HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-11-19SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 19. 1945 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmensas held in the Selectmen's'Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, November 19, 1945, at 9:50 p.m. The lateness in calling the meeting to order was due to the fact that the Board attended a previous meeting which was sponsered by the Lexington Rotary Club. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. Application was received from the War Parents of America Inc., Chapter No. 1, requesting the use of Estabrook Hall on Thursday evening, November 29, 1945, from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., for a business meeting. Mr. Sheldon moved that the use of the hall be granted, free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Lexington Athletic Boosters Club requesting permission to use Estabrook Hall on the evening of December 6, 1945 from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., for a meeting. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted, free of charge. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 9:50 p.m. Messrs. Goerge W. Emery, Gordon Richards, and Donald E. Nickerson of the Fire Stations Building Committee appeared before the Board. Mr. Richards said that the Committee felt that it would be willing to obtain bids on the hew fire stations. The Chairman asked if the Committee could get the firms to bid, and Mr. Richards replied in the affirmative. The Chairman said that he, too, felt that they should be obtained. Mr. Sheldon asked if getting a bid would obligate the Town in any way. Mr. Emery said that he had talked with both architects that day and they had no objection. They both aditised advertising for bids, and if the bids received are too high, or for any other reason may not be acceptable, they can be discarded. Mr. Emery said that if the Committee did not try to get bids, and then found out that the construction might possibly cost $50,000, the members of the Committee would be in an enviable position to justify themselves at Town Meeting. He again stated that both architects agree. that an effort should be made to obtain bids. 323 War Parents Use of Hall Free Boosters TJse of Hall Free Building Committee Fire Stations 324 Architects Obtain Bids Selectmen Open ,Hold Over Insurance Permission StAet to have Street Drain into Reservoir Replace Two Old Light Poles Mr. Nickerson asked if the Board of Selectmen intended to leave the contracts up to the Committee. Mr. Emery said that the Committee has six or eight contractors of whom they approve. Mr. Every asked if the Committee made up a list and declared it closed, and then the Board of Selectmen is approached, what would the Committee do, Mr. Potter asked if they anticipated any reaction locally by contractors whose names might not be included on the list. After further considering the matter, it was decided to leave the decision as to whether or not the bids would be opened or closed up to the discretion of the Committee. Mr. Emery asked if the Board wanted the architects to obtain and open the bids. It was decided to have the architects obtain the bids, and to submit them sealed to the Board of Selectmen. The group retired at 10:05 p.m., and Colonel Barry appeared before the Board. Colonel Barry reported that there is a balance of at least $1,500 in the insurance account, but he does not know, at this time, what the additional premium on the liability policy will be. It was decided to hold the matter of insurance appraisal over for another week. Colonel Barry said that Mr. Harold Levy, Engineer for the Massachusetts Department of Public Works, called in person, and requested authority for the Commonwealth to discharge water, from the street drain that therpropose to construct on Marrett Road near Spring Street, into the old reservoir. Colonel Barry said that if the drain is discharged into Spring Street the street would have to be tern up and patched. Mr. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, does not feel that discharging the water into the reservoir would have any depreciable effect on Vine Brook: Colonel Barry recommended that Mr. Levy's request be granted. Mr. Sarano moved that the request be granted; and that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Works, be given permission to discharge water, from a street drain they propose to construct on Marrett Road, into the old reservoir. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry said that the Boston Edison Company called his attention to the fact that there are two old steeloles, one on Harrington Road, and one on Massa- chusetts Avenue, which need to be replaced. Colonel Barry said that he believed the poles should be replaced, and it will cost x`54 per pole. Mr.•Sheldon moved that the Boston Edison Company be authorized to replace the two poles mentioned above. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Department of Public Works, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, relative to bridges eligible for transfer to that department in accordance with the provisions 'of Chapter 690 of the Acts of 1945, and was held over from last week. Colonel Barry read the Act, and checked the Maple Street Bridge, and informed the Board that this bridge is eligible for transfer to that department. Colonel Barry presented a draft of a letter to be written to Mr. Herman A. MacDonald, Commissioner, advising that the Board of Selectmen acting as the Board of Public Works, and having charge of the Maple Street Bridge, approve MOLthe transfer under the provisions of Chapter 690 of the Acts of 1945. Mr._Sheldon moved that such a letter be written. Mr. Rowse seconded the lotion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry submitted a sketch of the Manor Sewer System. He informed the Board that he has arranged for a conference with representativeSof the Manor, and would like the approval of the Selectmen for the use of the Selectmen's Room on Friday, November 23, 1945 for the conference. The Board had no objection. Colonel Barryls recommendations relative to sick leave and short absences were held over until the next meetingof the Board. Colonel Barry's report on water rates, and any decision pertaining.to same were held over until the next meeting of the Board. Colonel Barry reported that he had attended the meeting of the State Advisory Council, Division of Employment Security of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, held at the State House on November 19, 1945. He said that the meeting was very poorly attended, and that there were seven council members sitting against nine persons representing various Towns. All represent- atives of the Towns expressed opposition to any proposed legis- lations, not only on a tax or contribution basis, but also on.a reimbursement basis for any actual benefit payments by the municipality, Colonel Barry said that it appeared that the Council is in favor of the proposed change in the Massachusetts Employment Security Law, and if the legislation is enacted, Towns will have to contribute regardless of whether or not any of the Town Employees receive unemployment benefits. Colonel Barry stated that every course opened to the Town should be taken to prevent passage of the legislation if and when it is intro- duced. 325 Ch. 690 Maple Street Bridge Manor Sewer Conference Held Over Held Over Ch. 690 Maple St. Unemploy- ment Nottdge Meeting . 326 Washington Street Sewer Held Over Col. Barry's Budgets Employ Miss Bickford Junior Clerk Selectmen's Office Patrol Lexington Center 19th April Committee Held Over The Clerk was instructed to write to Representative Ferguson, and request him to follow any proposed changes in the Massachusetts Employment Security Law, and to advise him that the Board of Selectmen wish to be recorded in opposition to the change proposed by the council.. Petition for the construction of a sewer in Washing- ton Street was received. However, seventy-five per cent of the abutters had not affixed their signatures to the petition. Mr. Sheldon said that he knew of two property owners who he felt would sign. It was decided to have Mr. Sheldon contact them, and to bring in the petition next week. Colonel Barry informed the Board that the Appropriation Committee had requested him to meet on December 3, 1945 to discuss budgets. It was decided to have Colonel Barry submit his budgets to the Board of Selectmen on Monday evening, November 26, 1945, Mr. Rowse informed the Board that the Appropriation Committee had no objections to using the $100 available in the Highway Department - Personal Services Account to pay for a girl to be employed in the Selectmen's Department, inasmuch as there is no money available for this purpose in the Selectmen's - Personal Services Account. Mr. Potter moved that Miss Ruth Edna Bickford be employed as Junior Clerk in the Selectmen's Department, as of November 30, 1945, at a salary of 20 per week; Miss Bickford's salary to be charged to the Highway Department - Personal Services Account until the annual appropriations in March, after which she will be paid from the Selectmen's - Personal Services Account. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Chief John W. Rycroft in reply to an inquiry received from the Chamber or Commerce relative to patrolling Lexington Center between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. Chief Rycroft stated that under existing conditions, and with the present number of officers in his department, it is impossible to assign a foot patrolman to Lexington Center during the last half of the night, Chief Rycroft stated that officers will cover the Center from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.; patrol for one half hour, back to the Center for one hour and patrol again for one hour; alternating in this manner from 1:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. A letter was received from the Lexington Allied Veterans Council nominating the 19th of April Committee. Appointment of the Committee was held over until the next meeting of the Board. Application was received from the Hudson Bus Lines, Medford, Massachusetts, for a license to operate motor vehicles for hire over the following described road: From Arlington -Lexington Town Line on Westminister Avenue to Lowell Street; on Lowell Street to the Arling- ton -Lexington Town Line, in either direction. Further consideration was given to Albert Butler's application for a Public Carriage License. The Chairman read a letter from Chief John W. Rycroft stating that upon investigation it was learned that Mr. Albert T. Butler has had a room at the residence of Mr. Lowe, 419 Marrett Road, Lexington, for the past two weeks. Mr. Butler is married, and is not an ex -serviceman. Mr. Potter moved that the application be denied. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Architects' contract for professional services pertain- ing to the proposed Central Fire Station was received from Leland -•and Larsen. Contract Was also received fromAndrews, 327 Grant Bus Line License Butler's Taxi License Denied Sign Contracts Fire Jones BiscoeGoodell, for professional servioes pertain- Stations ing to the pro posed new East Lexington Fire Station. (Archtts) The Board checked the contracts with th recommendations submitted in Mr. Wrightington's,(Town Counsel letter, dated October 3, 1945, and were of the opinion that both contracts conformed with Mr. Wrightington's suggestions. Mr. Rowse moved that both contracts be signed. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon,motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to sign the deed, prepared by Mr. Wrightington, conveying Part of Lot 19, Downing Road, Lexington, to George W. & Beatrice E. Stevens. Further consideration was given to the appointment of a Superintendent of Public Works in the Town of Lexington The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe had expressed a willingness and a genuine desire to come to work for the Town of Lexington at a salary of $400 per month. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, 56 Court Road, Winthrop, Massachusetts, be appointed as Superintend- ent of Public Works in the Town of Lexington, effective on December 21, 1945 at a salary of $400 per month. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A true record, Attest: ** Mr. Sarano moved that the license be granted. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Deed Part Lot 19 Downing Rd Signed DeFoe • Appointed Supt. of Public Works $400 per month