mrs. Casey, Social Worker in the Welfare Department. Mr. White stated that he had refused to sign this form because he did not understand that the 15 per cent increase received by the Welfare Department was permanent; however, the copy of the Vote submitted by the Town Clerk states that the Town voted to increase all full-time em- ployees. Mr. Rowse said that no motion had been passed for a bonus for the Welfare Department, and that last year they applied through the State Department for approval of a 15 per cent bonus, and the records show that it was approved as a bonus.' He raised the question as to how they could qualify for a bonus when the Town Meeting did not vote for a bonus . Mr. White said that last year it was the sense of the meeting that a 15 per cent increase be given to all full- Vote time employees. To Mr. Rowse said that the Welfare Department employees Establish should have had a permanent raise, and that there is no Temporary record of the Town Meeting having voted a bonus. Maximums Upon motion of Mr. Rowse seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that any additions of the Civil Service Maximums are to be temporary. The group retired at 8:35 P. M. 445 The Clerk was instructed to inform the Town accountant that the Board had no objection to his signing the Form No. 62, providing the figures specified therein come within the approved amount, i. e. , the amounts approved in the budgets. Messrs . Gordon Richards, George Emery and Aiden Ripley of the Building Committee for the new Fire Station, and Mr. Goodell, one of the architects of the firm Andrews, Jones, Biscoe and Goodell, appeared before the Board. Mr. Goodell stated that at the request of the committee his concern had sent out invitations for complete new bids on the East Lexington Fire Station, and that only two bids were received. The Tredennick Billings Company submitted a bid in the amount of 861,557, together with a proposal bond. W. M. Bogart & Co., Inc. submitted a bid in theamount of $63,907, together with a certified check in the amount of $1,500. Mr. Rowse stated that the Board of Selectmen would like a letter as to what changes have been made on the original quotation so that it may be submitted to the Town Counsel New Bids for him to determine whether or not the changes are material. on East Mr. Rowse asked if the bids were good until after the Lexington Adjourned Town Meeting, znd Mr. Goodell said that they Could Fire be held for forty days. Station Mr. Goodell stated that they had changed all granite to concrete, and omitted several things which the firemen can do. He said that he believed the Town Counsel would rule that no substantial changes have been made. Mr. Emery said that if the Selectmen are inclined to go forward with the erection of the East Lexington Station, the Fire Department would like the use of the garage and the east wing, formerly used by the Board of Fire Engineers, for the Fire Department during the period that the station is being constructed. The group retired at 8 :55 P. M. Approximately seventeen residents in the vicinity of the so-called Stevens Gravel Pit appeared before the Board. Petition Mr. Locke stated that a request had been received by Opposing a resident of Utica Street asking for an opportunity to Stevens discuss Article 46 of the Warrant . Hesaid that he assumed Gravel someone, therefore, would speak for the group. Mr. Cornelius Pit Being Cronin, 14 Utica Street, said that those present were residents Used of the district which would be affected if the dump were located in As the so-called Stevens Gravel Pit. He said that there has been Dump a petition circulated in the district containing 377 signatures of people who are most anxious that this Article be indefinitely postponed. Mr. Rowse asked if the petitioners realized that there would be no burning, and there would be a man on duty IIto take care of the dump. 446 00 a Mr. Cronin said that this has been explained to them, but not one person knows of a dump that doesn't burn. Mr. Eugene Buckley stated that in this particular section of the Town there would be a number of boys gather, and he inquired as to how they could be prevented from starting fires. Indf. After further discussion on the matter, the group Postpone retired at 9 :30 P. M. Article 46 Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was voted to recommend that Article 46 be indefinitely postponed . No Action A letter was received from William H. Schuler, Sunnyknoll 9 Sunnyknoll Avenue, Lexington, relative to the condition Avenue of Sunnyknoll Avenue. As this is an unaccepted street, no action was taken on the matter. Approve Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee $6®o for approving the sum of $600 for plans and specifications for Locker the proposed locker building at the Center Playground, said amount to be included in the tax rate. Advertise Mr. Israel Berstein' s offer of $222.44 for Lots 29- Lots 29- 32 inc. on Earl Street, Lexington, submitted on behalf of 32 Earl Mr. and Lrs. Harold S. Pierce of Boston was held over. Street Mr. Rowse moved that a proposal to sell the lots be advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from W. S. Couette stating Advertise that Mr. Dennis J. Carroll would pay 050 for Lots ld to Lots in 21 inc. ReedStreet , Lots 27-29 inc . Garfield Street , and North Lex. Lots 30 , 31, 35, 36 and 38 Poplar Street Dennis Mr. Sarano idoved that a proposal to sell the lots Carroll be advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Canteen Company relative to a representative meeting frith the Board of Selectmen regarding Canteen the installation of canteen service in the Town Office Building. Service The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter, and state that the Board was not interested. A letter was received from Mr. James 3. Carroll, Town Copy Treasurer, to which was attached a copy of a photostatic Charles will of the late Charles Wyman Weld. -Mr. Carroll stated W. Weld' s that he has also received a check in the amoung of mill $1,343 .39 which he will hold in escrow until the gift is duly accepted by Town Meeting. 447 Mr. Locke said that the Trustees of Public Trusts would like some office in the Town Office Building to Office take over the records and the handling of their accounts. Space For He said that it is almost out of the question to expect Trustees Of any private individual to handle these accounts, which Public number over 100. Mr. Clarence Walker would like some of the Trustees to come in and discuss the matter with the Board. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Walker and tell him that an appointment would be made as soon after Town Meeting as possible. Mr. Anthony Iodice' s application for a Public Carriage License was held over for another week. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded b7 Mr. Sarano, Public it was voted not to reverse the decision previously made Carriage denying the application of Edward F. Patry for a Public Licenses Carriage License. The Clerk was instructed to write all those to whom Public Carriage Licenses have been issued requesting them to inform the Board as to the number of vehicles they operate, together with the registration of same. Application was received from the Lexington Softball League for permission to use Estabrook Hall for a meeting Use of Hall on March 19, 1946. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Sacred Heart Church Church requesting the use of Cary P:_emorial Hall on April 22, 1946, Reunion for a Reunion. Use of Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted, Hall subject to a charge of 025. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mr. John J. Garrity, Chairman of the Victory Garden Committee, requesting 0100 Victory for the continuing of the system of Victory Gardens for Garden 1946. Request The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Garrity that there is no fund from which this amount may be taken, and that the Board suggests that the users of the property advance the money to pay for the preparation of the soil and the plowing. A true record, Attest l �Y Cle k a