HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-16 419 SELECTMEN'S MEETING February 16, 1946 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Saturday after- noon, February 16, 1946, at 2:30 P. M. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sheldon and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Chairman Hoyt, Messrs. J. Milton Brown, Grush, Hopkins, Hynes, Lane, Newhall, Winlock and Mr. White, Town Accountant, of the Appropriation Committee were also present. The purpose of the meeting was to consider budgets in which there was a difference between the two Boards, and also Articles in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting. The Assessors' Department - Expenses Budget was recon- sidered and approved in the amount of $620. The item for car allowance was approved in the amount of $175. The item for gasoline and oil was eliminated. Registrations Department - Expenses Th1s budget was approved in the amount requested - $381. Engineering Department - Personal Services This budget was approved in the amount of $11,879.73. The amount estimated for the Assistant Town Engineer was in- creased from $2,998.45 to $2,999.60. The estimate for Transitman was increased from $1,966.82 to $2,219.69. The estimate for Draftsman was reduced from $1,800.27 to $1,799.76. The estimate for Rodman was reduced from $1,461.09 to $1,460.68. Construction of Grove Street under Chapter 90 was discussed Grove by the Board, and upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded•by Mr. St. Potter, it was voted that the sum of $5,000 be transferred from Ch. 90 the Excess and Deficiency Account. Article 18 in the Warrant requesting an appropriation for the construction of bituminous sidewalks was considered, and upon the motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted that the sum of $1,500 be appropriated for this item; said Bituminous amount to come out of the tax rate. Sidewalks Article 21 pertaining to an appropriation to cover con- tingencies and/or expenses incidental to the completion and operation of the new fire stations such as grading, fire Fire alarm system, furniture, furnishings, etc., was discussed by Stations the group. The appropriation committee approve the sum of $15,000; $3,500 of which is for fire alarm system; $4,000 for contingencies and $7,500 for furniture and furnishings. The 111 Board of Selectmen had previously approved the amount of $4,000 for the fire alarm system, and it was decided to concur with the appropriation committee and approve an amount of $3,500 for this item. 00 420 nu Article 41 relative to authorizing the Selectmen to arrange or contract for an appraisal of all Town buildings for the purpose of fire insurance was considered, and an amount of $600 was approved. Article 4'4 requesting an appropriation to cover general expenses of the Lexington Community Committee on Veterans Rehabilitation and Employment was considered, and the sum of $200 was approved. Mr. Rowse informed the group that he understood the Patriots' Day Committee intended to r educe the 1946 appro- priation from $1,000 to 1330. Mr. Potter moved that the budget be approved in the amount of ,$500. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Article 45 in the Warrant relative to an appropriation for a celebration in honor of the returned Veterans was con- sidered. Mr. Potter moved that the sum of $5,000 be approved and appropriated under this Article. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Sarano retired at 4 :15 P.M. It was decided that the $5,000 necessary for the purchase of the so-called Stevens Gravel Pit on Utica Street should come out of the tax levy. The Articles pertaining to the proposed parking area between Waltham and btuzzey Streets were considered. Art. Mr. Rowse moved that the sum of $56,000 be approved Parking for this project; $50,000 to be bonded for a period of Area ten years at $5,000 a year and $6,000 to come out of the Excess and Deficiency Account It was further decided that Articles 48, 49, 50 and 51 should be taken up together. Mr. Rowse moved that Articles 72 and 75, both insetted in the Warrant at the request of ten registered voters, be. disapproved. Mr. Rowse moved that the Planning Board be requested to 10 yr. consult with the various committees and departments of the Capital Town and make a recommendation for a ten-year capital salary Outlay outlay program of the Town and to report to the Board of Program Selectmen. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman read a memorandum from the appropriation Tr. from Committee stating that a vote had been passed approving E. F^. D. the following transfers from the Excess and Deficiency Account; Account Road 11achinery - $17,500; Maturing Debt - $32, 000; and Public Works Building Fence - $8,640. L 421 IIMunroe School Sprinklers - $1,147; Fire Truck Chassis - $3,800; Grading Enclosed Field - $2,500; Bleachers - ;1,610; and Stand- pipe - $2,500. Library (working plans and secifications) - $5,000; and Sewer Services $8,250. The following action was also taken by the Appropriation Committee : Library - M otion to recommend the adoption of request of the Trustees of the Library for $5,000 for working plans and specifications; such sums to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account, and $120,000 to be bonded for ten years. Sewer Services - Voted that the sum of $12,000 be allocated as Follows : $8„'450 to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account and $3,750 to be included in the tax rate. New Central Fire Station - $3,500 to be allowed for the fire alarm system; $4,000 for contingencies; and $7,500 for water, light, power, etc., making a total of $15,000. Sewer Construction - Manor Sewer -- $150,000 approved on a ten year bond issue; $19,517.24 to be transferred from the Federal Aided Project Account and $15,482.76 to be transferred IIfrom the Real Estate Fund. Maturing Debt - The amount of $41,000 to be provided from the following accounts : $2,000 from the Sewer Assessment Fund; S2,000 from the Water Assessment Fund; $5,000 from the Water Available Surplus Fund; and $32,000 from the Excess and Deficiency Account. No motion was made by the Selectmen to vary any of the transfers recommended by the Appropriation Committee. A true record, Attest: ;;Ilrif ' )- / 2/1-'4r(t Clerk iy L1 1 " ) ti 1