HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-11 413 SELECTMEN'S MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, February 11, 1946, at 7 :30 P.M. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter Sheldon, Rowse and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared before the Board for the drawing; of two jurors. Mr. John F. Enser, Artist, 955 Massachusetts Avenue, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session at Cambridge, beginning February 25, 1946. Jurors Mr. John F. Dowd, General Manager, 7 Lexington Avenue, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session at Cambridge, beginning February 25, 1946. Mr. Carroll retired at 7 :24 P.M. , and Mr. Joseph DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, appeared before the Board. Mr. DeFoe reported that he and Mr. John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, had attended a hearing at the Massachusetts Public Works Department relative to the proposed new State road beginning near Marrett Road and Massachusetts Avenue and extending to the Hearing Bedford Airport. State Mr. DeFoe stated that there were no objections presented at Road the hearing. Mr. DeFoe said that he had contacted the Boston Edison Not to Company in regard to Mr. Lloyd Miller' s request for a street Install light on Concord Avenue. The Boston Edison Company advised Street him that they could install a light at this location, but that Light it would have to be a 2500 lumen lamp, instead of the standard Concord 800 now used by the Town. installed, it will cost #39 a Avenue year for operation. Mr. Rowse moved that the request be denied. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe reported that he had talked with Mr. George W. Sprinkler Emery, Chief Engineer and Louis Bills, Wire Inspector, regard- Systems ing the possibility of connecting the Town Offices and the Conn. Cary Memorial Building and the Public Works Building sprinkler with Fire systems to the fire alarm systems. Alarm Mr. Emery said that there would be no objection if the Systems sprinkler system were connected with the fire alarm system. Mr. Bills said that the entire job would cost $1,200, 1.e., $400 for each building. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that John E. Rowan, 26 Pine Pine Knoll Road, had called to see him relative to having Pine Knoll Knoll Rd. Road accepted. Mrs. Blake owns approximately one-half of the Acceptance street and doesn't want to pay for the acceptance. The other residents would like to finish the street andy for it, regard- less P a - re less of whether Mrs. Blake contributes or not. 414 co Mr. Rowan said that they would like to hire a contrac- tor and put the street in according to the Town' s specific- ations. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Rowan be advised that if the abutters on Pine Knoll Road wish to construct a road accord- ing to Town specifications and under Town supervision that the Board of Selectmen will recommend acceptance at the next Town Meeting following the completion of the road. The question of drainage in Pine Knoll Road was raised, and it was decided to hold the matter over for another week. At 8:00 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the notice of the intention of the Board of Selectmen to lay out as a Town Way a proposed road from Waltham Street to Muzzey Street. The following persons were present at the hearing : Mrs. Louise Sexton, Miss Katherine Leary, Attorney Alfred P. Tropeano, William Lyon, Attorney Nathan Bidwell, Miss Bessie Withrow, George W. Emery, Edwin B. Worthen, Gor- Hearing don D. Richards, James J. Carroll, Joseph H. DeFoe, Sup+t. Proposed of Public Works, and Daniel A. Lynch, Town Counsel. Road The Chairman explained that the two hearings scheduled Passageway for this evening are for consideration of the proposal to Waltham lay out as a Town way a pedestrian passageway from Massachu- Muzzey setts Avenue to the proposed parking areas. Streets The Chairman explained the plan as proposed by a Com- mittee on Parking facilities who have studied the layout of the proposed road and pedestrian passageway with the possible acceptance of the Town of a parking area. He explained that the parking area was not to be considered this evening, and that the meeting was solely to discuss the proposed road and pedes„rian passageway. Mr. Alfred P. Tropeano stated that he was present at the hearing representing the Estate and the Heirs of Bridget Leary. He said that the Leary Heirs are opposed to the project. One of the main objections is the fact that the house on Muzzey Street is being occupied at the present time by the children and family of one of the Learys and they will be affected. Mr. Tropeano discussed at length the matter of the street coming out onto Waltham Street. He stated that this would create a definite traffio hazard. However, he said the main objection is the small amount of land which will be left for the Learys. He stated that the fence which is to be erected around the proposed area will be some fifteen feet from the southerly part of the Leary house and there will be just enough room for a dri'eway. He said that all the garages will be taken, and also a cottage. He said that a "going" b i gtaxi business will lose its car facilities and gasoline facilities . He stated that there would not be room enough to park or garage a car on the property. Mr. Worthen, Chairman of the Planning Board, stated that the Planning Board and the Committee on Parking Facilities favor the street as it is now laid out. Mrs. Sexton asked what would be done with the property taken which will not be a street. Mr. Potter replied that it may become a part of the business area. 415 Mr. Tropeano asked if it were going to be zoned for business and Mr. Potter replied that it might be a good business area if and when the Town needs it. Mr. Bidwell asked if the taking included all of Mr. Lyon's property, and Mr. Potter replied in the affirmative. Mr. Bidwell said that Mr. Lyon purchased his property be- cause he planned to have an office there, but that he had been told by Mr. Wrightington that there was the possibility that the property would be taken. He said that Mr. Lyons feels very strongly in opposition, and that there would certainly be the legal question raised as to the right to take property for park- ing purposes. Mr. Bidwell discussed at length property values. He said that he felt pretty positive that the estimates on the road taking and the land damages may run well over 0100,000. Mr. Tropeano said that the most conservative figure he has beenable to obtain for the Lyon taking exceeds x`30,000. Mr. Samuel Parker said that he was President of the Lexington Co-operative Bank, and that the bank's concern in connection with the project is purely what it is going to cost. He further stated that the bank urges that great consideration be given to the cost. Mr. Lyon explained his need for a business office, and stated that he had purchased the property because he needed more room for ' his business. The hearing was declared closed at 8:55 P.M., and the group, with the exception of the Town Counsel, retired. At 9 :00 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the petition of the Boston Edison Company for permission to erect or construct a Pole guy pole on Grant Street, approximately 50 feet northeast of Location Massachusetts Avenue, and also to erect or construct a guy pole on Massachusetts Avenue opposite Grant Street. Mr. Eugene Viano was the only person present at the hearing. He said that he would not oppose the petition, but he would like to have the guy pole in a different location. The Chairman asked the Supt. of Public Works to contact Mr. Viano and the Boston Edison Company to see if some satisfactory arrangement could be arrived at. Mr. Viano and Mr. DeFoe retired at 9 :05 P.M. The Chairman asked if the contract for the construction of the new Central Fire Station, as drawn up, was ready for the signatures of the Board. Mr. Lynch, Town Counsel said that he Sign had checked it, and he could see no reason why it should not be Contract signed this evening. Fire At 9 :30 P.M. Mr. George W. Emery, Chief Engineer, and Messrs . Station Richards, Ripley and Worthen of the Fire Station Committee ap- peared before the Board. Mr. Richards said that he had three official copies of the plans which the architect stated must be signed. He stated that he also had three copies of the contract for the Board' s signatures. The Board signed both plans and contracts in the presence of the Town Counsel and the Fire Station Committee. 416 oo tn The Town Counsel and the Clerk of the Board retired for the purpose of revising three articles in the warrant presented by the Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library. During this time the Board discussed at length Article 22 in the Warrant relative to supplementary donstruction appro- Art priaions to be used in conjunction with money already appro- 22 priated for the construction of either or both the hew Central Fire Station and/or the new East Lexington Fire Station. The Clerk and the Town Counsel returned to the meeting. The Chairman stated that the Board of Selectmen wish to Oppose be recorded as being opposed to the completion of the East E. Lex. Lexington Fire Station. Station Discussion was then held on Article 21 requesting an appropriation to cover contingencies and/or expenses incidental to the completion and operation of new fire stations, such as grading, fire alarm systems, furniture, furnishings, water system, traffic lights, and etc. Approve Mr. Sheldon moved that the Board approve $16,000, of which Amount $11,000 is for various items listed by Mr. Emery, and $5,000 is Fire Stn. for reserve fund for contingencies. Mr. Sarano seconded the Contin- motion, and it was so voted. gencies Mr. Sheldon further moved that the sum of $4,000 be appropriated for the fire alarm system to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers . Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The group, with the exception of the Town Counsel, re- tired at 10:20 P.M. Mr. Sheldon moved that the high bids for the construction of the new Central Fire Station be rejected, and the checks or bonds be returned to the bidders. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Req. Mr. Potter moved that the Town Treasurer be requested to Treas. take bids on a loan of $80,000 in accordance with the vote To Get passed by the Adjourned Town Meeting on March 26, 1945, for Bids on the purpose of constructing the new Central Fire Station. $80,000 Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Loan Mr. Lynch retired at 10:30 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from Perrie P. Collicutt offering $100 for Lots 5 and 6, Block 95, Reed Street, Lexing- Offer of ton. $100 for Mr. Sheldon moved that the lots be advertised, and that Reed St. further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting Lots of the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 417 The Chairman read a letter from William Melody, 16 Holland Street,II Lexington, offering 050 for Lots 62 to 66 inc., on Held Hillside Avenue, Lexington. Over The offer was held over until the next meeting of the Board pending the recommendation of the Committee on Tax Title Property. A letter was received from John Demaso, 5 Parker Street, Lexington, offering $900 for Lots 48 to 52 inc. on Fletcher Avenue and Hayes Lane, Lexington. These lots were advertised SellLots in the February 7, 1946, issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. 48-52 inc. Mr. Demaso's offer having been the highest received, Mr. Rowse Fletcher moved that the lots be sold and conveyed to Mr. John Demaso. Ave. & Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Hayes Land Demaso The Chairman read a letter from George Scott of Scott Realty Company stating that he would be interested in the Scott purchase of the land now occupied by the fire house on Merriam Pur. of Street. Fire Hse. No action was taken on the matter. Land Application for a certificate of Incorporation signed by Helen Noyes Webster, 1960 Massachusetts Avenue, was received Helen from the Secretary of the Commonwealth or Massachusetts. Noyes Satisfactory character reference was received from the Webster Chief of Police. Cert. of Mr. Sheldon moved that the application be approved. Mr. Incorpor- Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. ation The Chairman read a letter from Thomas S. Grindle submitting 5 yr. the School Committee' s requests governing a five-year program School for the School Department. Program Application was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars V. F.W. requesting permission for the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the Use of evening of February 22, 1946, from 7 :30 P. , . to midnight for a Hall public obligation and dance. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Lexington Athletic Boosters' Club for permission to use Carr Hall on the evening of February 23, Boosters 1946, from 7 :00 P.M. until 11:00 P.M. for a sports night. Use of Mr. Sheldon moved that the use of the hall be granted free Hall of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Edward E. Abell for the use Scouts of Cary Memorial Hall on Friday evening, March 29, 1946, from Use of 7 :00 P.M. until 9 :00 P.M. for a Cub Scout Roundup. Hall Mr. Sheldon moved that the use of the hall be granted, free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The question of salary increases in the Department of Welfare Public Welfare was held over from the last meeting of the Board Salaries 1 418 00 No increases Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, Salaries it was voted not to approve any increases in the salaries Welf. Dept. of the Welfare Department personnel. The Chairman read a letter from William L. Potter Vote to offering $225 for Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block 91, Reed Street, Adv. Lots Lexington. Reed St. Mr. Saran moved that the lots be advertised, and Potter that further consideration be given the offer at the Offer next meeting of the Board. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A true record, Attest : leg) Oleg- )1 / f£f I