HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-10SELECTMEN'S MEETING January 10, 1944 A regular meeting of the in the Selectmen's Room, Town evening, January 10, 1944, at Messrs. Potter, Locke, Sarano The Clerk was also present. Board of Selectmen was held Office Building, on Monday. 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse, and Sheldon were present. At 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Emery, Adams and Donnelly of the Board of Fire Engineers appeared before the Board. The Chairman stated that Mr. Emery had contacted him upon receipt of a letter from the Town Accountant advising that the Board of Selectmen did not feel that the bill for extra compensation for Deputy Chief Cook's car was in order for payment. The amount of this bill was $100.00. The Chairman said that Mr. Emery had informed him that Deputy Chief Cook had kept a record of the mileage travelled, and 4the amount of work he did would amount to $200.00 a year. Mr. Emery informed the Board that this item was put in for payment at the instigation of the Board of Fire Engineers, and that Deputy Chief Cook had nothing to do with it. Mr. Emery said that Depty Chief Cook had driven 1400 miles in the month of April alone, making trips for the Board of Fire Engineers, trips to Boston in connection with war regulations, etc. Mr. Emery said that in making up the budget, the sum of S100.00 was requested rather than $200.00 as, more or less, an experiment. He said that he did not understand that this matter should have been taken up with the Board of Selectmen before the bill was submitted for payment. The Chairman stated that if the Deputy Chief has done certain duties, which are considered extra duties, the proper way to handle the charge would be to submit a bill for the number of miles at 5 per mile. He suggested that a bill be made out for the extra travel. 369 Fire Engineer Fire Department - Personal Services Mr. Emery said the Board of Fire Engineers were recommending that the Deputy Chief be based on the same salary basis as the Chief of Police. He informed the Board that there are three or four men on the step -rate schedule which accounts for the increase in the total. He reminded the Board that the Deputy Chief received $2,650.00 plus $50.00 as Forest Warden. The Engineers were recommending that no salary be paid the Forest Warden, but this amount be included in the salary of the Deputy Chief. The salary they are requesting for the Deputy Chief is $3,000.00 a year. Cook Car Allow. Fire ' Dept. . Budgets Fire Department - Expenses The Board considered the items in this budget, and had no questions. 370 Enc. Field Stand Fire Department - Capital Expenditures Mr. Emery said that the present ladder truck was purchased in 1917, and for the past ten years the expenses on this apparatus have been very heavy. He stated that the Board of Fire Engineers believe the equipment dangerous to operate. He stated that the new type of ladder in which they are interested is a manpower saver; one man can operate the truck and put up the ladder. Mr. Potter sutgested that perhaps the Town Meeting Members should appoint this Committee. The Board of Fire Engineers retired at 8:30 P.M., and Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. Mr. Paxton advised the Board that he had talked with Mr. Garrity and Mr. Cosgrove pertaining to an "enclosed field". Their report was based on the construction of a concrete stand seating 2,000 persons, with a total load of 1,300 tons. The load on the soil was 1,040 pounds per square foot, which is consistent with the recommended bearing capacities of that type of soil. With a wooden stand, with steel girders, which is the type recommended by Mr. Garrity, the loading would be approximately 300 pounds per square foot, which is consistent with the present load on the subsoil at the dam in the skating area. This dam has shown no appreciable settlement over the past five years, and would seem to indicate that the soil would sustain a wooden stand. There are no wash borings in the section which is to be used for the grandstand, and the Town Engineer recommends that these borings be made as soon as possible. Mr. Paxton said that he had checked with the company who did the work on Vine Brook, and they will not be able to do this work for some months. The cost would be approximately $200.00 to be charged to the Park Maintenance Appropriation. Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Garrity approved of, the cha±ge, but would like an additional sum of $200.00 added to his budget. If the size of the foundation is increased to 10 square feet, the load can be reduced to approximately 670 pounds per square foot. Mr. Paxton said that without making a definite estimate, the cost of the concrete stand would run from $15,000.00 to $18,000.00. A wooden stand with the same seating capacity would cost approximately $5,000.00 or $6,000.00. Mr. Paxton said that when it was talked about enclosing a field, some years ago, an item was included in the budget to grade up some of the low spots. He said that the amount of fill put in was over 23,000 yards, which gives a mat more than four feet in depth over the entire acreage. Mr. Paxton stated that Metcalf and Eddy recommended that certain low areas be developed into park lands because foundations would be too expensive to warrant development into house lots. ** Mr.,,.Emery suggested that the purchase Of the equipment be supervied by a Committee possibly consisting of two members of the Board of Selectmen, two members of the Appropriation Committee and two members of the Board of Fire Engineers. 1 1 1 The Chairman read a letter from Wm. Roger Greeley stating that the Planning Board members very definitely recommend the purchase by the Town, at the present time, of the low land on the Mulliken estate, together with a right-of-way extending out to Waltham Street. The Planning Board believes that this property should be added to the present playground area, and that it may be used in the future for anyone of a number of purposes. 371 Mulliken Propetty Mr. Sarano suggested that the dimout shields be removed from the street lights at Lexington Center. The Board considered the matter, and upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to authorize Mr. Paxton to have the dimout shields removed from all street lights in Town. Mr. Paxton retired at 8:50 P.M. At 8:52 Mr. Cosgrove appeared before the Board to discuss his budgets. Engineering Department - Personal Services Mr. Cosgrove explained that he was asking an increase from $48.00 to $50.00 per week for Mr. Higgins, effective April 1, 1944. Engineering Department - Expenses Mr. Cosgrove explained that his budget was $25.00 higher this year because one of the cars in the Engineering Department will be seven years old this June and may need some repairs. Another item which might increase the Engineering Department - Expenses is the plan whereby that department keeps its records up to date at the Registry. Mr. Cosgrove retired at 9:00 P.M•, and Mr. Lindstrom appeared before the Board to discuss budgets. Plumbing Department - Expenses Plmb. Dept. Mr. Lindstrom stated that the automobile allowance he is now Budgets receiving does not cover what it cost tb operate his car for Town purposes. He stated that he hes driven 39,094 miles on Town business. Mr. Lindstrom stated that there is some printing of applications, cards and forms that should be done this year. Mr. Lindstrom retired at 9:10 P.M., and Chief Rycroft appeared before the Board. Remve Dimout Shields Eng. Budgets', The Board discussed budgets submitted by the Chief. It appeared that there were no unusual items in the budgets, and Chief Rycroft retired at 9:35 P.M. Police Dept. Budgets 372 Use of Hall Inc. Rev. of Precincts Appt'mt to Ratio:ing Board Through some error, the Lexington Committee for Service Men mailed notices for a meeting to be held Monday, January 10, 1944, instead of Monday, January 17, 1944. Reverand Handley talked to the Chairman today, and requested the use of the hall for this Monday evening, inasmuch as notices had already been mailed. It was Chief Rycrof is recommendation that no police officer be required. Mr. Rowse authorized the organization to use the hall, and Reverand Handley left his personal check in the amount of $25.00. Mr. Potter moved that the Chairman's action be approved. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Paul R. Hederstedt stating that he had been a resident and property owner in Lexington since 1935. Mr. Hederstedt said that he would very much appreciate the oppportunity of serdicing any portion of the Town's insurance which the Board might care to assign to him. The Clerk was instructed to give Mr. Paxton a copy of this letter for his files. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wrightington advising that in December of 1944, the Selectmen should consider the revision of the precincts. The Clerk was instructed to take this matter Up again, in September, 1944, after obtaining the count from the Town Clerk. The Chairman read a letter from George E. Graves requesting approval of the Board of Selectmen on the nom- ination of Mrs. Carroll C. Davis to serve on the Price Panel of the Lexington War Price and 'Rationing Board. Mr. Locke moved that the nomination of Mrs. Davis be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Melville W. Webb resigning Res. of as local Property Officer for the Town of Lexington. Mr. Property Webb recommended the appointment of Roy A. Cook. Officer The matter was held over for one week. Held Over A letter was received from Melville W. Webb advising that the Committee on Public Safety is of the opinion that the Observation Tower should not be domolished until some definite word has been received from headquarters. Mr. Webb stated that his Committee would see that the Tower is kept in proper condition until the war is over. A letter was received from the Committee on Public Safety in reply to the Board's letter relative to the shot guns in the Police Department. The Committee felt that inasmuch as the control of the guns come under the jurisdiction of the Selectmen, they will dispose of them whenever the Board so desires. Obs. Tower Shot- guns 1 1 A letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that the following transfers from the Reserve Fund had been approved: 100.00 to the Street Light Account; 6.96 to the Unclassified Account; and 282.50 to the Accounting Department - Expense Account. 373 Transfers The Chairman said that he had talked with Mr. Worthen relative to obtaining pictures for the Pictorial Town Report. He said that Mr. Worthen thought the Board would be making a mistake to eliminate the regular Town Report. The Chairman said that he thought it might be better to have a regular reportprinted now, and to insert an Article in the Warrant requesting an appropriation for a pictorial Town Report. Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to write the Somerville Printing Company, who submitted the lowest bid, advising that the Board had changed its previous decision relative to the Town Report for 1943. Without receiving new bids, the Board would like to place this work with the Somerville Printing Company provided the prices quoted in October still apply. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Vienot advising him that the Board had decided to postpone a Pictorial Town Report until some time after Town Meeting, and that this subject will be taken up with him at a later date. The Chairman asked the Board when the Town Meeting should be held. Mr. Sheldon moved that the date of the Annual Town Meeting be set for March 13, 1944. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman told the Board that he thought it might Asses. be well to have Mr. Steeves and Mr. Burnham meet with the Board next week inasmuch as they have not yet been reappointed Assessors. He thought that whoever was going to handle the Assessor's budgets should be invited to meet with the Board also. Reg. Town Report Article in Warrant Postpone Pi ctor' 1 Report T own Meeting March 13, 1944' A letter was received from the 19th of April Associates stating that they believe some celebration for the 19th of April should be planned this year. They requested an appropriation of $300.00 for Patriot's Day, and $250.00 for Memorial Day. The Clerk was instructed to write the organization that Memor'l as soon as they had formed a Committee the Board would like Day to discuss plans for the observance of April 19, 1944. A letter was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth advising that Malcolm R. Bean, 75 Bertwell Road, Lexington, has filed an application for a certificate of incorporation. 19th of April Cert. of Incorp. 874 A letter was received from Chief Rycroft advising that Mr. Bean is a man of good character with no Police record. Mr. Locke moved that a statement of character be signed. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to sign the following petitions for layouts: East Street from Adams Street to the Woburn Line; and Adams Street from Hancock Street to the Burlington Line. Application for the admission of Robert Bruce MacLaren, 14 Banks Avenue, Lexington, to the Middlesex County Sanatorium was received from Dr. Israel Kahalos, 483 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Mr. Locke moved that the Board of Selectmen, acting as the Board of Health, approve the application. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to approve the following licenses: Connors Bros. Frank J. Reynolds Peter J. McDonagh Waverley Hardware William Viano Middlesex St., Burlington South Road, Bedford 301 Mass. Avenue 1756 Mass. Avenue 1794 Mass. Avenue The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1-� Trans. Garbage. a n Alcohol n Sunday Movies ski 1 1