HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-14408 Road Near Bedford Airport Sched. Tin & Paper Collec. Reg, on Accident Bedford Street RR Cross ing Shot- guns SELECTMEN'S MEETING February 14, 1944 A regular meeting of the in the Selectmen's Room, Town evening, February 14, 1944, at Messrs. Potter, Locke, Sarano The Clerk was also present. A letter was received fr a copy of a letter sent to the Lincoln advising that the Unit build any roads in connection Board of Selectmen was held Office Building, on Monday 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse and Sheldon were present. om Herman A. MacDonald enclosing Towns of Concord, Bedford and ed States Army will not with the Bedford Airport. The Chairman read a letter from Roland C. Warner suggesting a schedule for the collection of tin and paper in Lexington. The Chairman said that he had discussed this matter with Mr. Paxton who stated that as far as the collection of tin goes, the low value would not pay for the transportation. Mr. Paxton informed him that the Town does collect the paper, and the money realized is contributed to various charitable organizations. The Chairman thought it might be well to go into this matter in more detail after Town Meeting. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge Mr. Warner's letter and advise him that plans are being considered and possible changes might be made in the method of collection. The Chairman read a report received from Chief Rycroft, pertaining to the recent accident which occurred at the grade crossing on Bedford Street. It is the opinion of the Chief, after thorough investigation, that the cause of the accident was either from inattention on the part of the operator of the motor vehicle or from some other reason of which he knows noting about. The Chairman also read a letter received from the Boston and Maine Railroad relative to the same subject. The General Manager claims that this particular crossing has the best protection there is -- all trains stop and a trainman protects while the train gets onto and over the cros sing. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Caouette, Presi- dent of the Chamber of Commerce, advising that after thorough investigation of the facts concerning the Bedford Street crossing, the Board is of the opinion that the best protection possible is taken at the present time. The Chairman read a letter from Malcolm H. Clifford, Commander of the Lexington Auxiliary Police, stating that that organization had voted that the shotguns now in their possession should not be sold at the present time, but kept for police use. 1 1 1 They also voted that if and when the guns are sold, the Auxiliary Police as individuals should be given the first opportunity to purchase the guns and ammunition at cost. The Board decided that thejmns should be retained. for the present. Letter was received from Mr. White, Town Accountant, in reference to suggested changes regarding the set-up of the present pay rolls. He stated that he visited the Division of Accounts to obtain their approval or disapppraval of the pay roll forms in question. Mr. White was advised that the present forms and method of procedure was satisfactory, and the Division of Accounts would not advise any change in the pay roll system. Mr. Searle stated that at present it might be difficult for the Supt. of Public Works to make up pay rolls, due to the fact that employees are shifted to several departments each week. Inasmuch as this condition is only transitory, he did not gree why any change should be made. The Chairman said that he had talked with Mr. Paxton who informed him that the problem was not too serious at the present time. He feels, however, that if his present ideas are carried out, he will have crews working in various departments. It was decided to have the Chairman discuss the matter further with Mr. Paxton to determine whether or not the present set-up could be continued for the time being. Letter was received from Governor Saltonstall- suggesting that the appropriations for local Committees on Public Safety be approved in amounts sufficient to permit the Committees to'continue to function. The balance in the Lexington Committee on Public Safety budget as of December 31, 1943, was 42,066.55. The Board felt that this was sufficient for the coming year. Application was received from Dr. Sumner H. Remick for the admission of Lillian W. Faulkner a tubercular patient to the Middlesex County Sanatorium. Mr. Potter moved that the application be signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman advised the Board that Mrs. Mary E. Casey of the Welfare Department should be appointed a Military Substitute to fill the vacancy caused by induction into the United States Navy of James E. Collins. Mr. Sheldon moved that Mrs. Casey be appointed a Military Substitute of the Board of Selectmen to administer Soldiers' Relief, Military and State Aid under Chapter 115 of the General Laws and War Allowances under Chapter 11 of the Acts of 1942. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 409 Pay Roll System Comm. Public Safety Funds T.B. Appl'tn to San. Faulkner' Mrs. Casey Appt'd Mil. Sub. 410 Budgets Recon- sidered Fide Eng. & Planning Board re: Cen. Fire & Police Station The following budgets were reconsidered. The Chairman informed the Board that the Division of Accounts advised Mr. White, Town Accountant, that the item. of $180.25, listed as,Police Department - Outlay should be included in the regular Police Department - Expenses Account. Mr. Potter moved that the Police Department - Expense Budget be increased in the amount of $180.25. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Registrations Department - Personal Services Budget be reconsidered and approved in the amount of $800.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The item for Assistant Registrars was approved in the amount of $200.00, and the item for Clerical Assistance was approved in the amount of $300.00. Mr. Locke moved that the Registrations Department - Expenses Budget be, reconsidered and approved in the amount of $493.00. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The item for printing the Voting Lists was approved in the amount of $300.00, and the item for advertising was approved in the amount of $108.00. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Parks & Playgrounds - Wages & Expenses budget be reconsidered and approved in the amount of $8,700.00. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The sum of $200.00 was added to this budget for wash borings. Mr. Sarano moved that the Patriot's Day Budget be're- considered and anoroved in the amount of $300.00, of which the stun of $150.00 is to be transferred from the Leroy S. Brown Fund. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:15 P.M. Messrs. George W. Emery and Alan G. Adams of the Board of Fire Engineers, and Messrs. Greeley, Crom- well, Ferguson, Worthen and Richards of the Planning Board, appeared before the Board. The Chairman said that the purpose of this meeting was to come to some understanding as to how the three Boards felt about the location of the Central Fire Station and Police Station. He stated that the Board of Selectmen has recommended a combination Fire and Police Station to be located approximately on the so-called Barnes Property. He also stated that the Board is recommending that the Town take by purchase or eminent domain, the property'on the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Fletcher Avenue, owned by Bridget Leary. 0.4 1 411 The Chairman said that the Board of Fire Engineers had met with the Planning Board and had discussed the location of a Central Fire Station. Recommendations came to the Board of Selectmen from the Planning Board, which included a letter from the F ire Engineers, recommending a location approximately on the corner of Revere and Bedford Streets. The Chairman said that he had talked with Mr. Merchant of the New England Fire Insurance Rating Association in connection with the approval of three locations, including one north of the Center. Mr. Merchant advised the Chairman over the telephone that there were two reasons for his approval. One was that he thought it was a good idea to have stations on both sides of the business district, and that because of the territorial outlay of the Town, three stations would adequately take care of the Town if located (1) on the land adjoing the present Town Hall, (2) East Lexington near the junction of Massachusetts Avenue and Pleasant Street and (3) in the vicinity of Marrett Road, Lincoln Street and School Street. The Chairman said that Mr. Merchant pointed out to him that Tewksbury Street was as far north as the Fire Station could be located to cover the business district of the Town. Mr. Emery said that he had talked with Mr. Merchant today and advised him that the nearest suitable land for the Center Fire Station on Bedford Street was 25 to 50 yards= beyond Tewksbury Street. In other words, the site decided upon by the Board of Fire Engineers is on this tide of the greenhouse, directly opposite Shirley Street. Mr. Merchant advised him that if the station were located on this particular site there would be no penalty in the insurance rating. Mr. Merchant informed Mr. Emery that the insurance association realized local conditions often prevent accurate fulfillment of the rule pertaining to the insurance rating. The Chairman said that he would like to straighten the matter out so that it would not become a contraversial problem on the floor. He said that previous committees studying the same question had recommended the Barnes Propertyfor the Central Fire Station, and one of the strongest arguments for purchasing the property was for the purpose of locating a fire station on it. Mr. Greeley said that the records of the Planning Board indicate that the Barnes- Property was purchased for Town Offices or similar uses. The Chairman said that he believed that in the minds-, of the majority of people in Town, the purpose was to make it a municipal center and locate a fire station on that particular site.. Mr. Greeley said that the Planning Board felt that the growth of the Town would be in a northerly direction, one development would be in the vicinity of Blake Road, and another in the vicinity of the Simonds Farm. 412 He said that Route 128 will, in all probability, open up some attractive land for development in this area. Mr. Greeley said that he believed the Town should plan the location of the fire house with the thought in mind that the north part of the Town will develop. He said that if the fire station is located on Bedford Street, in the neighborhood of Tewksbury Street, it will not make any difference how the Town develops. Mr. Emery said that Mr. Merchant had told him that it was a good practice to have fire protection distributed on both sides of the business area, rather than to have it all on one side. Mr. Greeley said that the Planning Board felt that there would be considerate development around the Bedford Airfield, and also along the Concord Trunpike and the wester part of the Town. Mr. Emery stated that the Fire Insurance Rating Bureau is possibly the highest authority of any Board, and he thought their advice should be given serious consideration. They strongly recommend having fire apparatus on both sides os the business area. Mr. Cromwell said that a building in the Center of the Town might cost more than a building outside, to be in keeping with the other buildings in the area. The Chairman said that the Board felt that the Town would want to construct a good-looking building. The Chairman said that the Board would like to combine the Police and Fire Stations, and that has considerable bearing on the Board's recommendation that the Center Station be located on the Barnes property. Mr. Sheldon said that he thought the Town should be given an opportunity now to either accept or reject the Barnes property. Mr. Greeley said that in the future if the Planning Board makes recommendations, that Board would like to know whether or not the recommendation appeals to the Board of Selectmen before the Warrant is drawn up. The Board of Selectmen agreed that if the Planning Board wanted to insert an Article in the Warrant pertaining to their recommendation that a fire house be located opposite Johnson's Garage it could be inserted tonight. After further discussion, the group retired at 10410 P.M. Mr. Sheldon moved that the vote of the Board of January 31, 1944, to insert an Article in the Warrant requesting that the Selectmen be authorized to appoint a Committee to investi- gate and make recommendations relative to a new flagpole; be rescinded. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board felt that the Committee should be appointed without authorization from the Town Meeting. 1 413 The Chairman said that Mr. Carroll had requested Mr. Moloy to report to him the condition of Cary or Rep.^on Estabrook Malls after each rental so the check deposited Uses of by the Licensee could be returned. Halls Mr. Moloy said that he would prefer to receive some instructions from the Board on this matter. It was decided to request Mr. Paxton to have Mr. Moloy report to him the conditions of the halls, and if no damage was dene, the check deposited by the Licensee could then be returned. In case of any damage it should be reported to the Board of Selectmen. The Chairman read a letter from Edgar W. Harrod of Harvard, Massachusetts, stating that he would sell his Vote to property at 703-705 Massachusetts Avenue to the Town for Purchase the purpose of erecting a fire station, for a price of harrod $10,000.00. Property Mr.•Potter moved that the Board recommend the purchase of the Edgar W. Harrod property at a price of $10,000.00, for the purpose of erecting a new East Lexington Fire Station. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Potter moved that the sum of $2,900.00 be transferred from the Sale of Real Estate Fund, and the balance of $7,100.00 be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account to pay for this property. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Board recommend that the Vote to property at the junction of Massachusetts Avenue and Fletcher take Avenue, belonging to Bridget Leary,be taken by eminent Eminent Domain Leary Propert omain for the purpose of erecting a new Central Fire Station or Police Station or a combined Central Fire and Police Station. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that the Cemetery Commissioners would like to let the Westview Cemetery Sale of Lots Fund accumulate for the purpose of constructing a comfort station. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Wrightington and request him for an opinion as to whether or not the Cemetery Commissioners have jurisdiction over the funds accumulated without a vote of the Town. Mr. Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee appeared before the Board at 10:35 P.M. The Chairman explained the Board's recommendation pertaining to the Leary property in relation to a Central Fire Station. He further explained, the Board's recommendation pertaining to the Harrod property in relation to the location of an East Lexington Fire Station. Mr. Hoyt retired at 10:45 P.M. Cem. Comfort Station) Adv. Approp. Comm. of Action 414 Trans - fers Transfers to be recommended by the Board were then discussed. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to transfer the sum of $3,000.00 from the Westview Cemetery Sale of Lots Fund to the Westview Cemetery Maintenance Account. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to transfer the sum of 430,000.00 from the Water DeparttentAvailable Surplus Account to meet in part the appropriation for maturing debt for 1944. Upon motion of Mr. Locke,, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to transfer the stun of $782.00 from the Lexington P.W.A. Project to meet in part the appropriation for maturing debt for 1944. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that the sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from the Water Department Assessment Fund to meet in part the appropriation for maturing debt for 1944. Upon motion of_ Mr. Locke seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to transfer the sum of $3,000.00 from the Sewer Assessment Fund to meet in part the appropriation for maturing debt for 1944. Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to transfer the sum of $26,100.00 from the Excess and Deficiency Account to meet the following appropria- tions for Capital Outlay: Fence for enclosed field $ 4,000.00 Ladder truck for Fire Department 14,100.00 New flagpole for the Common 3,500.00 Architects fees for plans of proposed new fire stations 4,500.00 Total $26,100.00 Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to transfer the sum of $15,000.00 from the Excess and Deficiency Account to meet in part the appropria- tion for the bonus; the balance of *35,033.89 to be levied and assessed. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. A true record, Attest: