HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-04-24468 T oun Clerk Clerical Hir e SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 24, 1944 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, April 24, 1944, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Sarano and Rowse were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Carroll appeared before the Board at 7:30 P.M. to discuss the clerical situation in his office. Mr. Carroll informed the Board that he had tried for a year to do the work in his office with only one -girt, but it has not been successful. He said that when he had two girls, one was assigned to the work in connection with the office of the Town Clerk and the other one took • care of the work in connection with the office of the Town Treasurer. He said the work in his office is so far behind that something will have to be done in the way of assistance. He said that the Town Clerk's.Office is governed by Mr. Cook Secretary of State. Mr. Carroll said that the State Depart- ment has inquired as to why certain records have not been kept up to date, and when he informed them that it was because he did not have the help in his office, he was told to obtain the necessary nelP, The Chairman asked kr. Carroll how lbng it was since he had two girls in his office, and Mr. Carroll replied since February of last year. Mr. Sarano asked him how long he had two girls, and Mr. Carroll said that for the past four or five years he has had two full-time girls. The Chairman asked how the ordinary amount of work coming into his office compares now with the work a few years ago. Mr. Carroll said with the number of birth, death and marriage certificates, that records pertaining to these items have greatly increased. He said that when he first took office the population was nine thousand as compared with approximately fourteen thousand at the present time. Mr. Sarano asked what Mr. Carroll would recommend, and he said that he wanted sn other fu71-time girl. He said that he was of the opinioi that his present girl, Miss MdDonough, is more or less dissatisfied, and that the only solution he can see to the problem is to employ a full-time girl. He said that he has two girls in mind, both Who:. he thinks would prove satisfactory. He said that one girl has had experience and he thought she would come to work for $18.00 a week. The othergirl without experience would work for $16.00 per week. He said that he would prefer to have the girl without experience and instruct her himself. 1 469 Mr. Carroll said that unless he has more assistance he will have to ask for a leave of absence or resign, and that the State Department has asked him for a report of the result of this meeting. tonight. The Chairman said that if this is a matter for the Appropriation Committee to act upon, the Board of Selectmen did not care to interfere. Mr. Carroll said that when the work in his office has been brought up to date he would then be willing to work with one. girl. It was the decision of the Board that this matter should be straightened out by Mr. Carroll and the Appropriation Committee. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Carroll concerning the inquiry of one James W. Denney, pertaining to Lots 249, 250, 278 and 279, located on Wood Street and Colonial Heights. Tax ' Mr. Carroll said that he had talked with Mr. Denney Title and the matter is now taken careof. He informed the Board Disc. that these four lots can not be sold until they are foreclosed, and that they will not be foreclosed until some time in 1945. The lots in question are made out to the "Heirs of William H. S. Denney". If a statement is obtained from the heirs that they will ai i off,. Mr::Denney can then redeem the lots after they are foreclosed. The only person who can redeem property before foreclosure is the owner, Mr. Carroll retired at 8:20 P.M. and Mr. Lamont appeared before the Board. Mr. Lamont said that the people living on James Street object to Mr. Iovino keeping hens, and would prefer that no permit be issued. He said that he had taken this problem to Mr. Wrightington and obtained an opinion on it. Iovino The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wrightington stating Hen that Mr. Iovino is registered with the conservation cothinittee Permit of the extension service of the Massachusetts College as a market gardener. Mr. Iovino has seven acres under cultivation in Lexington, and for some time in the past, he -has cultivated two acres near his home not far from the location referred to in his application. Mr. Wrightington stated that he understood that no health menace would result from the keeping of hens on the lot as applied for. He further stated, that since no health menace would result, it is his opinion that.the permit shouid be issued. Mr. Lamont said that he believed that if the place is kept clean and taken care of, there would be no health menace, and that he would recommend granting the permit. Mr. Sarano moved that the permit be granted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was .so voted. Mr. Lamont retired at 8:30 P.M. and Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. 470 Paxton Clerks Held Over Pole Loca- tion Held Over Ch. 90 St. No. Changed W. Paxton stated that the only item he had to bring before the Board this evening was the question of increasing the salaries of the girls in his department. He saidtthat about a month ago when Miss Harvey left, he discussed with the Board the possibility of not employing another girl, and suggested that the three girls be given an increase in salary. He would like to know now just what the Board wants to do on the subject. He stated that there was sufficient money to pay for any increases in salary. He said at the resent time Miss Corbett and Miss McNamara are receiving $18.00 a week and Miss Vaughn is receiving $17.00 a week. Mr. Paxton said that he would recommend giving each of the girls a $5.00 per week increase. Mr. Paxton said that Miss Corbett and Miss Vaughn are both able to operate the billing machine. Miss McNamara has been limited to Park and W.P.A. work. He felt that with three girls it would be advisable to have them all able to operate the billing machine and the addressograph machine. Mr. Paxton said that he does not know definitely whether or not he will be able to continue with,only three girls. He said that he has had to eliminate much letter writing, and does much of his business over the telephone. He said that these recommendations were based on the fact that he is making an attempt to keep the girls he has at the present time. • TherBoard decided to hold the matter over for one week. Application was received from the Boston Edison Company for a joint pole location on Burlington Street. W. Paxton said that neither henor Mr.Cosgrove could determine any particular reason thy there should be any new pole put in and two present poles eliminated. The Chairman asked Mr. Paxton to cheek this further, and report next week. He agreed to do so. The Chairman read a letter from the State Department of Public Weeks advising that the Commissioners have allotted the sum of $1,000.00 for Maintenance, Chapter 90 roads in Lexington. Letter was received from Andrew Dreselly stating that he would like to have his address changed from 3z5 Goodwin Road to Patriot's Drive. Mr. Dreselly went to the Town Engineer and was assigned the number twelve (12). Mr. Rowse moved that the assignment of mumber twelve•(12) Patriot's Drive be approved for the building on Patriatns Drive occupied by Mr. Dreselly, subject to the approval. of Mr. Cosgrove Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 1 1 1 471 Mr. Paxton retired at 8:50 P.M. Bill was received from B. F. Smith and Compapy'_in Bill for the amount of $57.00 for making soil borings at the site Boil Borings of the proposed fire station at Bedford Street and Camellia Place. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $57.00 „and that this bill be approved for payment. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Joseph Corsi offering the sum of $125.00 for Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 18, Reed Street. The Chairman said that he had talked with Mr. Spencer on this matter, and he recommends that the offer be accepted. Mr. Rowse suggested that further information be obtained from the Engineering Department as to Whether or not these particular lots might be where Route 128 is to be located. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Grindle stating that in August 1943 the School Department engaged Arthur R. Linfield as maintenance man and acting head janitor of the high school. In the agreement with Mr. Linfield at that time his total salary for 1944 was to include any. bonus. Mr. Grindle stated that since the bonus for 1944 is 15%, or double the amount of 1943, Mr. Linfield believes 'he is entitled to the difference, i.e., 7i%. At the last meeting of the School Committee this sum was granted to Mr. Linfield, retroactive to January 1, 1944. Mr. Grindle statedthat.inasmuch as the bonus is under the jurisdiction of the Selectmen, Mr. White has requested that this change receive the consent of the Board. Mr. Rowse moved to approve the adjustment bonus of 70 to Mr.. Arthur R. Linfield of the School Department, retroactive to January 1, 1944. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wrightington relative to the Welfare Case brought by the City of Cambridge against the Town of Lexington for Old Age Assistance to Mrs. Janet Jones, now deceased. Mr. Wrightington stated that his investigation of the $'acts indicated that the Welfare Department in their - original investigation of the claim overlooked certain items which would probably result in a decision against the Town. Mr. Wrightington has talked with the Assistant City Solicitor and agreed with him to settle the case for $100.00, which is substantially less than the face of the claim. Tax Title Corsi Held Over Linfield Bonus Settlement of Jones Welfare Case 472 Civil Serlttee req. for records of Police Officers Lt. Exam. Bd. Health Act. Held Over Bldg. Inap. Bond Rescind Vote of April 10 re: Bd. Pub. Welf. App. Bd. of Public Welfare Mr. Wrightington suggested that the Board arrange to have a check put through, payable to the City of Cambridge, and have it sent to him so that he could arrange for the dismissal of the action. Mr. Rowse took this matter up with Mr. Lyons, and was advised that the Board of Public Welfare approved. Mr. Rowse moved to approve payment of 100.00 in settlement of the case. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from the Department of Civil Service requesting the dates of all suspensions, penalties and reprimands appearing against each applicant for promotion to the office of Iieitonant ii the Police Department. The Clerk was instructed to reply to this letter, and send a copy of the record which was compiled at the time the examination for the office of Chief of Police was taken. The Board felt that it whould be called to the attention of the Division of Civil Service that Officer Mowett, who took the examination, is a Military Substitute. A new draft of the. Act providing for the appointment by the Selectmen for a separate Board of Health, consisting of not less than three, nor more than five members, was received from Mr. Wrightington. It was decided to hold this over until a meeting when all members of the Board would be present. Surety Bond #GA -299080-A in the sum of $1,000.00, issued on behalf of William A. Cann, Building Inspector for the Town of Lexington fora term ending March 31, 1945 was received. Mr. Sarano moved that the bond be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted: The matter of appointing the Board of Public Welfare was considered. Mr. Rowse moved that the vote of April 10, 1944, appointing Mr. Paul Hubbard in place of Mr. Henry Letoile, who is scheduled to be called to the Armed Forces, be rescinded. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to appoint the following members to serve on the Board of Public Welfare in the Town of Lexington for a term of fine year, beginning May 1, 1944: John A. Lyons, . Harold F. Lombard, Matthew Stevenson, Henry A. Letoile and Warren K. Hadley. ohj :fl Tr szD 1 Upon motion of Mr. Rowse seconded by it was voted to appoint the following pers on the Bureau of Old Age Assistance in the Lexington for a term of one year: John A. Matthew Stevenson and Warren K. Hadley. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. it was voted to grant the following licenses: Mr. Sarano, ons to serve Town of Lyons, Max Sulkin Benjamin Berman Katheaine Leary John Kenealy William Viano 132 South St., Waltham 13 Mass. Ave., Lex. 45 Waltham St., n 856 Mass. Avenue " 1794 Mass. Avenue " Rowse, Junk Pub. Carriage Sunday Sales Sunday Movies The Chairman said that Mr. White, Town Accountant, has asked him to discuss with the Board the matter of salaries for the Clerks in his office. Mr. White recommended that Miss Clifford's salary be increased to 20.00, and he would like to know what the Board will 'Authorize him to pay a new girl to replace Mrs. Farnham. .Mr. White said that he intends to make Miss Clifford ** a Senibrr•.Clerk.` The question.of salary is to be reviewed, and the amount fixed at a later date., In hiring another girl, Mr. White. will have to stay with/lb-of"' Junior schedule as set by the Salary Committee Report. It was decided -to request the Appropriation Committee to meet with the Board of Selectmen next Monday evening for the purpose of discussing the salary situation. ** *The Clerk was instructed to tell Mr. White that the Board approved changing the status of Miss Clifford from Junior to Senior. Clerk. 473 Old Age Assistance Bureau The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk Licenses Accounting Department C1erlea1