HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-21 388 00 SELECTMEN'S MEETING ►17 January 21,. 1946 11 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmer was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Mceaday evening, January 21, 1946, at 7 :30 P.M. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sheldon and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Plowing At 7:30 P.M. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe and Colonel Henry B. Percy Rd. Barry appeared before the Board. Extension The Chairman read a letter from Douglas McGregor, 52 Percy Road, Lexington, requesting that the Board of Selectmen recon- sider its decision recently made relative to plowing Percy Road Extension. Any decision was held over pertaining to this. matter pending receipt of a report from the Superintendent of Public Works. Inspecttn Mr, DeFoe said that he had received a quotation in regards Sprinkler to inspection of the sprinkler systems for the Cary Memorial System Hall, Town Office Building, and the Public Works Building. He said that the price to inspect the three buildings four times a year would be *75 a year, payable in advance. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Saran, it was voted to request Mr. DeFoe to determine whether or not there is sufficient money included in the budgets to pay for the sprinkler system inspection. The Board felt that the entire cost of *75 should be divided between the three buildings, and that when the budget has been approved by Town Meeting, the contract may then be awarded. Mosquito The Chairman read a letter from Mr. William C. Paxton Control stating that at a meeting of the Middlesex Mosquito Control Included Project held on January 16, 1946, it was voted to request Bd. the Town of Lexington to appropriate $3,000 as its share Health to the support of this work in the area. Mr. Paxton stated Budget that he resigned as of July, 1945, but the commissioners of the district felt that it would be better for him to serve out the year as a member of the commission. Mr. Stratton, Secretary of the State Reclamation Board, will contact the Selectmen relative to appointing a commissioner from Lexington. The Clerk was instructed to write the Board of Health, and suggest that an item of $3,000 be included in the Board of Health Budget for the Mosquito Control Project. Street Mr. Defoe informed the Board that he had received a Light request for a street light at the corner of Summit Avenue, Summit and Grandview Avenue, Lexington, He informed the B and Avenue that there is a light at the corner of Hill and Summit. Grandview Avenue is about 100 yards from Hill. , 389 Mr. DeFoe stated that a similar request had been received Street in 1939. The Superintendent of Public Woks, at that time, IIthought that the section hardly merited ill street light- ing, but thought perhaps one light on each street would be Light sufficient, and an Article was inserted in the Warrant to take care of this. Mr. DeFoe said that the condition now is exactly as it was in 1939. Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on the request, and that Mr. DeFoe advise the applicant that the Board did not feet that the locality justified the installation of additional street lights. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe reported that Perrie Collieutt, Assistant Man Live Mechanic, Public Works Building, would like to live out- Outside side of Lexington temporarily. Lexington The Board had no objection. (Employee) Mr. DeFoe said that he had called the Warren Pipe Com- Bids to pany to find out what the situation is relative to water be pipe. At the present time, they can start making pipe with- obtained 1 in two weeks, and deliveries will be started within five Water i or six weeks. Orders placed in the future are subject to Pipe any increases that the company nay have in the cost of pipe. They do not know what the situation will be one or two months II from now. Mr. DeFoe said that assuming the Warren Pipe Com- pany was the lowest bidder, he could place an order for pipe; deliveries to begin on April 15, and could cut down the order if sufficient money were not appropriated at the Town Meeting. Mr. Rowse asked if the pipe were to be purchased for a specific job, and Mr. DeFoe said that it was for the elim- ination of dead ends, and that it can be ordered subject to cancellation. Mr. Rowse asked if the pipe could be used for other purposes other than the elimination of dead ends, and Mr. DeFoe replied that it is standard pipe. Mr. Potter suggested that Mr. DeFoe ask for bids on one-third of the maximum needed; subject to the approval of Town Meeting. Letter from Mr. DeFoe recommending that a petition be Pet. submitted to the County Commissioners requesting the relo- Reloe+n cation of Lincoln Street was held over from the last meeting Lincoln of the Board. Street Mr. Sarano said that before a survey of his farm is made, he would like to have the County establish the lines. Mr. Potter moved that the petition requesting the re- location of Lincoln Street from Marrett Road to the Lincoln Town Line be signed. 390 00 1.4 St. Light The Chairman read a letter from Robert L. Porter, 23 Leonard Leonard Road, requesting the installation of a street light 11 Road at the bus stop at the junction of Leonard Road and Woburn Street. There has been two or more similar requests. Mr. DeFoe said that he had called Mr. Porter and asked him if he would be satisfied to have the bus stop changed to this side of Leonard Road, and Mr. Porter agreed that this would be satisfactory. Mr. DeFoe said that he had contacted the bus line and asked if the bus stop could be changed to the pole with the street light. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. DeFoe's action be approved. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted, Req. The Chairman read a letter from Miss Bessie Withrow Plow who operates the Bond Hospital on Waltham Street, Lexington. Driveway Miss Withrow would like to have the Town plow out the drive- Bond way to her hospital. Hosp. No action was taken on the request, and the Clerk was instructed to advise Miss Withrow to contact the Lexington Nurseries as they have equipment to plow private drive- ways. No Action A letter was received from Casimiro Bertini. pertaining ' Accept, to the acceptance of Hillcrest Avenue, Lexington. Hillcrest The matter was held over until the next meeting of the Avenue Board. (Held Over) Petition was received from the residents of Bloomfield Street Extension for the construction and acceptance of the said street, Lower Mr. Rowse suggested lowering the brook from Waltham Brook Street to Clarke Street before grading is done on the ath- letic field, and asked Mr. DeFoe to obtain an estimate of the cost so that it might be included in his budget. Mr. DeFoe and Colonel Barry retired at 8:30 P.M. , and Daniel P. Curtin appeared before the Board. Curtin Hearing was declared open upon the petition, of Daniel Gasoline P. and Eleanor M. Curtin for permission to maintain two Hearing underground tanks for the storage of two thousand gallons of gasoline on the premises located at 433-435 Marrett Road, Lexington. Notice of the hearing was read by the Chairman. No persons appeared in favor, or in opposition, Mr. Rowse asked Mr. Curtin what he intended to do. Mr. Curtin replied that he was going to let the prop- , erty out as a gas station. Mr. Rowse asked if it had been operated as a gas sta- tion before, and Mr. Curtin replied in the affirmative. Hearing was declared closed at 8:33 P.M. a 391 Mr. Potter moved that the application be approved, and the license granted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8;85 P.M. Messrs. Goodell and Worthen, Architects Open for the proposed fire station, and Messrs. Richards, Emery, Bids Ripley, Fawcett, Donnelly, Adams, Deputy Chief Cook, Ames Fire of the School Committee, and four other persons appeared stns. before the Board for the opening of the bids for the con- struction of the two proposed fire station. Mr. Richards said that twelve bids had been requested, and out of the original twelve, they have only four bids. Mr. Worthen suggested that he open the bids one at a time, and ask the Chairman to read the proposal. Bids were received as follows : TREDENNICK-BILLINGS CO. Central Station $111,633 East Lexington Station 65,435 Bond included W. M. BOGART & CO. . INC. Central Station, $119,465 East Lexington Station 73,053 Certified check included GEORGE B. H. MACOMBER CO. Central Station 166,000 East Lexington Station 98,000 No certified cheek and no bond JOHN HAMRE & SON Central Station 118,000 East Lexington Station 75,000 Certified check included Mr. Rowse moved that inasmuch as all bids were in excess of the amount appropriated by the Town that the checks be returned, and the bids rejected. The motion was not seconded and was withdrawn. Mr. Richards stated that if the bids were rejected, the bidder would then consider that they were through. Mr. Sheldon suggested that no decision be made at this public meeting, and that the matter should be considered further by the Board of Selectmen with the architects and the Committee on Fire Station. All those present at the opening of the bids retired II at 8:55 P.M. , with the exception of Messrs. Richards, Ripley, Emery, Worthen and Goodell. r 392 00 Mr. Sheldon asked what action the Board was obligated to take tonight, and Mr. Worthen said that the Board was under no obligation to take any action. Mr. Richards said that the low bidders check could be retained for thirty days before the bid is accepted or rejected. Mr. Sheldon asked if the cheek received from the high bidders could be retained for thirty days, and both Messrs. Goodell and Worthen replied in the affirmative. It was decided to submit the bids to the Town Counsel for his opinion as to the Board's position, inasmuch as all bids were in excess of the amount appropriated by the Town. Mr. Goodell agreed to reserve next Monday evening to meet with the Board, providing the Town Counsel rules that a bid can be accepted. The group retired at 9 :03 P.M. Pension At 9 :15 P.M. the following members of the Board of Fire Fire Engineers appeared before the Board: Messrs. Emery, Adams, Dept. Fawcett, Donnelly and Deputy Chief Cook. Members Mr. Emery said that he would like to discuss the sub- ject of pensions. He stated that this year the fire depart- ment will have a captain who will reach the age of 65, and another captain on the force who is 62. Mr. Emery stated that in the fire department, and he also believed in the police department, there are two different pension systems. Under the non-contributory pension, a fireman doesn't have to retire until he reaches the age of 70, and under the plan adopted by the Town in 1938, an employee must retire at 65. Mr. Emery said that they were going to have this prob- lem in 1946, and it seemed a good idea to bring the matter to the Board's attention, and to ask whether or not the Selectmen would be willing to look into the pension matter with the idea of adopting a uniform pension policy. Mr. Emery suggested that the Town Counsel consider both systems, and prepare a concise summary showing the difference in the two systems. Mr. Emery said that Mr. White, the Town Accountant, had attended a conference at the State House with reference to changes in the pension system, and as he understands it, the new legislation broadens the benefit of both systems, but requires that a person must retire at 65. The group retired at 9:20 P.M. Garrity The Chairman read a letter from Mr. James J. Carroll, Resignttn Town Clerk, to which was attached a copy of the resignation Ass't. of Mr. Garrity as Superintendent of Public Works. Supt. Mr. Rowse moved that the resignation be accepted. Mr. Pub. Wks. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Offer $625 The Chairman read a letter from Lawrence a Rusted, Lots 48- 36 Kendall Road, offering $625 for Lots 48 to 52 inc. on 52 inc. Fletcher Avenue, Lexington and Hayes Lane, Lexington. 393 The committee on tax title property felt that these lots were worth $1,200. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Rusted be advised that the Board of' Selectmen will consider an offer of $1,200. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 9 :40 P.M. Mr. William Barnes appeared before the Mr. Barnes Board. Mr. Barnes said that he had recently purchased Re: Black- the property at 11-13 Muzzey Street, and had received a smith Shop notice from his insurance company that he would be charged an additional premium because his property is abutting a blacksmith shop being operated in a residential area. Mr. Potter informed Mr. Barnes that the blacksmith shop has been in the same locality for approximately fifty years. Mr. Rowse stated that the shop is legally located. The Chairman explained that the blacksmith shop is a non-conforming use, and that there has never been any question as to the use of the building. Mr. Barnes said that hewould like a letter from the Board of Selectmen stating that the shop is legally located in a residential area, so that he may forward it to his insurance company. Mr. Barnes retired at 9 :45 P.M. A letter was received from Winston H. Johnson offer- Offer for ing $325 for Lot 114, Fair Oaks Drive, Lexington. Lot 114 Mr. Rowse moved that the offer be advertised, and Fair Oaks further consideration be given the offer at the next meet- Drive ing of the Board. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from James J. Carroll, Clerk of the Board of Registrars, designating the dates set for new registration of voters. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. James J. Carroll, Use of stating that the Lexington Athletic Boosters' Club would Conf. Room like to use a conference room in Cary Memorial Building on the evenings of Tuesday, January 22, 1946, and Thursday, February 7, 1946, for a Boosters' Club Meeting. Mr. Sheldon moved that the use of the conference room be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from James J. Carroll, Clerk Reduce of the Board of Registrars, stating that the Registration Item Department - Personal Services Budget should be reduced Asst. to $700. The item for Assistant Registrars has been re- Reg. duced from $400 to $200. The Chairman read a letter from Howard S. 0. Nichols, Advise Ret. Chairman of the Contributory Retirement Fund, stating that Fund Pur. he believed it very desirable to acquire a safe deposit Safety Dep. box for securities as recommended by the state examiners. Box 394 00 011 The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Nichols and in- form him that the Board of Selectmen think that a safe de- posit box should be available for securities in connection with the Contributory Retirement System. 111 Greer-Hardy Application was received from William R. Greer and W. 1st Cls. T. Hardy for a First Class Agent's License, Dealer's Satisfactory character reference was received from License Chief of Police on both these individuals. Mr. Potter moved that the license be granted. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Article The Chairman stated that he had received an Article Warrant to be inserted in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting Re. Pur, requested by ten or more registered voters who are members Strip of of the Follen Community Church. The Church would like to Adams purchase a twenty foot strip of land at the Adams School School Property for the purpose of providing sufficient land for Property erecting a parish house. It was decided to have Mr. Potter and Mr. Spencer look at the property, and recommend a price. The Clerk was instructed to write Tracy Ames, Chairman of the School Committee, and ask him whether or not the Committee would be in favor of selling this piece o•f property. The Board decided to meet on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 P.M. to consider budgets. A special meeting will be held on Tuesday, at which time the Appropriation Committee and -the Selectmen will discuss budgets. A true record, Attest: V � Clerk i F CJ'