HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-07-26265 SELECTMEN'S MEETING July 26, 1943 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, July 26, 1943, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse, Messrs. Locke, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from Dog Officer Russell giy:ng a report of his investigation of a complaint made by Wilbur Fletcher, 502 Marrett Road, Lexington, Massachusetts, regarding the annoyance of barking dogs owned by Mr. Warren, 500 Marrett Road, Lexington, Massachusetts. Dog At 7:45 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fletcher, and Mr. Hearing Fletcher's father appeared before the Board. Mr. Fletcher said that he had talked with Officer Russell who thought it would be a good idea for Mr. Fletcher to attend the meeting this evening and to answer any questions which might come up. The Chairman said that the hearing with Officer Russell and Mr. Warren had not been held but the Board liked to have people satisfied and have any difficulties corrected if the complaint was justified. The Chairman said that he understood Mr. Warren was a law-abiding citizen endeavoring to make additional in- come by raising dogs. Mr. Fletcher informed the Board that he believed Mr. Warren was keeping between fifteen and twenty dogs within twenty-five feet of his kitchen window. The Chairman informed him that the Dog Officer re- ported only seven dogs were being kept by the Warrens. Mr. Fletcher said the dogs started to bark at day- break and continued all day and he has known them to bark three hours without stopping. Mr. Fletcher's father advised the Board that his son had been seriously ill and he was in a very uertous condition. He stated that the constant barking of the dogs was injurious to his son's health. The group retired at 7:55 P.M. Mr. Warren and Officer Russell appeared before the Board. Mr. Warren presented a petition signed by nine neighbors stating that they had no objections to Mr. Warren's dogs as they are kept clean, quiet and confined at all times. Mr. Warren informed the Board that he was keeping dogs when Mr. Fletcher moved next door. Mr. Warren said that he was employed at the Bedford Air Field and he was raising dogs in an endeavor to increase his income and pay for his home. He stated that he has eight dogs in his kennel. 266 Munroe Hamilton Request Held Over V.F.W. Poppy Drive Receipts The Chairman asked him if he had a kennel license, and he replied in the negative. The Chairman informed Mr., Warren that he could cite cases that have come up previously where persons have been stopped raising dogs in a residential area. He said inasmuch as Mr. Warren lived in a residentidl area and raises dogs for sale he is conducting a business. Therefore, regardless of the complaint Mr. Warren has no right to raise dogs in this vicinity. After further discussion on the matter, Mr. Warren retired at 8:05 P.M. The Chairman asked Mr. Russell in what condition he found the kennels. He said that the place was very clean and that the dogs did bark when he went into the yard. Officer Russell said that the night he investigated: the complaint the Warrens had eight dogs. Officer Russell retired at 8:10 P.M. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Warren be advised that he can- not maintain a kennel to raise dogs for sale in a residential section and furthermore, if the dogs annoy the neighbors by reason of excessive barking, he must dispose of them. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:25 P.M. Mr. h rg; Hamilton appeared before the Board relative to hi b�i`i c� ferment of water and sewer charges. Mr. Hamilton asked why the Board refused his last proposition. He stated that in talking with Mr. Carroll, Town Clerk, he understood his request for deferment could not be granted in view of a legal restriction which prohibits abatement of property held in tax title. However, upon payment of the present tax title amount, the matter could be opened for further consideration. In the event that he should pay the amount due, thus clearing the tax title, he wondered if the Board would reconsider defering the remaining sewer and water assessments on lots 33 and 35. The Chairman expliadned that the only way the Board could abate the assessments would be upon the fact that the property could not be built upon. Mr. Hamilton discussed the matter at length, and the Chairman advised him that his request would be given further consideration at the next meeting of the Board. It was decided to have Mr. Paxton check lot 35 Robbins Road, lots 37 and 38 Richard Road and Lot B, Plymouth Road, and to advise the Board at its next meeting whether or not these lots can be built upon. Mr. Hamilton retired at 8:45 P.M. Mr. Eugene McCarthy, Commander of the V.F.W., and Mr. Carl Jones appeared before the Board. The Chairman had written Mr. McCarthy requesting a report pertaining to the money raised by Poppy Drives. It is the understanding of the Board that money raised in this manner should be used for charitable purposes only. 0.4 1 1 M6Carthy stated that the'moiiey raised'from Poppy Drives was for the Relief Fund for the assistance of needy soldiers, sailors and marines and for their dependent widows and children. The net proceeds of the Poppy Drive are deposited in this Fund. The Chairman suggested that the V.F.W. contact the Board of Public Welfare Chairman to determine how many Veteflani Widows,.and children Of Vaterans are dependent on the Town. . Mi*. '1fcCarthy said -'that he would -make a star of the situation. Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Jones retired at 9:10 P.M. 1t J Mr. Paxton and Ensign Terry of the U,,),S.,,Navy appeared before tieJBoard. ,c ,' ro o Ensign Terry advised the Board that theoschool at Altec is expanding and they need more classroom for the boys. These boys are studying electronics and the work they a•re doing is of vital importance to the war effort. ' Mr. Paxton informed the Board that Ensign Terry would -like-to use the meter room at the.Public Works Building and that the Navy is interested only in having a classroom from now until the 1st of January. Ensign Terry_explained that they have specialized equipment being assembled at Altec which is the only kind in the world. He said that 400 boys are being trained and to erect a building it would cost around *10,000.00 and on a six-month program, this would mount to about *200.00 a month rent. --The 4ha1rman suggested that Ens$gn Tarry contact Mr. Maynard relative to using the garage at the Lumber Company for a classroom. Be advised Ensign Terry thatohe would obtain a legal opinion of the Town Counsel as to whether or not the Town has any right to lease any of its property. Ensign Terry retired at 9:35 P.M. Mr Paxton informed the Board that Mr. Anthony Cataldo had requested the use of the Town Compressor. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to rent the Com retsOr to Mr. Ca.taldo'i subjecVto the usual charge.. -Mr; Sheldon seconded -the -motion and it was so voted. ' ;t Mr. Paxton said that he had rented a truck to Mr. Godo R®binson to t ntport:h'ay and requested the approval of the Board. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Paxton's action.be approved. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that aMr. Fletcher had requested the use of the Town Grader to:scrape Sutherland Road.-. Mr. Sheldon moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to rent the Grader, su 3ect to the usual charge.. --Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 267 Altec Request P.W.Bldg. Rental of Equip. 268 Painting Stations Painting Signs Purchase Tractor Wtchman P.W.BLdg. Bike Rack War Bond / Deive • Mr. Paxton informed the Board that the Boston and Maine Railroad had contacted Mr. Greeley relative to painting railroad stations in Lexington, and with the exception of Munroe Station, which is completely painted, will con- form with Mr. Greeley's idea. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that he had sent out letters requesting bids for•the painting of "Welcome to Lexington" signs. Mr. Arthur Thyng wants $5.00 for each sign. No price has been received from Custance Brothers yet. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that he had pur- chased a tractor at a cost of $4250.00. The purchase of this tractor had been authorized at a previous meeting at an amount not to exceed $5,000.00. Mr. Paxton said that the night watchman at the Public Works Building had left. He informed the Board that in order to take care of the equipment he would like to, have a ren7ular employee work two hours each night and four hours on S7,rday, on Sunday, and pay him $12.00 a week for the work. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to employ a regular employee as a temporary watchman at the Public Works Building sixteen hours a week, at a salary not to exceed $12.00 per week. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that some time ago the Board dis- cussed the matter of erecting a bicycle rack in Lexington Center. He believed that a rack should be built, and asked Mr. Paxton where, in his opinion, he would place. it. Mr. Paxton replied that his suggestion would be one of the taxi stands. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to have a bicycle rack constructed and located in one Bf the taxi stands in Lexington Center. Mr.Paxton informed the Board that Mrs. Norman Baker wants to conduct a Molly Pitcher Day, August 7, 1943, and would like to have booths on the sidewalks in Lexington Center, from 9 A.M. until 8 P.M. for the purpose of selling War Bonds. Mrs. Baker has contacted the merchants who have no objections to the booths being placed on the sidewalks. Mr. Sarano moved that Mrs. Baker's request to place booths on the sidewalks in Lexington Center from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M., for the purpose of selling War Bonds be granted. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton retired at 9:55 P.M. 1 A letter was received from Mr. Wallace C. Wessinger offering to pay $50.00 for Lots 10 and 11, Block 95, Reed Street, Lexington, Mass. The former owner, a Mr. Williams, is Mr. Weisinger's brother-in-law. Mr. Potter and Mr. Spencer checked the offer and recommend that it be accepted.. Mr. Sarano moved that Lots 10 and 11, Block 95, Reed Street, Lexington, Mass., be sold and conveyed to Mr. Wallace C. Weisinger,for the sum of S50.00. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mrs. Martha Yntas, 40 Moreland Avenue, Lexington, Mass., offering to pay $200.00 for Lots 315 to 339 inclusive, Moreland Avenue, Lexington, Mass. Mrs. Yntas had previously offered $100.00 for these lots and was advised that the lowest price the Board of Selectmen would accept was $250.00. Mr. Sheldon moved that Mrs. Yntas be informed again that the lowest price the Board would accept for Lots 315 to 339 inclusive, on Moreland Avenue, Lexington, Mass., was $250.00. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mr. Henry Sanseverino, 11 Lisbeth Street, Lexington, Mass., offering to pay $65.00 for Lots 65 and 66 on May Street, Lexington, Mass. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Spencer recommended that the offer be refused. He also ad- vised that when these two lots are sold Lot C should be sold at the same time. It'was decided to refer the matter to Mr. Potter for report at the next meeting. The Chairman read a copy df a.1etter addressed to Mr. Ulysses J. Lupien, Director of Civil Service, written_by Mr. Collins advising the Director that the Board of Selectmen had voted to grant $33.00 per week for this position as against the $38.00 per_.week rate stipulated by the rules of the Division of Civil Ser- vice. The Chairman read a reply from Mr. Lupien to Mr. Collins stating that no compensation shall be payed to any employee whose employment falls with the plan ex- cept in accordance with the rules. The letter further stated that the Director has no authority to approve an appointment at less than the rate set up in the Welfare Compensation Plan. The Chairman also read a letter to Ulysses J. Lupien from Mr. Lyons asking whether the Director of Civil Service rules that the Town of Lexington shall pay to Mr. Collins, as temporary Welfare Agent of the Town of Lexington, the minimum salary rate for such a position, namely at the rate of $1980.00 per year 269 Tax Title Sale Tax Title Offer Held Over Collins' Salary 270 Slaughter of Horses Transfer ($38.00'per'week). Na reply ha_s been received to this letter of Mi. Lyons. It was decided to hold the matter over for two weeks. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. D. G, Morse of the James F. Morse & Company, stating that it was the desire of that company to acquire suitable premises for slaughtering horses with inspection. They have dis- cussed the matter with Mr. Casey who now has a slaughter house license covering his slaughter house on Laconia Street, and have arrived at tentative termi'of.lease and option to purchase. Mr. Morse stated that the main in'' terest of the firm is that they are now doing business with a Mr. Dobzelicki who furnisheshorse meat to animal farms and -dog kennels. Mr. Dobzelicikinow desires to purchase larger quantities of horses, perhaps from one to two carloads per week from the. west and these would be handled at the Casey location. Mr. Morse stated that it was the intention of his company to lease or buy the property from Casey and have Dobzelicki use the property, and that he would be the actual owner of the animals slaughtered there.. . Mr. Morse stated that he had been advised by Mr. Casey that the present license is suff"i'c.ie'nt, and he would like to know whether or not Mr. Casey's opinion is correct. He also stated that the killing and dressing would be carried on three days per week. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Whiting said that he would recommend slaughtering at Caseys only one day a week. He now inspects 22 days at Holmans. Mr. Sarano moved that, providing Mr. Dobzelicki can produce satisfactory character references, he be granted a permit to slaughter animals including horses at the Casey location one day per week not to exceed eight hours; the day to be determined by the Inspector. Mr. Sheldon seconded tlAe motion, and it vias" so voted. - " ' The Chairman said that he would advise Mr. Morse of the Board's decision and also send hili acopy of the Slaughter House License now held by Mr. Casey. The Chairman informed the Board that at the meeting, held two weeks ago it was voted to authorize' Mr. Wrightington to settle the Reinap claim in the amount of 0100.00._,The balance in,�the Law Department- Expenses',Account is ,only $75.00, and it v9�f11;' therefore, be ecessary to request a'- transfer.' Sarano moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer thesum. of $.25. 0 to the Law Department -E enses Account. Mr. i;ocke seconded the motion, and 1t was Wo voted. 1 A letter was received from Mrs. D. P. Ross of 86 Robbins Road, complaining about the Air Raid Sirens which are blown every night to announce dimout time. Mr. Sarano moved that the letter be referred to the Committee on Public Safety and any further complaints relative to the Sirens be also referred to that Committee.- Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Mr. Locke, it was voted election officers for a Sheldon, seconded by to appoint the following period ending September 1, 1944. Precinct One D -Charles J. Dailey D -John D. Barry D -Pauline E. Bartlett L -Frederick L. Murphy R -George E. Foster R -Alice G. Marshall R -Mary E. Stankard R -Marion G. Cook D -Mary A. Rowland D -Donald Cameron D -Annie H. McDonnell D -George F. Stygles R-Ilda J. Field R -Kate Wiggins R -Edith T. Kew R -L. Ellsworth Pierce Precinct Two R -Victor H. Harmon R -Clyde E. Steeves R -Lucius A. Austin R -Helen K. Fitzgerald D -Randall W. Richards D -Ruth R. Ray D -John H. Dacey D -Mary E. Manley R -Arthur L. Hanson D -Edward McGrory R -Elizabeth R. Nourse D -Madeline J. Corbett R -Madeline V. Peterson R-Laurina Metcalf Wilson D -Anna E. Tracy D -Helen A. McCaffrey Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Deputy Inspector Inspector Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Teller +w' rr It n Clerk Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Deputy Inspector Inspector Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk Teller n n u n n 271 Complaint Air Riad Siren Election Officers 272 Precinct Three R -Franklin W. Coleman R -Guy Maynard R -Peter Robertson R -Neil McIntosh D -Charles E. Moloy, Jr. D -Margaret E. Ormand D -John F. McKearney, Jr. D -Patrick' H. McDonnell D-Emma..Zitso• D -Virginia E. Welsh R -Samuel W. Wellington R -Emma L. Hovey D -John J. McCormack D -Henry P. Meade R -Esther P. Graham R -dice M. Barrows Precinct Four R -Howard E. Custance R -Frederick S. Britton R -William E. Mulliken R -Irene E. Robinson D -Mary A. Spellman D -Daniel A. Gorman, Jr. D -Mary J. Ferry D -Elizabeth Mansfield D -Helen T. Maguire D -Mary M. Vaughn R -Caroline F. Deloury R -Carl Hauck D -Francis H. Maguire D -Agnes G. Hall R -Robert Cady R -A. Thomas Ferry Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Deputy Inspector Inspector Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk Teller " " 11 it " It n Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Deputy Inspector Inspector Leputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk Teller tt et " " n Mr. Sheldon said that it had been brought to his attention that people boarding the Lovell Bus at Lexington Center assumed that the route to Arlington would be by way of Massachusetts Avenue. It was decided to write the Lovell Bus Lines suggesting that the sign on the bus which now reads "Arlington" be changed to read "Arlington, via Woburn Street". The meeting adjourned at 10:58 P.M. A true record, Attest: Cle7hk dikkl SID 1