HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-10-22298 Haskell Fire - prodf ing Curtains and Draperies Cary Hall Request Transfer Sewer Services Account Request Transfer Ashes & Dumps Acct SELECTMEN'S MEETING October 22, 1945 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, October 22, 1945 at 7:30 p.m. Messrs. Potter, Sheldon, Sarano and Rowse were present. The Clark was also present. In the absence of Mr. Locke, Mr. Potter acted as Chairman. Mr. Rowse conddeted the interview for the position of Supt. of Public Works. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. C. L. Haskell and Colonel Barry appeared before the Board. Mr. Haskell said that since the Cocoanut Grove fire he has been doing fireproofing in Massachusetts and New Hampshire with ammonium sulphamt.te. Mr. Haskell said that according to law, the stage curtains and wooden panels in Cary Hall should be fireproofed. The Chairman asked for how lone a period the treatment would be effective, and Mr. Haskell replied five years. Mr. Sarano asked if the treatment were liquid, and Mr. Haskell said that it was a solid to which water is. added. He said that without the windows it would cost approximately 238. He said that the ten sets of window drapes would cost 5.00 a set. Mr. Sarano asked if he were certified by the State, and Mr. Haskell replied that the State will not certify anyone. Mr. Potter suggested that Mr. Haskell submit his proposition to the Board in writing. He agreed to do so and retired at 7:40 p.m. Colonel Barry informed the Board that the Sewer Services Appropriation is practically exhausted. He said that sixteen connections have been made this year at a total cost of $1,970; leaving a balance of $30 in the account. The Colonel recommended that a transfer of $500 be requested for the balance of the year. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $500 from the Reserve Fund to the Sewer Services Account. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry submitted a detailed memorandum pertaining to the Care of Dumps and Removal of Ashes Account, and stated that the balance at the present time is $149.71. He said that .he would need $492.22 to cover expenses for the balance of the year. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of 6500 from the Reserve Fund to the Account for the Care of Dumps and Removal of Ashes. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk was instructed to attach a copy of Colonel Barry's detailed explanation to the request for a transfer. 1 1 1 1 299 Colonel Barry said that on August 17, 1942 Mr. Joseph M. Bettencourt of 65 Spring Street, Lexington, talked with Bettencourt Mr. Paxton about his property, and at the time, Mr. Paxton Grading of presented the case to the Board. Colonel Barry said that Property Mr. Bettencourt was not satisfied with the way the bank was left, and that he signed an agreement permitting the Town to go onto his property. Colonel Barry said that he, together with the Town Engineer, went over the situation with Mr. Bettencourt who stated that he would be satisfied if' the Town would cut down the bank so that he could build a stone wall. Colonel Barry said that he wanted t� make sure that the street line was properly laid out, and so he had the engineers restake the street line. He said that it was then found that Bettencourt's garage wall is 3.39' into the street and the other part of his property is 5i' into the street. The next door neighbor has also built a stone wall which is all on the street. Bettencourt wants the Town to build a stone wall for him, and feels that he was misinformed when told where the line was originally. Colonel Barry read a leeter to the Board which he received from Bettencourt. The Colonel recommended that no action to improve the Bettencourt Action Property be taken until such time as the whole street could be Post - taken care of. poned Mr. Rowse moved that the Board approve Colonel Barry's recommendation that any action to improve'the Bettencourt Property be deferred until such time as a definite decision is made relative to the rest of the property. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry informed the Board that he had checked Swenson Brothers request for the rental of the bulldozer, and found that they want to cut down the driveway which will take at least a week. He said that it appeared to be quite a difficult job, and he would not recommend renting the bull- Rescind dozer for this purpose. Use of Mr. Sarano moved that in view of the conditions reported Town Equip - by Colonel Barry, the vote of the Board of October 15, 1945, ment authorizing the rental of the town equipment he rescinded. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, .and it was so voted. It was then voted to deny the request of Swenson Brothers for the use of the bulldozer. Deny It was decided to have Colonel Barry write to the Swenson Request Brothers and explain why the Boardpreferred not to grant their For request. Bulldozer Colonel Barry.- told the Board that he would like very much Swenson to have any furtherrequests for rental of Town Equipment denied, Bros. inasmuch as Tbwn work is increasing and there is still insufficient help. No letting It was decided that any further requests for the rental Out of of Town Equipment be denied, also, the hiring of the Town Men or operators be denied. Equipment 300 Arlington Gas Light Company Permission to Install Gas Main Follen Rd. Granted p. .Torn Mahoney Position of Supt. of Public Works 00 010 A request was received from the Arlington Gas Light Company for permission to install a gas main on Follen Road from the present end just below Pinewood Road to Lexington Avenue, thirteen feet off the southerly street line. The company also asked permission to install 340' of two-inch steel main to supply gas to #165 Follen Road. Colonel Barry said that he could see no objections to granting the request. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Arlington Gas Light Company's request be approved. Mr. Saran() seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Colonel retired at 8:15 p.m., and Capt. John J. Mahoney, applicant for the position of Superintendent of Public Works, appeared before the Board. Mr. Rowse explained that a few applicants for the position have been interviewed, and gave a brief summary of the duties of the office. Capt. Mahoney stated that from what Mr. Rowse said, he assumed the Town needed someone to supervise the Engineering Department and the personnel of the Department of Public Works. He said that he believed that he had the qualifications and background. He said that before he went into the service, he was Assistant Superintendent of Power and Maintenance for the National Fireworks, Inc. He said this orgatization was expanded greatly to accommodate war -time contracts, necessitiating the construction of roads, water and sewer lines, power lines, and buildings. He said that on this job there were 500 men in the department. He stated that on this job, he layed out the work, supervised the installation, and hired all the mechanics, and saw to it that the job was completed on time. He said that prior to that he had a small, but successful, engineering organization of his own. He stated that he had done surveys, sewer work, laid out streets and also structural engineering. For two years he worked for the City of Boston laying out and supervising street pavements, and that there was some water work connected with that job. Capt. Mahoney said that previous to that he was associated with the State Highway Commission, and he believed his knowledge of engineering, plus his administrative experience qualified him for the position of Superintendent. Mr. Rowse stated that no mention was made of the salary because the Board desired to choose the man first, and then make arrangements for a satisfactory salary, and he informed Mr. Mahoneythat the former Superintendent of Public Works was receiving 4,800 at the time of his resignation. Mr. Rowse asked Mr. Mahoney what he would consider as a starting salary. Capt. Mahoney said that he had $4,500 in mind. Mr. Rowse asked if he were available at the present time, and he replied in the affirmative, stating that he has legal residence in Arlington. Capt. Mahoney furnished the Board with the names of three individuals who might be contacted relative to references. Mr. Potter asked Capt. Mahoney whetheror not he would live in Lexngton, and he replied in the affirmative. Capt. Mahoney retired at 8:40 p.m. 1 Letter was received from the Bureau of Old Age Assistance requesting that the sum of $7,500 be made available by transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Old Age Assistance - Aid & Expenses Account. The Clerk was instructed to invite the Chairman or a representative of the Bureau to meet'with the Selectmen on Monday evening, October 29, 1945, to discuss the request. Letter received from Attorney Ethel E. Mackiernan relative to a tract of land off Woburn Street was held over from last Attorney's week. Letter Re; Mr. Potter reported that he talked with Mr. Cann on this Tract of and was informed that Mr. Charles Ferguson and Mr. Gordon Land on Richards had, during their terms as Building Inspectors, refused Woburn to issue a Aermit for a dwelling on this property. Mr. Cann Street has never been approached for a permit. Mr..Rowse moved that a letter be written to the Planning Board inquiring as to what should be done by the owner of the property before a permit can be granted to him. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. - 301 Old Age Assistance $7,500 Transfer Held Over A letter was received from Miss Eleanor Perry, President of the Lexington Choral Society stating that it had come to her attention that the Outlook Club had been granted the use of Cary Memorial Hall for a Pop Concert on October 16, 1945 for a benefit scholarship fund free of charge. Miss Perry stated that the Choral Society is a non-profit community organization and its concerts are for the purpose of raising money for a music scholarship award. Miss Perry said that she was unable to understand why there should be any discrimination between the Outlook Club Concert and the Choral Society Concert. Mr. Potter moved that the vote of the Board of Selectmen on September 5, 1945 granting the use of Cary Memorial Hall, subject to a charge of $20, be rescinded. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. It was then voted that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Choral Society Concert Now Free of Charge Application was received from the Lexington Choral Society Choral requesting the use of Cary Memorial Hall on March 28, 1946 for Society the rehearsal and on the evening of March 29, 1946 for a concert. Concert Mr. Pbtter moved that both uses be granted free of charge. March Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Use of Hall The Clerk informed the Board that the Stockbridge School of Agriculture would like to change the date of their banquet Change Date from Thursday, November 8, 1945 to Saturday, November 10, 1945. Use of Ball Mr. Sarano moved that the request to change the date be approved. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse informed the Board that Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe DeFoe had called him on the telephone, and wanted to know if there were Request any chance of his being appointed Superintendett of Public Works. Mr. DeFoe told Mr. Rowse that he was very much interested. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. DeFoe, and ad$ise him that the matter was still being considered, and that the Board may desire to talk to him at some future date. 302 No More Penny Sales in Cary Hall Cancel Charge V.F.W. Penny Sale Board of Health Sign The possibility of discontinuing Penny Sales in Cary Memorial Hall was given further consideration by the Board. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to notify all organizationswho have in the past conducted Penny Sales that any further permits would be denied for such a purpose. Further consideration was given to the use of Cary Memorial Hall by the Veterans of Foreign Wars on November 16th for which a charge of $15.00 has been made. In view of the fact that other organizations have conducted Penny Sales for which no rental charge has been made, the Board decided to cancel the charge. The Clerk informed the Board that at a meeting of the Board of Health held on Thursday, October 18 1945, it was suggested that a Board of Health sign be placed underneath the Selectmen's Sign in the Selectmen's Office. The Board had no objections. A true record, Attest: Op