HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-09-17264 New Sweeper Fire Insurance 'Held Over ,Move Ext. Telephone Public Works 'Bldg. Reemploy Lichten- berg as Rods - man Engineer- ing Dept. SELECTMEN'S MEETING September 17, 1945 A regular meeting -of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, September 17, 1945 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. The members were notified of this meeting by a notice mailed on September 14, 1945. At 7:30 p.m. Colonel Barry appeared before the Board. Colonel Barry informed the Board that the new sweeper was billed at $4,195..00, but the actual cost will be $3,945.00 and he now has a credit slip in the amount of $250.00. He asked the Board about placing insurance on this new piece of equipment. The Chairman asked if it were covered by the blanket policy, and Colonel Barry replied in the negative, stating that each new unit must be included in the policy. Mr. Sheldon moved that Colonel Barry be authorized to place insurance on the new sweeper at a minimum coverage of $4,000.00. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry submitted a report on the fire insurance by groups. It was decided to have Mr. Sheldon and Mr. Rowse look over the insurance schedules and report to the Board at a later date. Colonel Barry said that there was a definite need for a telephone extension at the Public Works Building. As it is now, the only telephone is in the office and when Mr. Harring- ton is out, it is necessary for the mechanic to leave his work and go into the office to answer the phone. Colonel Barry said at present there is a telephone at the gas pumps which could be moved. The Board had no objection to having Colonel Barry remove the telephone now located at the gas pumps to whatever location would be most advabtageous. Colonel Barry said that Mr. Cosgrove had asked him to advise the Board that John Lichtenberg, who had formerly worked in the Engineering Department, had applied for reemployment and Mr. Cosgrove would like to take him on as a Rodsman. Lichtenberg. is willingto come back to work for $28.00 a week, and the Colonel said that there is sufficient money in the funds appropriated for a Transitman to pay his salary. Mr. Sheldon moved that Colonel Barry be authorized to re- employ John Lichtenberg as a Rodsman at a salary of $28.00 per week, to be paid from the appropriation for a Transitman Tj 1 265 in the Engineering Budget. Mr. Saran o seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry asked the Board for authorization to accept Accept the bid of Grinnell Company, Inc., in the amount of $1,100.00, bid for repairing two valves controlling a portion of the sprinkler Grinnell system at the Public Works Building. Co. Mr. Rowse moved that Colonel Barry be authorized to accept Repair the bid of $1,100.00, received from Grinnell Co:, Inc., for Valves replacing the No. 12, 5 -inch dry pit valve and a No. 12, 6 -inch on pit valve, controlling a portion of the sprinkler system at the Sprinkler Public Works Building; providing the Appropriation Committee System approves the Selectmen's request for a transfer from the Reserve Public Fund to the Public Works Building Wages and Expenses Account. Mr. Works Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Bldg. Colonel Barry retired at 7:55 p.m. Letter was received from George E. Graves, Chairman of the Rationing Board, advising that it would be necessary to have some individual in the Town Office Building handle telephone calls and applications pertaining to rationing after the Ration- ing Board. closes on September 30, 1945. It was decided to have Mr. Potter discuss the matter with Mr. Spencer and find out whether or not he would be willing to assume this work. Assess. Office Handle Ration- ing Board Matters The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wri.tington, Town Legal Counsel, stating that he had already advised Mr. Emery of the Opinion Building Committee, that the only limit on the method of award- Selected ing contracts is contained in Article 15 of the General By -Laws. List of Article XV requires solocitation of proposals or public advertise -Bidder ment for bids. Mr. Wrightinaton said that it would seem, there- Conflict fore, that the Committee's proposal of a "selected" list of Fire bidders comes within the provision for solicitation of proposals. Stat. At 8:05 p.m. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, and Mr. Eben Johnson Johnson appeared before the Board. Cary Mr. Carroll said that Mr. Johnson had purchased a piece of Lot 34 tax title property from the Town. (Lot 34, Cary Street) Mr. Carroll said that through an error he foreclosed the property illegally; the reason being that the former owner, Paul Johnson, is still in the Armed Forces and according to a Federal Law, Fore - property belonging to individuals in the -•service may not be closed foreclosed. Mr. Carroll said that there was also a Harry John- Man son who had been killed in an automobile accident, and he thought in this was the person who owned the property. Service Mr. Carroll said that a Mr. Regan from Arlington, Attorney for Paul Johnson, had called him and stated that Paul was desirous of retaining the land. Mr; Carroll said that he had talked with Commissioner Long's Office today, and explained the situation to him, and was informed that the Town of Lexington was not at fault, although the fore- closure and the sale of the property went through. He was told to bring the case to the Land Court as soon as Paul Johnson returned from the service and all concerned would be eliminated of any blame. 266 Mr. Carroll said that Eben Johnson does not care to go through with any deal without some sanction from the Board of Selectmen because he had already paid for the land which he purchased from the Town. The Chairman said that according to Mr. Carroll's explanation and as the situation stands now, the Town cannot give Eben Johnson title to the property. Mr. Johnson said that when he purchased the tax title property he also bought five feet of land adjoining it. He said that he realized the tax title property will have to go back to the former owner, but that will leave him with only five feet of land. Mr. Sheldon asked -Mr. Johnson how much he had paid for this piece and Mr. Johnson replied that he had paid $100.00 and also has a deed for it. Mr. Potter asked what would happen to this piece of property and Mr. Carroll said that Attorney Ryan is willing to pay Eben Johnson a price greater than what he has already spent. Mr. Sheldon asked if Mr. Johnson would get back whatever money he has invested, and Mr. Carroll said that Mr. Ryan informed him that he would. Mr. Carroll said that there was $600.00 due in back taxes on this property. The Chairman asked how you could deed the property to Mr. Paul Johnson, and Mr. Carroll said because it is now in his name. He said in order to make it legal, a new deed would have to be made out to Paul Johnson. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Carroll retired at 8:20 P.M. Public The Chairman reada letter from John A. Lyons advising that Welfare according to Chapter 240 of the Acts of Legislature for the year Records 1945, effective July 24, 1945, Public Welfare Records are now Confid- considered confidential. e nt tal . Application was received from the Lexington Athletic Boosters Club for permission to use Estabrook Hall on the evening of September 26, 1945 for a regular meeting. Mr. Sheldon moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Sports- Application was received from the Minute Man Sportsman's man Club, Inc. for permission to use Estabrook Hall on Monday evening, Use October 1, 1945, for their Annual Meeting. of Hall Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Shed on seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Lexington Lions Club requesting permission to use Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of October 3, 1945 for a Penny Sale. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hh11 be granted, free of charge. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Lions Penny Sale 1 1 Application was received from the Sacred Heart Church requesting permission to use Cary Memorial Hall on November 2, 1945 for a Penny Sale. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted, subject to a $15.00 rental charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. T'he`Board gave further consideration to Mr. John F. O'Connor's offer of $300.00 for Lot 124, Section 3, Farm - burst, Kendall Road, Lexington. A proposal to sell this lot was advertised in the September 13, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minite-Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sheldon moved that the offer be accepted, and that Lot 124, Kendall Road, Lexington, be sold and conveyed to Mr. O'Connor. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse said that it would not be possible for him to make any arrangements pertaining to a dinner to be tendered to the members of the rationing and Draft Boards because of the fact that he definitely hasn't the time to devote to such an activity. • Mr. Sheldon moved that the Board of Selectmen appoint a Committee consisting of T. A. Custance, Rev. James W. Lenhart, and William G. Potter to arrange a dinner and entertainment, the understanding that the Committee would have full authority to enlarge its membership. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse retired at 8:35 P.M. to represent the Board of Selectmen at the American Legion Installation and Banquet in Cary Memorial Hall. The Board gave further consideration to Albert and Henry DeVincent's offer of $400.00 for Lots 315 to 340 inc., Lots 131 to 155 inc., and Lot 21 on Moreland Avenue, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the September 17, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. .Mr. Sheldon moved that the offer be accepted, and that the lots be sold and conveyed to Albert and Henry DeVincent. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Robert C. Cady's offer of $125.00 for Lots 379 to 386 inc. on Balfour Street, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the Sept- ember 17, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertise- ment. Mr. Sarano moved that Lots 379 to 386 inc. on Balfour Street, Lexington, be sold and conveyed to Mr. Robert C. Cady. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 267 Sacred Heart Church Penny Sal e Sell Lot 124 Kendall Road Dinner Ration- ing & Draft Boards Comm. Sell Moreland Avenue Lots to DeVincen1 Sell Balfour Street Lots to Cady 268 Philbrook's Purchase of Lots 27 & 28 Grassland Street Hamilton Purchase of Lots on Free- mont &. Homestead Streets (Offer) 1Demaso Lots 15 & 16 Dexter j Road III, C'apello Lot M (Lexington Park Lots 4-6 Sullivan Street Currier Lots 7, BA Tower Road «e The Board gave further consideration to Mr. W. M. Philbrook's offer of $100.00 for Lots 27 and 28, Grassland Street, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the September 17, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. No persona -contacted the Selectmen's' Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sarano moved that the offer be acceptedo and that Lots 27 and 28, Grassland Street, be sold and conveyed to Mr. W. M. Philbrook. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton, 7 Primus Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, offering *300.00 for Lots 627 and 628, Freemont Street, Lots 607-616, Freemont Street and Lots 655 to 659, Homestead Street, Lexington. Mr. Sheldon moved that a proposal to sell the lots be advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man, and further consider- ation be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mrs. John Demaso offering *225.00 for Lots 15 and 16, Block 23, Dexter Road. Mr. Sarano moved that a proposal to sell the lots be advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man, the that further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Isabel M. Capello, 19 Pine Ridge Road, Arlington, stating that she would like to redeem property formerly owned by her, namely Lot M, Lexington Park, and offered *100.00. The Town Clerk advised that the amount due as of Sept- ember 17, 1945 is *153.57. Mr. Sheldon moved that Mrs. Capello be advised that the Board of Selectmen would entertain an offer of $160.00, which is approximately the amount now outstanding. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Sabatino Iodice offering $115.00 for Lots 4-6 inc., Sullivan Street, Lexington. The offer was referred to the Tax Title Committee, and held over for one week. A letter was received from F. A. Currier, Jr., 21 Tower 'Road, Lexington, offering $500.00 for Lots 7 and 8A, Tower Road, Lexington. Mr. Sarano moved that a proposal to sell the lots be advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man, and that further con- sideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An Ambulance Service Report was received for trans- porting Mrs. Thompson, mother of the Clerk in the Tax Collector's Office, to a convalescent home in Somerville. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to make no committment of this charge. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Clem Ferguson had requested permission to use the Selectmen's Room, Town Office on the evenings of September 25,' 26, and 27, for meetings of the Community Fund Group. Mr. Sheldon moved that the use of the room be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board spent the remainder of the evening consider- ing the thirty-nine applications received for the position of Superintendent of Public Forks. The Clerk was instructed to make an appointment for William Plattner from Attleboro, & Andre Fleuriel from Swampscott to meet with the Board next Monday evening and Joseph H. DeFoe from Winthrop and Michael E. McAt'dle from Barrington to meet the following week. A true record, Attest: Clerk( 269 Ambulance Service Thompson No Charge Use of Selectmen'. Room Community Fund Appl. for Supt:. Public Works