HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-15491 SELECTMEN'S MEETING May 15, 1944° A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was • held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, May 15, 1944, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Rowse, Sheldon and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. George W. Emery, Chairman of the Board of Fire Engineers, appeared before the Board. Mr. Emery stated that he had obtained an option from Mrs. Phelps, for her property on Bedford Street, Fire for $4,100.00. This is for approximately 69,000 squaree Station feet of land, of which about 7 or 8 thousand feet is filled in. Mr. Emery said the good land was figured at, 1Q' per foot and 14 per foot for the other 30 thousand feet, which can be made aVaailable if and when necessary. Mr. Emery said the assessment, by the acreage, is around $1,850.00. He has talked with Mr. Hoyt of the Appropriation - Committee who felt that this figure was just. Mr. Emery said'that Frederic Johnson would like to secure 30 feet of land to round out his property and offered to insert restrictions in the option which would protect the visibility. Mr. Greeley and Mr. Emery told Mr. Johnson that they would be in favor of giving him the 30 foot piece. Mr. Emery said thathe hsd talked with Mr. Wrightington who does not believe it would be necessary to have another Article to cover this. Mr. Emery said that Mr. Johnson's share would be somewhere around $500.00. Mr. Emery said the minimum needed for the fire station will be 180 feet of usuable land from the edge of the brook; 40 feet between Mr. Johnson's land and -the building; 40 feet on the other side and Camellia Place. Mr. Emery presented a copy of the report which is to be signed by the Board of Selectmen, Board,of Fire Engineers, Appropriation Committee and the Planning Board. Mr. Rowse suggested that arguments for the Barnes Property, as a possible location for the Central Fire Station, be included in the report. Mr. Emery agreed to include the arguments for the Barnes Property. He stated that the proof should be re-• turned to the printer as soon as possible, and asked if the Board would authorize him to have the report completed, or if the Board wished to check it again. Mr. Emery was authorized to have the report completed, and he retired at 8:30 P.M. 492 Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. The Chairman said that he had talked with Mr. Wrightington relative to the complaint received from John Devine about the drain at the rear of his residence. Devine On the basis of Mr. Devine's letter, Mr. Paxton's Drainage report and the request that Mr. Wrightington take the matter up with Mr. Devine, Mr. Wrightington wrote Mr. Devine and denied any responsibility on the part of the Town, Mr. Wrightington asked Mr. Devine for any concrete evidence of any obstruction caused. by the Town in this brook. It was decided to write Mr. Devine and advise him that his letter had been discussed with Mr. Wrightington who stated that the conditions were unchanged from last year, and that no evidence had been furnished of any obstruction in the brook caused by the Town. Ianeock ,.Street nd- Locked Water A petition was received from the residents of Hancock Street relative to a body of landlocked water. Tiis, petition was held over from last week. Mr. Paxton said that there is an old stone culvert under Coolidge Avenue. Last- year it became blocked up and Mr. Louj.s Bills and Sidney Robbinslired"2bwnrymen to:61eUn it out one evening. However, this was not too successful. Mr. Paxton said there is an area of stagnant water behind Mr. Robbins',.Wallace Knights' and Louis Bills' property. Mr. Paxton does not believe the Town has any responsibility - in the matter. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the petition stating that the matter had been investigated and the Board has been advised that the Town has no responsibility inasmuch as this is on private property. Mr. Paxton retired at 8:45 P.M., and Mr. Lamont appeared before the Board. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Joseph Klarfeld, Attorney, representing the Bukers, Dahls, Larssens, Taylors and MacDermid;, all of James Street. Mr. Klarfeld stated that poultry kept by Mr.. Iovino on James Street creates a nuisance and a menace to public health and particularly to the healtith of the abutters. Mr. Lamont advised the Board that he had been up to Iovino's property three times in the past ten days, and the property has been cleaned. Mr. Iovino now has 1,500 hens that will be on the range for only 45 more days. Mr. Lamont stated that Mr. Iovino has complied with all requests made by him. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge Mr. Klarfeld's letter and to advice him that the owner of the property had complied with every request made by the Health Inspector and that the property has been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Inspector. Mr. Klarfeld was also to be informed that poultry had been kept at this location for many years and the Board could find no justification to revoke the permit. The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. George E. Woodbury requesting permission to keep twelve hens at 17 Fuller Road. Mr. Lamont stated that George P. Langton objected strenuously to the issuance of the permit at this location. He said that he could see no reason why a person living on one street should be allowed to keep poultry on another street when an objection had been received from one of the neighbors. Mrs. Woodbury informed Mr. Lamont that she was going to keep the chickens '_herself". However, Mr. Sarano was of the opinion that the chickens would be kept at Mrs. Woodbury.#s property, but would be owned by a Stevens' boy of 52 Gleason Road. Mr. Sarano agreed to talk with Mr. Langton and to find out whether or not he would withdraw his objections. Theri:matter was held over for one week. The Chairman informed Mr. Lamont that he had received a complaint about the tin cans at the so-called Adams School Lot in East Lexington. Mr. Lamont said that the bin_ had been stolen and the cans were just left there in a pile. The Board decided to request Mr. Paxton to have the cans removed to the dump at the Public Works Building. Mr. Lamont retired at 9:15 P.M., and Mr. Frederic K. Johnson appeared before the Board. Mr. Johnson said that he wanted to see the Board 'on the matter of the proposed fire station on Bedford Street. He said the only question in his mind was the method of procedure, and wanted to know if the Town purchased the whole strip of land whether or not he was going to be able to acquire the 30 'feet he would like to bave. He said that he had in mind that he would purchase from Mrs. Phelps the 30 feet and the Town would take the balance; in that way Mr. Johnsoz would not be involved with the Town at all. He said that he would be willing to pay his proportion. He said that as far as the price was concerned, he left that with the Committee when they talked with Mrs. Phelps. 493 Woodbury Req. to Keep Poultry Tin Cans Adams School Lot Complaint Fred. K. Johnson Fire St. on Bedford Street 494 She knows Mr. Johnson is interested in this particular strivbecause years ago he discussed the possibility of purchasing this strip. The Board said that if Mrs. Phelps would give Mr. Johnson an option and also give the Town a different option, then the one now on file„it would exchange the one we have for the two new ones. Mr. Johnson said that he would be willing to pay the same price for the piece of land that the Town would have to pay, and as far as depth is concerned, he would go back as far as the Town would go. Mr. Johnson said that he understood from Mr. Emery that the Town would like the front land restricted. He said that if he purchased it, the first 40 feet would be restricted so that he could not build upon it or park any cars on it, and he felt that this restriction should be taken into consideration when the price is figured. Mr. Johnson said that he was using between 38 and 40 feet of this land at the present time. He said that he was desirous of having a driveway and is willing not to put any buildings on it. He said that he had ndtactually done any figuring on it, but he had in mind paying about $500.00. The Board agreed that there should be two separate deeds; one to the Town of Lexington and one to Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson is to pay $500.00 for the land, and it is to be purchased from Mrs. Phelps. Mr. Johnson felt that this agreement was fair and retired at 9:40 P.M. Mr. Cutter appeared before the Board at 9:40 P.M., relative to the fact that he was not reappointed a member of the Board of Public Welfare, and retired at 10:10 P.M. The Board gaven further consideration to Edward W. Tax Cole's offer of $350.00 for Lots 24 and 25, Block 20, Title Bertwell Road. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised Sale in the May 11, 1944, issue of the Lexington Minute -Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Sheldon moved that the offer be accepted, and that lots 24 and 25, Block,20, Bertwell Road, Lexington, be sold and conveyed to Mr. Edward W. .Cole. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Mr. D. F. Ross, on behalf of the Sacred Heart Church, requesting the use of Use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of May 29, 1944, from Hall 8 P.M. until 12 P.M., for a reception to be given Rev. Father:- Desmond. Mr. Sheldon moved that the use of the hall be granted, free of charge; subject to the deposit of $50.00 in accordance with the regulations pertaining to the use of the hall. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 1 The Chairman read.a letter from Howard W. Robbins, Office of. Civilian Defense, requesting a letter from the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen releasing one trailer and one skid which is unmounted. Mr. Rowse,moved that the property be released if the Town is not using it; subject to the approval of Deputy Chief Roy A. Cock. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from James B. Hargreaves, 1071 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, stating that one large limb of the supposedly Jonathan Harrington tree has. deteriorated and appears to be in a dangerous condition. Mr. Hargreaves claimed that he had written Mr. Garrity, but received no reply. It was decided to have Mr. Garrity submit a report on the matter. Invitation was received from Mrs. M. A. Pickering, Commissioner, Lexington Girl Scouts, to attend the Annual Girl Scout Rally on May 19, 1944. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to sign the deed conveying Lots 25, 26, and 27, Block 18, Ward Street, to Salvadore and Pauline Cassella. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Alice A. Frost Clarence MacPhee Louis J. Reynolds William Viano 56 Allen Street 14 Baker Ave. 17,8 :Mass . Ave. 1794 Mass. Ave. Boarding Infants Sunday Sales Auctioneer Sunday Movies The Chairman read a letter from Robert H. Holt, advising that he would be unable to be present at the Town Meeting to be held on June 12, 1944. The Chairman said that he would contact Charles Ferguson as to whether or not he would be willing to act as Moderator. The Board then considered the Articles for June. 12, 1944. It was decided to include an 94r'tible to Town will authorize the Selectmen to acquire or take by eminent domain the property at th Massachusetts Avenue and Fletcher Avenue bel Leary. It was also decided on the two general for the Central Station and one for the East Station, to eliminate the words "to endeavor option to buy the land". It was decided to have a member of the meet with the Board of Selectmen next week t Articles to be presented by them. in the Warrant 495 OCD Equip. Release harrington hlm Held Over Girl Scouts Deed Signed Licenses see if the by purchase e junction of onging to Bridget Articles, one Lexington to obtain an School Committee o discuss the Moderator Art. for Warrant 496 Letter was received from Mr. White, Town Accountant, Farnham requesting two weeks' vacation pay for Mrs. Farnham. Vacation Inasmuch as Mrs. Farnham had several days off with Pay pay during her husband's recent furlough, Mr. Rowse moved that one week's vacation pay be approved. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Report was received from Mrs. Casey on Harold Chambers, 9 Smith Avenue, Lexington. Harold Mrs. Casey requested the Board's approval of an Chambers application for Soldiers' Relief in the amount of $17..50 weekly. Mr. Rowse moved that the application be approved for the amount requested. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Sheldon suggested that the Board ce Selectmen order one copy of the New England Community Statistical Abstracts, a standard reference book compiled by Boston University, Bureau of Business Research. Mr. Rowse moved that the Clerk be authorized to purchase one book. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was . s o voted. (Statis- tical Book The Chairman informed the Board that specifications Flag- for bids, for a new flagpole, had been completed. He pole said that the bids would be received by the Board of Bids Selectmen unti 1, 7:30 P.M. on May 29, 1944, in the Selectmen's Office and opened publically and read at that time. Mr. Sheldon moved that a notice be insetted in the Lexington Minute -Man relative to the bids. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1