HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-19521 SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 19, 1944 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen Is Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, June 19, 1944, at 7:30 P.P. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. The Chairman reminded the Board that the first Selectmen's meeting in July would be on.the evening before July 4th. Meetings Mr. Sarano moved that the meeting scheduled for July 3rd be postponed, and that the Board meet on July 5th instead. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Boston Edison Company and New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for the following joint pole locations: Dexter Road, approximately 235 feet south of Williams Road, - Remove one (1) pole. Dexter Road, approximately 265 feet south of Williams Road, - Set one (1) pole. Mr. Potter moved that the locations be approved and the order signed. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Pole Locations The Chairman read a letter received from His Excellency the Governor advising that a meeting has been called to discuss a problem of importance and interest to all communities in the Metropolitan area. The meeting is to be held on Thursday, June 22, 1944, at 3:15 P.M. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter and inform the Governor that the Chairman of the Board would be present at the meeting. The letter received from Allen W. Rucker, advising that the Army Aircraft Warning Service had been discontinued, was given further consideration by the Board. It was decided to take no action at the present time relative to the disposition of the Tower. The Chairman read a letter from George E. Graves stating that there are two fur coats in moth proof bags now at the Tower. In view of the fact that the service at the Tower has been terminated, these items are no longer necessary. Mr. Graves further advised the Board that the Tower had been broken into again, but there is nothing of much value there now. The Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Graves by telephone and inform him that the Board suggested storing these coats at the Public Works Building for the use of the Public Works Employees. Gov's. Meeting Obs. Tower Fur coats at Tower 522 Phelps Deed Comm. on Postwar Paxton Puhchase Mold Board Req. for Water Main Letter was received from Mr. Wriphtington together with a copy of the deed, which Mrs. Phelps will give the Town of Lexington, of the land for the Central Fire Station. Mr. Wri atington stated that Mrs. Phelps is willing to release any claim for damages for the sewer, but is somewhat concerned about the provision for electric light and telephone service to the house in the rear. Provisions for these items has been included in the deed in the description of the mutual easements. Mr. Wrightington further stated that Mr. Emery, Chief Engineer of the Board of Fire Engineers, has approved .of the deed. A certified copy of the vote passed at the Town Meeting held on June 12, 1944, which <autherized the Selectmen to. appoint a Committee of nine Town Meeting Members to receives'. requests for postwar projects, was received from the Town Clerk. It was decided to name the members of this Committee at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 8:10 P.M. He said that he hoped to obtain a snow plow. The plow now on one of the big trucks is approximately twenty years old. Last year he looked for a second hand unit, but was unable to obtain one. He said that he can how obtain a mold board for $255.00. This unit is 11' on the base and 12' on the top. He said there is sufficient funds in the - Snow Removal Account to cover this item. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized, to purchase the mold board at a price of $255.00; to be charged to the Snow Removal Account. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse arrived at 8:15 P.M. Mr. Paxton said he had received a request from the residents of Valleyfield Street requesting the installation of a water main, .' He 'said:these is: riot, atz 'fidiesatz:° pits in stock to install the water main, and he doubteyi,very much, if he would be able to obtain priorities to purchase it. Mr. Paxton further stated that he has not the labor availab&e to make the installation. The Chairman requested Mr. Paxton to advise the residents of Valleyfield Road of the situation as he outlined it to the Board. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. J. A. Cushman, Agent Oil of the Colonial Beacon Oil Company, requesting permission to Pipe run a portion of the proposed pipe line across some tax Line title land, which was formerly used as a gravel pit. 1 1 1 1 Mr. Sheldon asked if this particular property would ever be built upon, and Mr. Paxton said that he thought it not likely to be built upon. Mr. Paxton said that he thought the oil line could laid close to the property line. Mr. Potter moved that the request be granted, the pipe is laid within 15' of the property line. seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Cushman to discuss the determining of the exact location with Mr. Paxton. The Chairman informed Mr. Paxton that he had received a letter from Lloyd H. Miller, 973 Concord Turnpike, requesting the installation of a street light in front of his home. The Chairman said that he had told Mr. Miller that it was undoubtedly out of the question at this time. Mr. Paxton said that he thought it would be very expensive, and that if lights were going to be put on the Concord Turnpike there should be lights the entire length of it to do an effective job of lighting. However, he said he would check this request. The Chairman told Mr. Paxton that a letter had been received from William F. Covil, Clerk of Precinct One, stating that it was the consensus of the opinion of Town Meeting Members in that Precinct that the condition of the Harrington Elm near Maple Street was dangerous, and that it should be taken care of immediately. Mr. Paxton said that he had talked with Mr. Garrity who feels that the work which should be done, at the present time, i.e., the elimination of one particular limb, would cost approximately $50.00. The tree itself will have to be removed within a few years incurring an expense of $400.00. Mr. Garrity would hesitate to remove this limb inasmuch as it might set up a liability of the Town to remove the tree when the time comes. Mr. Rowse moved that a letter be written to ter. Wrightington asking for his opinion on the sublject. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Frederick McMillen, 82 Cliffe Avenue, stating that there is a movement in progress to declare Zoar Avenue closed, and that he, as an abutter, is utterly opposed to any such action. The Chairman also read a letter from John C. Przyjemski stating that he had received a letter from Daniel J. O'Connell in regard to the abandonment of Zoar Avenue, and he also is opposed to such action. Mr. Paxton said that probably this is in connection with the house which was built in the middle of ZoardAvenue. He stated that it would be practically impossible to build a street there inasmuch as there is a very steep grade there. Zoard.Afenue is an unaccepted street, and he felt that the Town would have nothing to do with it. " Mr. Sheldon moved that tr. Paxton contact Mr. Wrightington by telephone, and obtain his opinion on the subject. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. be providing Mr. Sheldon 523 Req. for Street Light Harrington Elm Zoar Avenue Closing 524 The Chairman said that three residents in the vicinity of Blake Road had spoken to him about the cesspool situation on their property and stated that something would have to be done. Mr. Paxton said that it would take approximately two years to do the job, and the plans are all ready made. He said that because of labor and material, it would be impossible to do anything at the present time. At 8:55 P.I. Mr. Jerry Cataldo and Mr. Schumacher appeared before the Board. Mr. Cataldo presented a petition signed by thirty- seven farmers and market gardeners of Lexington, requesting the Board to grant a lower water rate, thereby allowing the use of more water on a production basis for whatever period of time the Board would deed :just and reasonable. After some discussion on the subject, the Chairman informed those present that a study of the situation would be made. Messrs. Cataldo and Schumacher retired at 9:20 P.M. Mr. Paxton was requested to make a study of water rates, and report to the Board as soon as possible. He agreed to do so, and retired at 9:50 P.M. Report of the Lexington Patriots' Day Committee was read by the Chairman. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the report and express the Board's appreciation for the effort of the Committee. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to adopt the Jury List as follows: Name LIST OF JURORS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, 1944. Occupation Address Aker, Welton R. Mechan&4 Armstrong, William J. Bookbinder Babcock, Virge F. Banks, -Chester R. Barrington, James L. Barton, George S. Batstone, Alfred R. Baylis, Thomas W. Beers, Ernest H. Black, Walter G. Brenton, Walter J. Buckley, Eugene T. Buckley, William J. Cairns, Steward C. Salesman Carpenter Dye Stuffs Artist Engineer Dairyman Salesman Contractor Clerk Sales Sales Manager 242 Lincoln St. 16 Lockwood Rd. 14 8 39 15 49 507 358 11 353 22 234 Gleason Rd. Brandon St. Meriam St. Bloomfield St. Bartlett. Ave. Concord Ave. Marrett Rd. Highland Ave. Bedford St. Grant St. Lincoln St. 47 Taft Avenue 1 1 1 1 Cambridge, Charles L. Campbell, John D. Carson, Albert I. Cassidy; Richard P. Cavanaugh, James Chamberlain, Walker L. Chase; Guy S. Clare, Frank J. Clarke, Kenneth F. Clifford, Malcolm H. Cochrane, Frank L. Collins, John D. Collins, William A. Cbmman, James M. Conley, Dennis D. Cook, Chester S. Cromwell, Richard P. Crone; Louis L. Cullington, Herbert 8. Currier, H. Irving CustGnde, Frank B. Dacey,'John H. Dailey, John P. Dale, Ralph I. Daly, John F. Dane, Francis S. Deering, Basil R. Devine, William H. Douglass; Albert F. Ferguson, Clements H. Ferguson, Wallace W. Fernald, Robert W. Geddes, Harold W. Dilcrdast, John E. Goguen; Leonard E. Gorman,'Arthur Gosbee; George B. Grush, Lincoln C. Hannam; William H. HargreaVea, Paul A. Harrington, Edward T. Heaney, John F. Higgins, Lincoln C. Hilton, 'john C. Holm, John A. Holmes, Theodore E. Hovis, Watson E. Carpenter Carpenter Insurance Bus Driver Truck Driver Banker Salesman Tool Maker Wood Business Salesman Insul. Sales Printer Machinist Salesman Electrician Musician Investment Stock Borker Insurance Shipper Mason Mason Contractor At Home Insurance Asst. Treas. Insurance. Electrician Funeral Dir Sales Salesman Investments Serv. Mgr. Banker Architect Buyer Ins. Broker Prod. Manager Salesman heal Estate Sales Supervisor Plasterer Real Estate Machinist Machinist Ins. Agent Salesman 1359 238 12 16 36 17 10 433a 91 54 v 21 14 48 26 3 16 21 30 111 400 100. Mass Ave. Lincoln St. Hancock Ave. Curve St. Liberty Ave. tIancokk St. Meriam St. Mass. Ave. Simonds Rd. Chase Ave. Cliffe Ave. Chase Ave. Parker St. Farmcrest Ave. Sheridan St. Belfry Terr. Summit Rd. Forest St. Smith Ave. Lowell St. Gleason Rd. 4 Muzzey Street 150 Marrett Road 6 Oakland St. 54 Forest St. 1 Bennington Rd. 51 Ledgelawn Ave. 24 Brookside Ave. 44 Percy Road 30 Vine Brook Rd. 6 Belfry Terr. 4 Washington St. 15 73 1123 206 2 10 23 1071 14 31 44 70 228 68 97 Audubon Rd. Bloomfield St. Mass. Ave. Bedford St. Rowland Ave. Tower Rd. Lincoln St. Mass. Ave. Bedford St. Chase Ave. Bertwell Rd. Baker Ave. Lincoln St. Farmcrest Ave. Blake Rd. 525 526 Hoxie, Fred C. Hubbart, Paul A. Hyde, William J. Jack, William R. Jackson, William L. Jaynes, George A. Jellis, Leonard Johnson, John E. Johnston, Joseph Kelley, John J. King, Forrest E. Kinsman, Leon Ladd, Merlin J. Ladd, William B. Jr. Lane, Edward D. Lane, Jasper A. Larkin, Isadore D. Lawson, Warren G. Litchfield, Gerald B. Little, Ashton G. Little, Russell M. Lombard, Harold 111'. Love, Frank J. Jr, Lowry, James W. MacGilvray, Collin F. Maienza, Joseph S. Mallard, William R. Mallion, George A. Marshall, Ralph H. Mason, Arthur F. Maynard, Guy B. McAnaul, Robert C. McCormack, John J. McGann, James T. McKay, Albert B. McKay, Frank J. Jr. McNamara, Thomas McQuillan, Rugus L. Mead, Henry P. Morse, Clayton M. Relies, Randolph W. Nelson, Robert A. R. Noonan, Louis E. Olsen, Albert E. B. & M. R. Engineer C.P.A. R. Artist Retired Mason N. E. Tb]J. & Tel. Roofer Greenskeeper Machinist Jeweler Demonstrator Ins. Broker Salesman Salesman Ins. & Banking Hotel Clerk Banker Salesman Salesman Salesman Claim Mgr. Edison Co. Elec.-Eng. Clerk Tailor Real Estate Secretary Ins. Salesman Manager Mech. Chauf. . Taxi Plumber Edison Co. Mov. Pic. Proj. Pub. Rep. None B. & M. R. R. Salesman Gen. Supt. Mach. Salesman 320 29 19 Waltham St. Harding Rd. Eliot Rd. 21 Byron St. 40 Hancock St. 35 Grant St. 70 Ward St. 8 Cary Ave. 14 Walnut St. 8 Muzzey St. 31 No. Hancock St. 3 Hancock'Ave. 1 Oakland St. 8 Robbins Rd. 60 Marrett Rd. 177 Waltham St. 2627 Mass. Ave. 151 Follen Rd. 53 Dexter Rd. 43 York St. 7 Forest St. 24 Vine Brook Rd. 3 Wallis Ct. 36 Charles St. 12 Cary St. 126 Crescent Hill Ave. 27 29 7 46 29 2261 67 156 24 3 7 35 40 29 15 58 2 Locust Ave. Wachusett Dr. Patriots Dr, Watertown St. Oakland St. Mass. Ave. Grant St. Woburn St. Fletcher Ave. Wallis Ct. Baker Ave. Tower Rd, Woburn St. Sherman St. Maple St. Forest St. Vine St. 286 Woburn St. 1 1 Packard, Ernest H. Parks, Alexander W. Parks, Joseph A. Pearson, William H. Pickering, Minter A. Porter, Norman W. Potter, Murray Puffer, James C. Rich, Irving A. Rix, David A. Robertson, Henry W. Rose, Manuel G. Jr. Rosenberger, F1rederick Rudd, Charles H. Savage, Charles G. Seltzer, Julius Sherburne, Warren Short, .Alfred L. Shurtleff, William Smith, George D. Smith, George E. Smith, Shirley L. Stone, .Harold .S. Stone, Harry W. Sullivan, James L. Sweet, Theodore R. Swenson, Eugene Terhune, John A. Tighe, Louis E. Trenholm, John D. Tullar, Fred H. Turner, John A. Farmer Pattern Maker Salesman Banker Salesman Retired Supt. Banker Storekeeper Roofer Salesman Farmer Salesman Manager Baggageman Tailor Auditor Supervisor H. toholesale Asst. Caretaker Merchant Gas Tender Civ. Eng. Ins. Broker Bus Operator Contractor Salesman Vadeboncoeur, Emile J. Wark, Craig D. . Wichert, Charles J. Wolmsly, Charles Yelland, Irving N. Horseshoer None Executive Artist Painter Printer Sales Rep. Caretaker Heating Contr. Salesman 272 10 4 8 12 96 19 10 38 513 4 748 42 5 14 9 34 1034 14 12 34 7 40 5 20 265 260 Concord Ave. Fletcher Ave. Hillside Terr. Goodwin Rd. Winthrop Rd. Blake Rd. Walnut St. Richard Rd. Kendall Rd. Waltham St. Raymond St. Waltham St. Locust Ave. Hastings Rd. Manley Ct. Belfry Terr. Hancock St. - Waltham St. Somerset Rd. Locust Ave.• Grant St. Bowker St. Harding Rd. Patriots Dr. Cliffe Ave. Concord Hwy. - Marrett Rd. 53 Grant St. 7 Lockwood Rd. 2 Eustis St. 39 Reed St. 35 :Bowker St. 35 Brandon St, 43 Woodland Rd. 12 Fletcher Ave. 24 Bridge St. 35 Downing Rd. The Warrant for the State Primaries to be held on July 11, 1944, was signed by the Board. ° • Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to aper ove the following licenses: Leslie J. Wood Ralph J. White William Viano Trans. of Garbage Junk License Sunday Movies 527 Warrant St. Prim. Licenses 528 Senior Clerks' Salaries Jeannette Fountain ' s Prop. adv. Non. Pmt. Taxes. Req. for Abatement The Chairman read a letter from Roy 0. Leonard stating that there were several itemspertaining to the top mast of the flagpole which might reduce the figure previously sub- mitted by him. . Mr. Leonard stated cif he could tie on to the trees, instead of digging foam holes for the anchors, the total price would be reduced by $50.00. Mr. Garrity told the Chairman that.he did not think it was worth taking the chance to tie on to the trees. Mr. Leonard stated in his letter that if the cross trees are worth putting back, a further sum of $150.00 could be deducted from his quotation. Mr. Garrity has advised the Chairman that the cross trees were repaired ten or twelve years ago. Mr. Leonard said that a reduction of $60.00 would be made if the Town furnished an Engineer and transit to sight the new pole when it is being erected. Mr. Garrity informed the Chairman that the grading around the base of the pole would not cost a fraction of the $60.Q0. Mr. Leonard's price includes $50.00 for cutting up the main staff, which Mr. Garrity would prefer to do. Therefore, the sum of $150.00 for the cross trees; plus $60.00; plus $50.00, making a total of $260.00 may be deducted from the original quotation of $3,360.00. Mr. Leonard stated that if the Board took advantage o these three items, his price would be exactly $3,100.00. . Mr. Sheldon moved that the bid, with reductions, at a net price of $3,100.00 be awarded to Roy 0. Leonard. Mr..Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that the question pertaining to the salaries of the Senior Clerk in the Assessors' and Tax Collector's Offices should be settled without further dela. It was decided to have the Chairman contact Mrr. Hoyt, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, and have a report by July 5, 1944. The Chairman read a letter from Edwin B. Worthen, Treasurer! 'of the Lexington Savings Bank, stating that the Collector of Taxes has advertised Jeannette B. Fountain's property for non payment of taxes. Mr. Worthen suggested the Board of `Selectmen and the Board of Assessors confer relative to abating the unpaid taxes.; which are as follows: Bal. tax for 1942 $ 6.67 St. Bett. Assess. 35.00 St. Bett. Assess. Interest 5.60 V-47;27 The Clerk informed the Board that Mrs. Fountain receives $107.00 per month under A.D.C. The Chairman left the meeting to take this matter up with Mr. John A. Lyons, Chairman of the Board of Public Welfare. Mr. Locke returned to the meeting and reported that Mr. Lyons would take this matter up with the Board of Assessors. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1 1