HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-05SELECTMEN'S MEETING July 5, 1944 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Wednesday, July 5, 1944, at 7:30 P.M. This meeting V was held on Wednesday bec tse of the fact that Monday would'be the night before a holiday. The members were so advised at the last meeting of the Board, which was June 19, 1944. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sheldon and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. W. George W. Emery, Chief Engineer of the Board of Fire Engineers, appeared. Mr. Emery said that he was interested in having the Committee which is to be'appointed by the Moderator, relative to securing plans, specifications and estimates of cost of the new fire stations, appointed as soon as possible. He said that the Board of Fire Engineers felt that they should be represented, and also that the Board of Selectmen should be represented. The Chairman said that he had contacted Mr. Holt who advised him that he would proceed to appoint the Committee as soon as he heard from the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Emery retired at 7:50 P.M. At 8:10 P.M. Commander Russell S. Jones, Quarter- master Carl B. Jones, Ronald Gorman and one other gentle- List of man, representatives of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Veterans appeared before the Board. Mr. Gorman said that there were two or three matters relative to returning veterans on which they would like some information from the Board. He asked what, if anything, the Town intended to do for the returning veterans. Mr. Rowse stated that a Committee had been appointed which has done considerable work and maintains offices in the Lexington Red Cross Room. Mr. Gorman asked if their records were available, and the Chairman suggested that he contact that Committee for any further information. Mr. Gorman said that in several Towns and Cities, the Town Clerk has a complete record of the men in the Armed Forces. He said that it had been brought to his attention that the Town Clerk of Lexington has no in- formation'which he can give on this subject. 529 Qommi tt ee On Fire House t� 'be Appointed 530 Report of V.F.W. Relief Fund Possible App'ts. to Postwar Comm. Mr. Rowse suggested that the Board of Selectmen take steps to have an official list prepared which would then be turned aver to the Town Clerk. The Chairman stated that the Town Accountant has a record and, he believed it to be Town information whebh could be seen at the office of the Town Account- ant. Commander Jones presented a report of the Relief Fund of the Post for the year from. May 1, 1943 to May 1, 1944. He stated that in 1944 receipts from the Poppy Drive amounted to $255.03. The expenses were $153.16. The difference of $101.87 will be added to the Relief Fund in 1944. The group retired at 8:30 P.M. The Chairman read the list of Town Meeting Members and the following named were suggested as possible appointments to the Committee to be appointed relative to postwar projects; J. Milton Brown, Lincoln C. GrUsh, Eugene L. Morgan, Arthur C. Dodge, Lee E. Tarbox, Lester T. Redman, Guy W. Maynard, Roy A. Ferguson, Lester Andrews, Winthrop H. Bowker, Elmer C. Houdlette, Howard A. Patterson and William R. Rosenberger. The Selectmen were authorized at Town Meeting to appoint such a Committee. ' The Chairman said that he would contact nine of these individuals by telephone and ask them if they' would be willing to serve on such a Committee. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wrightington giving his opinion as to the possible liability of the Legal Op. Town relative to a defective limb on the so-called Hargreave Harrington Elm. Mr. Wrightington s aid this question Tree known was settled in the case of Andresen -v. Lexington where as Harring-the Town was held not liable because of the fall of a• ton limb projecting over a sidewalk in East Lexington. Elm Mr, Wrightington said that, in his opinion, the application of this rule would not be changed by the fact that Town officials or employees made repairs on• the tree in the past. The Chairman said that he would dictate a letter to Mr. Covil, Clerk of Precinct One, who had written to the Board relative to the dangerous condition of this tree. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wrightington regarding the application for a permit of one William J. Endres to use a trailer as a temporary home. Mr. Wrigtington referred the Board to the Plumbing By - Law, Sec. 29, which applies to trailers. 1 531 He suggested that fbe matter be re'erred to the Building and Plumbing Inspectors to enforce these by-laws and regulations. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of Mr. Wrightington's letter to both the Building and Plumbing Inspectors and request that they confer on the matter. The Chairman read a letter received from Edwin B. Worthen relative to the Robbins Cemetery Robbins • in East Lexington. Mr. Worthen said that on the . Cemetery death of Miss Stone there ceased to be any connection• by a resident with this burtklplot. Mr. Worthen suggested that possibly the Town should take title to.this plot of land. He said that if the Board so desired he would trace a plan of the cemetery and turn it over to the Engineers. He further informed the Board that there is a list in the Town Clerks records 1881., page 553 of seventy-nine persons buried in this cemetery. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge Mr. Worthen's letter and ask him if he would draw up a plan of the cemetery and turn it over to the Town Engineer, from which a more exact plan will be made. The Town Clerk is also to be requested to prepare a list of persons buried in the cemetery and the list, together with the map, is to be referred to the Cemetery C ommi ss ioners . Letter was received from R. C. Morris, Adjutant American of the American Legion, Stanley Hill Post #38, Legion. requesting that the room in Cary Memorial Building Request now being used by the Legion be redecorated in their Held Over colors. Two Weeks The. matter was held over for two weeks. Letter was received from William E. Maloney, Tax Title 289 Bedford Street, Lexington, offering the sum of Offer $200.00 for Lots 27 and 28, Biock 1, Harding Road. Mr. Sheldon moved that Mr. Maloney be advised that the lowest amount acceptable for these lots is $350.00. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Request was received from F. Robert Saul for permission to exhibit the Hunt Brothers Circus in • LexS.ngton on Monday, July 24th or Wednesday, July 26th. Mr. Rowse moved that the request be denied. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Roy 0. Leonard stating that the new flagpole for the Common has been ordered from the Pigeon Hollow Spar Company and will be ready for delivery about August 5, 1944. Req. Permit for Circus Denied Flagpole 532 Obs. Tower Sr. Clks. Inc. Ready & Thompson Inc. Sec. Approp. Comm. Cert. of Incorp. The Chairman read a letter from Melville W. Webb, Chairman of the Lexington Committee on Public. Safety advising that said Committee relinquishes all further responsibility for the care and preservation of the Observation Tower. No action was taken on the matter. Letter was received from Raymond L. White, Secretory, stating that the Appropriation Committee voted to approve salary increases in the amount of $2.00 per week, effective June 3e, 1944, for Miss Helen E. Ready and Miss 0. Mildred Thompson. Mr. Sheldon moved that an increase of $2.00 per week be approved for Miss Helen E. Ready and G. Mildred Thompson, to be retroactive to May 5, 1944, Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk was instructed to write the Tax Collector and the Chairman of the Board of Assessors advising that a $2.00 salary increase had been approved for 'thibir Senior Clerks, effective as of June 30, 1944. The Clerk was further instructed. to write the Chairman of the Appropriation Committee advising that the Board of Selectmen had voted to approve these increases which should be retroactive to May 5, 1944; the time the other salaries were increased. She was also instructed to state that through an error this was not explained at the time the subject was discussed with the Appropriation Committee. Letter was received from. Raymond L. White, Secretary, .advising that the Appropriation Committee had voted to increase the salary of the Secretary from $300.00 to $400.00 a year, effective July 1, 1944. Mr. Rowse moved that an increase in salary from $300.000to $400.00 per year be approved as o#' July 1, 1944. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. It was also voted tor equest the Appropriation Committee to transfer funds from the Reserve gond for this increase. Statement was received from the Secretary 6.rthe. Commonwealth advising that Charles A. Whipple of 1 Upland Road, Lexington, had filed an application for a certificate of incorporation. Mr. Sarano moved that a certificate of character be furnished on Mr. Whipple. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 0.4 1 Statement was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth advising that Sanford L. Fisher, 6 Stetson Street and Nyron C. Fisher of 3 Plainfield Street had filed an application for a certificate of incorporation. Mr. Rowse moved twat a certificate of character be furnished on both of these individuals. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it_ was so voted. Surety bond in the penal sum of $1,000.00 on behalf of Edward C. Maguire as Constable in the Town of Lexington was received. Mr. Sarano moved that the bond be approved. Mr.,Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that a bill in the amount of $45.00 had been received from the Adams Press for reports of the Fire Department khich were sent out at the time of the Special Town Meeting. Mr. Rowse moved that the bill be approved for payment and charged to the Unclassified Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman reminded the Board that Mr. Paxton': deferment expires on July 28, 1944. Mr. Potter moved that a request be made to have Mr. Paxton's deferment extended. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted A list of eligibles to the office of Lieutenant in the Lexington Police Department was received from the Division of Civil Service. Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr,. Saran o, it, was unanimously voted that Sergeant Francis T. Neal be appointed to the office of Lieutenant, effective as of midnight July 13, 1944. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to approve the following licensee: Five Elm Farm 643 Waltham St. Past. of Milk William Viano 1794 Mass. Ave. Sunday Movies The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Paxton had suggested that the following vote be passed: In order to be eligible for htliday pay, it will be necessary for an employee to work both the working day preceding and following the holiday, unless there is some emergency of which the office of Superintendent of Public Works has been notified not later than 10 A.M. of the day in which the employee is absent. Mr. Sheldon moved that Mr. Paxton's suggestion be approved, and the vote adopted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 533 Cert. of Incopporation Constable Bond Fire Report Bill Paxton Deferment Sgt. Neal Appointed Lieutenant Li c ens es $iliday Pay Public Wlce. employees 534 A list of Accounta Receivaiale outstanding was Accts. received from Mr. White, Town Accountant. Rec. It was decided to have the Chairman discuss these unpaid bills with the Tax Collector. Mr. Potter reprn ted that he had met with George Slghtrng Whiting, Slaughter Inspector, and Mr. Monsignore irk Time an effort to come to some agreement satisfactory to both individuals relative to time allotted for slaughtering. Be stated that the slaughter inspector at the present time makes more money per day than he would receive slaughtering, and he would like Mr. Monsignore to confine his slaughtering to an entire day rather than a portion of several dap. However, Ar. Monsignore makes his purchases on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and never knows whether or not he can obtain his purchases in one day or whether it will take three days. He prefers to have them slaughtered the day he brings them to Lexington. Mr. Sarano suggested that he talk with Mr. Monsignore. The Board had no objection. Canvass Mr. Potter reported that Mr. Spencer would like for to canvass the Town in an effort to pick up assessments Assmnts that have been overlooked. He knows of an individual whom he can employ to assist in this work, and requested that the amount of $400.00 be made available. The Board thought it would be best to have Mr. Potter request that Mr. Spencer write to the Board and state just that he intended to do and What the salary would be per week. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. A true record, Attest; 1