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March 22, 1943
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in
the Selectmen's Room on Monday evening, March 22, 1943 at
7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse, Messrs. Potter, Locke, Sarano and
Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present.
S. R. Wrightington, Town Counsel, and Sergeant John C.
Russell of the Police Department appeared before the Board.
The Chairman said that the purpose of inviting Mr.
Wrightington and Sergenat Russell to meet with the Board was
in regard to the Bicycle Let accepted by the Town at the re-
cent Town Meeting. Sergeant Russell said that as he understands
the situation, the Commissioner of Public Safety furnishes the
Bicycles plates. The Police Department charges each bicycle owner 25
for the plate, a file is kept of all registrations, and the
money is -turned over to the Town Treasurer. Mr. Wrightington
said that the forms and certificates of registration would have
to be paid for by the Town. The Chairman said that inasmuch as
no money had been provided, it would be necessary for Sergeant
Russell to determine how much money he will need and then let
the Board know.
Sergeant Russell retired at 7:45 P.M.
The Chairman said that the Board should pass a vote which
would legally place Chief Sullivan on retirement as of March
22, 1943, and asked Mr. Wrightington to phrase a vote covering
this subject.
Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sheldon it was
Retirement voted to adopt the following vote, prepared by Mr. Wrightington.
of Chief VOTED: That the Selectmen retire from active service and
Sullivan place upon the pension roll James J. Sullivan, Chief of the
Police Department, a permanent member who has performed faith-
ful service in the Department for twenty-five years and who is
over sixty years of age and not yet seventy years of age, and
is retired at his own request contained in his letter dated
February 6, 1943 addressed to the Board of Selectmen.
The Chairman read a letter from Ulysses J. Lupien,
Director of Civil Service, in which was enclosed a blank
Requisition upon which to make requisition relative to the vacancy in
for Chief of the office of the Chief of Police. A detailed statement of
Police the exact duties of this position was requested. Mr.
Wrightington suggested that the Clerk telephone to Major
Hayworth and inquire whether or not it would be sufficient
to merely state "the usual duties of the Chief of Police."
The .Chairman informed the Board that he had written Mr.
Wrightington and asked when a Board of Public Welfare should
be appointed. Mr. Wrightington replied that the Selectmen
could not be expected to appoint such a Board until a copy
of the Act had been received. The Chairman asked the members
of this Board to be tinkiig of five members who would have to
be appointed to serve on the Board of Public Welfare.
The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wrightington remind-
ing the Board of the settlement with George E. Rogers of
his eminent domain case pending against the Town. The amount
of this settlement is $175.00 which was to be transferred from
the Reserve Fund after the appropriation at the Annual Town
Meeting. Mr. Wrightington suggested that the amount be put
on the next warrant.
Mr. Locke moved that the Appropriation Committee be re-
quested to transfer the sum of $175.00 from the Reserve Fund
to the Highway Maintenance Account in settlement of the George
Rogers' claim. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so
At 8:05 P.M. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board.
The. Chairman said that while Mr. Wrightingtonwas here
the Board would like to discuss the claims for damages as a
result of the large rock on Reed Street. Mr. Paxton said
that in plowing Reed Street, a large stone had been dislodged
and pulled into Reed Street. The operator of the plow did not
vknow at the time that this had occurred. Mr. Paxton said that
there have been three claims; one from Ian Fleming in the
amount of $19.00; one from Edward J. Nlassucco, which was not
reported to the Police, in the amount of $29.87, and one from
a Mr. Anderson in the amount of $9.55, Mr. Anderson has not
submitted a claim but he did report the damage to the Police
Department. The Chairman asked Mr. Wrightington if he felt
that the Town was liable and Mr. Wrightington replied that no
one knew the stone wap there, neither the man who plowed the
street, nor the Town. He said that probably the sensible
thing to do would be to settle them if the Board was convinced
that the claims are correct.
Mr. Potter moved that the matter be left with Mr. Paxton
for adjustment and report to the Board. Mr. Locke seconded
the motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. Paxton said that he had a release prepared for Mr.
Bashian to sign, but Bashian would not settle for any amount.
He wants his fence built on Wood Street and is not interested
in a cash settlement. He told Mr. Paxton that he would talk
to Mr. Wrightington about the fence.
Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on the matter.
Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Board of
Claims as
result of
stone in
Mr. Paxton reported to the c5oard that he had attended a
hearing at the State House on Bill #1334 which changes
the method of charging for the water furnished by the Metro-
politan System. He said that this bill concerns the refinanc-
ing of thebonded indebtedness so that the cost will be dis-
House tributed over a greater period of years, and shall be a more
Bill constant charge to the district. One change contemplated
#1334 limits the use of water from Charles River water shed. Mr.
Paxton said that on the whole, he thought the Town would be
better off if the various changes are passed because the major
portion of the cost of the Quabbin Reservoir will be reapportioned
and any new users will have to pay their proportionate share.
Mr. Potter moved that a letter be written to Rep. Charles
E. Fer7:uson stating that the Board wished to be recorded in
favor of refinancing of the bonded indebtedness sothat the
cost will be distributed over a greater period of years and
shall be a more constant charge to the district. Also that
the Board is in favor of the passage of other measures in this
bill which would make charges to allcities and towns involved
fair and equitable. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it
was so voted.
Mr. Paxton and Jr.LWrightington retired at 8:35 P.M.
IIr. George V;. aiiery, Finance Officer of the Committee
on Public Safety appeared before the Board at 8:35 P.M.
The Chairman read a letter recieved from the Appropriation
Committee advising that the following sums of money were to be
transferred to the Committee on Public Safety -Expenses Account:
$400.00 from Auxiliary Fire
250.00 from Sirens
200.00 from Auxiliary Police
Mr. Emery said that some items on his books had been put
in the wrong accounts and in some cases amounts that had been
ear narked were overdrawn. HE:: explained that while some of the
accounts were dead, they might need some money for odds and
ends and he therefore does not want to wipe the accounts out
Mr. Sarano moved that a letter be written to the Appro-
priation Committee advising that the Board of Selectmen had
approved the transfers listed below as requested by the
Committee on Public Safety. Mr. Locke seconded the motion,
and it was so voted.
$400.00 from Auxiliary Fire to Observation
Tower Account;
250.00 from Sirens to the Observation Tower
100.00 from Auxiliary Police to the fLeport
Center Account;
100.00 from Auxiliary Police to the Medical
Divsion Account;
300.00 from the %15,000.00" fund for the
Report Center Account.
Mr. Every retired at 8:45 P.?.
Com. on
Mr. Carroll appeared before the Board at 8:56 P.M.
He said that he did not wish to make a complaint, but
he was seeking advice from the Board inasmuch as he was having
diffuculty accomplishing; his work with only one clerk. The
Board instructed Mr. Carroll to do the work that he could and
let the rest go, as the work now accumulated is a result of
the additional work in connection with tho recent Town Teeting.
Mr. Carroll retired at 0:05 P.I.
Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board again at 9:05 P.I.
He said that a request had been received for the use of Use of
a room and a desk on Saturday, "pril 10, 1943 from 9:00 A.M. Hall
until noon for Social Security information work.
Mr. Potter moved that the use of the Selectmen's Room
be used for this work. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and
it was so voted.
Mr. Paxton said that, according to the vote of the
Board of Selectmen, the street lights were to be discon-
tinued mornings as of March 1, 1943. 'Through some error,
the Boston Edison Company did not turn the morning lights
off until one week ago. Mr. Paxton called the Edison and
was told that the Town would not be billed for the period
the lights were on due to the error.
Mr. Paxton informed the Board that Mr. Vadebonceour of
Brandon Street, Lexington, hao requested to have the two
lots on Norton Street, which he purchased for "100.00 last Request
August, surveyed. mr. Paxton estimated the cost of the sur- for sur-
veying at approximately $15.00. vey of
Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on the request. lots
Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. Paxton said that he had received a call from Mr.
Qusback, salesman for Diamond T. trucks. Ile has in stock
one used 1941 5 -ton Mack truck which has had some very hard
wear but the motor is in fairly good condition. Mr. Ousback
told Mr. Paxton that he would put the truck in A-1 condition Truck
for $4100.00. The Mack Truck Company believes that it might
be possible for the 'Town to purchase a new truck of the 3 -ton
class for $2720.00. Mr. Paxton said that he would prefer a
new 3 -ton truck to a used 5 -ton truck.
Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to purchase
a new Mack truck of the 3 -ton class, and to apply for a priority to
cover this unit, the price not to exceed 2800.00.
Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. Paxton discussed the matter of placing Aircraft and
Motor Vehicle Property Damage Insurance.
Insurance Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to place
this insurance, through the office of Elmer A. Lord & Company,
Mr. "heldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Req. for Mr. Paxton said that Munroe H. Hamilton of 66 Robbins
Abatement Road had requested that the water and sewer betterment assess-
ments on Lot 35 Robbins Road be abated. Mr. Paxton explained
that there was a ledge there and he had looked up the request
for the water and sewer. At the time the request was madq,
in 1935, the lots were owned by another individual. Mr. Paxton
said that Mr. Hamilton has purchased eight lots in this vicinity.
Mr. Sarano moved that the request be denied and no action
taken on the matter. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it
was so voted.
Mr. Sarano suggested that Mr. Weisinger of the Public Works
Department be authorized to take his vacation now and also
be allowed to use the Town tractor to plow lots in Lexington which
are to be used for gardens. Mr. Paxton said that it would be
`impossible for Mr. Weisinger to take his vacation at this time
as he is needed in his own department. The matter was held over
for one week.
Mr. Paxton retired at 9:30 P.M.
Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 9:30 P.M. to dis-
cuss welfare matters andr etired at 9:50 P.M.
The Chairman read a letter received from Mrs. Doctor Piper
complaining about shooting in the vicinity of the Center Play-
Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Garrity be requested to "post"
Posting the playgrounds and to use his own judgment as to the extent
Playgroundof the posting. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was sq
Letter was received from Mrs. Martha Yrntas of 40 Moreland
Tax Title Avenue, Lexington, offering to pay X25.00 for Lot 15 Moreland
offer A.,enue.
Mr. Potter moved that the offer be rejected as insufficient.
Mr. Lockeseconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Moth relative to the appointment of a local moth superintendent.
Supt. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. John J. Garrity be appointed
local moth superintendent fel, the year 1.944: Mr. Sheldon
seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the American Municipal Asso-
ciation relative to the celebration of Pan American Day on Pan American
April 14, 1943. Day
The Chairman stated that Mr. Ralph Nason, Librarian,
had taken care of this matter last year and it was therefore
decided to refer it to Mr. Nason and request that he handle
it again this year.
Letter was received from Dog Officer, John A. Russell
reporting on the Dog Warrant received by him on June 1, 1942.
Bills amounting to 416.02 were received from the Adams
Press for forms ordered by T. A. Custance, Chairman of the
War Transportation Committee. War Trans.
Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it bills
was voted to approve the bills for payment and to charge
them to the Unclassified Account - War Activities.
Statement was received from the Middlesex County
Selectmen's Association for membership dues in the amount of Selectmen
415.00. dues
Mr. Potter moved that the bill be approved for payment
and charged to the Unclassified Account.
Certificate of Registration for the renewal of the
Town Painter's Rigging License was received from the Depart- Painter's
ment of Labor and Industries. Rigging
Mr. Sarano moved that the bill in the amount of 41.00 license
be approved for payment and charged to the Unclassified
Account. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
A bond in the sum of 41,000.00 was received from John C.
Paige & Company in behalf of Eleanor M. Lowe as Clerk of
the Board ofi electmen. Clerk's
Mr. Potter moved that the bond be retruned and the bond
insurance company instructed to prepare a bond in the sum of
41,000.00 executed on behalf of Hazel J. Murray as Clerk of
the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Surety bond in the sum of $1,000.00 in behalf of Edward Constable
C. Maguire as Constable in the Town of Lexington was received. bond
Mr. Potter moved that the bond be approved. Mr. Sarano
seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Surety bond in the sure of $1,000.00 in behalf of John C.
Russell as Constable in the Town of Lexington was received.
Mr. Locke moved that the bond be approved. Mr. Sheldon
seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Upon motion: -of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it
voted to appoint the following Special Police Officers
a term expiring March 31, 1944.
Clesson C. Schofield
William S. Phillips
Harold W. Josephson
Joseph Tebaldi
Sterling B. Wingard
Samuel Doll
John F. Reilly
John T. Hinchey
Ronald Emus
Wilfred L. Dwyer
A. Irving Dodge
Daniel J. Andrews
Samuel L. Fardy
G. Webb Rogers
Christen Bentsen
Samuel W. Wellington
Richard P. Jackson
Victor H. Harmon
Lewis F. Willard
Kenneth P. Kelley, Sr.
Clayton F. Beach
John A. Rodes
Fred D. Wells
John A. Hinchey
Irving L. Moore
Louis Rosendorn
Myron Clifton Graffam
Ransom A. Norris
Walter H. North
Walter C. Smith, Jr.
Harold L. Tyler
Ira A. Rix
Charles E. Rice
William J. Endres
Lincoln C. Higgins
William H. Lyon
David Govan
Joseph S. Johnson
William E. Myers
Hymen Marcus
Ralph L. Cook
Arthur R. Linfield
Horace G. Dearborn
H. Raymond purling
George V. Ryan
Lawrence Husted
Sidney U. Robbins
Cyril V. Seymour
David Goldberg
Randall 'N. Richards
Ian D. Flemming
Fortis E. Hart
James E. Cook
Joseph A. Moretti
George E. Wheatley
John McCammond
Charles Franks
John A. Sellars
Joseph L. VanSteenburgh
Edward F. Kleinberg
Clayton Sullivan
George H. Spellenberg
Robert H. Daly
Everett Chapman
Arthur R. Hood
Henry Gnade
Lancelot B. Cooper
Axel Sorensen
David A. 'grown
James H. Snowden
Gerald C. Turner
Clifford D. Fleming
Donald Manley
Walter E. Beckford
Edward B. Cass
John H. Thompson
Keir G. Burnell
Clarence H. Macintosh
Neil McIntosh
Edmund A.' ebb .:
Glenn s. Cutter
William F. Boyle
Carl R. Arvidson
Arnold P. Bradford
David P. Wilson
Philip B. Parsons
William E. Maloney
Clarence E. MacPhee
William G. Rogerson
Ralph E. Cox
George E. Foster
Allen W. Rucker
George F. Taylor
John A. Holm
Eleazer P Greening
Caywood Greening
Malcolm H. Clifford
Charles A. Finney
David A. Brown
T. D. Cunningham
Richard E. Truesdell
Arthur W. Richardson
Andrew Dreselly
Francis D. Flanagan
Donald M(Oti.iler
John E. Barrett
Melville W. Webb
James J. Waldron
Arthur W. Lee
Willaim John Baskin
Eugene A. Acheson
Joseph B. Grinnell
Frederic W. Fenerty
George F. Smith
John Melquist
Ralph L. Bullock
Frederick W. Shaw
Henry P. Meade
George F. Fardy
Charles 0. Goodwin
Stanley E. Chapin
Fred A. Valente
Clarence E. McElman
John Lamont
Vernon C. Page
William J. Marshall
Henry C. Cotton
Lawrence E. Stone
R. Malcolm Scott
Gaetano Buttaro
illiam J. Hanna
William A. Templeton
Edward R. Sarkisian
Theodore Richards Mattola
Clifford M. Martin
Kenneth W. Dow
Thomas Robinson
Victor N. Rochette
Jerome W. Carmichael
Hugh :. Nylander
James V. Walsh
Wilfred L. Morris
Charles L. Dwyer
Charles 'R . Rudd
Clifton F. Barrows
Rosario J. Ciccolo
Lloyd L. Faulkingham
Janes C. Shaw
John Durfwe
Bert, -an P. Curtin
Vernon Jones
Frank B. Custance
Lawrence M. Butler
Edwin F. Parker
David H. Eaton
Anthony Rochette
James F. McKinney
Robert A. MacAyeal
Charles D. Allen
John F. Dowd
Daniel J. Coakley, Jr.
David ArnoldRix
Fred +5. Bodge
George S. Zittle
Keith L. MacLean
Edward Abrams
Upon motion of Mr,, Locke, Seconded by
was voted to grant the following licenses:
William Viano 1794 Mass. Ave. Sunday movies
Arthur H. McLearn 1387 Mass. Ave. Auctioneer
F. C. Hubley 3 Stetson Street Auctioneer
Precision Products Co., Marrett Rd. 8-'.'daltham St. Denatured Alcohol
The Board considered the application of George E. Odell
of 5 Meadow Brook Street for a Second Class Dealer's license.
Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was
voted not to grant the license as this would be carrying on a
business in a residential zone which would therefore come
under the jurisdiction of the Board of Appeals.
Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it
wat voted to make the following appointments for the year
ending March 31, 1944.
Animal Inspector Dr. Chester L. Blakely
Board of Appeals C. Edward Glynn
Mr. Sheldon,, it
Board of Appeals (Associate Members)
Board of Health Agents
Building Inspector
Burial Agents
Clerk, Selectmen
Constable (Under Ch. 41 Sec. 91A)
Dental Clinic
Dog Officer
Fence Viewers
Field Drivers
Forest Warden (Appointed 116/43)
Gemmel Legacy Income, Trustees
(Acting with Dept. of Public '+elfare)
Measurers of Wood, Bark and Manure
Milk Inspector
Moth Department, Supt.
Odorless Cart, Charge of
Old Age Assistance Bureau
Old Age Assistance Bureau, Agent
Park Superintendent
Harold F. Lombard -
Lester T. Redman
J. Milton Brown
Walter C. Ballard
Hazel J. Murray
Dr. Howard R. Carley
(Met. State Hospital)
William A. Cann
Alice F. McCarthy.
Ralph H. Marshall
Hazel J. Murray
Charles E. Moloy
Mrs. Irving Yellend
Mrs. Frank. Hudson
Thomas S. Grindle
John A. Russell
Stanley A.. Higgins
Clayton F. Beach
Edward C. Maguire
John C. Russell
Roy A. Cook
Mrs. George W. Emery
Mr. George V. Morse
John Lamont
Dr. Victor N. Rochette
Serg't John A. Russell
Harold I. Wellington
Jacob Bierenbroodspot
John Lamont.
John J. Garrity
Peter Canessa
George C. Sheldon
Errol F. Locke
Luther R. Putney
George V. Morse
John J. Garrity
Posture Clinic
Mrs. Steele Lindsay
Mrs. Robert Moore
Mrs. Edith M. Kelley
Miss Margaret Kettell
Miss Margaret 'oyes
Public Weighers William E. MIulliken
Arthur J. Rivet, Jr.
Harold I. )+el_lington
Public Welfare Agent George V. Morse
Agent of the Selectmen to a dminister
Soldiers' Relief, Military and State Aid George V. Morse
Registrar of Voters
Slaughter Inspector
Supt. Public 4orks
Town Counsel
Town Engineer
Town Physician
Wire Inspector
The meeting; adjourned at 10:25 P.M.
A true record, Attest:
Cl rk
Geo. H. Lowe
(3 7rs . 3/31/46)
Malcolm H. Clifford
(3 yrs. 3/21/45)
George Whiting
William C. Paxton
S. R. Wrightington
John T. Cosgrove
Dr. Victor N. Rochette
Louis W. Bills