HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-11-22342 Jurors Water Complaint Transfers Cert. of Character SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 22, 194 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, November 22, 1943, et 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse, Messrs. Potter, Locke and Sarano were present. Mr. Sheldon arrived at 7:45 P.M. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. Carroll appeared before the Board for the drawing of two jurors. Mr. Clarence E. Briggs, retired, 7 Outlook Drive, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session,, at Cambridge beginning Monday, January 3, 1943. Mr. Carroll retired at 7:35 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from Bertha L. Wright East Street, complaining about a collection of water in the street near her home. Mr. Paxton informed the Clerk that two catch basins were installed in 1938 to correct this situation but apparently a satisfactory job cannot be done until the Town installs street drains. It was decided to notify Mrs. Wright that this work will be put on the list of work to be done after the war, as the Town has not the man power for such an undertaking at this time. 1 The Chairman read a letter from James J. Carroll Clerk, Board of Registrars, requesting a transfer of 0200.00 for the purpose of listing the polls in the month of Demember rather than January. The Chairman also read a letter from Frederick J. Spencer, Secretary, Board of Assessors, requesting a transfer of $200.00 for the purpose of listing the polls in the month of December rather than January. Mr. Potter moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer $200.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Registrars of Voters - Expenses Account, and that the sum of $200.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Board of Assessors - Expenses Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Carroll and Mr. Spencer to include this item in the b#.dget for next year thus eliminating the necessity of requesting a transfer at the end of the year. A certificate of character of Rufus L. McQuillan, Stephen F. Hamblin and Marion T. Howard was signed by the Board. Mr. Clarence R. Hopkins, insurance adjustor, 15 Meriam Street, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, First Session, at Cambridge beginning Monday, January 3, 1943. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Garrity requesting permission to purchase a supply of arsenate of lead for the year 1964. Mr. Garrity has purchased this material in the fall for the past two years and claims to have saved money by taking advantage of the low cost. It will take four tons to meet his requirements for 1944 and he has been quoted a total cost of $960.00. Mr. Garrity advised the Board that there is a balance of about $500.00 in the Shade Tree and Insect Suppression Account to be used for this purpose. Mr. Sarano moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to make available the sum of $460.00 to enable Mr. Garrity to purchase his 1944 supply of arsenate of lead at once. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Gus F. Fischer's offer of $150.00 for Lot 39 Spring Street. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Fischer be advised that the lowest price acceptable to the Board for this particular lot is $200.00. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from J. P. Waddleton, 11 Norton Road, Lexington, offering $100.00 for Lots 102 and 103 Norton Road. Mr. Potter moved that a proposal to sell the lots be advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man and that further consideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An agreement was received from the Boston Edison Co., requiring the signatures of the Board of Selectmen, whereby the Town agrees to sell, assign, transfer and set over unto Boston Edison Company and New England Telephone and Telegraph Company one pole and fixtures. Mr. Paxton stated that this pole was now on Town property and he recommended that the Board sign the agreement and by so doing the Boston Edison Company would assume all maintenance expenses. Mr. Locke moved that the Board approve Mr. Paxton's recommendation, and sign the agreement. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, Licenses it was voted to grant the following licneses: 343 Arsenate of Lead Tax Offer Pole Location Joseph Monsignore a n Berman's Market, Inc. Joseph Trani Inc. John J. Rudd William Viano 43 Underwood St. Bel. u n N n 12 1757 1849 1794 Mass. Avenue, Lex. Mass. Avenue, " Mass. Avenue, Mass. Avenue, Slghtrhouse Lic. Slghtr License Liquor License r n rr n Theatre License 344 Town Report Held Over Cary Hall Uses At 8:10 P.M. Mr. Carl Veinot appeared before the Board. The Chairman stated that he had contacted Mr. Veinot and asked him if he would make suggestions as to who would do the work and how it would be done if the Board decided on a different type Town Report. Mr. Veinot said that the Town Report put out by Greenfield was printed by a process which allows the use of many pictures without going to the expense of making a regular one -half -tone cut. He said that the Spaulding - Moss Co. charge was less than $300.00 for printing and binding only. The material was given to them exactly the way the Town of Greenfield wanted it. Mr. Veinot thought it would be good business to show pictures of individual Boards and Committees. Mr. Veinot quoted the following as estimated costs for 1500 copies, 80 pages,and the same number of pictures as used by the Town of Greenfield: Off Set Printing (it must be all set in type) Setting type $250.00 Stock 75.00 Off Set Printing for Spaulding -Moss Co. 295.00 Mr. Veinot's charge 200.00 Total $820.00 Letter Press Stock $ 75.00 Plates 175.00 Composition and Printing 400.00 Mr. Veinot's charge 200.00 Total $850.00 Mr. Veinot said that these were only estimates and that the bill might be more or less. The Chairman said that as he understood it whatever number the Board would order 1500, 2000 or 2500 Mr. Veinot's cost would be the same. Mr. Veinot said that that was correct. He said that after the first 1500 copies have been run off the cost would be 020.00 per 100 additional copies on either letter press or off set printing; for 2500 copies the cost would be $850.00, plus $250.00 for Mr. Veinot, or a total of 01050. (This does not include photographs). Mr. Veinot retired at 8:45 P.M. The matter was held over for one week. The use of Cary Hall was discussed by the Board, and it was decided to advise Mr. Paxton that in the opinion of the Board of Selectmen, Cary Hall should not be rented for Penny Sales or Raffles of any kind. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. A true record, Attests .0,11(e-e,v1 Y rk ski 1