HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-201 1 SET,FCTMEN'S MEETING March 20, 1944 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the ,Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, March 20, 1944, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Locke, Messrs. Potter, Sheldon and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. Paxton apneared before the Board. Mr. Paxton said that he had talked with Mr. Worthen relative to the use of telephones in the various Town Offices by the Committee on Public Safety. Mr. Worthen referred Mr. Paxton to Mr. Walter Sands. Mr. Paxton talked with Mr. Sands over the telephone and advised that if the three phones were left on an incoming line, the outgoing lines could be handled through the switchboard, if the Committee on Public Safety could arrange to have an operator at the board. The various services would have an office somewhere in the building, other than the Selectmen's Room, and the Chief Air Raid Warden would have to send messages coming in here to the various parts of the building, using a messenger for this work. Mr. Paxton said that he felt that by using the Engineering Depart- ment, the Police Department and the Public Works Department, the various services could be handled. Mr. Sands also thought this could be handled without completely blacking out the various rooms. Mr. Worthen, however, is of a different opinion, and until they arrive at a definite decision nothing further can be done. Mr. Paxton said, in connection with the recent complaint received,from Mrs. Robert Fuller about dumping at the Public Works Building, that this situation has caused a great deal of bother and it is impossible to maintain the dump so that it will not be a nuisance to the neighbors. He said that he does the best he can in keeping the papers down. Mr. Paxton said that there is an area of perhaps 150' x 100', with approximately a 9' depth, that will have to be filled in before the nuisance can be abated. He said that at one time an attempt was made to,stop dumping at the Public Works Building, but citizens at the Manor felt that they should have some local place to dump their rubbish. It was decided to have Mr. Paxton check with Mr. Lamont about the possibility of obtaining rat poison, in an effort to eliminate the rats at the dump. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that Miss Harvey had resigned to accept another position. He told her that he would attempt to obtain more money if she would stay but, in thinking it over, she felt that the additional money woulg not, be worth the animosity which might be created. Mr. Paxton retired at 8:10 P.M., and Mr. White appeared before the Board. * Mr. Paxton said that she has worked for the Town ten years. 435 Comm. Public Safety Chgng Phones Rat Complain) Public Works Bldg. Miss Harvey Leaving 'Water Dept. 436 Election Pay Rolls Brown Tax Title Land Edison Tree Trimming Crew Town Clerk's Bond Town's bonds Mr. White said that when the Election Pay Rolls were put through without the 20% Withholding Tax, he checked'with the Cc11ector`of:Internal Revenue, and was told that the deductions would have to be made. He said that he talked with Mr. Carroll and asked him to take no further action until_some written reply had been received from the Collector of Internal Revenue to his' letter of March 10, 1944. Mr. Sheldon asked Mr. White if he was satisfied that the deduction of the Withholding Tax is not necessary, and Mr. White replied in the negative, stating that he was still waiting f or.a reply to his letter. He said that the items have been put through, but not on Pay Rolls. Mr. White retired at 8:30 P.M. Mrs. Thomas Brown, 496 Waltham Street, appeared before the Board at 8:35 P.M. She said that her son had been given a parcel ofland on Waltham Street by his grandmother in 1938. He is now in the Services, and asked her to pay the taxes on the property. She said she came to pay the taxes and Mr. Carroll said that the property had been turned over to him. She said that Mr. Carroll told her that the back taxes amounted to $72.49 from 1938 to 1943. Mr. Carroll suggested that she see the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Potter said that it was in the power of the Board of Selectmen to sell the land back to her son for the amount of the unpaid taxes. Mrs. Brown said that she would be able to pay one half of the amount due in April and the balance in May, when she received her son's allotment checks. Mrs. Brown retired at 8:45 P.M. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. 1 A letter was received from Mr. Garrity informing the Board that the Boston Edison Company had asked permission to bring a utility tree trimming crew in Lexington for the purpose of clearing their lines. Mr. Potter moved that the Boston Fc3ison Company be granted permission to bring a tree trimming crew into Lexington, providing Mr. Garrity supervised the work. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Public Official Bond #F-60708 in the sum of $1,000.00 issued by the American Employers' Insurance Company for a periodcof one year in behalf of James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, was received. Mr. Sheldon moved that the bond be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from George P. Morey suggesting that the Board of Selectmen propose whatever needs to be done to enable the Town to redeem its bonds at its option. No action was taken on the matter. The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Weymouth relative to the State O.P.A. ruling that Town Meeting Members may not serve on local Rationing Boards. The Weymouth Board felt that politics should not enter into the functioning of Rationing Boards, and suggested that if the Lexington Board of Selectmen is of the same opinion, that protests be entered with the State 0.P.A., Senators and Represent- atives. Mr. Potter moved that letters be written to the State 0.P.A. and to Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers, requesting that this situation be corrected. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wrightington advising that he had contacted the U. S. District Attorney and the District Engineers relative to the taking by eminent domain by the United States for a side track to the Bedford Airport. He stated that the U. S. District Attorney and the District Engineers will consider making some provision for a right of way across the railroad track. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wrightington to which was attached a form for petitioning the Legislature to establish a separate Board of Health. Mr. WrightinRton said that the Board would have to consider whether five members, all appointed annually, was what the Board wanted. It was decided to hold the matter over until April 10, 1944. A letter was received from Russell S. Jones, Chairman of the Carnival Committee of the V.F.W., requesting a permit to hold a carnival some date in August on the Viano Lot in East Lexington. Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that a permit be granted to the V.F.W. providing necessary permission is obtained from the owner of the land. The Clerk was instructed to notify the American Legion that inasmuch as permission was granted to that organization last year, and the V.F.W. has applied for a permit this year, the Board felt that a permit should be granted to the V.F.W. A letter was received from Mr. Carroll, Clerk of the Board of Registrars, advising that the following dates have been set for the registration of new voters: March 21, 1944, Town Office Building 7 P.M. to $ P March 28, 1944, Town Office Building 2 P.R. to 5 P " 28, 1944, Adams School 7 P.M. to 9 P April 5, 1944, Town Office Building 12 noon to 10 P 437 Town Meeting Members serv. on Rationing Boards Sidetrack Bedford Airport Held Over until April 10th V.F.W. Carnival Permit Dates of Registra- tion ;Mr .M. .M. .M. 438 Use of Hall Tax Title Sale Mr. Sarano on 1Salvage Committee Explosion Licenses Special Pollee App't. The Chairman said that he had authorized the use of Estabrook Hall for a meeting of Retailers on Thursday, March 23, 1944, from 7:15 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. The Chairman said that the request for this use had been received from the War Price and Rationing Board and inasmuch as they wanted to send out notices, he had approved the use of the hall before the Selectmen's Meeting. Mr. Potter moved that the Chairman's action be approved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it '111311 so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Salvador Cassella in reply to the Board's letter of February 29, 1944, asking W125.00 for Lots 25, 26 and 27, Block 18, Ward Street. Mr. Cassella said that he would pay $100.00 for these lots. Mr. Sheldon moved that the offer be Pccepted, and that Lots 25, 26 and 27, Block 18, Ward Street, be sold and conveyed to Mr. Cassella. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that Mrs. Wheeler had requested that the Board appoint some individual to represent the Selectmen on the Salvage Committee. It was decided to have Mr. Sarano represent the Selectmen on the Salvage Committee.. Report was received from Mr. Lindstrom, Plumbing Inspector, relative to the explosion in the building at 44 Fletcher Avenue. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to grant the following licenses: E. C. Martin 1793 Mass. Avenue Overhanging Sign LigLett's Drug Co. 1721 Mass. Avenue Upon.motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that the following persons be appointed Special Police Officers in the Town of Lexington for a tens expiring March 31, 1945. Alan G. Adams Ralph H. Marshall Arthur Linfield John W. Alexander William S. Davis John J. Garrity ** John Campbell Thomas F. Ryan Jacob Haid Charles M. Blake Leonard Jellis Roy A. Cook Charles E. Moloy John L. Murray Roland E. Garmon ** deceased 04 Adams Press Supt. Cemetery Department Senior High School Middlesex County Sanatorium n n n Park Department Boston Edison Company Janitor, High School Minute Man Golf Club Call Fireman N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. Deputy Chief, Fire Dept. Janitor, Town Offices rr Janitor, Stone Building Charles Brenton Ralph I. Dale C. Edward Glynn A. Edward Rowse William G. Potter Errol H. Locke George W. Sarano George C. Sheldon William Fitzgerald Clarence Macphee Michael E. McDonnell Charles A. Tracy William C. Paxton Arthur N. Lee George A. Knight Frank J. Peters George E. Pray Joseph S. Wellington Benjamin L. Higgins William A. Cann E. A. Lindstrom James Sturart Smith John Coyne Lloyd L. Faulkingham James C. Shaw Frederick W. Shaw John Durfee Edward Abrams David Goldberg Hymen Marcus Louis Rosendorn William J. Endres Lincoln C. Higgins David Arnold Rix William J. Hanna Fred W. Bodge George S. Zittel William A. Templeton Axel Sorensen Edward R. Sarkisian Theodore Richards Mottol$ Gaetano Buttaro Bertram P. Gustin George F. Fardy Vernon Jones William John Baskin Wildred L. Morris Eugene A. Acheson Charles L. Dwyer Joseph Grinnell Frederic W. Fenerty Park Departihent 6 Oakland Street Chairman, Board of Appeals Selectmen Selectmen Chairman, Selectmen Selectmen ' Selectmen Esso Service Station Franklin School Janitor, Cary Library Supt.. Post Office Supt. Public Works Janitor, Parker School Metropolitan State It ft Janitor „ Hunt Building Caretaker, Hayden Est. Janitor, Hancock Church Building Inspector Plumbing Inspector 4 Percy Road Janitor, Lexington Theatre 62 11 15 10 198 198 217 59 14 44 503 110 7 20 6 117 6 240 837 84 40 51 45 77 2634 15 19 7 Woburn Street Hamblen Street Hamblen Street Webb Street Mass. Avenue Mass. Avenue Mass. Avenue Fottler Avenue Oakland Avenue Bertwell Road Waltham Street Woburn Street Belfry Terrace Vine Street Albermarle Avenue Bedford Street Farmcrest Avenue Lincoln Street Mass. Avenue Middle Street Preston Road Gleason Road Adams Street Valley Road Mass. Avenue Freemont Street Pine Knoll Road Preston Road 439 440 George F. Smith Charles Robert Rudd Rosario J. Ciccolo Lancelot B. Cooper Henry Gnade Arthur R. Hood Myron Clifton Graffam R. Malcolm Scott Walter C. Smith, Jr. Charles E. Rice Harold L. Tyler Walter H. Worth Ransom A. Norris Everett Chapman Lawrence E. Stone Charles D. Allen Henry C. Cotten Robert A. MacAyeal William J. Marshall James F. McKinney Vernon C. Page Anthony Rochette John Lamont David H. Eaton Clarence E. McElman Edwin F. Parker Fred A. Valente Lawrence M. Butler Stanley E. Chapin Frank B. Custance Charles 0. Goodwin David Govan William H. Lyon Sidney U. Robbins Cyril V. Seymour Edmund A. Webb Neil McIntosh Clarence H. Macintosh William E. Maloney Philip B. Parsons David P. Wilson Carl R. Arvidson William F. Boyle Glenn S. Cutter Caywood Greening Eleazer P. Greening John A. Holm George F. Taylor Allen W. Rucker George E. Foster Ralph E. Cox William G. Rogerson Thomas Robinson Donald M. Guiler Kenneth W. Dow Henry P. Meade Clifford M. Martin T. D. Cunningham David A. Brown 282 Bedford Street 30 Prospect Hill Road 12 Oxford Street 15 Hilltop Avenue 21 Highland Avenue 28 Sherman Street 516 Mass. Avenue 516 Mass. Avenue 17 -Coolidge Avenue 282 Marrett Road 6 Muzzey Street 55 Cary Avenue 23 Haskell Street 10 Curve Street 12 Sheridan Street 4 Paul Revere Road 123 Marrett Road 19 Highland Avenue 9 Independence Avenue 15 Oakland Avenue 12 Independence Avenue 11 Pleasant Street 11 Spencer Street 668 Lowell Street 30 Farmcrest Avenue 9 Forest Street 13 Sheridan Street 24 Woodland Road 17 Columbus Street 16 Bedford Street 12 Coolidge Avenue 32 Woodland Road 20 Woodland Road 68 Hancock Street 11 Bedford Street 43 Hayes Avenue 8 Hancock Avenue 60 Chase Avenue 289 Bedford Street 18 Revere Street 91 Blake Road 55 Kendall Road 251 Marrett Road 577 Marrett Road 688 Marrett Road 686 Marrett Road 228 Lincoln Street 424 Marrett Road 42 Somerset Road 10 Plainfield Street 410 Waltham Street 17 Homestead Street 7'7 Hamblen Street 11 Dexter Road 55 Waltham Street 40 Woburn Street 6 Hillside Terrace 21 Barnes Place 50 Rindge Avenue Charles A. Finney Malcolm H. Clifford James V. Walsh Hugh N. Nylander James J. Waldron Jerome W. Carmichael Melville W. Webb John Melquist Horace G. Dearborn H. Raymond Durling George V. Ryan Clesson C. Schofield William S. Phillips Harold W. Josephson Joseph Tebaldi James E. Cook Ralph L. Cook John A. Sellars Randall W. Richards Ian D. Fleming Andrew Dreselly Francis D. Flanagan Fortis E. Hart Joseph L., Van?Steenburgh Edward F. Kleinberg Clayton Sullivan Joseph A. Moretti George E. Wheatley Lewis F. Willard Victor H, Harmon Samuel W. Wellington Christen Bentsen William E. Myers Joseph S. Johnston G. Webb Rogers Samuel L. Fardy Daniel,,J4 Andrews A. Irving Dodge Wilfred L. Dwyer Ronald Emus Irving L. Moore Fred D. Wells Kenneth P. Kelley, Sr. John H. Thompson John F. Reilly Samuel Doll Keir G. Burnell Walter E. Beckford Donald Manley 28 Albermarle Avenue 54 Chase Avenue 142 Bedford Street 17 Highland Avenue 1722 Mass. Avenue 95 Reed Street 266 Lincoln Street 86 Gleason Road 118 Marrett Road 21 Outlook Drive 68 Ward Street 430 Concord Avenue 6 Fair Oaks Drive 27 Harding Road 79 Cliffe Avenue 9 Butler Avenue 9 Butler Avenue 430 Concord Avenue 67 Farmcrest Avenue 38 Ward Street 15 Goodwin Road 4 Aerial Street 205 Wood Street 45 Harding Road 41 Moreland Avenue 14 Taft Avenue 8 Rindge Avenue 19 Haskell Street 1444 Mass. Avenue 6 Rowland Avenue 19 Sherman Street 132 Woburn Street 65 Bridge Street 51 Spring Street 81 Hancock Street Pine Knoll Road 21 Shirley Street 43 Bertwell Road 8 Bertwell Road 36 Ward Street 395 Bedford Street 58 Prospect Hill Road 871 Cary Avenue 16 Lake Street 43 Downing Road 151 Shade Street 45 Outlook Drive 15 Sherman Street 142 Woburn Street 441 442 Mr. Lamont Full - Time Employee New Flagpole Common Planning Board & Fire Eng. re: Fire House Clifford D. Fleming Gerald C. Turner James H. Snowden Louis Ruocco Marshall Sargent James Annis John D. Polley Benjamin Nickerson Malcolm H. Knapp 6 Freemont Street 9 Hillside Terrace 3 Franklin Avenue 29 Theresa Avenue. 27 Oakland Street 50 Shade Street 38 Taft Avenue 81 Gleason Road 24 Adams Street Mr. Sheldon said that Mr. Lamont had spoken to him about the possibility of considering him a full-time employee, which would enable him to receive the 15% bonus. Mr. Lamont devotes practically seventy-five per cent of his time to Town work, and is on call at all times. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Lamont be considered a full-time employee, which would entitle him to the bonus. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board considered appointing a Committee relative to the purchase of a new flagpole for the Common. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that the following citizens be appointed to serve on this Committee to work with Mr. Garrity: Mr. Edwin B. Worthen, Mr. Francis W. Copp and Mr. Errol Locke. At 9:15 P.M. Chairman Greeley, Messrs. Ferguson and Richards of the Planning Board, and Chairman Emery, Messrs. Fawcett and Adams of the Fire Engineers, appeared before . the Board. Mr. Greeley said that what these two groups wanted to know was what the Board would suggest as to the procedure on the fire house. He said that he assumed the three groups would be studying it together, and wanted to know how the Board of Selectmen would like to have it done. The Chairman said that this Board has not mentioned this subject since Town Meeting. He said that the three groups should meet and come to some agreement before going into Town Meeting. Mr. Potter thought that the three Boards should determine whether or not there las to be a combination Fire and Police Station or just a Fire Station.. Mr. Emery asked if the Selectmen were going to press the matter of a combination station. Mr. Potter said that he thought it would be safe to assume that the Selectmen were not now in favor of a combination station. Mr. Greeley said that his Board is trying to study this subject from an entirely new viewpoint. It was decided to have the group meet with the Board of Selectmen on Monday, March 27, 1944, to discuss the matter further. The group retired at 9:30 P.M. 1 The Chairman brought up the matter of obtaining bids on the enclosed fence for the Center Playground. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Garrity be authorized to request bids which are to be referred to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: 443 Bids on P1aygron'lc Fence