HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-08-06232 SELECTMEN'S MEETING August 6, 1945 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, August 6, 1945 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Assistant Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Colonel Barry appeared before the Board. He stated that he had received a request from a Mrs. Street Hathaway, 16 Vine Brook Road, Lexington, for a "Children Sign Go Slow street sign at the top of the hill on"Vine Brook Road. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to advise Mrs. Hathaway that as soon as the Town Painter is available for such work, the sign will be printed and placed on Vine Brook Road. Road Colonel Barry presented each member of the Board with Machinery a copy of the expenditures of the Road Machinery Account. Account He explained that the unanticipated expense of overhauling Transfer the tractor caused a deficiency, and he requested a transfer for this insufficient account. Mr. Sarano moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of 02,500.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Road Machinery Account, and that that Committee be advised that this transfer was necessary because of the unforeseen expense of overhauling the tractor. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry then presented each member of the Board Dumps & with a copy of the status of the Care of Dumps and Removal Ashes of Ashes Account. The Colonel explained that a transfer would Account be necessary for the continued maintenance of the dumps in Transfer Lexington. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of 0600.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Care of Dumps and Removal of Ashes Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry presented a petition for a water main on Grant Place, an unaccepted street, from Mr. Laurence M. Fessenden, 5 Laurel Street, Winchester; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schena, 11 Grant Place, Lexington; Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Meleedy, 18 Grant Place, Lexington; Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ryan, 458 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington; and Mrs. Ruth W. Mitchell, 21 Colony Road, Lexington. The, Colonel said that there are three ownersthat all take water off one pit meter on Grant Street. He stated that he has been unable to find any record of the pipe. from the pit meter up to these houses, and evidently there is a leak in the pipe. Petition Water Main Grant Place 1 1 233 Colonel Barry said that there definitely was not enough manpower in the Public Works Department to handle this Deny installation. Water Mr. Potter moved that the petition be denied, and the Main petitioners advised that inasmuch as this is entirely on private property, the Board suggests that they have the install- ation put in by a private contractor. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry presented a petition for a water main on Petit'r Bernard Street,.an unaccepted street, signed by Mr. Joseph M. Water Pacheco, 397Q Columbia Street, Cambridge; Mr. Anthony Costa, Main 23 Charlemont Road, Medford; and Rosario Bottari, 146 Erie Bernard Street, Cambridge. The Colonel said that there are no houses St. in this area and nothing will be served. He stated that the people are just getting ready for future developments. • Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on the matter at this time. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Colonel Barry said that there were several operational Public forms that he would like to have printed or mimeographed for Works the Public Works Department, such as requisitional forms when -Forms placing orders, requests for quotations and rental agreements for Town Property. The Board had no objection to these operational forms being drawn up and used by the Public works Department. Colonel Barry brought up the question of a meter testing machine that is hooked on to a meter to prove whether or not there is a leak. The Board felt that there were not enough cases now to 'justify the use of the machine, and that the matter could be held over until the next budgets for next year are considered. Colonel Barry said that Mr. Shea, Town Painter, will not be through with the School Department until about September Town 15, 1945, and the plow and guard rails need painting. Painter The Board felt that next year the School Department should be ntstified that the Town Painter will work full time for the Public Works Department. Colonel Barry retired at 8:20 p.m. and Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, and Messrs. Bowker and Conners appeared before the Board, Mr. Clarence L. Cole, Radio Res., 29. Fern Street, was Juror drawn to serve on Criminal Business, Second Session, at Cambridge, the tenth day of September next. Mr. Bowker said that Brookline looked into this matter Voting of voting machines some six or seven years ago. The Town Machines Clerk became interested in the subject, and talked with the Selectmen about it. The Selectmen, a Board of five profession- al businessmen of the Town, thought the best way to handle the matter would be to appoint a Committee composed of Town Officials, public businessmen and the Town Clerk, Mr. Bowker said that the Held Over 234 concern he represents is the Automatic Voting Machine Corporation of Jamestown, New York, and they are the only manufacturers of voting machines in this country that make their own machine from start to finish. He stated that they have been in business for over forty-five years, and they have never had to repair a machine in use for over forty years. He stated that the machines are run by manual power of the voters arm and that there is no electricity Voting involved. Mr. Bowker said that in theory, the Machines voting machines is a type of adding machine. At present, the company has ten machines: in stock as they are now engaged in making oxygen containers for high altitude flfing. Mr. Bowker said that he had brought out a model to illustrate to the Board just how the machine works. He set the machine up on the Selectmen's Table and showed the Board the working principles. Mr. Bowker then presented the members of the Board with numerous reports, one being Brookline s report on the voting machines. Mr. Bowker stated that the Town would need one machine, for every 450 voters, however the machine could handle 999. There are approximately 6500 voters in Lexington. Mr. Bowker said that the reason he had requested a hearing this evening was that he wished the Board would make a study of the voting machines by appointing a Committee, and making a report to the Town. Mr. Connors said that speaking as a voter, he had been using the voting machines for six years, and it had not taken more than a half minute to vote. Mr. Carroll and Messrs. Bowker and Connors retired at 8:50 p.m. At 8:52 p.m. the Committee on Fire Stations appeared Committee before the Board, viz: Messrs. Emery, Nickerson, Richards, Fire and Ripley. Mr. Richards stated that he had been elected Stations Chairman of the Committee and the Committee would like.a definition of their duties as to just what the Board wanted them to do: Mr. Potter said that the Board would like them to handle all the necessary work. Mr. Richards said that the Committee would like to know if they were empowered to hire the supervising architects or not. The Chairman asked the Committee if they were ready for the supervising architects. Mr. Richards said that they had not proceeded to do any work, but that the architects would have to be hired. The Committee recommended Leland Larson to do the Central Fire Station and the firm of Andrew Jones etc. to do the East Lexington Fire Station. The Board approved the recommendation of the Committee. Mr. Emery asked if it were possible to have a salected list of responsible contractors and then give the bid to the lowest man when contracting for the two stations. The Board thought that this would be satisfactory, and Oo 1 235 felt that Lexington people should be given an opportunity to bid. The Chairman said that as far as architects are concerned, the Committee may proceed and hire them. Mr. Potter said that the"Oommittee could make up the list of high grade bidders and then they could request approval. Mr. Nickerson said that there had been $51.00 left in the appropriation for Plans and Specifications, and he wondered whether or not this money could be used for secretarial purposes. The Board had no objection. to this money being used for secretarial expenses. The group retired at 9:10 p.m. At 9:11 p.m. Messrs. Seltzer, Lamont, Bodge, Frothingham and Devine appeared before the Board and presented a plan of Minute the proposed Minute -Man Memorial. Mr. Seltzer said that there Men were seventy-seven donors, and they had taken the names from Memori`1 Coburnb' History. Mr. Potter said that there would have to be an Article in the Town Warrant to see if the Town will vote to let the Minute -Men use the park property to erect such a memorial. Mr. Devine said this memorial is a gift to the Town by the Minute -Men who had charge of the fund and were expending Article it as far as they could to all original intents and purposes. Warrant He stated that there was not any liability on the part of the Town. The Chairman requested the Committee to write a letter to the Board requesting that an Article be inserted in the Warrant of the next Town Meeting whenever it may be. The group retired at 9:26 p.m. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Carroll, Town Clerk, submitting recommendations for the appointment of the election officers. Elect'n Mr. Sheldon moved that the following election officers Officer: be appointed in the Town of Lexington for a term expiring September 1, 1946. Mr. Saran seconded the motion, &nd'it was so voted. •PRECINCT ONE D Charles J. Dailey D John D. Barry D Pauline E. Bartlett D Frederick L. Murphy R George E. Foster R Alice G. Marshall R Mary E. Stankard R Marion G. Cook D Mary A. Rowland D.M ry'E .TtaceT D Annie H. McDonnell D George F. Stygles R Ilda J. Field R.Helga M. Carlson ..Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Deputy Inspector Inspector Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk Teller n 'r M n n 236 R Edith:T. Kew R L. Ellsworth Pierce R R R R D D R D R D D Victor H. Harmon Clyde E. Steeves Arthur E. Locke Helen K. Fitzgerald Randall W. Richards Ruth R. Ray John H. Dacey Gertrude H. Mara Arthur L. Hanson Edward McGrory Elizabeth R. Nourse Mary G. Oliver Madeline V. Peterson Barbara M. O'Connor Anna E. Tracy Helen A. McCaffrey PRECINCT TWO PRECINCT THREE R Sidney U. Robbins R Carl W. Terhune R Ralph H. Marshall'. R Neil McIntosh D Charles E. Moloy, Jr. D Margaret E. Ormond D William J. Collins D Donald V. Manley Do -Emma Zitsor D Ella G. Callahan R Gladys T. Watson R Emma L. Hovey D Timothy J. Quinlan D Joanna Connors R Rosalie MacDonald R Edna D. Anderson R Lester L. Andrews R Frederick S. Britton R George M. Faller R Irene E. Robinson PRECINCT FOUR Teller Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Deputy Inspector Inspectbr Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk Teller n n n Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Deputy Inspector Inspector Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk Teller ft n n n n Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Deputy Inspector 00 tmaq1 D Helen M. Kirk D ,Francis H. Ready D Mary J. Ferry D Jesse T. Cotty D Helena T. Maguire D Florence P. Tobin R Caroline F. Deloury R Constance E. Wilbur D Robert E. Ryan D Agnes G. Hall R Laurina M. Wilson R A. Thomas Ferry Inspector Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk Teller n 11 M n a n n The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Carroll, Town Clerk, advising that he had received from Mr. Robert H. Holt, Moderator, the following appointments in accordance with the votes passed at the Annual Town Meeting held March 26, 1945. COMMITTEE TO ADVISE THE TOWN WITH RESPECT TO THE DESIR- ABILITY OF PUBLIC KINDERGARTENS Ralph H. Tucker Howard A. Patterson Mrs. Fred D. Wells Mrs. Leroy F. Marek James P. McCarthy 100 Mariam Street 123 Blake Road 58 Prospect Hill Road 43 Somerset Road 201 Follen Road 237 Appointments of Town •Meeting Committees COMMITTEE TO SUPERVISE CONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL FIRE STATION ON BEDFORD STREET George W George C Donald E Gordon E Aiden L. . Emery . Sheldon . Nickerson . Richards Ripley 47 Somerset Road 1 Bennington Road 2198 Mass. Avenue 58 Hancock Street 53 Follen Road COMMITTEE TO SUPERVISE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FIRE STATION EAST LEXINGTON George W. Emery George C. Sheldon Donald E. Nickerson Gordon E. Richards Aiden L. Ripley 47 Somerset Road 1 Bennington Road 2198 Maas. Avenue 58 Hancock Street 53 Follen Road COMMITTEE IN CHARGE OF THE CARY LECTURES Thomas S. Grindle Grace L. Merriam Robert H. Holt 29 Bloomfield Street 4 Oakmont Circle 11 Bennington Road IN 23$ Offer Lots 32 and 33 Dexter Rd. Offer Lot 101 Hilltop Avenue Munroe Tax Title Offer Held Over Sidney Tax Title Offer Held Over Philbroo]] Tax Title ' Offer Held Over (Advertise Lot 74 ' Summit Avenue Also, the Committee to Study the Need. of Future School Sites, appointed under vote adopted at the Special Town Meeting of June 12, 1944, vacancies caused by the death of Frederic L. Fisher and the resignation of George L. Mallion to be filled by the appointment of Roland B. Greeley 1359 Mass. Avenue Alfred P. Tropeano, Esq. 25 Vine Brook Road The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Helen Fitz - Gerald, 165 Brooks Avenue,. Arlington, offering the suis of $200.00 for Lots 32 and 33, Block 22, Dexter Road, Lexington. The Selectmen decided to hold this matter over until the next meeting of the Board, August 20, 1945. The Chairman read a letter from Captain Johnstone Fitz -Gerald, 165 Brooks Avenue, Arlington, offering the sum of $250.00 for Lbt 101, Farmhurst, Section 3, Hilltop Avenue, Lexington. The Selectmen decided to hold this matter over until the next meeting of the Board, August 20, 1945, The Chairman read a letter from Alice E. Munroe, 105 Otis Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, advising that she wished to redeem two lots of land formerly owned by her and located on Homestead Street, Lexington. The Board decided to held this matter over until Mrs. Munroe advised the particular Lot Numbers of the parcels of land on Homestead Street which she was interested in. The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Luella M. Sidney, Box 393, Concord, Massachusetts, stating that she wished to redeem Lot 106, Fair Oaks Drive, Lexington, formerly owned by her son. Mr. Potter moved that the offer be held over until the next meeting of the Board, August 20, 1945. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. W.M. Philbrook, 49 Grassland Street, Lexington offering $100.00 for Lots 27 and 28 Grassland Street, Lexington. The Boa rd decided to hold this matter over until Mr. Philbrook could be advised the Lowest price acceptable to the Board for these particular lots. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. John S. Misch, 19 Hill Avenue, Lexington, offering $50.00 for Lot 74, Summit Avenue, Lexington. Mr. Sheldon moved that a proposal to sell the;,_lot be advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man, and that the offer be given further consideration at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. c 1 The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Max Berman's offer of $100.00 for Lot 82, C & D, Hibbert Street, Lexington. A proposal to sell this lot was advertised in the July 26, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. A letter was received from Mr. Hugh Wyllie, 4 Gem Avenue, Brighton, former owner of this lot, offer- ing the sum of $50.00 for this parcel of land. Mr. Sheldon moved that Mr. Max Berman's offer be accepted,and that Lot 82, C & D, Hibbert Street, Lexing- ton, be sold and conveyed to Mr. Berman. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Joseph E. McDonald's offer of $300.00 for. Lots 443 to 447 inclusive, Banks Avenue, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the August 2, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sheldon moved that Mr. McDonald's offer be accepted, and that Lots 443 to 447 inoluaive, Banks Avenue, Lexington, be sold and conveyed to Mr. McDonald. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Miss Elisabeth _G. Wilson's offer of $250.00 for Lot 56, Fair Oaks, Prospect Hill Road, Lexington. A proposal to sell this lot was advertised in the July 26, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertise ment. Mr. Sarano moved that Miss Wilson's offer be accepted, and that Lot 56, Fair Oaks, Prospect Hill Road, Lexington, be sold to Miss Wilson. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 239 Sell Lot 82 Hibbert St. Sell Lots 443 inc. Banks Avenue Sell Lot 56 Pr6spect - Hill Road The Board gave further consideration to Mrs. A. LaFortune's offer of $125.00 for Lot 54, Cary Farm, Spring Street, Lexing- ton, and also Mrs. Catherine M. Kenney's offer of $300.00 for the same lot. - A proposal to sell this lot was advertised in the July 26, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. Sell Mr. Sarano moved that Mrs. Kenney's offer of $300.00' Lot 54 for Lot 54, Cary Farm, Spring Street, Lexington, be accepted Spring and that this lot be sold and conveyed to Mrs. Kenney. Mr. Street Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A bill in the amount of $1,038.96 was received from the Adams Press, Inc.. for printing -500 Town Reports - 296 pages Transfer @ $3.51. The appropriation for this account was $900.00, Printing and, therefore, there would have to be a transfer of $138.96. Town Mr. Adams stated that the Town Reports required more pages Reports than he had anticipated when submitting his bid. 240 Soldiers' Relief (Meetings Supt. of Public Works I,Eeld Over Garbage Collection Article Warrant Racial Comm. Use of Hall Mr. Sheldon moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $136.96 from the`'Reaerve Fund to the Printing Town Reports Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Mary E. Casey, Agent of the Board of Selectmen for Soldiers' Relief. Mrs. Casey stated in the letter that she had attended a Conference of the Massachusetts Soldiers' Relief Association and many interesting facts were brought to light during the evening regarding new problems which will eventually face the various cities and Towns. Mrs. Casey expressed the hope that the Selectmen will find time to attend some of the Fall Meetings in. order that they may familiarize themselves with the problems of the returning World War II veterans. The Chairman read several applications of Superintendent of Public Works. These applications were placed on file at the time the Superintendent is appointed for the position for consideration to fill the vacancy. The Chairman read a letter from the Town of Andover, Board of Health, regarding garbage collection. Mrotter said that he did not think it was necessary to issue permits to collect garbage in Towns, but he did think that permits to transport garbage had to be issued. The Board decided to have Mr. Potter answer this letter. A copy of Chapter 723, an Act Authorizing the Establish- ment and Maintenance of Municipal departments and of Districts for Furnishing Information, Advise and Assistance to Veterans of World War II or other Veterans, was received. It was decided to insert an Article in the Warrant on this matter at the next Town Meeting. The Chairman read a letter from Julius E. Warren, Chair- man of the Governor's Committee for Racial and Religious Understanding. The Committee suggested the organization of local community relations committees or Mayor's Committees. The Board decided to take no action on this matter. Application was received f rom•Richard C. Morris, 47 Robinson Road, Lexington, on behalf of the American Legion, for the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of September 17, 1945, from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. for the installation of Post Officers. Mr. Sheldon moved that thel7use of the hall be granted, and that it be considered one of the Legion's free uses. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 00 rata 0-41 1 241 Application for a Peddler's License was received from Mr. Theron H. Gough, 451 Concord Avenue, Lexington. Gough Satisfactory character reference was received from the Peddler Chief of Police. License Mr. Sheldon moved that the license be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Applications for a Sunday Sales and a Common Victualler's License were received from Nora E. Spellenberg and Delia E. Whittier to operate a roadside stand at 150 Lowell Street. Satisfactory character references were received from the Chief of Police on these individuals. The Board -decided to hold these licenses over until the next meeting of the Board. The Chairman said that the V -J Day Committee would need $1,000.00 for the celebration of this day. V -J Mr..Sheldon moved that the Appropriation Committee be Day requested to transfer the sum. of $1,000.00 from the Reserve Transfer Fund for the observance of V -J Day. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Held Over The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Assistant Clerk, Selectmen.