HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-12-06342 setter do Salaries Lpprop. Committee 3ewer Washing - bon St. 19th of April SELECTMENPS MEETING December 6, 1945 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Thursday even- ing, December 6, 1945 for the purpose of considering postwar projects. Members of the Board were notified of this meeting by a postal card mailed on Saturday, December 1, 1945. Chair- man Locke, Messrs. Rowse, Sheldon, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Lewis L. Hoyt, - Chairman of the Appropriation Committee relative to salaries,. Mr. Hoyt stated that the letter was an informative statement, and not a recommendation of the Appropriation Committee. .Mr. Hoyt said that the schools and libraries have their own selary schedules, approved by Town Meeting last year. He stated that the Police and Fire Departments have a new schedule, and that there are no increases in either, except in the ease of a Military Substitute. He further stated ,that there:.are no department heads that rate or are scheduled for increases; the present hourly rates in the Public Works Depart- ment seem sufficient; there are three Senior Clerks not receiving the present maximum of $51.05, and they should receive a $2.00 increase. There are five Junior Clerks not receiving the maximum of $25.30, and they should receive a $1.00 increase. The letter also stated that all full-time employees are now paid in excess of the previous salary schedule. Mr. Sheldon brought in a petition for the construction of a sewer on Washington Street, from Highland Avenue approxi- mately 900 feet, signed by 80 per cent of the abutters. Mr. Rowse moved that the construction of a sewer on Wash- ington Street be undertaken as soon as materials and manpower are available. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from the Lexington Allied Veterans Council with further reference to the 19th of April celebration. Mr. Frothingham, Secretary, explained that it will be necessary for an unusual engagement of bands for the parade this year, inasmuch as fewer bands are available than formerly, and it is expected that there will be greater demands for professional or school bands and orchestras. The Lexington Allied Veterans Council would like an opportunity to appear before the Board. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter, and to advise the group that as soon as possible, arrangements will be made for them to meet with the Selectmen. 1 343 It was decided to have a general plan drawn up for the approval of the Board of Selectmen before inviting the Allied Veterans Council to meet with the Board of Selectmen. The Chairman read a letter from the Boy Scouts of Boy Scout America, Boston Council, advising that a tentative Pilgrimage program for a pilgrimage to Lexington on April 19, 1945 for approximately 2,000 scout leaders and scouts had been planned. The Chairman said that he had talked to Mr. Blair of the Boston Council, Inc., and informed him that the 19th of April plans in Lexington were in preliminary form, and that it was expected that Lexington would have an unusually elab- orate celebration this year. In view of this fact, -it did not seem -advisable to have the pilgrimage on that date. The letter stated that if the proposed pilgrimage to Lexington would meet with favor on the part of the Selectmen and other agencies concerned, it would be scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 1946. Such a program would require assembly at 11:00 a.m., possibly at the playground in Lex- ington. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter, and to advise them that the Board would be delighted to welcome the contingent on Saturday, April 13, 1946, and to further state that if they will contact the oard as to their plans every_possible assistance will be rendered by the Selectmen, and the Police Department, to make the visit a success. The Chairman read a letter from the Lexington Post V.F.W. #3007, of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, stating that the Use of post has made repairs to the heating system at the Barnes ..Barnes Property, and will maintain heat at approximately 50 degrees Property during the winter months. The lease further stated that this applies only to the lower floor of the building. It was decided to request Mr. Wrightington to draw up a simple letter or agreement, whichever he believes necessary, for the Veterans to sign pertaining to the rental of the Barnes Property. The Clerk was instructed to dive him a copy of all correspondence between that organization, and the Board of Selectmen. The Chairman read a letter from John G. Brackett who Conant has been consulted by Mr. Harold A. Conant of 47 Lincoln Lincoln Street in reference to the Lincoln Street Dump. Street It was decided to have Mr. Wrightington meet with the Dump Board, and Colonel Barry, on Monday evening, December 10, Case 1945, to discuss the matter. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it Comm. Vic. was voted to approve application received from the Liggett License Drug Company for a renewal of their Common Victualler's Approved License. 344 Cert. of Character William roger reeley Five-year Postwar Program Letter was received from the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, Office of the Secretary, stating that William Roger Greeley of 1948 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, and thirty-one other individuals, not residents of Lex- ington, had filed an application for a certificate of incorporation under the name of the Greater Boston Devel- opment Committee, Inc. Mr. nowse moved that the certificate of character be approved. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The remainder of the evening was devoted to discussion on postwar projects as submitted by the Committee on Post- war Planning. Mr. Potter arrived at 8:45 p.m. It was decided to invite the Committee on Parking Facilities to meet with the Board on Thursday evening, January 3, 1946, for the purpose of further considering the Committee's report. The Board decided not to have a Selectmen's Meeting Christmas week. A tentative five-year program was scheduled as follows: 1946 Lexington Manor Sewers Lowering North Branch of Vine Brook from Waltham Street to Clarke Street New low level sewer from approximately -100 feet above Vine Brook Road to Center Playground New locker building near enclosed athletic field (in Mr. Garrity's budget) Grandstand at Center Playground (included in Mr. Garrity's budget) New library or increased facilities Widening of Massachusetts Avenue, from Post Office 1947 Construction of toilets and entrance Playground Addition to building at swimming pool 12 -inch water main to Arlington line on 1949 East Lexington Summer Street Installation of water main from Lowell Street to Massachusetts Avenue Installation of a 12 -inch water main in Maple Street 1950 Future Installation of a 12 -inch water main in Bedford Street Installation of a 12 -inch water main in Adams Street from East Street to Hancock Street 1-4 345 Installation of 12 -inch water main in Adams Street over the hill to Massachusetts Avenue The Board discussed at length the matter of a definite Surface policy relative to charges for surface drainage. Drainage Upon motion of Mr. howse, seconded by Mr. Saran, it Charges was voted that until further notice, when present existing streets,, not accepted as of this date (December 6, 1945), are accepted by the Town under the Betterment Act, the cost of drainage shall not be assessed against property owners and shall be absorbed by the Town. A true copy, Attest: