HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-14 381 SELECTMEN'S MEETING January 14, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, January 14, 1946, at 7 :30 P.M. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, Jurors appeared before the Board for the drawing of jurors. Mr. John R. Hargreaves, 1071 Massachusetts Avenue, was drawn to serve on the Grand Jury, Criminal Business, beginning Monday, February 4, 1946. The following jurors were drawn to serve on Criminal Business, first .session at Cambridge, beginning January 21, 1946: Carl 0. wennberg, machinist, 14 Cherry Street; Ralph I. Dale, at home, 6 Oakland Street and Royal W. Gilson, bank examiner, 19 Parker Street; all of Lexington, Massachusetts. Mr. Carroll said that Washington is getting ready to Draft have a grand session of all Draft Boards next Monday, Board January 21, and there will be a banquet over in Woburn at Banquet which time medals will be presented to certain persons who have been connected with the Draft Board. Mr. Carroll said that he had been requested to tell the Board of Selectmen that they would receive an invitation to the banquet. Mr. Carroll retired at 7 :40 P.M. and Mr. DeFoe, Superintendent of Public Works, .Colonel Barry and Mr. John J. Garrity, Superintendent of Parks and Playgrounds appeared before the Board. Budgets under the supervision of Mr. Garrity were Garrity considered. He stated that the cost of labor is much Budgets higher this year than it was last year which explains some of the increase in his 1946 budgets over the 1945 budgets. However, he has provided for only one additional man in his department. He said that six teeter-boards are needed for the East Lexington Playground, one slide for the Center Playground and one dozen new swings. Mr. Rowse asked Mr. Garrity how much of a balance he would have to turn back and he replied not more than $36.00. The Chairman asked if there would be any money transferred from the Tower Fund, and Mr. Garrity stated that in 1945 he used $225.00 and there should be the same amount for 1946. Mr. Rowse asked if the item for labor was increased due to the fact that the town men will be used more in IIPark Department work and Mr. Garrity replied that Park work which should have been done the past two or three years has not been done. 1182 Mr. Garrity asked if the Board desired to have the service flag flown any longer, and the Board felt that it should be retained until July lst at least. Mr. Potter inquired as to the cost of a new one, and Mr. Garrity said that it would cost approximately $37.00. Mr. Garrity eaid that his personal services budget was about the same as it was in 1945. He said that the Center Playground should have a male instructor, and it is not possible to hire one for less than $35.00 per week for ten weeks. Mr. Sheldon asked if provisions had been made in the budget for a male instructor, and Mr. Garrity replied in the negative. He said that 100. 00 would be sufficient. Mr. Garrity said that he is asking $27.00 per week for clerk hire, instead of $25.00, and he .felt very strongly that the Park Department should have a full-time clerk who would nc_, be requested to do any work for other depart- ments. He said that his girl now devotes two-thirds of her time to the Water and Public Works Departments. Mr. Garrity said that it will cost $2500 to finish grading the enclosed field. Mr. Sheldon asked if this amount would be the final. sum requested, and Mr. Garrity replied in the affirmative. Mr. Garrity explained that he is asking for $20,000 for a new locker building. Mr. Sheldon asked-if the. bleachers, included in Capital Outlay, were wooden. Mr. Garrity said that they are movable wooden bleachers, plank foundation and metal holders for the seats. Mr. Rowse asked if the $20,000 for the locker building included a sewer system. Mr. Garrity said that water from the showers will go into the brook, and a cesspool will take care of the toilets. Mr. Sheldon asked if Mr. Garrity .was satisfied with the plans for the locker building, and he replied in the affirmative, _saying that a few alterations in the plans would have to be made. Mr. Sheldon felt that Mr. Garrity should have a competent builder give him an estimate. Mr. Rowse asked if a definite figure could be obtained before Town Meeting, and Mr. Garrity replied in the affirmative. Mr. Sheldon asked what the building would require in the way of supervision, and Mr. Garrity said that it would require some supervision. He said that he would like to have one man on t}ae Center Playground at all times* Mr. Sheldon asked if the water and sewer systems were all right, and Mr. Garrity replied in the ,affirmative. 383 ' The Chairman read a letter from the Colonial Garage, Authorize Inc. signed by Eugene Viano requesting that the old elm Remove tree in front of the garage be removed. Tree Mr. Sheldon asked if the tree was of any value, and Mr. Garrity replied in the negative. Mr. Garrity said that the town could do all of the work in connection with removing it, except topping it off, and that it would cost approximately $200. Mr. Garrity said that he thought it could be taken down in the spring as soon as the frost is out of the ground. Mr. Sheldon moved that Mr. Garrity be instructed to remove the tree some time this year. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Garrity retired at 8:12 P.M. Colonel Barry reported that on January 9, 1946, the Gay water meter installed on August 20, 1945 for Mr. Fred Gay, Water 7 Robbins Road, Lexington, tested as follows: Main Meter installed on 20 Aug. 1945 was removed Jan 8 and test run thru Jan. 9 1946 shows : at 30 gal per min. 101% 1% fast 1 gal per min. 99% 1% slow 3/4 gal per min. 98% 2% slow I gal per min. 96% 4% slow Colonel Barry explained in detail the entire account, Gay and informed the Board that an error in billing had been Water made, and that is the reason for the difference in Mr. Bills Gay's water bills. Mr. Gay actually owes the Town of Lexington $7.16. It was decided to have Colonel Barry contact Mr. Gay, and explain the situation to him and to submit a corrected bill for payment. Mr. DeFoe said that the town now owns a Graveley Re: machine with equipment for cutting brush and it has come Pur. of to his attention that he can obtain a sweeper to attach Sweeper to the unit which he believes worth considering. The sweeper will cost approximately $160.00 and will minimize work involved in cleaning the sidewalks. It was decided to have Mr. DeFoe look at the sweeper now owned by the State Department of Public Works and to report further on it. Budgets pertaining to the Public Works Department were considered by the Board. public Works Building - Capital Outlay Budgets Pub. Works Colonel Barry said that the fence he is requesting is Dept. similar to the one now around the new football field, and he feels very strongly that the area should be enclosed. He said that without the fence, the building would be of little value inasmuch as stealing would continue. 384 00 The Chairman asked what area would be enclosed, and Colonel Barry said that it would include the front of Bedford Street down by the railroad track, a V shape back of the pipe yard, then up to the other side of the parking area and then up to Bedford Street again with a gate at Bedford Street and a gate on the dump. He said that all the usable area at the Public Works Building would be enclosed. Mr. Rowse inquired as to the type of fie, and Colonel Barry said that the top three strands would be at an angle. Engineering Department - Personal Services It was decided to request the Town Accountant to figure the salary for the Transitman including the 15% increase approved last year, and to change the amount submitted for this item. Sewer Construction - Sundry Streets The balance in this account as of January 1, 1946 is $9,619.73. The Board felt that Sewer Construction - Sundry Streets should be on one budget sheet, and the Manor Sewer should be on a separate sheet and have a separate article in the Warrant. This would mean $6,900 for Sundry Streets, and $139,000 for the Manor Sewer. Sewer Maintenance - Services Colonel Barry said that the amount requested in this budget will not be sufficient if the Manor Sewer goes through. Mr. Sheldon asked how much more money would be required if the Manor connection was made. Colonel Barry said that an additional $8,000 would be needed or a total of $12,000. Public Works Building - Wages & Expenses Colonel Barry explained that the amount requested for labor includes one mechanic, assistant mechanic and a stock clerk. Highway Maintenance - Wages & Expenses Mr. Rowse informed Colonel Barry that the Board had approved this budget in the amount of $42,000 against the $47,075 requested. Colonel Barry and Mr. DeFoe retired at 9 :20 P.M. and Chief John W. Rycroft of the Police Department appeared peared before the Board. Police Mr. Rowse asked Chief Rycroft what he had in mind insofar Dept. as his Police Department - Personal Services Budget was Budgets concerned. 385 Chief Rycroft explained that in 1941 the Department had a complement of seventeen men, and at the present time the number is fifteen. He said that actually he is asking for only one additional man. Mr. Rowse asked if fifteen included Mr. Woodward, and Chief Iycroft replied in the affirmative. He said that Officer Mowat has no official standing if Officer MacCormack decides to return to the department, and that if MacCormack does not come back, Mowat automatically takes the position. Chief Rycroft said that, according to Civil Service, it is not possible to refuse to appoint Mowat. He said that it all depends on what MacCormack will do. Chief Rycroft said that the Division of Civil Service had written to all on the list in the firmed forces, and asked whether or not they desired to be retained on the list. Bauer, Sullivan and Tyler were the only ones who replied.. Mr. Rowse asked if a new list could be requested, and Chief Rycroft replied that Civil Service would refuse, inasmuch as the service men cannot be jeopardized. The Chairman read a memorandum informing the Board that Chief Rycroft would like to have Maurice Woodward reinstated as a Patrolman in the Lexington Police Depart- ment, effective January 15, 1946; the two weeks' vacation to which he is entitled to also commenced on that date. Mr. Rowse inquired as to the necessary requirements for taking Mr. Woodward back, and the Chief said that he must take a physical examination. Mr. Rowse moved that Maurice E. Woodward be reinstated as a Patrolman in the Lexington Police Department as of January 15, 1946, and that his two weeks' vacation commence also on that date. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Chief Rycroft and Mr. Sarano retired at 9:35 P.M. Mr. George Russell, of the Board of Health, appeared before the Board to discuss the Board of Health Budget for 1946. Mr. Russell said that he has given further consider- Health ation to the Board of Health - Expenses Budget, and by Budget reducing the amounts requested for tuberculosis visits, burial of animals and vaccine, it may be possible to get along with $6,000. Mr. Rowse moved that the budget be approved in the amount Approve of $6,000, and that the amount of $125 be approved for Bd. of printing new Board of Health Rules and Regulations. Mr. Health Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Budget Mr. Russell retired at 9 :45 P.M. 386 00 Held The Chairman read a letter from Mr, DeFoe stating that Over it had been recommended that a petition be submitted to the y� County Commissioners requesting the relocation of Lincoln Street from Marrett Road to the Lincoln Town Line. The communication was held over until the next meeting of the Board. Sell Lots The Board gave further consideration to Mr. James 17-20 Taft Irwin's offer of $350 for Lets 17-20 inclusive on Taft Ave. Avenue, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the January 10, 1946 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sheldon moved that the offer be accepted, and that Lots 17-20 inclusive on Taft Avenue, Lexington, be a sold and conveyed to Mr. James Irwin. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Sell Lots The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Eugene 285, Rosendorn's offer of $200 for Lots 285, 291-296 ina., and 291-296 294A-296A inc. on Hillcrest Avenue, Lexington. A proposal 294A-296 to sell these lots was advertised in the January 10, 1946 Hillcrest issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. No persons contacted Ave. the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sheldon moved that the offer be accepted, and that Lots 285, 291-296 inc., and 294A-296A on Hillcrest Avenue, Lexington, be sold and conveyed to Mr. Eugene Rosendorn. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. George The Chairman read a letter from Mr. George W. .Proctor Proctor stating that as of January 9, 1946 he resigned as Clerk of Resigned Selective Service Board #163. Until his resignation, Mr. Clerk Proctor brought photostatic copies for Lexington boys to Selective Woburn, and then returned them to the Lexington Red Cross. Service He suggested that some arrangment be made whereby this can Board be continued. Celebrated It was decided to write Mrs. Mayo of the Red Cross for and auk if she could suggest some means by which these Vets copies can be secured and distributed to the boys, possibly War II through the Rehabilitation Committee. Form letter was received from Commissioner Long stat- ing that cities and towns may appropriate money to- celebrate in such manner as they deem advisable the return of men and women who served in or were affiliated or associated with any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States in World War II. Chairman informed the Board that Frank Blodgett, 1656 Massachusetts Avenue had received a bill in the amount of $10.00 for the use of the ambulance. Mr. Blodgett's brother contacted the Chairman and said that Frank has no money, is 1.n the hospital and his hospitalization will be paid through a veterans organization. 387 Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it. was voted to abate the charge. ' The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Edwin B. Worthen suggesting that a complete list of those who served in World War II be included in the annual town report. The Board felt that it is physically impossible to have such a list compiled to be included in the 1945 report. The Board gave some consideration to the possibility of having a Pictorial Town Report in 1946, and decided to• in- clude a budget in the amount of $500 for photographic work and detailed planning of same. Application was received from the Lexington Athletic Booster Club for permission to use a conference room in Cary Memorial Building on Thursday evening, January 17, 1946. Mr. Sheldon moved that the request be granted, free of charge. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The unpaid caterer's bill for the dinner tendered to members of the Rationing and Selective Service Boards was held over from last week. Mr. Rowse suggested that possibly the committee should absorb part of the bill. Mr. Potter said that he believed the Board would be jus- tified in writing the organizations represented on the Com- mittee to. find out whether or not they would be willing to pay $50, and to advise them that the Board of Selectmen would also contribute. Mr. Potter asked the Board how expenses which might be incurred by the Parking Committee in advertising the project Would be paid. It was decided to charge any such bills to the Selectmen's Expenses Account. Report of the State examination of the Retirement System was received. A list of suggestions was included at the end of the report pertaining to the system. The Chairman agreed to write Mr. Nichols, Chairman of the Contributory Retirement System, and ask for his recommendations relative to adopting any or all of the changes suggested. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was voted to grant. the following licenses : Colonial Garage, Inc. 1st Class Agent William Viano Sunday Movies A true record, Attest: 1.511-Dg/J16 / 4-04)00' 1 � I __