HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-02 366 00 SELECTMEN'S MEETING 0 January 2, 1946 , A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Wednesday even- ing, January 2, 1946, at 7 :30 p.m., inasmuch as the Board preferred not to meet Monday evening, New Year's Eve. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared before the Board for the drawing of three jurors. Phree Mr. William J. Kelley, Maintenance, 9 Joseph Road, Lex- Jurors ington, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session, at Cambridge beginning February 3, 1946. Mr. Thomas W. Bayliss, Dairyman, 507 Concord Avenue, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, First Session, at Cambridge beginning February 4, 1946. Mr. uhester R. Banks, Carpenter, 8 Brandon Street, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, Second Session at Cambridge beginning February 4, 1946. Mr. Carroll retired at 7 35 p.m. Jolonel The Chairman informed the Board that some definite action Barry to should be taken as to whether or not Colonel Barry would be 3ontinue retained in the capacity of executive Assistant of the Depart- Until ment of Public Works for a period of time; Mr. DeFoe having Iar.1/46 assumed his duties as of today. ks Exec. Mr. Potter moved that Colonel Barry be retained in t1 ksstt capacity of Executive Assistant of the Department of Public Public Works for a period ending, March 1, 1946. Mr. Sheldon seconded Works the motion, and it was so voted. Plowing At 7 :45 Colonel Barry and Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Streets Public Works, appeared before the Board. Colonel Barry said that what he wanted to discuss this evening was plowing streets upon which there was only one house. He said that there are several such streets, and it actually amounts to plowing a driveway. He said that it hardly seemed fair to plow streets with one or two houses on them, and refuse to plow driveways. However, he did not want to change the procedure without the acquiescence of the Board. List of Mr. Rowse suggested that a list be made up of unaccepted Jnaccep- streets which should be plowed. ted Colonel Bary said that it would take some time to make streets such a survey. He said that the Town should refuse to plow Po Be unaccepted streets, or have it definitely understood that the Plowed residents of such streets must remove boulders before the plows go through. I X67 Mr. Potter thought that the abutters should be notified that unless some effort is made to have the streets accepted, they will not be plowed. He said that he thought a definite program should be followed to have all the streets accepted. The Chairman read a letter from W. S. Couette regarding the installation of storm water drainage in new streets; Storm Mr. Couette wanted to know whether or not the Town Water intended to install storm water drains in new developments Drainage without expense to the owners. The Chairman said that he had talked with Mr. Couette on this subject, and Mr. Rowse had also duscussed it with him. Mr. Rowse said that he had informed Mr. Couette that it would be up to the developer to assume the obligation of drainage in new developments. Mr. Sarano stated that he had been informed that it was unconstitutional to assume the cost for some individuals and then to charge a private developer. The Clerk was instructed to obtain an opinion from Mr. Wrightington, Town Counsel, and to advise Mr. Couette that Legal it was not the intention of the vote of the Board of Select- Opinion ment that the cost- of drainage in new developments be absorbed by the Town. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Harold J. Toole, Water ' Chief Water Supply Engineer of the Metropolitan District Main Commission. Summer & Mr. Toole stated that in his budget for the fiscal year, Forest July 1, 1946 to June 30, 1947, he is requesting an appropri- Sts. Arl. ation to enable the installation of a new 20" water main from Tie-In Forest and Summer Streets, Arlington, to the Lexington line Lexington near Sumner Street, Arlington. Mr. Toole stated that in his opinion the Legislature may ask tete Metropolitan District Commission for some definite asst p .nce that the Town of Lexington is prepared to make a connection with this water main at the Arlington-Lexington Town Line and continue the necessary construction requested to supplement Lexington's present single tie-in with the system. He further stated that it would be well for the Board to address a communic- ation to him giving him a statement to that effect, and also the reasons why such a connection is advisable. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge Mr. Toole's letter, and to advise him that as soon as the Metropolitan District Commission assures the Town. of Lexington that a new force main to the Arlington-Lexington Town Line will be installed. the Board of Selectmen will recommend favorable action to the Town Meeting, and ask for an appropriation of funds to make a connection with the water main at the Arlington-Lexington Town Line, and to continue the necessary construction to supplement Lexington' s single tie-in with the Metropolitan District Com.aission. The Board' s reason for such a connection is to provide a second source of supply. 368 00 Approve Form letter was received from the Commonwealth of Ch. 90 Massachusetts, Department of Public Works, stating that Work the Commissioners approved, as of November 24, 1945, the work done under the provisions of Chapter 90. Letter was received from Tracy W. Ames relative to Automatic automatic sprinkler inspection service. Sprinkler The Clerk was instructed to refer the correspondence Inspection to Colonel Barry. Service Held Over The Chairman read a letter from Timothy J. Quinlan, 63 Woburn Street, Lexington, requesting snow removal service for the sidewalks on Woburn Street. Sidewalk The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter, Plowing and to inform Mr. Quinlan that as soon as equipment and Complaint manpower are available, sidewalk plowing will be resumed. Colonel Barry and Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:25 p.m. Messrs. William Ballard, F. K. Johnson and Frederick J. Spender of the Parking Committee appeared before the Board. Mr. Sheldon retired to telephone Mr. Wrightington, Town Counsel, for advise pertaining to paying the bills incurred as Parking a result of the dinner tendered the members of the Rationing Area and Selective Service Boards. Mr. Rowse asked if the Parking; Committee had made a survey of the entire business section, and the enlargment of the business area beyond the proposed street in the rear of the banks. Mr. Ballard stated that after surveying the whole Town and considering the future growth of the Town, the members of the committee restrained themselves and thought it would be very unwise to make any remarks about future changes in zoning or other changes that might occur in the way of street widenings. Mr. Rowse said that what he had in mind was the possibility of this parking apace in reference to additional business property, that is up to Forest Street or towards Clarke Street. Mr. Ballard said that he thought the committee felt that in placingthe parkingarea cross street where they did, it would serve the most people and best serve the Town, insofar as parking is concerned. He further stated that in placing it there that it would attract additional growth on Waltham Street and Muzzey Street. Mr. Rowse asked how near the entrance of Raymond Street would the new street run. Mr. Potter replied about 1501 . Mr. Johnson said that the feeling of thenembers of the parking committee and other committees has been that the business area should be confined within the present limits as far as Massachusetts Avenue is concerned. He said that most people feel it should not go beyond the Colonial Garage. Mr. Sheldon returned to the meeting at 8 32 p.m. 369 Mr. Sheldon asked whether or not the committee had considered the area in the rear of the five and ten cent store. The Chairman read the following excerpt from the Committee's Report: "The Massachusetts Avenue plan illustrates a proposed service road 20' wide from Depot Square, now Town owned property, across the property of the Boston & Maine Rail- road and private owners to the Edison right-of-way. This illustrates a facility that would furnish additional circu- lation and is presented with the suggestion that the Town invite the owners of these properties to consider the establishment of such a right-of-way for their joint use and benefit, and perhaps for future acceptance by the Town when constructed." Mr. Rowse asked about this location in connection with the additional parking space. Mr. Ballard said that the committee did not feel that it would be of any use except for increased parking space for the Boston & Maine Railroad patrons. Mr. Sheldon asked why something had not been_ done about this low cost area in preference to the higher cost area proposed. Mr. Ballard said that the committee feels that this area is not the low area. He said that it is owned by Rubin & Seligman who may someday erect a theatre on the property, andif it is not used for a theatre, there will be an opportunity for deepening present stores. Mr. Sheldon asked if the area in back of the Edison would cost as much per foot as the area recommended by the Parking Committee, and Mr. Ballard replied that it would cost more per foot. He said that Rubin and Seligman' s property alone is assessed for $7,000. Mr. Ballard said that the parking committee held a meeting the other night just to see how many new ideas might be presented, and for the convenience of the Board they had them listed in the order which they believe they should be presented. He said that there are no changes in the recommendations made in the r':port, but there may be a slight change in the order of their importance. Mr. Ballard suggested that a sense of the meeting vote be obtained at Town Meeting for the widening of Massachusetts Avenue at 100' . Mr. Potter said that he believed the committee to be in favor of making a setback in front of the Post Office, Boston, Edison, Depot t ark and Buckman Tavern. Mr. Rowse asked if the parking committee would submit a condensed report to Alan Adams to be printed in the Lex- ington Minute-Man. Mr. Ballard agreed that it might be worthwhile. The group retired at 9 :45 p.n. 370 CO 011 The Chairman read a letter from the Commonwealth of Money Massachusetts, Division of Forestry, relative to approp- Insect riating money for Insect Suppression. Supprtn It is recommended that the Town of Lexington approp- riate the sum of $3,800. A copy of the recommendation has been given to Mr. Garrity, Supt. of Parks & Playgrounds. Sell Lots The Chairman read a letter from Eugene Rosendorn, Hillcrest 59 Fottler Avenue, Lexington, stating that he would pay Avenue $200 for Lots 285, 291-296 inc. and 294A-296A inft on Hillcrest Avenue, Lexington. Mr. Sheldon moved that the lots be advertised, and that further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Stevens A letter was received from the Lexington Trust Company Gravel quoting a price of 77500 for the so-called Stevens Gravel Pit Pit at Utica Street, Lexington. This property consists of approximately twenty-three acres. Mt'. Potter moved that the Chairman acknowledge the letter, and advise Mr. Walker that if the Board receives a written quotation of $5,000, the Selectmen will recommend favorable action to the Town Meeting. The Board felt that the phraseology of the Trust Company's offer should be such that the Town would have an option to purchase until April 15, 1946. Contract A letter was received from Tracy W. Ames relative to Bond on negotiating a contract bond between the architects and Fire Stats. the Town of Lexington for the erection of the two new fire stations. No action was taken on the matter. A letter was received from the Appropriation Committee Transfers advising that the sum of $291.60 had been transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Assessors' Department . Expenses Account; that $174.27 had been transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Selectmen's Department - Expenses Account, and that 0.10 had been transferred from the ReserverFand to the Sealer of Weights and Measures - Expenses Account. Appoint Form letter was received from the Commonwealth of Forest Massachusetts, Division of Forestry, relative to the Warden appointment of a Town Forest Warden for the year 1946 as provided in General Laws, Chapter 48, Section 8. Mr. Potter moved that Deputy Chief Roy A. Cook be appointed Forest Warden, subject to the approval of the Director of Forestry, for a term ending December 31; 1946, with the same financial arrangement as that followed in 1945. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 371 Application was received from the Middlesex Tree Use of Warden and Moth Superintendent Association requesting Conference the use of the Conference Room in Cary Memorial Building Room on the afternoon of January 16, 1946, from 2:00 p.m. to 4 :00 p.m. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted, free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so v oted. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it License: was voted that the following licenses be granted: Minute Man Cafe 1715 Mass. Avenue Common Victualler Partridge's Food Shop 1709 Mass. Avenue Common Victualler L. J. Foss Dainty Sweets 1733 Mass . Avenue Common Victualler The Clerk informed the Board that inasmuch as Mrs. Collins Mary E. Casey had been relieved of her duties as Public Appt►d Welfare Agent, the Board should now appoint an Agent to Agent For the Board of Selectmen for the administration of Soldieral Selectmen Relief, Military and State Aid. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. James E. Collins be appointed Temporary Agent to administer Soldiers ' Relief, Military and State Aid under Chapter 115 of the General Laws, and War Allowances under Chapter 11 of the Acts of 1942. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it vas so voted. Mr. Sheldon reported to the Board on his conversation Paying with Mr. Wrightington relative to paying bills incurred as Rationing a result of the dinner tendered to the members of the Board Rationing and Selective Service Boards. Dinner Mr. Rowse moved that the bills be paid from the Unclassi- fied Rationing Board Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman stated that some action should be taken Lynch relative to the appointment of a Town Counsel. App►td Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was Town voted to appoint Daniel A. Lynch, 5 Goodwin Road, as Town Counsel Counsel, effective February 8, 1946, to fill the unexpired term of Mr. S. R. Wrightington who will retire on February 7, 1946. The Board decided to meet on Saturday, January 12, 1946 at 2 :00 p.m. to consider budgets. A true record, Attest : ' Clerk 67 01115