HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-03-08185 SELECTMEN'S MEETING March 8, 1943 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town.Office Building, on Monday evening, March 8, 1943, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also present. The Town Clerk appeared before the Board at 7:30 P.M. and administered the oath of office to Mr. George C. Sheldon who was elected as Selectmen on Monday, March 1, 1943. There being no Chairman, Mr. Potter as senior member of the Board of Selectmen acted as Chairman pro -tem. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Potter be elected Chairman for the ensuing year. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion. Mr. Potter said that he appreciated the gesture in extending the honor Chairman but he did. not feel in a position to accept it. elected Upon motion of Yr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was then voted to elect Mr. A. Edward Rowse as Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year. The meeting was then turned over to Mr. Rowse. At 7:35 Mr. Charles E. Ferguson and kr. Edwin B. Worthen, two members of the Committee on the Apartment House Regulations, appeared before the oard. Mr. Rowse .said that he had celled Mr,, Wrimhtington and told him that the Board had voted to recommend to the Town Meeting that action on the acceptance of the Apartment House Act be postponed. He explained the purpose for this saying that the Board was afraid that if it were possible to con- Apartment vert large houses into two-family houses, it might invite. House a group of undesirable investors to Lexington. Code Mr. Ferguson explained that the present Tenement House Act does not apply to too -family houses. He also stated that the new Apartment House Regulat?ons do not apply to two-family houses. He said that anything over two families is an apartment house. He said that houses cannot be converted any more now under this APartrnent House Code than under the present Zoning Laws. Mr. Rowse suggested that Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Worthen attend the Precinct Meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 10, to answer any questions relative to the tpartment House Code and they agreed to do so. Mr. Ferguson explained to the '-)oard that the Old Age Law at the present time permits an old age recipient an equity of $3,000.00. The House Bill #711 which was entered by the Massachusetts Selectmen's Association eliminates the $3,000.00 so that an old age recipient cannot have any equity in real estate. If a recipient owned any real estate Old Aige 186;. he -r'ould,have to give a bond to the Town and any equity he had in it. Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Worthen retired at 7:55 P.M. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it Apartment was voted to leave the present Tenement House Act in force House Vote until someTown Meeting following the approval of the new Apartment House Code by the Attorney General. At 8:00 P.M. Mr. Eugene McCarthy and Mr. Charles Bart- lett of the V.F.W. appeared before the Board. Mr. McCarthy stated that they requested this appointment in regards to Article 34 relative to tre old Adams School Lot, He said that the V.F.V. intended to lease or buy the property if possible. He said that they would like to insert the word "lease" at the Town Meeting instead of the word "convey." The Chairman explained that it was the Board's under - Old standing that some member of the V.F.W. would handle this Adams Sch Article at the Town Meeting and a motion could be made in Site any way they so desire. Mr. McCarthy stated that at the present time he did not know who would present the Article. The Chairman explained that the Town dight use this site for the Fire Station at some future time, and as the`'Town now owns the land there is no expense. He questioned if the Town had the right to lease the land. The Chairman told the two men to have their speaker prepare to make an offer for a lease of the land and to arrive at some definite proposi- tion for presentation to the Town Meeting. Mr. McCarthy and Yr. Bartlett retired at 8:20 P.M. Mr. Sarano moved for indefinite postponement of Article 34 relative to the so-called old Adams School Lot. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 8:15 P.M. He said that the Lexington Minute Men had requested the use of a small room off the corridor on the first floor of Cary Memorial Building for a meeting to be held on March Uses of 17 from 8:00 to 10:C0 P.M. Halts Mr. Potter moved that the use of the roan be granted. IVr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the Garden the use of Estabrook Hall for Friday, 8:00 to 10:00 P.M. Mr. Potter moved that the reques Locke seconded the motion, and it was Group had requested March 12, 1943, from t be granted. Mr. so voted. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that the total paid for snow removal through last Thursday, March 4, was $7267.00, dkj 1 1 1 1 187. and the unpaid bills amounted to 032.75. Mr. Paxton estimated that the cost from this last storm will be approximately 4865.00 additional. Fe said that with an appropriation of W12,500.00 it leaves only $,70C.00 or x;800.00 for possible emergencies which may occur after March 15, and for the.latter part of November and Dec- Snow ember. He thought it advisable to have an additional Removal ,.1,000.00 in the snow removal appropriation for emer- Mr. Potter moved that the amount of 41,000.00 be added to the amount appropriated for snow removal making the total 13,500.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it wasso voted. - The Chairman instructed the Clerk to write to &r. White inviting the Appropriation Committee to meet -with the Board of Selectmen at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 15, 1943. The Chairman read a letter from Commissioner Eugene C. Hultman relative to House Bill 11334, entitled, "Report of the Special Commission Established for the Purpose of Further Investigation Relative to the Use by Additional Municipalities of the Quabbin Reservoir for Water Supply Purposes, and Relative to the Relation of the City of Boston.tb, and Its Share of the Expenses of, the Metropoli- tan District Commission.' The Chairman requested Mr. Paxton to attend the hearing on this bill. He agreed todo so. Mr. Paxton retired at 8:40 P.R. Commission Hearing Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 8:40 and re- Mr. Morse tired at 8:55 P.M. Letter was received from Mr. A. R. Giroux, suggesting that the Board appoint Mr. Thomas S. Grindle as Treasurer of the U.S.S. LEXINGTON Fund Co[rwittee. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Grindle be appointed Treasurer of the U.S.S. LEXINGTON Fund. Committee. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion,) ,end it was sa voted. T,he,Clerk was instructed to write Ir, Grindle of the appointment and alsp,to notify the Lexington Trust Company. Letter was received from Stephen C. Garrity, State Fire Marshall, notifying the. Board of the public hearing to be held on Wednesday, March 10, 1943, on the application of Edward W. Higgins for reinstatement of the license granted by the Town of Lexington for the storage of gasoline in an underground tank with a capacity of 500 gallons at 24 Maple Street, Lexington. No action was taken on the matter. U.S.S. LEXINGTON Gasoline Tank License 188 Comm. on. Pub.Safety Funds Letter was received from the Lexington Committee on Public Safety requesting the transfer of certain unexpended _valances from previous appropriations. It was the under- standing of the Board that the Committee should ask the transfer of all balances back into the "fund" and then make requests for the amounts required, specifically stat- ing what they are for and how much of the year they are to cover. The Chairman said that he would write Mr. George W. Emery, Finance Officer, on the matter. Chairman of Letter was received from the Board of Assessors ad - Assessors vising the Selectmen that Mr. Clyde E. Steeves had been re-elected Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year. Insp. of Slaughter ing Letter was received from the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts Department of Public Health advising that it was - required by law that one or more Inspectors of Slaughter- ing should be nominated during the month of March, and the names of such nominations submitted to. the Department of Public Health for approval. Mr. Sarano moved that George C. Whiting's name be submitted as Slaughtering Inspector. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. (Hamilton Letter was received from Munroe H. Hamilton requesting request an abatement of taxes on Lot 35 Robbins Road. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to refer the request to the Board of Assessors. The deeds to Lots 18 and 19 Harding Road and Lots 22 and Merriam 23 Eaton Road, conveying these parcels of land to Mr. Robert deeds H. Merriam, having been prepared by Mr. Wrightington were presented to the Board for signatures. Mr. Potter moved that the deeds be signed. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Bicycle Act. The Chairman said that Article 15 in the Warrant re- lates to the registration and operation of bicycles. He said that he had a copy of the Act #710 typed for each mem- ber of the Board. Mr. Potter stated that this Article was put in the Warrant at the suggestion of the P.T.A., and the Police Department feel that they cannot do much in regard to the operation of bicycles until this Act has been accepted by the Town. Mr. Potter moved that the Board be recorded as in favor of the Act. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 1 The Board then discussed at length the question of taking the money for the bonus from the E and D or the tax levy. Mr. Potter said that this bonus was as a part of the salaries and should come out of the tax bate. Mr. Sheldon explained that the Appropriation Committee had previously decided that it be taken from the E and D, but they changed to the tax levy because they wanted to present a united front. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted that the entire amount of the bonus should come out:cof - the tax rate: The Bonus Article will be presented ta_cover all Town employees with the exception of the schools. The School Department will present a separate vote for the schools. 189 Bonus Funds It was decided to move an indefinite postponement on Article 35 which has to do with the purchase of bonds, Article 35 in order to establish post-war rehabilitation funds. Mr. Potter moved that the Sunday theatre license for License William Viano on March 14 be approved and signed. Mr. approved Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Commitment of water rates, water iscellaneous charges, and water rates abatements were signed. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. A true record, Attest: