HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-25 422 00 SELECTMEN'S MEETT\IG oc February 25, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, oxo Monday evening, February 25, 1946, at 7 :30 P. M. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7 :30 P.M. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared before the Board for the drawing of three jurors : Mr. Donald E. Webber, Accountant, 17 Nichols Road, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, First Session, at Cambridge, beginning April 1. Mr. Eliot C. Hadley, Nurseryman, 29 Hillside Avenue, Jurors was drawn to serve on Civil Business, Second Session at Cambridge, beginning April 1. Mr. Ralph C. Savoy, Tech. , 74 Simonds Road, Lexington, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session, at Cambridge, beginning April 1. Mr. Carroll retired at 7 :35 P.M. , and Mr. DeFoe and Colonel Barry appeared before the Board. Mr. DeFoe reported what information he was able to find relative to the two-inch mains in the Town. It appeared that they were all privately owned and installed, with the excep- tion of the one on Westview Street which was apparently in- stalled by the Town. Mr. Potter said that he did not think the Town should be responsible for any 2" mains. Mr. Rowse suggested that Two-Inch if trouble is encountered, and the pipe doesn't belong to Water the Town, the owners should assume all responsibility. Mains Colonel Barry said that the owners of the property have changed on some of the streets where there is 2" pipe laid. The Board decided that the Town would not be responsible for the maintenance or repair of 2" water mains in the Town with the exception of the one located on Westview Street, which the Board understands was installed by the Town. Mr. DeFoe reported that he had an interview with Alfred E. Emerson about whom Mr. R. L. McQuillan had written to the Board. Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Emerson has had no engineering experience. The only work which he is familiar with in this line is running a transit. Mr. DeFoe said that he doubted very much if there is any place in the Engineering Department for this applicant. Mr. DeFoe referred to the policy being followed relative to sdnding hills on unaccepted streets. The Board decided that all hills should be sanded irres- pective of their acceptance and whether or not calls have been received requesting sanding. 423 Mr. DeFoe said that he had been talking with Mr. Rowse who had a conversation with Mr. Albert Ross relative to the possibility of the Town purchasing surplus Government equipment. �, Mr. Rowse said that he had met Al Ross who stated that he had accepted a civilian position with a firm disposing of all surplus army materials. According to Mr. Ross, new equipment may be purchased at about 25% off the cost, and Pur. of if the Board writes him a letter at Myles Standish, giving Surplus a list of the items which the Town would likes he will watch Army for the different units and let the Town know what he has Equip. as soon as he is in charge of the project. The Chairman asked if the equipment would be second hand, and Mr. Rowse replied in the negative. He said that there was new equipment, slightly used equipment, reconditioned equipment, and then "as is" equipment. Mr. DeFoe agreed to write Mr. Ross stating that the Town is interested in securing new equipment and also enclosing a list of the units desired. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he sincerely believed the order for the bulldozer should be cancelled; providing the money may be used for some other equipment. Colonel Barry said that he had written to the Town Cancel Accountant and asked to have the money for the bulldozer Order for carried over because the unit had not been delivered. Bulldozer Mr. Rowse thought that Mr. DeFoe should write and request the cancellation of the contract placed for the bulldozer. Mr. DeFoe stated that he felt very strongly that a piece of equipment, which would cost approximately $6,300 should not bepurchased and left standing around the Public s, Works Building. Mr. Rowse moved that the Suptt. of Public Works be authorized to cancel the contract placed for the bulldozer. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse said that it should be decided whether or not this money should be added to the Road Machinery Account. To inc. He informed Mr. DeFoe that the budget presented in the amount Road of $44,000 had been reduced to $26,000. Mach. Mr. Rowse asked how much of an increase Mr. DeFoe would Fund like in the Road Machinery Account, and he said that he would like the entire amount originally set aside for the bulldozer. Mr. Rowse moved that a recommendation be made to the Town Meeting to increase the Road Machinery Fund to $32,000; the additional money to be transferred from the Excess & Deficiency Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 424 ®c Mr. DeFoe said that he had contacted several Towns C relative to their method of assessing water main exten- sions and he had received the following information: STONEHAM - Has no policy. Assessing BELMONT - The developer pays 75% of the cost of the Future entire footage installed, based on cost of Water 8" pipe and it is installed by the Town. Main There is 15% added by the Town for super- , Extensions vision and overhead. The Town pays the entire cost of extensions in existing streets . WINCHESTER - The developer installs the main at own expense, with the exception of the hydrants which are furnished by the Town. The Town makes connections to the source of supply. The pipe has to be turned over to the Town and accepted by the Town Meeting. For existing street extensions, the Town pays the entire cost. ARLINGTON - The developer installs all mains. The Town furnishes pipe, valves, hydrants and makes connections to the systems. The Town pays the entire cost of extensions on existing streets. Mr. DeFoe said that when individuals living on streets where there are no existing mains come in and request water, he believes they should pay for their entire New footage and it should be based on the actual cost of an Method 8" main. Established Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that the method of assessing future water main extensions should be as follows : 1. The developer is to assume the entire cost of construction; said construction to be under the supervision of the Town; the Town to supply fire hydrants and make connections to the existing mains. 2. On all other streets, water extensions are to be installed at actual cost, based on 8" pipe; the Town to pay one-half and the abutters to pay the other half. The Board agreed that this method is to replace any regulations in effect at the present tithe. Mr. DeFoe reported that he.had investigated the request submitted by Mr. Sherman K. Hardy of 80 Hill Street, for the installation of a street light on the pole situated at the abandoned curve on Hill Street at the Cedar Street end. 425 He said that he believed Mr. Hardy was justified in asking for the light. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. DeFoe request the installation of a street light at this location. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Lynch, Town Counsel, appeared before the Board at 8:25 P.M. The Chairman asked the Town Counsel if the Town was bound by estimates given to abutters . Mr. Lynch replied that it doesn't seem reasonable that if the actual cost were more than the estimate that the Town could only collect the amount estimated. He said that he would like a little time on this matter, and will have a written opinion for the Board. He farther stated that the assessments and surface drainage all tie in. Mr. Rowse asked if the Board had the right to make abatements, and Mr. Lynch replied in the affirmative. He said that it was the creation of an established policy that concerned him. Mr. Rowse asked if that as far as any development is concerned, could the Board make a contract any way it desired, and Mr. Lynch replied in the affirmative. Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Rowan wants to construct Pine Acceptance Knoll Road, and then have it accepted by the Town. Pine Mr. Rowse said that he would have to construct the road Knoll Road according to the Town's specifications and regardless of who puts in the surface drainage, they would have to be reimbursed by the Town. Therefore, the Town would definitely have to put in the surface drainage. Mr. Lynch said that the Town could install the surface and make no cost, but the Town cannot reimburse for surface drainage put in by a private contractor. Mr. Potter suggested that the contractor put in the surface drainage for the Town. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to rescind the vote passed by the Board on Dec. 6, 1945. Mr. Rbwse wanted to know whether or not the Board could establish a policy, and Mr. Lynch suggested that the Town would be better off to handle each situation as it arises. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted txi.at where the cost of the betterments, in the opinion of the Board were excessive, the Board would consider in individual cases abating the assessments up to an amount not in excess of the cost of the drainage. The Chairman read a letter from the Metropolitan District Met. Dis Commission relative to the necessity of an additional line to Comm. Lexington. Addtl. The letter was referred to the Suptt. of Public Works. Line to Mr. DeFoe and Colonel Barry retired at 9 :25 P.M. Lexingten 426 00 tn Messrs. Lyons and Lombard of the Board of Public 1.7411 Phiq Welfare appeared before the Board. Mr. Lyons said that he understood that the Board of Selectmen had turned down increases recommended for two employees of the Department of Public Welfare. Mr. Lyons Welfare said that he intended to take this matter up on the Town Salaries Meeting floor. To Be Mr. Rowse explained that the Appropriation Committee Discussed had found that the amount figured for Mrs. Casey had been Town incorrect. Meeting Mr. Lyons said that Mr. Collins, the Agent, is re- Floor ceiving the same now as he was receiving three years ago, i.e., $38. plus 15%, making a total of $43.70. Mr. Lyons agreed to check with the Town Accountant to find out whether or not there has been some misunder- standing on the way these salaries have been figured. Mr. Lyons and Mr. Lombard retired at 8:35 P.M. Question M . George W. Emery appeared before the Board. Obtaining New Bids Mr. Emery said he had talked with Mr. Lynch today, East Lex. and he understood that the question of obtaining bids on Station the East Lexington Station was to be considered this evening, and, therefore, he hadrequested the Chairman for permission to listen in. Mr. Lynch said that he understands that on Feb. 11, 1946, at which meeting he was present, he and the Clerk retired to discuss some Articles in the Warrant during which time the four bids received relative to the East Lexington Fire Station were rejected. He stated that he also understood that the bid bonds had been returned. He said that this closes the situation as far as any out- standing bids are concerned. Mr. Lynch said that the bids were in excess of the money appropriated and what Mr. Emery seeks to do is to go back to the four men and ask for new bids at this time. These bids are to have minor changes made in the specifica- tions. Mr. Lynch said that there are specific provisions in the Town by-laws under Article 15 which provide for an orderly manner for soliciting proposal bids, etc. Mr. Lynch said that it was a matter of policy of the Board as to whether or not they will solicit new bids. Mr. Rowse asked if Mr. Lynch meant that the Board should ask for new bids. Mr. Lynch replied that the money has been appropriated and the Board can ask for new bids. He further stated that the only thing which bothered him was that the new specifica- tions. approved by the last Town Meeting. when the funds were appropriated. Mr. Sheldon arrived at the meeting at 9 :35 P.M. Mr. Rowse asked Mr. Emery where the money is to come from for the materials and work which is to be done by the firemen. Mr. Emery said they would need approximately $200 and this could be taken from current expenses. * must be substantially in accordance with the specifications J 427 Mr. Rowse said that there is an Article in the Warrant asking for an additional 0,000 for the East Lexington Fire Station. This is in addition to what was appropriated for the East Lexington Station last Town Meeting. He said that he felt that new bids should be received acceptable after Town Meeting, and Town Meeting should be asked for whatever money is necessary. Mr. Sheldon asked if Mr. Emery would have any objection to asking for new bids. Mr. Emery replied that he would have no objection at all, and informed the Board that he was present this evening because Mr. Gordon Richards, Chairman of the Building Committee, was out of Town. He stated that the written report of the Committee made it very clear that the estimates that had been received did not include any extras. Mr. Rowse asked what changes have been made in the spec- ifications for the East Lexington Station, and Mr. Emery replied that the report had not yet been received. To Mr. Rowse asked if the Building Committee could obtain Obtain bids before Town Meeting, and M-.. Finery replied in the affirma- New Bids tive. East Mr. Sheldon moved that the Building Committee be instructed Lex. to request new complete legal bids for the construction of the Station new East Lexington Fire Station; sealed bids to be received not later than 5 :00 P.M. , on Monday evening, March 11, 1946. Mr. Rowxe seconded the motion, and it was so voted. It was further voted that the architects elucidate what- ever changes are to be made in the specifications. Mr. Emery retired at 9 :50 P.M. Mr. Lynch informed the Board that the question had been Town raised as to whether or not a Town could take land by eminent Can domain to be used for parking space. He said that a Town can Take definitely take land in this method for this purpose. Land fox Mr. Lynch retired at 10:25 P.M. Parking Space The Chairman read a letter from the Appropriation Com- mittee informing the Board that the Committee had voted not Not to to allow the Parking Committee' s report to be inserted in be able the Appropriations Committee's Report envelopes. The Appro- to inc. priation Committee felt that this would be establishing a prece- Parking dent and every year there would be one or two committees re- Com. ReF questing a report to be mailed with the Appropriation Com- in Apprc mittee' s report. Comm. Env. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Appropriation Committee be formally requested to include the report in their report' s envelopes because of the fact that the Board of Selectmen Formally feel that all the facts should be given to the citizens Request pertaining to any projects in which the citizens of the Report to Town may be interested. Be Included II Mr. Potter moved that the expenses of printing the in Approp. report and advertising it in the newspaper be charged to Com. Rep. electmen's - Expenses Account. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion and it was so voted. X28 CO a Letoile The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Henry A. Letoile •tiC Prefers advising the Board of Selectmen that he preferred not to Not To Be be reappointed to the Board of Public Welfare after the Reappointed expiration of his present term. Mr. Letoile explained Beard of that it is impossible for him to attend meetings of the Pub. Wel. Board due to many other committments. State The Chairman read a letter from Mr. John J. Garrity, Flags & Sup+t. of Parks and Playgrounds, informing the Board that Poles the State Flags and poles are now in first-class condition; the expenses incurred having been paid by Mr. Robert G. Merriam. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Merriam in recognition of his generosity. Sell 5 The Board gave further consideration to Dr. G. Marshall Acres of Crawfords offer of $100 for five a Cres of land in Lexington Land in off Mill Street, Lincoln. A proposal to sell this parcel Let. off of land was advertised in the February 21, 1946, issue of Mill St. the Lexington Minute-Man. No persons contacted the Select- Lincoln men' s Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sheldon moved that the offer be accepted and that the five acres be sold and conveyed to Dr. G. Marshall Crawford. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. A letter was received from Floyd A. Roby, 78 Valley Propose to Road, offering $100 for Lots 1 and 2, Block 69, Valley Sell Lots Road, Lexington. 1 and 2 Mr. Sarano moved that a proposal to sell the lots Valley Rd. be advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter The Chairman read a letter from Mr. George H. Gould from relative to the disposal of his dog several weeks ago by Gould re : the Police Department. Disposal The Clerk was instructed to refer the matter to the of Chief of Police for a report Dog Application was received from the Middlesex Farm Use of Bureau, Inc. , for permission to use Cary Memorial Hall Hall on the evening of March 11, 1946 from 6 :00 P.M. to 11:00 Banquet P.M. for a banquet and dance. & Dance Mr. Sarano moved that the use be granted, subject to a charge of S30. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Paul W. Franks requesting Franks a permit to operate a Public Carriage. Pub. Mr. Potter moved that the liBense be granted, subject Carriage to the approval of the Chief of Police. Mr. Sheldon License seconded the motion and it was so voted. 429 The Chairman asked Mr. Potter if he would contact Mr. Franks to determine where he intends to carry on his business. The Board gave further consideration to the matter of a locker building for the Center Playground. Mr. Sheldon said that he would like to have an estimate from a contractor stating that the building can be erected for a specific amount of money. Mr. Rowse suggested that the Town Meeting be asked for Locker money for plans. Building Mr. Sheldon said that an amount of money should be ap- Center propriated for plans and specification and a committee Play- appointed. ground Mr. Sheldon moved that the amount of $600 be provided for plans and specifications for a locker building for the Center Playground, and that the Moderator appoint a Committee to obtain the same. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A true record, Attest : Cl rk ri r1,