HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-01-0852 SELECTMEN'S MEETING January 8, 1945. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, January 8, 1945, at 7:30 P.M. The members were notified of this meeting by a notice mailed January 6, 1945. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse and Sarane were present. Mr. Sheldon arrived at 7:45 P.M. The Clerk was also preeent. At 7:30 P.M. W. Paxton appeared before the Board. He said that he reeeived a letter from Isabel M. Brown, Isabel 14 Curve Street, Lexington, claiming damages to her oar in Brown the amount of $18.50 caused by driving over a catoh basin Claim Which was lower than the gutter. Mr. Paxton said that the basin was four or five feet lower than the gutter, and it .had been called to his attention some time ago, but unfortu- nately it had not been repaired. Mr. Potter moved that the bill be approved for payment, in the amount of $18.50, if, upon investigation, Mr. Paxton finds the charges to be legitimate. Mr. Sarano a econded the motion, and it was so voted. W. Paxton retired at 7:40 P.M., and Mr. George 11. Emery appeared before the Board. Mr. Emery stated that on October 10, 1944, the Board of Selectmen had written to Mr. Melville W. Webb, Chairman of the Committee on Public Safety, advising that the Board had voted to disband the Committee on Public Safety. W. Emery said that he was Vice -Chairman of this Committee, and wanted to know, at this time, if the Board thought it necessary to reconsider the matter. Mr. Emery retired at 7:45 P.M., and Mrs. Casey, Welfare Agent, appeared before the Board. Town The manner in which the Town Physician is rendering Phys. his services to•the Town was discussed at length. The following information compiled by Mra. Casey was presented to the Board fOrrconsideration: comm. Pub ii o 'Safety Calendar Year COMPARATIVE FIGURES OF VISITS - made by Dr. Victor N. Rochette, Town Physician for 6 years . • 1939 to 1944. Number of calls Price per call charged to State 1943 294 $2.58 1942 548 1.37 1941 1220 .61 1940 1999 .38 1939 1387 .54 00 1 Year 1944:- No visits made to State oases up to July 1, 1944 (billing period to State) and 2 State ,Cases now receiving medioal attention have • doctor of choice being dissatisfied with Town physician. TOWN PHYSICIAN WINCHESTER - No Town Physician since October, 1943. • Mutual agreement between Physician and Board of Public Welfare. Number of cases did not warrant his services. 'However, if a new oase•applied for aid who does not have a family doctor, it is recommended that he contact this physician. NEEDHAM - No Town Physician - never had one. STONEHAM No Town Physician since September 1943 when` Doctor •enlisted in Army. WARNFIELD No Town Physician - never had one• Pay regular rate to physician of choice. BELMONT - Same Town Physician for 12 years. Salary $1000.00 a year. Yrs. Casey retired at 8:10 P.M. The Clerk was instructed to bring this matter to the Board's attention at the time the Annual Appointments are- made. remade. • The Chairman read a letter from S. R. Wrightington, Town Counsel, stating that he had received a .letter frau Daniel 3. O'Connell advising that the Colonial Beacon Oil Company, owners of the filling station at the corner of Woburn Street and Fletcher Avenue, wish to enlarge their building by adding a lubricating bay to the building and extending their driveways on Woburn Street 78 to 100 feet. Mr. Wrightington stated that when the zoning of this triange was changed from R 1 to R C, an agreement was made by Mir. O'Connell with. the. Town and..adjoining owners restricting the use of lots A and C to R 1 purposes. Mr. O'Connell claims that the individual parties to the agreement are content to have the ,proposed change. I. Wrightington said that Mr. O'Connell 3* of the opinion that it is a change of zcning but he, Mr. Wrightington, feels that a modification of the restriction aggreement is required. Nr. Wrightington suggested aonaniting the Planning Board, and said that he assumed that a Town Meetingvote would ultimately be required. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the letter to the Planning Board for their recommendations. 53 Filling Station Property A; Corner Fletcher Avenue and Woburn St. 54 Licensee Use of Projector Bonus "Full time" Employees Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr, Sarano, it was voted to grant the following licensees Connors Brothers Flora A. Myers William-Viano Burlington Trans. of Garbage 65 Bridge St. Boarding HMO 1794 Mass. Ave. Sunday Movies The Clerk informed the Board that Mr..Sloane, President -of -the Lexington -Arts & Crefte-Society, requested permission to borrow the projector for a meeting of the 'Society to be held January 14, 1945. Mr. Rowse moved that the request be approved; subject to the provision that .it be handled by an experienced operator. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:15 P.M. Mr. Ronald -Brown of the Appropriation Committee appeared.before the Board. Be said it was not quite clear to him vhether or not the Board d Selectmen in its vote pertaining to..the eliminating of the bonus and subetituting it for a straight. salary increase meant "regular full-time" ar "regular part-time" emp1Oyeea. .. The Chairman informed him that it was the Board's intention to indicate "regular full -.tine" employees. Mr. Brown retired 0.8:17: P.M. The Board decided to take no action relative to re -organising the Lexington Committee on Public Safety: until instructions are received from the Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety. A true record, Attests t 021 1