HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-02-2697 SELECTMEN'S MEETING February 26, 1945 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on MRndary evening, February 26, 1945 at 7:30 P.M. The members were notified of this meeting by a notice *ailadd on February 21, 1945. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Howse, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. James J• Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared before the Board for the drawing of three jurors. Jurors W. Leon Kinsman, Demonstrator, 3 Hancock Avenue, was drawn to serve on Civil 4usineas at the First Session at Cambridge, beginning Monday, April 2, 1945. Mr. Isadore D. Larkin, Hotel Clerk, 2627 Massachusetts Avenue, was drawn to serve on Civil Business ab the Second Session in Cambridge, beginning Monday, April 2, 1945. W. Paul A. Hubbart, Engineer, 29 Harding Road, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session at Cambridge, beginning April 2., 1945. Mr. Carroll retired at 7:32 P.M., and Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. Mr. Paxton said that he had checked with Mr. Merriam relative to placing insurance on tax title property. Ins. on He also discussed the matter with Mr. Carroll who advised Tax Title him that there will be not more than one-half dozen Property pieces.of property being taken by the Town which will have buildings on them. Mr. Merriam felt that it would be better to have one policy on all of the buildings. A separate policy for each piece of property will cost a minimum of $5.00 each. However, if the policies are all merged into one, there will be a saving. Mr. Sheldon moved that a minimum policy at a cost of 45.00 be approved, and that the property at Lot 69, Sylvia Street, Lexington, be insured for $300.00. W. Serrano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton stated that he received a report from the National Appraisal Company which was sent to Mr. Hill.. They believe that a supplementary appraisal covering the Appraisal buildings would serve the purpose. They would inspect of each building and make a typewritten report of any changes Buildings. to the property since the date of the original appraisal and furnish new summary sheets and recapitulation. A report of this type would cost approximately $600.00. A detailed report covering the furnishings, similar to 1935, would coat $750.00. 98 Report Snow Storm Consider Recom- mendat'ns Veterans Act. the eitnnsg i1EgfidegetRp xft$r ioEutg4,,, tt $el#IRrpf' sent, Mn Paxton report on the snow storm on February 8, 1945 was considered by the Board, and the Chairman read the recommendation for the purchase of equipment as soon as restrictions by the.Federal Government are lifted. Mr. Rowse asked if Mr. Paxton thought a guarantee to the truck drivers would be of any.help in obtaining trucks. Mr. Paxton said that he did think a guarantee would help, and in the future cities and towns will have to work on a guarantee basis. Mr. Rowse said that he understood some of the truck owners were not too anxious to rent their trucks because of the fact that they were used on heavy storms only, and he wondered whether or not it would be well to use hired equipment on all storms. Mr. Paxton said that he did not believe they have a complaint, and that they are only looking for an excuse. He said that the only way the Town could have any indepen- dence was by owning equipment. Mr. Rowse asked for what a truck would be used besides snow removal, and Mr. Paxton said that.he could use it on construction, drainage, hauling materials, etc. Mr. nowse asked if there was any possibility of obtaining a truck, and Mr. Paxton replied that.the Austin -Weston representative advised him that all they can make in any one month is twenty-five trucks for the entire country. Mr. Paxton retired at 8:15 P.M. and Messrs. Irving Dodge, Malcolm Clifford, Edward Maguire and three other Veterans appeared before the Board relative tb Chapter 2, General Laws, State Retirement System, Veterans of Spanish and World Wars. The Chairman read the entire Act to the Board. W. Dodge said that he understood the Town Coi nsel. was of the opinion that the Article could not be presented in the Warrant because it was up to the Selectmen to determine whether or not the Act should be accepted. The Chairman said that the Town Counsel explained that it was very clear that this did not require the acceptance by the Town, and that in a Town the Selectmen are the retiring authority. Ir. Dodge said that he presumed that if such an Ant were accepted, it would be more beneficial to the Veterans than the present Retirement Act. Mr. Sheldon suggested that the Board of Selectmen defer any decision on the matter pending the receipt of 00 1 99 more detiiled information upon the relationship of the Retirement Act under which the Town is functioning to this particular Act if it were accepted. Mr. Bodge said that the Allied Veterans Council, Veterans of Foreign Wars, etc. were all anxious to see this Act go through. He said that he did not want to Wait four or six months. He would like some way to get a vote of confidence from the people to the Board of Selectmen. The Chairman said the matter would be discussed with the Board of Retirementand.then,taken up again with the Veterans group. The group retired at.8:45 P.M., Messrs. George Emery, Donald Nickerson and Aiden Ripley appeared before the Board. Mr. Nickerson said they were present this evening t� give the Selectmen an informal report covering the Informal estimates of a Oentral Fire Station. He said that the Report Committee believed what the Town asked them to do was Central to furnish plans and specifications for a building. Fire Nothing was said about fixtures or furnishings. He said Station that they started by putting down a sum of *94,705.68 for the building, Which would include all built in items, plumbing, heating and electrical work. This does not include grading or servicing which will have to be brought to the building by the Town. Mr. Nickerson said that they had been given $3,750.0M for architect's fees, and this amount will be expended before any contract is let or any bids are taken. The architect will require an additional fee for superintendence of the building, and making full- size details of the same. The committee has work plans, i.e., scale plans. The scale elevations are in detail, but not in full-size detail. Mr. Nickerson said that the figure of $1,894.00 in the report would represent going from this point and making full-size details for the contractor to iise and superintending the construction of the building, Mn Nickerson presented a complete set of the drawings. He said that his Committee believes that the architect has functioned very nicely, and has given a very definite and complete set of drawings icor an excellent building. He expects to have a meeting Wednesday evening to go over the eighty- seven pages of specifications. The plans have already been examined by the Committee. Mr. Rowse asked how much money they were going to ask for. Mr. Emery said that the purpose for meeting with the Board this evening was to present the figures listed in the informal report so that the matter may 100 be discussed and the proper figure arrived at to include in a vote at Town Meeting. Mei. Rowse asked if the furnishings would be handled at a later meeting, and Mr. Niekerssn replied East in the affirmative. Fire Mr. Nickerson said that this is merely an approxi - Station. mate extimate prepared by the George B. H. Macomber Company ©f Boston. They have endeavored to work out a price that would have been correct lune 30, 1941. Mr. Nickerson said that they have taken the figures given by a very high class contractor, and have added only 10% to bring the cost up to the present day level. Therefore, the Committee has started with $94,705.00, added the architect's fees of $1,894.00, plus 10% allowance for the purpose of raisingthe cost to the present day level making a total 'of 106,259.0 . The rest of the figures, $9,324.00 for servicing, out- side work and furnishings and fixtures and $1,500.00 for moving the fire signal service, bring the total up to $117,083.00. M. Nickerson said that Mr. Larsen, the architect, suggested asking for $110,000.00. Mr. Rowse asked if the Committee were ready to submit information on the East Lexington station. Ma. Nickerson replied that there would be a meeting Friday night, at which time they would obtain the same data on the East Lexington station as they have on the Central station. He said they would like to meet with the Board next Monday night to present information on the East Lexington Station. Mr. Rowse asked if both houses would be constructed at the same time. Mr. Emery replied that they would prefer to build both the houses at the same time. The group retired at 9:30 P.M. Mn Rowse said that he had found several things Bonus relative to the question of the bonus, and he wondered whether or not the Board would reconsider its stand on this matter. Mr. Rowse maintained that, in his opinion, there was only one way'to satisfactorily handle this matter, and that is to have an impartial committee consider all departments of the Town and line them up egzitably. No change was zpad.e '.n the previous decision of the Board. o0 1 At 9:55 P.M. the following members of the Approp- riation Committee appeared: Chairman Hoyt, Messrs. Rbn id H .m iir, -Milton Brown, Bryant, Hynes, Newhall and Winlook. 'The Town Accountant was also present. Mr. Hoyt asked if the Board of Selectmen intended to take any action on Mr. Paxton's recommendation pertain- ing to the purchase of equipment for mnow removal work. ' The Chairman said that he personally felt that if any of the egz ipment mentiened in this report were available, there might possibly be another Town Meeting at which time it could be considered. After discussing this matter further, upon motion made by Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to transfer the sum of = 29,000.00 from the koad. Machinery and to the Highway Department - Road Machinery Account. - Mr. Hoyt asked the Board how much money was to be taken from the various sources'to meetxin part the appropriation for maturing debt. Mr. Hoyt said that some question had been raided as to whether or not the Westview Sale of Lot$:> - Fund should be allowed to accumulate for the purpose of erecting a building in the cemetery at some future time. 101 Pur. of Equip. Maturing Debt Sale of Lots Fund Inasmuch as the Board of Selectmen have no jurisdiction over the cemetery budgets, it was decided to have the Appropria- tion Committee determine in 1945 what is to be done with the Westview - Sale of Lots - Fund in the future. Mr. White informed the Board of the balances in the various accounts, and upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to recommend the following transfers: The sum of $13,688.50 to be transferred from the Overlay Reserve to the Reserve Fund; • The sum Of $36,000.00 to be transferred from the Water Department - Available Surplus Account to meet in part the appropriation for Maturing Debt for 1945; Mr. Sarano wished to be recorded in opposition. The sum of $1,500.00 to be transferred from the Water --Assessment Fund to meet in part the appropriation for Maturing Debt for 1945; The sum of $2,000.00 to be transferred from the Sewer -- Assessment Fund to meet in part the appropriation for Maturing Debt for 1945; The sum'of $13,400.00 to be transferred from the Exces3 and Deficiency Account to meet the following appropriations for Capital Outlay: 102 Reapprais- ing Town Property Held Over After Town Mtg. Red Cross Borrow Flagpls Sprinkler - Munroe School $ 8,000.00 Backstop - Center Playground 400.00 Grading Enclosed Field - Center Playground 5,000.00 $13,400.00 Total The sum of $13,053.39 to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account to meet the appropriation for the Bonus from January 1, 1945 to March 31, 1945 inclusive; and The sum of $20,000.00 to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account to be used for the reduction of the 1945 tax rate. Mr. White said that there was,*6,732.02 in the Sale of Real Estate Fund, and he said he would check on this to see what the money may be used for. The question as to where the money was coming from to .pay for the cost of the plans and specifications for the proposed fire station was considered. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted that $10,000.00 per year be bonded for ten years, and $10,000.00 be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account to cover the approximate estimates for the new Central Fire Station. It was further voted that $5,000.00 per year be bonded for six or seven years (depending upon receipt of the report from the architect's committee) and $10,000.00 be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account to cover approximate estimates for the East Lexington Fire Station. The Chairman said that the question had came up pertaining to reappraising the Town's property for fire insurance. The National Appraisal Company stated that they would inspect each building and make a typewritten report of any changes to the property since the date of the previous appraisal in 1935. A report of this type would cost approximately *600.00. The Chairman said that the Board was of the opinion that this should be done, but questioned where the money would come from. It was decided to Town Meeting, at which Reserve Fund. The Appropriation defer action on this matter until after time a transfer could be made from the Committee retired at 11:15 P.M. The Clerk informed the Board -that Mrs. Wheeler had requested to borrow twenty-four flagpoles upon which to hang Red Cross Banners during the drive in March. Mr. Sarano moved that the request be approved. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. OD 1 Application was received from the Lexington. •Club, Inc. `or_ the use of Eetabrook. Hall on the eveningtbf March 22, 1945, for the purpose of organizing. This meeting will be open only to the Catholic men of the Town. Mr. Rowse moved that an opinion be obtained from Mr. Wrightington as to whether or not such a use is contrary to the terms under which the building was given to the Town. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. '103 Use of Hall Held Over An application was received from the Lexington Club, Inc. for the use of Cary Hall on the evening of Use of April 16, 1945, for a dance from 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 P. M. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted, subject to the usual charge. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Rev. Arthur L. Dunnigan of the Sacred Heart Church requesting the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of Sunday, March 18, 1945 for a minstrel show. Mr. Rowse moved that the application be denied because in the opinion of the Board the use was not in keeping with the day. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that Stewart Cairns had recommended that be renewed. Mr. Rowse moved renew this license. and it was so voted. the Civilian Defense radio license that Mr. Cairns be authorized to Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to approve the following licenses: H. L. Vinal John B. MacDonald Ruben Sherman William Viano 1784 509 115 1794 Mass. Avenue Woburn Street Hancock St. Somv. Mass. Avenue Hall Use of Hall Civilian Defense Radio License Licenses Common Vitualler Peddler's Junk Collecter Sunday Movies Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, Budgets it was voted to take the following action on Public Welfare - Personal Services Budgets: Account Public Welfare - Personal Services Requested Approved 933.83 1,033.71 104 Trans. The salary of the Temporary Senior Clerk (Miss Crosby) was reconsidered and approved at the rate of $22.00, plus 15%, plus $2.00. Dependent Children - Personal Services 266.92 316.85 The increase in this budget was due to the change in salary of Miss Crosby, Temporary Senior Clerk. Old Age Assistance - Personal Services 2,308.64 2,359.55 The increase in this budget was due to the change in salary of Miss Crosby, Temporary Senior Clerk. Soldiers' Relief - Personal Services 254.51 258.43 The increase in this budget is due to the change in salary of Miss Crosby, Temporary Senior Clerk. The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. White now advises that the sum of $330.00 is available in the Taylor Shade Tree Fund, and the Appropriation Committee is rec- ommending transferring this amount to the Shade Tree - Wages & Expenses:Account. There is also $200.00 in the Tower Park Fund, and the Appropriation Committee is recommending transferring this amount to Parks & Playgrounds - Wages & Expenses. Mr. Rowse moved that the sum of $330.00 be trans- ferred from the Taylor Shade Tree Fund to the Shade Tree - Wages & Expenses Account. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse moved that the sum of $200.00 be trans- ferred from the Tower Park Fund to the Parks & Play- grounds - Wages & Expenses Account. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Military An application for Military Aid was submitted by Aid Mrs. Casey for Clifford B. Wildes. Appl. The Chairman read a letter from the Town Accountant advising that this family has three sons in the service, and each one is sending a substantial check home. Mr. Wildes has worked for a long period of time at the U. S. Navy Yard and also for Custance Brothers. Held Mr, Sheldon moved that the Chairman refer this matter Over to the.Welfare Department for further information. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Salary Eng. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, requesting a substantial raise in salary. No action was taken on the matter A true record, Attest: > Ceir