HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-10-15294 Sell Old Sewer Pipe to George Whiting Swenson Use of Bulldozer Insurance Appraisal urphy equest For Amount 'Paid For Tax Title Land Denied Building Permit Mackiernan Attorney lie: Dwell- ing On Woburn St. SELECTMEN'S MEETING October 15, 1945 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monda October 15, 1945. Messrs. Potter, Rowse and Sarano present. In the absence of Mr. Locke, Mr. Potter se Chairman. The Clerk was also present. Memorandum was received from Colonel Barry info Board that George G. Whiting desired to purchase app 36' of 6" broken V. C. Sewer Pipe now located at the Works Building. Colonel Barry stated that this pipe less for its originally intended use, and recommende be sold to Mr. Whiting for the sum of one dollar. Mr. Rowse moved that Colonel Barry be authorize the pipe to Mr. Whiting for one dollar. Mr. Sarano the motion, and it was so voted. held in evening, ere ed as ing the oximately Public is worth - that it to sell econded A letter was received from Swenson Brothers, 210 Marrett Road, Lexington, requesting the use of the bulldozer and operator for the purpose of grading the driveways on their property. Mr. Sarano moved that the request be granted if practicable; subject to the usual charge. Mr. Rowse seconded th motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Elmer A. Lord & Com•:ny strongly urging that some action be taken to increase the ins ranee on the Town buildings; the last appraisal having been m,de in 1935. A transfer had previously been requested for such a purpose and denied by the Appropriation Committee. A letter was received from Mr. John L. Murphy, ttorney, 60 State Street, Boston, advising that it was neceas=ry for him to ascertain the amount of money received by the Tow from Mr. Michael Shea for the tax title property recently purchased by him. The Clerk had advised Mr. Murphy that such inf of iation was confidential, and he wanted to know whether or not s ch was the official attitude of the Board. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Murphy be advised that the Board of Selectmen could see no reason for revealing the a ount of money paid by Mr. Shea. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Ethel E. Mackiernan, Attorney, 19 Tremont,Street, Boston, relative to a certain tract of land in Lexington bound on the East by land of James W. Q inn; on the southwest, by Charles and Robert E. Ryder, Trustees; on the west, by the Town of Lexington; and on the north, b land of James M. Etter; and again on the east, by a forty (40) foot way, and a portion of a thirty (30) foot way. Miss iLackiernan stated that the only way into the premises is from a thirty (30) foot gravel driveway running south from Woburn Stree . She 1 1 1 1 stated that the prospective buyer intends to erect a dwelling on the premises and has consulted her because of rumors that the Town would not issue a permit for building such a dwelling. It was decided to have Mr. Potter contact Mr. Cann, Build- ing Inspector, and to hold the matter over until the next meeting of the board. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. William P. Fitz- gerald's offer of $225 for Lots 37 and 38, Richard Road, Lexington A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man on October 11, 1945. No persons contacted the Select- men's Off ies as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sarano moved that the offer be accepted, and that Lots 37 and 38, Richard Road, Lexington, be sold and conveyed to Mr. Fitzgerald. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. George W. Stevens' offer of $100 for part of Lot 19, Downing Road. A proposal to sell Was advertised in the October 11, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. No persons contacted the Select- men's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sarano moved that the offer be accepted, and that part of Lot 19, Downing Road, be sold and conveyed to Mr. George W. Stevens. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Secretary of for a certificate of character of Edna F. Litchf chusetts Avenue, Lexington. Satisfactory refere from the Chief of Police. Mr. Rowse moved that the certificate be sig seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 295 Sell • Lots 37,38 Richard Road to Wm. P. Fitz- gerald Selliat Lot 19 Downing Road to Geo. W. Stevens the Commonwealth Cert. ield, 949 Massa- of nce was received Character Litchf ie]d ned. Mr. Sarano A letter was received from A. H. Tutin, 9 Revere Street, Tutin Lexington, stating that he had been informed that a Town Officer Complaint had called on Mr. J. J. Roberts of 11 Revere Street with refer- Re: J.J. ence t�aQ.a Apppieint alledgedly to have been made by Mr. or Mrs. Roberts TutirYA trtt that at no such time had any complaint been entered. Not The Clerk informed the Board that no complaint either Rectd verbally or in writing had been received et the office. Selectmen*S Office A letter was received from Eugene L. Morgan, together with a copy of a letter which he mailed to the Building Committee on Fire Staticns, suggesting certain changes in the building before construction is commenced. No action was taken on the matter. A letter was received from Vincent F. J. Damiano, 201 Coyle Street, Brooklyn, New York, requesting an interview to present his qualifications in connection with the position of Supt. of Public Works. The Clerk was instructed to invite Mr. Damiano to meet with the Board on Monday evening, November 5, 1945 at 8:00 p.m. Morgan Letter Re: Fire Stat. Damiano App't Re: Supt. Public Works 296 Old Age Recipient Living on Tax Title Property Rent to Former Owner V.F.W. Re: "Welcome Home" Banner (Various Matters Rent of Barnes Property Mr. Potter informed the Board that the Town own a piece sof property on Eastern Avenue, and when it was taken over for taxes there was a shack on it which is still there. There is a man and his wife living on this property in the sh=ck and paying rent to the former owner. The tenants, a Mr. and Mrs. Murray, are Old Age Recipients. The Board felt that the rent should be paid to tie Town, and that some arrangements should be made through the Bureau of Old Age Assistance whereby the Town would collect the money. The Clerk was instructed to request the Agent of the Old Age Assistance Bureau to advise the Board of Selectmen as to the status of the Murrays regarding their rental of ti- build- ing situated on Town property. At 8:00 p.m. Mr. Thomas Brown, Commander of the ;V.F.W., William A. Barnes and Carl Miner appeared before the moard. Mr. Barnes said that he had a proposal to make tie Town in a form of some sort of "Welcome Home" banner, and stated that Lexington seems to be the only progressive Town in the Commonwealth that hasn't done something to let the bo s know that it is glad to have them back. He said that 'the V.F.W. would assurtte one half of the cost of the banner and i e Town would have to assume the other half. He said that the V.F.W. would erect the banner and insert their name in the •ottbm. Mr. Rowse asked what other Towns had down anyth ng similar, and Mr. Barnes replied that Somerville, Everett and edf ord had already done this. Mr. Howse again asked what Towns had erected ba ners, and Mr. Barnes said that he has not driven through any T. as. Mr. Potter asked if they had something in mind s ch as a banner to be strung across Massachusetts Avenue, an. Mr. Barnes replied in the affirmative. Mr. Potter stated that the Board had never granted a permit of this type, and wo ld prefer not to establish a precedent. Mr. Barnes said that they might possibly have a large sign erected by the Minute -Man Statue made from metal 12' by 5'. He said the cost of a sign this type painted ithout placing and without posts would cost $45. Mr. Barnes said that the post would also like to know how much rent is due the Town of Lexington to date. Mr. Potter stated that rent would be from July lst, and that it should be paid to the Tax Collector. Mr. Brown said that the post had paid x;12 for plumbing repairs, and they felt that it should be deducted from the rent. He further stated that it was getting cold, and the building should be heated. Mr. Rowse said that it was the understanding of the Board of Selectmen that the post was merely using the building as a temporary arrangement, and the Selectmen did not have any idea that it would be used by them through the winter. Mr. Brown said that they wanted to heat the building, but did not want the oil put in if it were going to be necessary for them to move. 1 1 297 Mr. Rowse asked what they had done about another location, Mr. Barnes replied that they expect to have a definite answer in about two weeks. He said that they intend to go ahead with establishing a permanent home for the V. F. W. Janitoral Mr. Potter suggested that a sufficient supply of oil be Charge put in for as far ahead as they can see at the present time, Mr. Barnes asked whether or not the charge for janitorial services included a matron and police officer. Mr. Potter explained that they were two separate charges, and that the janitorial charge is for preparing and cleaning the building before and after the Penny Sale. Mr. Rowse said that he thought the Board should have more information as to what they are suggesting in the way of a "Welcome Home" sign. He said that the Board of Selectmen would, undoubtedly, want to confer with the Planning Board on this matter. He explained that all overhanging signs in Lexington had to be removed by January 1, 1946. Mr.Potter suggested that the Board of Selectmen consider the matter further with the possibility of inviting a member of the Planning Board to meet with the representatives of the V.P.W. to discuss the proposal. Mr. Potter said that inasmuch as the Board had previously agreed to assume the charges for repairing the plumbing caused by a freeze up,. the amount of $12 could be deducted from the rent and he requested that the plumber's receipted bill be sub- mitted at the time the rent is paid. The group retired at 8:40 p.m. Mr. Rowse suggested that all organizations who have at any No time hired Cary Hall for the purpose of conducting a Penny Sale Penny be advised that no further permits for such a use would be Sales granted. in It was decided, however, to hold this over until the next Cary meeting of the Board before any definite action is taken. Hall The Clerk was instructed to invite Mr. Stephen Hamblin 'and members of the Committee on Veterans Rehabilitation and Comm. on Employment to meet with the Board of Selectmen on October 29, Vets. Inv. 1945 pertaining to Chapter 273 of the Acts of 1945. to meet with Board. A true record, Attest: / le'�Cle k