HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-02-0578 00 SELECTMEN' MEETING 71C February 5, 1945. ' • • A regular•meeting of the. Board of Seleatrien was heldin the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, February 5, 1945, at 7z30 P.M. The members were notified of this meeting by a notice mailed on February 1., 1945.. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Mn George W. Emery and Mr. Alan Adams of the Board of Fire Engineers appeared before the Board. Mr. Beery stated that the Board of Fire Engineers felt that it would be a benefit to the own to have the members of the Fire Department under Civil Service, and they would like to have the Board of Selectmen carry it at Town Meeting, or if they preferred, the Board of Fire Engineers would present it. He said that when the Town adopts. Civil Service, it will freeze the present incumbents. Mr, Rowse mentionedthat, with a Board of Firs Engineers it was felt the interests of the Fire Department would be protected, and Civil Service would nit be necessary. Mr. Eery explained that Civil Service dose not attempt to determine the number of employees, or regulate the hours or effect the duties. The Chairman said that the Board had discussed this informally, and felt that it -would be better not to place the members of the department under Civil Service at the. present time. Mrr. Rowse suggested_ leaving the Article in the Warrant and ,recommending that it be postponed. Mr. Emery said that he would leave it up to the Board to make a deciaion as to *Lothar or not they would recommend Civil Service for the Fire Department, and requested that he be eo notified. Mr. Emery said that he would like to have a better system developed for handling ambulance calls. The reason being the acute shortage of ma owes in the fire department. Mr. Emery informed the card that on several occasions the ambulance had been ordered for patients who were not stretcher cases, and were able to walk from the house to the ambulance, End in some instances rode with the driver. The Board decided to send another copy of the Rules and Regulations covering the.uae of the ambulance t3 all the doctors, and requeat that they be followed as closely as possible. 1 79 Messrs. Emery and Alan Alan Adams retired at 8:20 P.K., and Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. He statell that an insurance policy in the amount of $80,000.00 will expire on March 1, 1945, through the office of Edward W. Taylor. Mr Paxtoh said that the next policy to expire would be ,April 1, 1945. It was decided to take no action on renewing this policy at this time, and the matter was held over for one week. Mr, Paxton stated that there is an old rug in the Polies Department which hasbeen*renovated and a new tile floor covering laid, the rug is no longer needed. sale of The Chief of Police would like to purchase it for fifteen Police Rug. dollars. ($15.00) Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to sell the rug to the Chief of Police for the sum of fifteen dollars. Mr. Potter seconded the notion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton reported that he had attended a meeting on mosquito control held in Cambridge. He said a's:he Understood it the idea presented at the meeting was to commence a project to which the various municipalities would contribute certain sums of money. Another meeting is scheduled for February 14, 1945, at which time an ,estimate will be presented for the cost of each Town. Mr. Paxton stated that Belmont spent $700.00 for preventative work last year, and the.area in Lexington being three times as large, it would cost the Town of Lexington approximately $2,000.00. Mr. Paxton said that in his opinion it would require extensive ditching and drainage work. Cambridge has such labor for the project and is willing to have the work done if each Town will appropriate money to pay for it. The group would like to have the Chairman attend the meeting which is to be on February 15, 1945 at 4:00 P.M. Mr, Rowse moved that an Article be inserted in the Warrant for the Annual 4own Meeting for the purpose of appropriating money for' the mosquito control project. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton then reported that an elevation of the Clark's Mill Dam had been taken and it is 148.1 at the Elevation crest. He said that the dam was probably 12' or 15' Clark's high, and even if it were taken out, it would not effect Mill Dam * on the floor since 1928. Since the department has been Hoag: ito Contin 1 80 New Mechanic P.W. Bldg. New Laborer Supt's Salary Plowing Blake Road. Bill #491. Lexington much beyond the Great Road in Bedford. He said that there would be novalue at all to •Lexington unless Bedford agreed within a certain period of time, to lower the brook so that the elevation at the Bedford Line would be 106, instead of the present elevation of 111. Inasmuch as the proposed removal of the dam would not be beneficial to Lexington, it was decided not to include an Article in the Warrant covering this item. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that he has a new mechanic at the Public works `wilding, aeza Hauck; who is replacing Mr. Casella. Mr-. Paxton also hired Stephen E. Broughall, a young boy eighteen years of age. He hired Mr. Hauck at the rate of $1.00 an hour, and Mr. Broughall at the rate of 60¢ per hour, and asked if the Board would be willing to grant the men a 10% increase until Town Meeting to more or less compensate for the ib% bonus. Mr. Sheldon asked if there was money available, and Mr. Paxton replied in..the_affirmative. Mr. Sheldon moved that W. Paxton be authorized to inorease the salary„of Mr. Hauck and Mr. Broughall 10%, to be in effect until sown Meeting. Mr. Sareno seconded the motion, and it was•so voted. Mr. Paxton then informed the Board that a $200.00 salary increase, plus the bonus, would not be satisfactory and that he was only interested in a salary of $5,000.00. The Chairman read a letter from Fred B. Hersom, Jr. expressing his_.thanks to the Board and Mr. Paxton for Plowing Blake Road. The Chairman read a•letter from the County Commissioners relative to a hearing on bill #491 on Thursday, February 8, 1945, at 10:30 l.M,, Room 433, State House, l'oston. This bill, if allowed to become law, would divest the County Commieaaoners and the countiesof all authority with respect to highways., bridges,_reservbirs', etc., such authority being transferred to the State Department of Public Works. • • W. Paxton said that he had talked with Mr. Hatch, the County Engineer, who stated that in some western cities there is no. County Engineer, andengineering work has to be done by the State. It was.decided,to have the Chairman discuss this with Representative Ferguson. and obtain more facts on the matter. Mr. Paxton retired at 9=00 P.M. 1 81 The Clerk informed the Board that an ambulance bill in the amount of $7.00 had been received for one John Pierpont. In checking this with Mrs.. Casey, It develops bulance that this. family, although not being aided at. the present ill time, have received aid from time to time and Mrs. Casey Pierpont thought possibly if a bill was sent to Mrs. Pierpont she might come in for aid, both for the ambulance and hospital bills. Mr. Rowse moved that inasmuch as the family is not being aided that the. bill be. committed. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion,.and_it was so voted. A letter was received from William P. Reid, 23 Dexter Road, Lexington, offering $300.00 for Lots 11 and 12, Reid Tax Block 20, Dexter noad. Title Mr. Potter reported that he•Wnd Mr. Spencer had checked these lots. and they recommend a purohase;?prLce of $350.00. .Mr. Sheldon moved that Mr. Reid be informed that the lowest figure acceptable to the Board for these lots is $350.00. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received.. from Guy Lepore, 83 Reed Street, Lexington,. offering $100.00 for Lot 35, Reed Street, Lexington. Mr. Potter reported that he and Mr.. Spencer had checked this lot and they recommend_ a purchase price of $200.00. Mr. Sheldon moved that.Mr. Lepore be informed that the lowest figure acceptable to the Board for this lot is $200.00. Mr. Howse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. • The board gave further consideration to Harold 1. .Cowan's offer of $75.00 for Lot 32, summit Avenue, Lexington. A proposal to sell wasadvertised in the February 1, 1945 issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. No persona contacted. the _Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sheldon moved that the offer be accepted, and that Lot 32, Summit Avenue be sold and conveyed to Mr. Cowan. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth for a certificate of incorporation for Cert. of Ann Wrightington, 7 Bennington hoed, Lexington. Incorporat3'i A satisfactory reference was received from the Chief Ann of police. Wrightington Mr. Sheldon moved that the application b e approved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Lepore Tax Title Cowan Tax Title Sale 82 Cert of Incorporttn Charles Devoe v.F.W. Inv. to Dance Deny Slaughterhse License. Art. in Warrant Rel. to War Damage Ins. Adm. to Sanatorium Budgets Assess. Car Allowance Civil Service Fire Dept. Application was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth for a. certificate of incorporation for Charles L. Devoe, 14 Winthrop Road, Lexington. A satisfactory reference was received from the Chief of Police, Mn Sheldon moved that the application be approved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Invitation was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars for the Board. of Selectmen to attend a Military Ball on the evening of February 15, 1945. Applioation was received from John S. Misch for a slaughterhouse license at 20 Hill Avenue, Lexington. Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to deny the application. The Chairman asked the Board whether or should be an Article in the Warrant relative Damage Insurance. It was decided to include an Article in and let the the Town decide as to whether or insurance should be carried. • not there to War the Warrant not the Application was received from Dr. Cleveland Floyd, 246 Malborough Street, Boston, for the admission 6e. Frank Rexieger, 12 Flint Road, Watertown, to the Middlesex aunty Sanatorium. Mr. Rexinger has a legal settlement in Lexington having lived at Simonds Road from 1929 to November 1944. Mr. Potter moved that the application be signed. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Itt. .Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted toreconsider.theamount approved for the item of automobile allowance in the Assessors' Department - Expenses Budget. Mr. Rowse moved that the previous vote be rescinded, and than the automobile allowance be approved in the . amount of 000.00. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The board considered the advisab4lity of placing members of the Fire Department under civil Service. Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seoonded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to advise Mr. George Fanery, Chief Engineer of the Board of Fire Engineers, that the Board of Selectmen is not in favor of action at this time. 83 The subject of Mr. Paxton's salary was then discussed. Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was voted to reconsider_ the action taken relative to• the salary of the Superintendent of Public Works. Salary AMr. Sheldon then moved that the Superintendent's Supt. salary be increased $400.00, instead of $200.00, making of Public the annual rate $4,800.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, Works and it was so voted. (This total of $4,800.00 included 15% plus $400.00 increase.) Mr. Sheldon moved that a letter be written to the Chief of Police requesting his_.. cooperation in enforcing Cars on the Rules and Regulations_ relating to cars parked on Highways highraye all night. All Night At 9:45 P.M. the following members of the Appropriation' Committee appeared before_ the Bard: Chairman Hoyt, Messrs. Bond, J. Milton Brown, aonald Brown, Bryant, Approp. Hynes, Jenney,_Newell and Winloek. The Town Accountant Comm. was also present. The Chairman said that previously this evening he had outlined action by the Board of Selectmen to the Appropriation ommittee and had advised them that the Board had reConsidered the salary of the Superintendent of Public Works, and voted this evening to approve the sum of $4,800.00, which includes 15% plus $400.00 increase. The Chairman reminded the group that the present Superintendent has assumed the duties of the former Superintendents of Public Works, Water Department and the Highway Department.;. Mr. Rowse explained that the reason for reconsideration was that the Superintendent had advised the Board that he would not be satisfied with a salary of $4,600.00, and had asked for $5,000.00. Mr. Hoyt asked if anything further had been done relative to the salaries in the Police and Fire Depart- ments. The Chairman stated that no change had been made in their previous recommendation; accepting the salary schedules and increasing the salaries of the Chief of Police and the Deputy Chief of the Fire Department. Mr. White Petired at 10:20 P.M. The Board then considered the salary of the Town Accountant, and upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to rescind the vote of January 20, 1945. Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, aeoonded by Mr. Rowse, 84 it was then voted to approve an annual rate of $3,100.00 for the Town Accountant, giving him $3,450.00 this year including the maximum of a *400.00 bonus. This figure includes an increase of $200.00, making the new annual rate $3,500.00. The Appropriation 'ommittee retired at 1005 P.M. A true record, Attests • 00 1