HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-03-29202 Uses of Halls Claims for damages Rogers' Claim- SELECTMEN'S laim- SEL CTMEP;'S MEETING March 29, 1943 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, ,the Office Building, on Monday evening, March 29, 1943, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse, Messrs. Potter, Locke, Sarano and 'heldon were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 7:30 P.M. He informed the Board that Mr. John Lamont had re- quested the use of Estabrook hall on the evenings of April 2, 9, 16 and 23 from 8:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. for meetings of the Victory Garden Committee. Mr. Potter moved that the uses of the halebe granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton reported that he had checked the claims for damages presented by Edward J. Massucco of 73 Valley Road, Lexington and Ian Fleming of 38 Ward Street, Lex- ington and found that the damage to the cars owned by these two men was as claimed. Mr. Fronk Anderson of Avon Street, who also claimed damages to his car, has not pre- sented a claim in writing. Mr. Paxton said that Masucco's claim amounted to „29.87 and Fleming's claim amounted to „19.00. I1r. Potter moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to settle the claim of Edward J. Massucco for an amount not to exceed „20.87 and to settle the claim of Tat Fleming far.an,am otnt not to exceed 0_9.00, providing proper re- leases are obtained of any future claims for damages, said claims to be oaid from the Snow Removal Account. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that last week the Board voted to request a transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Highway Maintenance Account in the amount of „175.00 for settlement of the George Rogers' eminent domain case pending against the Town. He informed the Board that he had instructed the Clerk to have this claim paid from the Highway Main- tenance Account without asking for a transfer from the 'eserve Fund, but Mr. Paxton did not approve of this item being paid from the Highway Maintenance Account inasmuch as this money was not provided for in that account and the ap- propriation this year was less than in former years. The hairman asked Mr. Paxton to what account he thought this claim should be charged and he replied that it would seem that the proper account would be the Legal Department Expenses Account. 1 Mr. Potter moved that the vote of March 24, 1943 re- questing a transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Highway Maintenance Account, in the amount of $175.00 for settle- ment of the George Rogers' eminent domain claim be rescinded. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was sc voted. Mr. Potter then moved that the claim be paid from the Legal Department - :expenses Account. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that last week the Doard had authorized him to purchase a Mack truck for an amount not to exceed $2800.00. However, when he went to place the order, the truck had been sola. He said that the Mack Truck Co. has a 3-ton chassis with a.3i,-; ton double reduction rear end, 9.00-20 dual rear tires, 8.00-25 single front tires, and a three yard Wood dump body. He said that the double reduc- tion rear end would be advantageous for snow work. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that this unit sold for $3314.25, or $500.00 more than had previously been authorized, and that he had signed the order and was requesting approval. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Paxton's actionb e approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton discussed the labor situation and stated that he was having difficulty accomplishing the work which Labor .should be done such as cleaning the streets, Bett.encourt shortage grad3'tz ; on Spring Street, cleaning ditches, brooks, etc. He said that he has already received complaints regarding drains and that undoubtedly there would be more. It was suggested that Mr. Paxton use his own judgment as to which jobs should be done first and that an article be inserted in the local paper pertaining to the labor shortage. , The Board again discussed the request received from Munroe H. Hamilton for abatement of the water and sewer betterment assessments on Lot 35, Robbins Road. It was decided that inasmuch as Mr. Hamilton knew about the assessments when he purchased the lot, to take no further action. 203. New. truck Hamilton request for abatement Mr. Paxton retired at 8:10 P.M. Mr. John A. Lyons, a member of the "ommittee appointed to revise the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department, appeared before the Board at 8:10 P.7. Mr. Lyons said that he has requested an appointment with the Board to determine how far his Committee should go in the revision and preparation of tr.e new Rules and Regula- tions. He stated that he now realized the cost of printtng-; Police might amount to more than the Board anticipated. He said Rules & that he had in mind beginning the booklet with a historical Regulation background, giving the basis for the laws, when the Statutes were accepted by the Town etc. so that there would be a complete record in one volume of every Statute and law per- taining to the Police Department. The Board felt that Mr. Lyons should proceed with the regulations as recommended. Mr. Lyons retired at 8:25 204 Bldg. & Plmbg. Dept. to be told of all fires Toros Bashian Patriot's Day Board of Public Welfare Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Cann appeared before the Board at 8:26 P.M. They discussed the request of one Mr. Ballou of Woburn Street for permission to occupy a shed on Concord Avenue, as a temporary residence for a period of six months, until his permanent home was completed. Letter was received, signed by both Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Cann informing the Board that the practice of informing the Building; and Plumbing Inspectors of all fires which occur in the Town had been discontinued. The letter further stated that often damaged buildings had been repaired with- out their knowledge. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the i'`ire Department requesting the cooperation of that Department in notifying the Building and Plumbing Inspectors of all fires which occur in the Town. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 8:35 P.M. to discuss welfare matters and retired at 9:15 P.T. The Chairman read a letter received from Toros Bashian relative to his previous request for a stock fence. Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on the matter. Mr.I`ionke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairrrmar. �-ead a letter received from the Citizens' Public Celebration Association of Boston relative to the observance of Patriots' Day. It was decided to refer the matter to Mr. Carroll. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington stating that he had received the Advance Sheets of St. 1943, Chapter 6, which the Town Meeting accepted, and which authorizes the Board of Selectmen to appoint a Board of Public Welfare. Mr. Wrightington stated that he was of the opinion that the Selectmen have a reasonable time in which to make the appointment. Letter was received from the Commonwealth of Massa - Slaughter chusetts, Department of Public Health, approving the Insp. nomination of George C. Whiting as Inspector of Slaughter- ing for the year ending March 31, 1944. Letter was received from Mrs. Marguerite Burri of. 29 Hillside "oad, Lexington, offering t o pay the sum of Tax Title 05.00 for Lots 43 and 44 Hillside Road. The Clerk property informed the Chairman that Mr. Carroll advised that the property has been foreclosed but the Town has not yet taken title to it and therfore has no authority to sell it. The Clerk was instructed to so inform Mrs. Burri. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sheldon, it was voted to grant the following licenses. 0,1 1 1 •_tc rd of 117ht er I;'2„. ''s>..tit7e William Viano 1794 Mass. Ave. Lowland Dairy 92 Adams Str. John S. Burns 93 Mass. Ave. Edgar Thivierge 1752 Mass. Ave. Lillian Newlands 1775 Mass. Ave. H. P. Hood & Sons 1729 Mass. Ave. Liggett Drug Co. 1721 Mass. Avc. Colonial Garage, Inc. 1668 Mass. Ave. Julius Seltzer 1853 Mass. Ave. William H. Lyon 1779.Mass. Ave. Sacco Bowling Alley 1770 Mass. Ave. Louis J. Reynolds 1736 Mass. Ave. Ernest C. Martin 1793 Mass. Ave. Upon was voted to Officers for motion of Mr. Potter, appoint the following a term expiring March Alan G. Adams Ralph H. Marshall Arthur J. Rocque George A. Knight Frank Peters Ervin S. Castner Robert E. Hannaford Alex Ohlson John J. Garrity John Campbell Charles A. Manley Thomas F. Ryan Jacob Haid Charles M. Blake John Fopiano Leonard Jellis Roy A. Cook Charles E. Moloy Jorn L. Murray Roland E. Garmon Charles Brenton Ralph I Dale C. Edward Glynn A. Edward Rowse William G. Potter Errol H. Locke George W. Sarano George 0. ^�n.eldon Michael E. McDonnell Charles A. Tracy William C. Paxton Arthur N. Lee George E. Pray Joseph S. Wellington Benjamin L. Higgins William A. Cann E. A. Lindstrom James Stuart Smith 205 Sunday movies Pasteurization of Milk(renewal) Overhanging Sign n u seconded by Mr. Locke, it persons Special Police 31, 1944. Adams Press Supt. Cemetery Department Janitor High School Middlesex County Sanatorium n tt n Caretaker of Dumps Lexington Golf Club Park Department Boston Edison Company Janitor, Munroe School Janitor,. High School Minute Man Golf Club Call Fireman Janitor, Lexington Theatre N. E. Tel. g, Tel. Co. Deputy Chief, Fire 'sept. Janitor, Town Offices Tt u Janitor, Stone Building Park Department 6 Oakland Street Chairman, -)oard of Appeals Chairman, Selectmen Selectmen Selectmen Selectmen Selectmen Janitor, Cary Library Supt. Post Office Supt. Public Works Janitor, Parker School Janitor, Hunt Building Caretaker, Hayden Est. Janitor, Hancock Church Building Inspector Plumbing Inspector 4 Percy Road 206 Commitment of water rates, water miscel= a_Zeons charr-es, ,rater house connections, and ;pater liens v;ere signed. ivir. Potter moved that Mr. George E. Lowe, whose terms Appointment as a member of the Board of Registrars expires on March 31, 1943, be reappointed for a term expiring March 31, 1946. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Termination Forms #56 were received from the Division of Civil Service with instructions that two forms be Civil completed; one relative to James J. Sullivan, retired -Chief Service of Police and one relative to Richard G. McCormack, patrolman Forms #56 now serving with the U. S. Navy. Mr. Potter :roved that the Chairman be authorized to sign the forms. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Poultry permits The Chairman called the Board's attention to the fact that the Health Inspector has received a great many re- quests from persons desiring to keep poultry, and a few recuestshad been received fcr permission to keep swine. He reminded the Board that a vote had been passed .whereby no permits were required for persons desiring to .keep under twenty-five poultry. The Board discussed the matter and upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Lecke, it was voted to rescind the vote of January 25, 1943.whereby no permits were required for persons desiring t o keep twenty-five poultry or less. Potter then moved that the Health Inspector .be authorized to issue permits for poultry not to exceed twenty-five six months or over, and not to exceed fifty of any age. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so Voted. It was decided to insert an item in the Lexington Minute Man and to quote that section of the Board of Health Regulations pertaining to poultry, swine and goats. The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Lamont had received an application from F. W. Burgess of 30 Cottage Street for permission to keep two swine and also an application from Steve Trebino of Dunham Street for permission to keep five swine. Mr. Lamont investigated the premises of both applicants and recommended that the permits be denied. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Lamont's recommendation be approved. 1/r. arano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1 1