HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-09-27301 SELECTMEN'S MEETING September 27, 1943 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, September 27, 1943, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse, Messrs. Potter, Locke, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared before the Board and stated that it was necessary to draw Juror a juror to serve on Criminal Business at East Cambridge, First Session, beginning November 1, 1943. Mr. Samuel W. Wellington, Janitor, 19 Sherman Street, Lexington, was the Juror drawn. Mr. Carroll retired at 7:32 P.M., and Mr. Peter J. McDonagh of 9 Staunton Road, Belmont., appeared before the Board. Mr. McDonagh operates a gasoline station at 301 Mass. Ave., Lexington, Maas. At 7:32 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application Fuel of Peter J. McDonagh for permission to increase the storage Oil of his fuel oil tanks from twenty thousand gallons to forty Hrng. thousand gallons. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. The Chairman said that the Board would not like to have a storage plant for fuel oil located in Lexington. Mr. McDonagh said that the reasorri'or his request is that there are two fuel oil tanks and this/only one day's supply. He said that most of the oil is consumed by people in Lexington. The Chairman asked how the oil was delivered, and Mr. McDonagh replied by trucks. He said that on Saturday he usually sold twenty thousand gallons to dealers and that for the period from May to May he sells nearly two hundred gallons - a day. Mr. Potter asked how much of the fuel oil was distributed in Lexington, and Mr. McDonagh replied that 90% was consumed in Town. The Chairman asked him if what he wanted was two ten - thousand gallon tanks, and Mr. McDonagh replied in the affirmative. Mr. McDonagh retired at 7:40 P.M. The Board decided to take no action on the application, and the matter was held over for one week. The Board gave further consideration to Mrs. Joseph Yntas' offer of $35.00 for. Lot 15, Moreland Avenue, Lexington. A proposal to sell this lot was advertised in the September 23, 1943, issue of the Lexington Minute -Man... No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertise- ment. Mr. Sheldon moved that the offer be accepted and that Lot 15, Moreland- Avenue, Lexington, be sold and conveyed to Mrs. Joseph Yntas. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Tax Title Sale 302 Tax Title Offer Tax Title Offer A letter was received from Lt. Johnstone Fitz -Gerald advising the Board that he would pay $300.00 for the four acres of land on Grove Street, Lexington, formerly in the name of Richard H. Griffin. Lt. Fitz -Gerald had previously offered $160.00 for this land, but the Board set the price of $300.00. A letter was also received from Thomas C. Wright, 241 Grove Street, Lexington, offering the sum of $180.00 for this same property. Mr. Sheldon moved that a proposal to sell the lot be advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man and that further con- sideration be given the offer at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Henry Sanseverino stating that he is still interested in purchasing Lots 65 and 66 on May Street and Lot C on Bowker Street. Mr. Sanseverino is willing to pay the sum of $150.00 providing the Town will survey the land and stake it out. Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was voted to advise Mr. Sanseverino that the land could not be surveyed and staked out for the $150.00 figure, but if he were willing to pay $175.00 the lots would be staked out. However, the Board preferred to sell' the land for $150.00 and to have Mr. Sanseverino,arrange to have the surveying done himself. The Chairman read a letter from James F. Morse & Co. Slaugh to Mr. William Dobzelecki of Salem, Mass. Mr. Dobzelecki has requested a license to slaughter horses at Mr. Edward trng Casey's slaughter house. The Chairman also read a letter Liconsâś“from the Naumkeag Trust Company of Salem, Mass. certifying as to Mr. Dobzelecki's character. It was decided to write Mr. Dobzelecki that inasmuch as the duties of the inspector had increased considerably no slaughtering permit would be issued at this time. The Chairman informed the Board that there was an out- standing bi_11 in the amount of $46.00 due the Adams Press, Inc. for Election envelopes ordered the first part of the year. The balance in the Elections Department -- Jurisdiction Selectmen's Account is $8.97 and the bill amounts to $46.00. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $57.03 from the Reserve Fund to the Elections Department -- Jurisdiction Selectmen's Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Boarding Application was received from Gladys Smith for a renewal Home of her license to maintain a Boarding Home for Infants at 12 for Locust Avenue, Lexington. Infants Mr. Potter moved that the application be signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Trnsfr Bill 6.4 1 Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 8:10 P.M. He said that the Middlesex Farm Bureau Incorporated had requested the use of Cary Hall on November 2, 1943, from 6 P.M. to 11 P.M. for a business meeting and banquet. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted, subject to a charge of $30.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the Lexington Field and Garden Club had requested the use of Estabrook Hall from 7:30 P.M. on, Monday, October 25, 1943, for a meeting. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted, free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that Mr. J. Stuart Crandall, 100 Hancock Street, Lexington, had requested per- mission to rent the bulldozer. Mr. Potter moved that the equipment be rented, subject to the usual charge, with the understanding that the Town Operator would operate it. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. Garrity relative to Flag Pole Maintenance. Mr. Garrity felt that'some plans should be made for the replacement of the pole. Mr. Paxton said that a flag pole would cost approxi- mately $3,000.00. It was decided to take the matter up at the. next Town Meeting. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that he had received a notice from the City of Waltham pertaining to a Board of Appeals meeting changing their zoning ordinance so as to permit the removing and selling of gravel in an area near the Lexington Line in Waltham. The meeting is to be held Wednesday at 8:00 P.M. 303 Use of Hall Equip Rental Equip Rental Flag Pole Maint. Waltham Zoning The matter of the $15,000.00 fire insurance policy Ina. expiring November 6, 1943, through the office of Mrs. Whittemore was again discussed. Mr. Sarano moved that the policy be renewed through the office of Helen K. Fitzgerald. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Helen H. May, 77 Valley Road, Lexington complaining about the condition of that street. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that Valley Road was an unaccepted way. It was decided to write Mrs. May and, inasmuch as Valley Road is an unaccepted street, advise her that the Town has no responsibility whatsoever relative to putting it Street Complaitii 304 Water Bill Public Wprks Super- visors Hamilton tax title of Monroe Hamilton. The Chairman had written Mr. into condition, and that the only suggestions to be offered was that the residents of the street arrange to have the necessary work done by themselves or by a contracer. The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Bornsteing again. requesting a reduction in her water bill.. He requested Mr. Paxton to answer the letter and explain to Mrs. Bornstein why there was no action taken on her previous request.. The Chairman asked Mr. Paxton to make a report on the activities of the Supervisors in the Highway, Water and Sewer Departments. Mr. Paxton reported that at various times during the last eight months, when he would tell the Board of his loss of employees, remarks had been made pertaining to the activities of both of the Supervisors, and the question raised as to when they were going to operate trucks. Mr. Paxton said that with the loss of his last two men he felt that the time had arrived when it was necessary for these men to operate equipment in order to obtain the maximum results with the small number of employees. However, both Mr. O'Connor of the Highway Department, and Mr. Harrington of the Water Department, who were willing to do anything in a real emergency, could not see the necessity of operating equipment every day. Mr. Paxton said that the Department could not afford to have three men driving around, so he requested both of them to operate a truck. Mr. O'Connor was to operate a truck in the Highway Department and Mr. Harrington was to drive the Service Truck and take care of service calls. Mr. O'Connor felt that he shouldn't drive a truck. Mr. Harrington refused for a different reason. He felt that if he were to drive a truck the present driver would leave and accept a position at the Bedford Hospital, and the Town would lose a service man. Mr. Paxton put Mr. O'Connor to work in the Engineering Department on drainage plans which should be brought up to date. Mr. Harrington is working on information in connection with the Water Department. Mr. Paxton said that we should obtain information on work which has been done in the past and have complete records. To do this, it will take approximately one and a half years. It was decided to let the salaries remain as they now are until budgets are discussed. The Chairman requested Mr. Paxton to report to the Board on this subject again in three or four weeks. Mr. Paxton retired at 8185 P.M. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington regarding the Abatement Wrightington inasmuch as the Board was considering a complete 305 abatement of future water and sewer assessments on Lot 35. Mr. Wrightington stated that proceedings for abatement have to be begun by the owner within a limited time after the recording of the assessment. In Mr. Hamiltonts case the times has.expired. In Mr. Wrightingtonts opinion, the Board of Selectmen has no authority to abate a betterment assessment in any other manner than that which has been provided in General Laws, Chapter 80, and now that the time has expired the Selectmen can not proceed that way in this particular case. The matter of appointment to Chief of Police was then Appoint taken up. The Board voted to appoint Sgt. John W. Rycroft, Chief Chief of the Lexington Police Department to take effect at Rycroft midnight, September 30, 1943. It was decided to notify Sgt. Rycroft of the appointment and to post a copy of the notification on the Police bulletin board. It was also decided to post a notice on the bulletin board in the Police Department stating that all members of the Lexington Police Department were requested to attend a meeting with the Board of Selectmen in the Selectmen's Room on Monday, Ontober 4, 1943 at 9:00 P.M. Mr. Sheldon moved that the Board of Selectmen take steps to establish the office of Lieutenant of the Police Department in to the Town of Lexington. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted.. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. A true record, Attest: C erkli