HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-07 X72 Gto SELECTMEN'S MEETING January 7, 1946 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, pn Monday evening, January 7, 1946 at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Locke, Messrs . Potter, Rowse and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. A discussion was held pertaining to the unpaid bills incurred as a result of the testimonial dinner tendered to the volunteer members of the Rationing and Selective Service Boards. A decision as to the disposition of the bills was held over until the next meeting of the Board. At 7:50 P. M. Colonel Henry B. Barry and Mr. Frederick Gay appeared before the Board. Mr. Gay said that he did not think that the Board of Selectmen had all the facts pertaining to the overcharges on his water bills. He said that his family has not changed since he moved to Lexington. On October 15, 1938 the first meter was put in the house. On April 9, 1939 Mr. Gay complained; the meter was checked and there were no leaks. He said that the charges still ran over, and he complained two or three times. The Chairman asked if the meter had ever been tested, and Mr. Gay said that he couldn't tell whether or not it had been. He said that on May 16, 1945 a Town employee came down without being requested to by Mr. Gay, and put in a meter because the meter at that time was alowing down and finally stopped. He said that this meter ran for 2,000 feet and stopped. It was then taken out and on August 20, 1945 the meter was again changed, and from that time on, there has not been any overage. Mr. Gay said that on December 11, 1945 he telephoned and asked to have the meter checked, and was told that the meter tested correctly. Mr. Gay said that the total overage amounts to $79.71. The Chairman asked Mr. Gay the number of years he had been receiving bills for overage, and Mr. Gay replied from August 15 1938 to May, 1945, and the overage was running from $3.50 to $4.00 each quarter. Mr. Potter asked about the overage in an average family, and Colonel Barry said that a good many run over. Colonel Barry stated that the record appeared to him to be very strange. In February, 1945 Mr. Gay was away and there was no reading. The next reading was in May, and an average charge was made because the meter was not working. Then there was a charge for two quarters and Mr. Gay was allowed twice $$12.50 for $25 for the consumption of the two quarters. From August until November, the total consumption was only 630 cubic feet, less than one-half of the allowance. • 373 Colonel Barry said the average consumption of water in this Town is 58 gallons per capita, per day, and for four people that is 240 gallons a day, and the allowance at the minimum of 250 cubic feet is 375 gallons; i.e. , 175 gallons per person, per day. Based on the average consumption as shown by the records of 58 gallons per person, per day; Mr. Gay should have consumed more than he did for four people. Colonel Barry said that for four people, the excess cost does not seem so great. Mr. Potter asked if the meter had been taken out when it was checked a month or two ago, and Mr. Gay replied that he didn't know, Mr. Potter suggested that the meter should be taken out and tested by putting it on the line. Mr. Rowse asked how long it would be before a test could be made, and Colonel Barry said that he would have to talk with the meter man to see if the bench could be uncovered, but he felt that it could be done comparitively soon. The Board asked if there was any way to determine whether or not the meter had been tested on the line, and Colonel taken out and tested. Mr. Gay retired at 8:10 p.m. The Chairman read a letter from two residents of Watson Request IIRoad requesting an estimate of cost of construction involved Watson Rd. in finishing Watson Road as an accepted street. Acceptance The Chairman asked Colonel Barry to prepare an estimate To Prepare and advise Mr. Edward L. Mears what the cost of construction Estimate will be, exclusive of the cost of surface drainage. Colonel Barry retired at 8:26 p.m. , and Mr. Enrico Sanseverino appeared before the Board. Mr. Sanseverino had previously applied for a Public Sanseverino Carriage License which had been denied by the Board of Public Selectmen on December 17, 1945. Carriage Mr. Sanseverino said that he has lived in Lexington License for twenty years, and, at the present time, drives for the Granted Checker Taxi. Mr. Potter asked if he lived in Lexington before he went into the service, and he replied in the affirmative. He stated that he had worked for Miss Amy Taylor for eight years. The Chairman asked Mr. Sanseverino where he registered for the draft, and Mr. Sanseverino said that he had been away for a couple of years, and was taken off the voting list. Mr. Potter asked if he lived in Lexington during the time he worked for Miss Taylor, and he replied that he lived on the estate. The Chairman asked if he were married, and he replied in the affirmative. 374 00 t7 Mr. Rowse asked where he lived in Lexington, and Ihe stated that he is living temporarily at 29 Hibbert Street, but his residence will be 11 Lisbeth Street. Mr. Rowse asked if he owned the automobile, and he replied in the affirmative stating that it was a Pontiac . The Chairman said that the Board would take it under consideration, and advise him of any action taken. Mr. Sanseverino retired at 8.35 p.m. Mr. Potter moved that the vote of the Board on December 17, 1945 denying a permit to Mr. Sanseverino be rescinded. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Potter then moved that a Public Carriage License be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Req. Rep. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Saran, it Chief of was voted to request the Chief of Police to advise the Police. Board of Selectmen hose many individuals with Taxi Licenses were actually doing business . Permit A request was received from the Boston Edison CSU6OW Edison for permission to install a tree guy and to maintain guy Company wires over and across the premises off Park Drive owned Install & by the Town of Lexington. Maintain Application was also received from the Boston Edison Poles Company requesting the right and easement from time to Wires time to construct, repair, renew and maintain five poles Park on Park Drive. Drive The plans submitted by the Boston Edison Company had been c)aeoked and approved by the Town Engineer. M . Potter moved that the request be granted, and the order signed. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. (Vote to A letter was received from James Irvin, 58 Taft Adv. Lot Avenue, Lexington, offering the sum of $350 for Lots 17-20 17-20 inc. on Taft Avenue, Lexington. (Taft Ave. Mr. Rowse moved that a proposal to sell the lots 'Lexington be advertised in the Lexington Minute-Man, and that further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. No Fed. A letter was received from L. A. Gillett, Division Funds Av. Engineer, Federal Works Agency, advising that there are for Pub. no Federal Funds available to aid communities in the Wks. construction of their public works, No action was taken on the matter. I 375 The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Mary E. Casey, Req. Tr. Social worker, Department of Public Welfare, requesting a' From transfer from the Bridge Charitable Fund in the amount of Bridge $25 a week for 8 weeks to pay a housekeeper to take care Charitable of Mrs. Isabelle Wright, Civil War Widow, age 94, and her Fund daughter, Mrs. Bertha Cooper, of 14 East Street, Lexington. Mrs. Cooper has recently suffered a shock. Mr. Rowse moved that the Trustees of public Trusts be requested to transfer $25 a week for two months to cover the expense of a housekeeper for Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Cooper. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Chester Willard Fillmore, Fillmore 83 Bertwell Road, for a Peddler's License. peddler's The Chairman read a letter from Chief Rycroft stating License that this individual is an ex-serviceman, has lived in Lexington only a short period of time, and has no record in that department. Mr. Rowse moved that the application be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Dr. John E. Murray Tickets to together with complimentery tickets to the Lexington Minstrel Club Minstrel Show. Show The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter. The Clerk informed the Board that it had been called D'Arrigo to her attention that Mr. Anthony D'Arrigo, 47 Waltham use of Street, had been taken to the Symmes Hospital in Arlington Ambulance in the ambulance, and that Mr. D'Arrigo had been seen Walking walking to the ambulance. The ambulance had been ordered Patient by the Welfare Department. The Clerk was instructed to advise the Welfare Depart- ment that the Board would like a report on this case. The Clerk informed the Board that one of the unpaid James bills on the schedule submitted to the Selectmen by the Collins Jr. Town Accountant was a hospital bill in the amount of $84 Hosp. Bill for James E. Collins, Jr. Unpaid The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Collins, and ask him to advise the Board how he proposes to take care of this obligation now that he is out of the service and has returned to his regular employment. The Chairman read a lengthy letter from Eugene L. Morgan Morgan, 20 Robbins Road, Lexington, stating that with Letter many projects under consideration for construction in the Architects' future, he would like to suggest that consideration be Fees given tb-the" coMnission for services of the arbhitects-far IIthis work.. .Mr. Moran submitted an article for the Annual. Town Meeting which if adopted would authorize the Selectmen and any other committee to conform with the establishment of charges adopted by the American Istitute of Architects in payment for architectural services for the Town. 376 GC The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Morgan that the Board of Selectmen does not believe that the method outlined in his letter would be practical, and are of the opinion that it is to the best interests of the Town to continue the present procedure. She was further instructed to inform Mr. Morgan that the Board did not think it advisable to insert an Article in the Warrant, but that if a request in writing was received, signed by ten or more registered voters, it could be inserted in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting. Assessors The Chairman informed the Board that he had read Appoint- numerous letters received in the past from thet Town Counsel ment giving his opinion pertaining to the question of appointing 1Spencer Mr. Spencer an Assessor or Chief Assessor. No definite decision was arrived at, and the matter was held over for another week. Annual Mr. Potter informed the Board that Mr. Garrity, Supt. Recreation of Parks and Playgrounds, would like to attend the Annual Conference National Recreation Conference. Funds to Mr. Garrity has attended this conference for a number Attend of years at his own expense, and in doing it this way, Same there are no accommodations provided for him. The conference will be held in February, but inasmuch as no provisions have been made in the 1945 or 1946 budgets, it would appear that Town funds could not be used for this expense. A true record, Attest: le k �/LG 1