HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-04-12212 SELECTMEN'S MELTING April 12, 1943 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, April 12, 1943 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman towee, Messrs. Potter, Locke, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. James J. Cerro' appeared before the Board at 7:30 P.M. for the drawing Of two jurors. Mr. Alfred W. Fletcher, painter, 23 Sherman Street, was drawn to serve Jurors on Civil Business, First Session at Cambridge, beginning May 17, 1943. Mr. James Irwin, builder, 15 Taft Avenue, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, Second Session at Cambridge, beginning May 22, 1943. Mr. arroll retired at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. He said that the Sacred Heart Parish had requested the use of Cary Hall on May 21, 1943 from 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. for a Reunion Dance. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted Uses of subject to the usual charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, Halls and it was so voted. Claim Mr. Paxton said that John Lanont had requested the use of Cay Hall on April 16, 1943 from 8:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. for a meeting of the Victory Garden group. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that Frank AMderson, 17 Avon Street, Lexington, had submitted a claim for damages to his automobile caused by a large rock in Reed Street, in the amount. of $9.55. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to settle the claim for an amount not to exceed $9.55,.pro- viding he obtains a release from Mr. Anderson of any future claim for damages. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that the W.P.A. Sthobl Lunch Project had closed and the School Departnent does not School wish to carry it on. Mr. Beach has funds which he collected Lunch and would like to have his accoutbsaudited. Mr. White has agreed to do this work. Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Beach had a large quantity of cooking utensils which he had crated ready for storage and would like to store them in the Barnes property. It was decided to have Mr. Paxton find a suitable place for the storage of the cooking utensils aid to notify the Board as to where.he'intends to keep them. 1 1 1 The Chairman asked Mr. Potter for a report on the roe Hamilton request for abatement of taxes. Mr. otter said that tie property was originally taken over n tax title and lots 33, 34 and 35 were assessed as ne unit.' Therefore,, they cannot be separated until the ax titles are completed. Unless the taxes are paid. by uly, they will be taken over by the Town He said that he water. and fewer services were extended to cover,lots 2 and 33 as it has been the custom when lots adjoln;. nd are owned by the same person, to extend the mains to over both lots. 213 Munroe Hamilton Mr. Paxton informed the Board that there is a ossibility that his meter repairman, Eugene E. Moloy, ould'be leaving the Town's employ to accept a position ith the Bethlehem Steel Co. He said if Mr. Moloy left Meter t would mean that meter work could not be continued for Reader he duration and meters may have to be sent out f or:'re- airs. Mr. Paxton said he did not know whether Mr. Moloy ould stay for a five cent per hour increase or not, but hat he is a very good man. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to ncrease the wages of Eugene E. Moloy from .70 per hour o .75 per hour, effective as of April 15, 1943. Mr. ocke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton retired at 8:40 P.M. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board to discuss welfare attars and retired at 8:50 P.M. Request was received from the Boston Edison Company, nd the New England Telephone and.Telegraph Company for ermission to abandon a pole located on Waltham Street, Pole orthwesterly side, approximately 305 feet northeast of location inthrop Road Extension. Mr. Potter moved that the request be granted and the rder signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was o voted. Letter was received from the Middlesex & Boston Street ailway Company stating that a survey had been made of the treats over which buses are operated it the Town of Lex- Bus ngton with view to changing the stopping places to conform stops o the order of the Office of Defense Transportation. A ap accompanied the letter showing where the stops are now laced and also the proposed stops. Mr. Sarano moved that this matter be referred to the amber of Commerce for suggestions and recommendations. Mr. heldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 214 Letter was received from Mr. Alberico A. Sgrosso offering to pay $75.00 for lot 16, block 17, Reed Street. Mr. Locke moved that the offer be acceptedand the Tax title lot be sold and conveyed to Mr. Sgrosso, subject to the approval of the Committee appointed to study tax .title sales. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr., William Edberg, offering Tax title to pay $50.00 for lot 19, Park Heights. This ofer has been approved by the Committee appointed to study tax title sales. Mr. Serene- moved that the lot be sold aid conveyed to Mr. Edberg for.the sum of $50.00. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mrs. Robert H. Moore stating Posture that she is unable to accept the appointment to the Posture Clinic Clinic for the year 1943. It was decided to have the Chair- man contact Mr. Grindle and Mrs. Lindsay in regard to ap- pointing a member to fill the vacancy. Letter was received from the Town Accountant advising the Board that the figure on the Service Flag should be changed to 900. Letter was received from Ulysses J. Lupien, Director of Civil Service, stating that inasmuch as there is no Chief of suitable eligible list from which to certify, arrangements Police will be made for a competitive promotion examination for Exam. a Chief of Police. Letter was received from Mr. Garrity submitting the following names for Playground Instructors for the 1943 Playground seasons Constance Ruocco, Patricia Schlichte, Jean Smith, Instructors Constance Fuller, Mrs. A. J. Roberts and Ruth Elvedt. Mr. Locke moved that the persons on the list submitted by Mr. Garrity be appointed Playground Instructors for 1943. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Lamont stating that he had interviewed Mr. Edward W. Porter relative to his request Poultry for permission to keep 3,000 poultry at 85 Cary Avenue. He permit said that Mr. Porter is going into the poultry business and does not intend to sell at the plant. He will either sell by route or by wholesale, and he intends to put the building in fair condition. Mr. Lamont recommended that Mr. Porter be granted a permit to keep 500 Poultry. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Lamont's recommendation be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and -it was so voted. 1 1 215 Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Locke, it as voted to re -appoint the following members to the Board Fire Engineers in the Town of Lexington for a period of Fire ne year, beginning May 1, 1943. George W. Emery, Robert. Engineers • Fawcett,'William H. Driscoll, Alan G. Adams and Thomas . Donnelly. Letter was received from the Patriot's Day Committee elative to the observance of April 19th. A printed dopy April 19 f the Governor's proclamation, to be read by the Chairman f the Board of Selectmen, was enclosed. Letter was received from the Department of Justice, Philadelphia, together with two copies of the President's proclamation proclaiming Sunday,.May 16, 1943 as "I Am An American Day". It was decided to refer this to the Adaias Press. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to approve the following licenses: Calvin W. Childs George P. Pothier Salvation Army Lawrence Farm Alice McCarthy Lois M. Marshall Ralph H. Marshall C. E. Barnaby Sacco'Rubbico Bowling Anthony Ferriera William Viano 409 11 87 52 80 1844 1844 1804 Alley 1698 249 1794 Mass. Ave. Overhanging Sign Waltham St. Vernon St. Boston Junk 'Pleasant St. Past. of Milk Bedford St. Funeral Dirgctor Mass. Ave. Mass. Ave. Mass. Ave. Bowling Alley Mass. Ave. Marrett Rd. Peddler's Mass. Ave. Sunday Movies The Board discussed possible appointments to the Board of'Publid Welfare and decided upon the following persons; Harold F. Lombard, Chairman, John A. Lyons, Archie A. Giroux, Ernest Cutter and George Fuller. The names of Matthew Stevenson, Converse Hill and Joseph Kraetzer were condidered fcr appointments should any of the first five members decline. The next meeting of the Board will be held on April 26, 1943, the 19th being a holiday. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. A true record attest: Public Welfare Board