HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-12-20357 SELECTMEN'S MEETING December 20, 1943 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen.was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, December 20, 1943, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse, Messrs. Potter and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 7:30 P.M. He informed the Board that section four of the Rules and Regulations pertaining to the use of Cary Memorial Building had been revised. He read this section with the revision, which was approved by the Board. Mr. Paxton said that a few years ago he contacted Mr. W. C. Hill and suggested that an insurance re -appraisal be made. Mr. Paxton said that he understood an appriasal Was to be made every three or four years at a cost of approximately $200.00 per year. He stated that he was not in favor of doing anything at the present time but thought that a re -valuation should be made right after the war. Mr. Paxton read a letter from Elmer A. Lord & Co.' and also one from Boit, Dalton & Church in reply to his inquiry as to whether or not there was some method by which they could handle the details pertaining to the Town's insurance. He stated that whatever company handled the insurance, someone in the Town Offices should be familiar with it. The Chairman asked if it could be arranged to continue with the insurance in the Public Works Department and Mr. Paxton said that he would see that it was taken care of in that Department. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that Miss Vaughn, Secretary to the Committee on Public Safety, had applied for a postion in his Department, and that he had hired her as of January 1, 1944. He said that he would like very much to have Miss Vaughn in his Department as much as possible from now on so that she could learn how to run the Water Department billing machine. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Paxton contact Mr. Webb relative to Miss Vaughn's employment, and he agreed to talk to Mr. Webb. The Chairman informed Mr. Paxton that complaints had been received, from persons attending early morning Mass on Sundays, because the street lights had been turned off. The Board autht3Pit414 Mr. Paxton to resume early morning lighting Sunday mornings. Mr. Paxton asked the Board whether or not the street lights were to be on all night Christmas Eve, primarily for persons attending midnight services. The Board felt that the custom of having the lights burning all night Christmas 358 Chapter 90 Cert. of Character Bldg. Letter Vets War #2 Transfers Fire Engineers Eve should be continued. The Chairman read a letter from the County Com- missioners advising that certain amounts were tentatively set up for Chapter 90 maintenance work for 1944. The allotment suggested for Lexington, subject to the approval of the Annual Town Meeting is as follows: State $1,000.00; County $1,000.00 and Town $1,000.00. Mr. Paxton retired at 8:10 P.M. A request for the certification of character of Ernest F. Stokes, 21 Oakland Street, one of the incorporators of the Peers Club, Inc. was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Stokes' character be certified. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Medora R. Crosby stating that she had received a letter from the Building Inspector condemning her property at 171 Mass. Avenue, Lexington. The Clerk was instructed to write Mrs. Crosby that the matter in question is entirely under the jurisdiction of Mr. Cann, the Building Inspector for the Town. A lengthy letter was received from Governor Saltonstall relative to the rehabilitation of veterans returning from World War #2. The Board considered the possibility of appointing a committee to determine what the Town can do in relation to this program. A letter was received from Mr. James J. Carroll advising that it will be necessary to ask for an additional transfer of $30.00 to complete the listing'of polls this year. A letter was received from Mr. Frederick J. Spencer requesting an additional transfer of $30.00 to complete the listing for this year. Mr. Potter moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $30.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Registration - Personal Services Account and that the Committee also be requested to transfer the sum of $30.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Assessors' - Personal Services Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:30 P.M. the following members of the Board of Fire Engineers appeared before the Board: George W. Emery, Robert J. Fawcett and Thomas J. Donnelly. The Chairman said that the reason the Board of Fire Engineers had been invited to meet with the Selectmen was to endeavor to arrive at some conclusion in regard to the possible construction of a central fire station and in connection with any other stations in which the Engineers might be interested. ohj 1 359 The Chairman stated that the Selectmen had committed themselves to putting an Article in the Warrant for the Town Meeting to obtain funds for specifications for a central fire house. He said that the Planning Board report came in shortly after that, showing the location of the central fire station which is contrary to the previous plans. He further stated that when the Town purchased the Barnes property the biggest argument was that the central fire station would be located on that property. The Chairman said that the possibility of combining the Fire and Police Departments had also been considered. Mr. Emery said that when the Planning Board asked the Fire Engineers to meet with them and discuss the same subject, nothing was mentioned about the possibility of other quarters for the police department. He said that the Engineers were not told that the Selectmen or the Planning Board had in mind such a combination. Mr. Emery said that his Board had considered three sites for a central station - Bedford Street, near Johnson's garage, Hastings Parkr and the so-called Barnes property. He said that the Engineers' report to the Planning Board contained a quotation from the New England Fire Underwriters' Association recommending that a site west of the center should be considered for a central fire station and upon that recommendation the Engineers suggested Bedford Street. Mr. Emery said that his Board felt that with a normal growth, the town will have to have four fire stations instead of three if the central fire station is located on the so-called Barnes property. Deputy Chief Roy A. Cook appeared before the Board at 8:55 P.M. The Board of Fire Engineers recommend a central fire station on Bedford Street, a station on Marrett Road, in the vicinity of Spring Street, and the present station in East Lexington. If, however, the central station is located on the Barnes property, they recommend a fourth station in the vicinity of Westview, and further recommend that the East Lexington Station be moved down to Pleasant Street. The Chairman asked if it was decided to build a com- bination Fire and Police headquarters, would the Engineers have different recommendations. Mr. Emery replied that they would certainly consider the entire matter all over again. After a lengthy discussion of the entire subject as to the number of stations and the location, the Board of Fire Engineers retired at 10:00 P.M. The matter of the Pictorial Town Report for 1943 was held over for one week. Appointments to the Board of Assessors was also held over for one week. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to grant the following licenses: 360 Carroll Brothers Bernice Fogg Independent Tallow Co. Lowell Rendering Co. John E. McHugh Mass. Reformatory Pattison Brothers Walnut Farms Trust Sidney & Margaret Heywood Edgar J. Thivierge James J. Waldron William Viano Violet P. Burgess 31 Allen St., Trans. 239 Woburn St. " 39 Cedar St. Wob. No. Billerica " !' Lincoln W. Concord N " Burlington 25 Walnut St. Lex. 271 Marrett Rd. Common 1752 Mass. Ave. 1722 Mass. Ave. 1794 Mass. Ave. Sunday 34 Fletcher Ave. Infant of n The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. A true record Attest: >61'44,117427-‘-6441 n Garbage n n obj 1 Victualler n Movies Boarding Home