HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-08-23SELECTMEN'S :,=EETIi G August 23, 1543 regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, August 23, 1943, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse, Messrs. Potter, Locke and Sarano were present. The Assistant Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.L. Mr. Raymond White appeared before the Board. Mr. White stated that T,Irs. Farnham, his Senior Clerk, was considering leaving. He said that it would take a great deal of time to train a girl in Tors. Farnham's place. i:r. White said that he believed she might stay on if she received a :42.00 increase in salary. Ir. White retired at 7:40 P.L. The Board discussed LT. Tirhite's request t and upon motion of lair. Potter, secondee, by Er. ,S<. r°at it was voted to approve increase in P? >.Farnham's salary. yThis is to be effective August 27, 1943, subject to the ap✓roval of the Appropriation Committee. Atr :45 P.E. 1.`r. Paxton apueareq before t` ,.e Board. Er. Paxton said that the Lexington Victory Garden Committee had requested the use of Estabroo_, Hall on Friday, September 10, 1943, from 8:00 P. to 10:00 1' .. 'for a poultry instruction class. ' _r. Potter moved that the use of the hall be Brasted, free of charge. ,,r. Sareno seconded the 'iotion, and it was so voted. Er. -Paxton said. that the Highland Sand:: Gravel Co., of Burlington, would like to rent the -Prader for the purpose e of shapin>: their driveways. Mr. Potter moved that :,r. P::<:ton be authorized to rent the ,rider to the Highland Sane a'_ Cir::ivel Co., of Burlington, subject to the usual charge. Er. Same seconded the ::lotion, and it vas so voted. Er. Paxton said that the V.r , Lexin_ton Post IIo. 3007, had re,uaeted the use of Cary Hall on Friday, T_dove:aber 19, 1943, from 8 P.... to 11:30 P.—., for their a:. nual Penny Sale. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted, free of charge. Ir. Loc:e oecorde' the ;:otion, andit was so voted. Er. Paxton said that Ere. Leon H. Trusdell, President of the Pollen Alliance would like to use Cary Hall and wanted to now the lowest price tnet could be :: uoted. Mr. Paxton said that they had rented Cary Hall in 1931, and the char -`,e had been .15.00. 279 Yrs. Farnhatr Salary jse of Hall s Rental of Equip. Use of Hall• Use of Hall 280 Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted to the Follen Alliance, subject to a charge of $15.00. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that he had attended a hearing, at the County Commissioners, Court House, East Cambridge, on Chapter 90 Maintenance. Mr. Paxton said he had given an estimate of $3,000.00 that would be needed to carry out Chapter 90 Maintenance. $1,000.00 is to come from the State, $1,000.00 from the County, and $1,000.00 from the Town. 1r. Potter moved that Mr. Paxton's estimate be ap- proved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that he had written.a letter to Forsythe & Maby requesting them to submit a bid for col- lecting ashes, but they replied that they were not in- terested. . Mr. Paxton said that the County is making a layout for the continuation of North Street which runs from Lowell Street towards Burlington. He said that he would like the Board to petition the County and request that they continue the layout of North Street into Lowell Street in Lexington. The Board felt that this should be done, and said that they would petition the County doing so as five citizens of the Town. Mr. Paxton said that he had a very serious labor problem, and in an effort to prevent any more men from leaving he requested the following hourly increases for the mien iri the Public Works Department. -Wallace C. Weisinger 900 Cam Cuccinello 850 Charles Brenton 85¢ Joseph Vitale 75¢ Arthur Silva 75¢ Creighton Rourke 750 Walter Holman 85¢ George V. Ryan • 750 John F. McKenzie 75.E Antonio Cataldo 75¢ Charles Galvagno 700 Sebastiano Paladina 70; Charles Lembo 700 Charles Casella- 70¢ Henry Nutt 75¢ Michael Shea 85¢ James Casella 85¢ Anthony J. Rochette 30.00 per week 1 281 Mr. Potter moved that the hourly increases be granted to the men in the Public Works Department. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:04 P.M. Messrs. Greeley, Ferguson, Richards, Nickerson and Cromwell of the Planning Board appeared before the Board. Mr. Cromwell read the Planning Board's report to the. Selectmen on post war work. The report stated that the first project was the Middlesex Turnpike and Concord Highway in East Lexington. The Board plans the re -flooding of Great Meadows and the construction of recreational grounds. This planning will provide opportunity for unskilled labor. The seoond Board project is the planning and handling of the Town's share in post War Route 128. The third project is the relief of parking in the business centre and the improvement of useless land between Muzzey and Waltham Streets. The fourth project is the construction of additional housing for fire apparatus. The fifth project is the general reinforcement of the water system as outlined by W. C. Paxton, June 8, 1943. The sixth project is the general design of surface drainage. The seventh project is the completion of the topographical survey of the entire area of Lexington. The eighth project is the further development of the centre playground. The ninth project is the elimination of the polygonum and poison ivy pests. And, the tenth project is the organization of a citizens group to clean the Town up. Mr. Greeley said that before the Planning Board went further into any one project they would like an assignment from the Board of Selectmen and some money appropriated for their use in carrying out the work. Mr. Saran said that he would like the Planning Board to meet with the Fire Engineers to discuss the matter of a new Fire Station. Mr. Greeley said that they were taking the matter up tentatively with Mr. Emery. Mr. Rowse said that he would like to have as much information as possible on the matter. After considerable discussion on the various projects the group retired at 8:50 P.M. It was decided to write to the Planning Board and request the following: to obtain as complete information as possible as to the exact location of the proposed Route 128, and also the Middlesex Turnpike; to submit a report on the proposed locations for new fire stations; to obtain complete plans on North Lexington surface drainage project; and to contact the trustees of our libraries to see about the possibility of enlarging the main library. Any expenses, provided they do not exceed *300.00, are to be charged to the Engineering Department --Expenses Account. 282 Post War The Chairman read a letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regarding post war Public Works. It requested the name of the post war public works committee in Lexington. The Chairman said that he would answer the letter advising them that the post war public works committee in Lexington is the'Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board working jointly. Letter was received from Charles C. Paul of 20 Taft Bldg. Avenue, Lexington, who stated that sometime ago he had written Complaint in regard to a house immediately in the rear of his property which had completely burned out leaving only some disfigured walls remaining. Mr. Paul requested some definite word as to what has been done regarding the matter. The Chairman read a copy of a letter from the Building Inspector to Mrs. Anna Goloboy,. owner of the building, ordering her to demolish the building by August 28, 1943, or expect immediate court action. The Chairman said that he would write Mr. Paul and advise him that the matter is being handled by the proper authorities and that he may soon expect some action. Letter was received from.Mr. Anthony J. Rochette of 366 Marrett Road, Lexington, offering the sum of $150.00 for Lot 6, Fair Oaks. Marrett Road. Mr. Rochette requested the Board to accept $50:00 as a down payment, and $50.00 each ensuing three months. It was decided to hold the matter over until the next meeting of the Board. Tax Offer Held Over Tax Title Sale Held Over Tax Title Offer Letter was received from Mr. Wallace Weisinger of 185 Bedford Street, Lexington offering the sum of $25.00 for Lot 9, Block 95, Reed Street. Mr. Spencer and Mr. Potter checked the offer and recommended that it be accepted. Mr. Saran'moved that Lot 9, Block 95, Reed Street, Lexington, be sold and conveyed to Mr. Wallace, Weisinger for the sum of $25.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Lt. Johnstone Fitz -Gerald of 165 Brooks Avenue, Arlington, Mass., offering the sum of $160.00 for four acres of land on Grove Street. It was decided to hold the matter over until the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Sorrentino's offer of $50.00 for lots 17 and 18 Bow Street, and 89 and 90 Theresa Avenue was discussed. Mr. Potter recommended refusing this offer as inadequate. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to decline the offer as inadequate and inform Mas. Sorrentino that the lowest price the Board could accept for these lots would be $200.00. 1 1 283 Letter was received from Mr. Henry De Vincent offering the sum of $300.00 for lots 315 to 339 inclusive on Moreland Tax Avenue. At a previous meeting the Board had accepted the Title offer of $250.00 from a Mrs. Yntas for this property. Offer It was decided to request the Town Counsel to meet with the Board to discuss this and several other matters. The matter of appointing a Teller in Precinct Three was held over for two weeks. Mr. Paxton suggested that the Planning Board make a study of our betterment assessments as related to highways, Post water, sewers, sidewalks and curbings so that we could eliminate War some of the difficulties which we have encountered in the past. The Chairman requested Mr. Paxton to submit a written report covering this subject to the Board. Mr. Paxton retired at 9:35 P.M. The Board recessed until 9:40 P.M. It was decided to hold the September 7, 1943. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, voted to close the Town Offices 1943. next meeting of the Board on seconded by Mr. Locke, it was all day Saturday, September 4, The Chairman read a letter from Mr. dames J. Carroll, Town Clerk, advising the Board that he would be away on vacation until the first part of September, and that Miss McDonough would be in charge of the Department. The Chairman read a letter from Acting Chief Russell advising the Board that he would be away on vacation until August 30, 1943, and that Sgt. Rycroft would be in complete charge of the Department. The Chairman said that he had informed Acting Chief Russell that this was agreeable with the Board. The Chairman read a letter from Miss Evelyn P. Hooper, Supervisor of the Poel and Playground requesting Mr. Rowse to be present and speak a few words at the annual aquacade to be held at the pool Sunday, August 29, 1943. Two letters were received from Dog Officer John A. Russell advising the Board that Mr. Warren of 500 Marrett Road, Lexington had complied with the Selectmen's order. He stated that Mr. Warren now has one house dog and three six-week old pups. Mr. Warren does not intend to keep the pups. Mr. Warren also has not made any attempt to build a kennel in the back of his property, Next Meeting Town Clerk's Vaoatioi Sgt. Russell'; Variation Aquacade Dog Case .. 284 Salary The Chairman informed the Board that he had written the Welfare Town Accountantadvisinghim that it was satisfactory to the Agent Board of Selectmen far James E. Collins, Temporary Public Welfare Agent, to be paid at the rate of $38.00 per week. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. A true record, Attest: Assi i a. i' Clerk 1