HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-01-11128 Juror Uses of Halls SELECTMEN'S MEETING January:11, 1943 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, January 11, 1943 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter', Rowse, Locke, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to grant the following licenses: John A. Sellars Dairy, 483 Concord Swenson Bros., 210 Marrett Road Lexington Theatre, 1794 Mass. Ave. Mr. ing of a February 92 Adams Mr. Ave. Past. It Milk Theatre license Carroll appeared before the Board for the draw - grand juror to serve at Cambridge, beginning 1, 1943. Mr. Chester Lidberg, milk business, of Street, was the juror drawn. Carroll retired. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 7:40 P.M. to discuss welfare matters and retired at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 8:20'P.M. He reported that Mrs. Harold B. Lamont had requested the use of Estabrook.Hall on January 20, 1943 from 8:00 P.M. until 10:00 P.M. for a course in Child Welfare. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that Mrs. Robert H. Moore asked per- mission to borrow six tables and sixteen chairs for the War Fund Center. The drive will be held from January 10, to February 20. The Red Cross also wants to use the tables and chairs in Match. Mr. Sarano moved that both requests be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that he had received oil coupons totalling 1899 gallons for the Barnes property from January 1, 1943 to October 1, 1943. Two hundred and fifty gallons Barnes have been put in this year, leaving an available amount Property of 1649 gallons in coupons. Every winter we have used about 5500 gallons in this building. Mr. Paxton said that his original thought was'tosft off the wing,which would cost approximately $40.00, and he thought that this should be done anyway. .It would save 1 129 between 45% and 50% of the fuel oil ordinarily burned. The Chairman asked Mr. Paxton that he would do with the Red Cross and he said that the only suggestion he had was that the office be put in the Public Health Building. Mrs. Moore said she thought that this would be all right. There are three possibilities for placing the Welfare Department: The corridor on the easterly side of the Cary Memorial Building, with the ticket office being used by Mr. Morse as a private office. The ticket office on the other side could be used by the Food Stamp Cashier; 2) The corridor upstairs in the Town Offices with Mr. Morse having office space in the Inspectors' room; 3) Placing the Clerks in the Engineers' office and giving Mr. Morse office space in the Inspectors, room. Mr. Paxton said that he had talked with the Board of Fire Engineers and they said they could meet in private homes for the winter at least. Mr. Rowse moved that the Selectmen authorize the closing of the Barnes property as soon as. practicable and that the Welfare office be located wherever Mr. Paxton can best fit it in here in the Town Office Building. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted that the following resolution be adopted: EXHIBIT II RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE Board of Selectmen OF Lexington, Mass. WHEREAS, the Town of Lexington is the owner of certain street car rails, track fastenings, and other metallic track material lying in: the streets of said City, which are shown on Exhibits A" and "B" annexed hereto; and WHEREAS, said rails track fastenings, and other metallic track material, are vitally necessary to the prosecution of the present war; and WHEREAS, the City (Town) desires as a contribution to the war effort to make said rails, track fa,st.enings, and other metallic track material immediately available. -for war use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT 1. The Board of Selectmen (till five members) be and he hereby is authorized, on behalf of the city (Town), to transfer title to said rails, track fastenings, and other metallic track material..t o WAR MATERIALS, INC., Agent for Metais Reserve Company, by bill of sale, the Form of which shall be approved by Sidney R. Wrightington, Town Counsel. 2. WAR MATERIALS, INC., Agent for Metais Reserve Company, be and it hereby is given permission, itself or through others, to remove the above said rails, track fastenings, and other metallic track material, and for that purpdse to disturb the pavement in the streets where said 130 rails are located, provided that the slots from which the rail is removed and refilled with a suitable available paving material. The work of removing the rails and refilling the slots shall be carried out in accordance with specifications mutually acceptable to WAR MATERIALS, INC., Agents, as aforesaid, and to Supt. of Public Works. The latter shall aaeure himself that the work is to be done with minimum interference with the movement of traffic. 3. Any and all liability of any nature whatsoever c( WAR MATERIALS, INC., as Agent, shall cease and terminate unless claim shall be made in writing to WAR MATERIALS, INC., by the official specified in Section 2 hereof, within thirty days after written notice of completion of work has been given to said official. by WAR MATERIALS, INC. I, James J. Carroll, Town Clerk of The Town of Lexington, Mass. hereby certify that at a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington duly and leg- ally called and held on the eleventh day of January, 1943. A quorum being present, the foregoing resolution was legally adopted. SEAL Town Clerk Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted that the following bill of sale be authorized and signed: EXHIBIT II -A BILL OF SALE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Town of Lexington, Mass. (hereinafter referred to as "City"), for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations to it paid by WAR MATERIALS, INC., a Delaware Corporation, Agent for Metals Reserve Company, a corporation created under Section 5 (d) of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act as amended, (here- inafter referred to as 'TIMI ), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by it, has granted, bargained, sold, transferred, set over, and delivered, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, transfer, set over, and deliver unto WMI its successors and assigns, all the street rail- way rails, track fastenings, and other metallic track ma- terial now laid in the streets of the City, and shown in red upon the map hereto attached and made a part thereof, as Exhibit "A", consisting of gross tons, more or less, as described in detail in Exhibit "B" hereto attached and made a part hereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto WMI, its successors and assigns forever. 1 AND. the said City, for itself, and its successors, hereby convenants with and represents to WMI, its suc- cessors and assigns, that it is the lawful owner of the said goods and chattels; that they are free from all liens and encumbrances of every kind and character; that the City has the right to sell the said goods and chattels as aforesaid; and that it will warrant and defend the same against all claims and demands of all persons whom- soever. It is the intention of the City and WMI that title to said rails, track fastenings, and other metallic material shall vest in WWI only when this bill of sale has been accepted in writing by WMI. When so accepted, it shall constitute an agreement on the part of WMI to remove said rails, track fastdnings, and other metallic track material from,the streets., and to fill the openings made in the streets for the purpose of removing said materials, pur- suant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Resolution adopted by the City on January 11, 1943. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused its name to be subscribed and its seal to be affixed by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, this eleventh day of January, A. D. 1943. (Seal) Town of Lexington Archibald R. Giroux by Board of Selectmen William G. Potter Errol H. Locke ACCEPTED: , 194 . A.Edward Rowse George W. Sarano Town Clerk WAR MATERIALS, INC., Agent for Metals Reserve Co. By President 131 The matter of early morning street lighting was dis- cussed. Mr. Paxton said that he had checked up on early morning travel and he found that there was a great deal Street of it. The Chairman said that he had received two calls lights from residents who take the 5:50 A.M. train. Both of these men said that it was very dark when they left the house and because of theicy conditions, travel on foot was dangerous. These gentlemen said that the early train was crowded every morning. Mr. Sarano moved that the street lights be turned on at 5:30 A.M.'until one half hour before daylight. This practice to be continued until March 1, 1943. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton then discussed with the Board the Appro- priation Committee's recommendations on a bonus plan for 132 1943. He said that in 1941 there were '75 employees in the Public Works Department and now there are 44. Last Bonus year there were 26 extra employees and this year there Plan are only 2. Mr. Paxton has a few men who, because of age or other disabilities, do not work full time. He said that the Boards would have to decide whether or not they wanted to have a Public Works Department or not and if they do wish to have one, then they will have to pay the men more money. If they are given only a 7i% bonus, they probably will leave. The men that are left are the key men. He said he would like to see every man in the Public Works Department given a 5i per hour increase, the increase to be effective this week. Then a 70 bonus on top .of the raise undoubtedly would be satisfactory to them. An increase of 5f/ per hour would cost the Town about $3,000.00 this Year. The Board told him that the matter would be discussed further and Mr. Paxton retired at 9:20 P.M. At 9:30 P.M. seven members of the Appropriation Com- mittee and four members of the Board of Assessors appeared before the Board. The Chairman told the Assessors that they had been invited to this meeting to hear that the Appropriation Committee and the Selectmen had in mind with regard to salaries. There was a general discussion on salaries and wages. The Chairman polled the Selectmen, who were in favor of a straight bonus of $125.00 per em- ployee for the year 1943, this amount to be paid quarterly. The Appropriation Committee said they would reitre to an executive session and let the Board know later how they felt about the recommendation. The question of increasing the hourly rate of pay far Public Works employees was discussed. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted that the regu- lar full-time employees of the Public Works Department on Hourly an hourly basis (where it meets with the approval'of the rate Supt. of Public Works) be given a 5 per hour wage increase, increase effective on.January 15, 1943. Letter was received from the Lexington Committee on Public Safety requesting the cooperation of the Town in turning off and draining water. in houses which had been evacuated because of lack of fuel. The Clerk was in- structed to give a copy of the letter to Mr. Paxton and Mr. Morse and to ask Mr. Morse to notify Mr.'Pexton if any such cases occuaed. skj 133 The application of Bridget Leary for permission to maintain an underground tank for the storage of gasoline Gasoline at 45 Waltham Street was discussed. permit Mr. Rowse moved that the license be granted and that the Chairman be authorized to sign it. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Governor Saltonstall rela- tive to the care of persons forced to leave their homes because of insufficient fuel. The Clerk was instructed to have Mr. Morse advise the Board if there were any eases Where this was likely to happen. The Clerk reported that Reprepentative Ferguson in- formed her today that the following bills had been filed in the Legislature: House Bill #171, Petitioning for the creation of a separate Board of Public Welfare; House Bill #170, relative to the revocation of the Tenement House Act; House Bill #163 relative to the removal of snow and House ice, and House Bill #178 relative to takings by eminent Bills domain. Mr. Ferguson said that if the Board had any idea of petitioning for a separate Board of Health this year, the bill would have to be filed by Friday of this week, It was the feeling of the Board that because of war con- ditions, lack of doctors, etc., it would be better to defer action on this until after the war. Letter was received from the Town Counsel saying that Pierre A. Northrup contends that the transfer of the title of Edward W. Taylor's car to the Town was upon an express E. W. condition that the car was to be used solely by Mr. Taylor Taylor's as Chief of the Fire Department. Inasmuch as this condi- Car tion cannot now be performed, owing to Mr. Taylor's re- tirement from the Town's service, the title should now revert to Mr. Taylor. Mr. Wrightington submitted a release of all interest inthe car and suggested that the Board sign it. M. Rowse moved that the following release be signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, by its Board of Selectmen, acknowledges that the transfer of title to it of a 1938 Oldsmobile sedan, motor #843250, 1942 registration #M1512, from Edward W. Taylor, was a transfer upon.a condition which cannot now be performed, and the Town of Lexington therefore releases to the said Taylor all right, title and interest in -and to the said automobile. TOWN OF LEXINGTON By Archibald R. Giroux Board William G. Potter Errol H. Locke of George W. Sarano A. Edward Rowse Selectmen 134 Traffic Lights Water for Bedford Air Field Ellis' resigns fr. Planning Bd. Letter was received from the Massachusetts Depart- ment of Public Works suggesting that all unnecessary traffic lights be eliminated or placed on "flashing". Mr. Rowse moved that the Supt. of Public Works_be instructed to turn off or place on "flashing", all traffic lights which he thought should be changed, subject to the approval of the State Department of Public Works. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Metropolitan District Commission advising that due to an emergency, troops had moved into the Bedford Air Field, and it was nec- essary to fill at once a reservoir at the field. The letter contained authority for the Town to furnish water sufficient to fill the reservoir to an amount not ex- ceeding 175,000 gallons at such hours as may be approved, by Frederick W. Gow, Director of the Water Supply Divis- ion of the Metropolitan District Commission. The water is to be paid for by the Government at a rate not less than $104.47 per million gallons. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Paxton had not received the contract with the Government, but that he expected it would be signed and delivered soon. The Clerk was instructed to a sk Mr. Paxton to report next Monday whether or not he had re- ceived the contract. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington advising that the Trustees of Public Trusts are confronted with a serious problem relating to the French bequests to the Town. The will requires that each fund of $2,00.00 be invested in Town of Lexington bonds, and the trustees have found it impossible to purchase bonds needed for the investment. Mr. Wrightington suggested filing a petition for instructions in the Probate Court for Suffolk County, naming the Attorney General as a defendant, and securing a decree authorizing other investments. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Wrightington's suggestion be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and.it was so voted. Letter was received from.the Town Clerk advising of the resignation of Lester F. Ellis as a member of the Planning Board, effective on January 6, 1943. It was decided to wait until the annual election in March for the election of someone to take Mr. Ellisf place. Letter was received from the Treasurer of the Lexington Savings Bank advising that there was on deposit in that bank on December 31, 1942, under Trustees of 1 135 Public Trusts, Cemetery Trust Funds, a total principal of $25,785.00 represented by 197 separate accounts. This Trust does not include the Herbert Hilton Trust Fund now Funds amounting to 34,627.13. Mr. Saran moved that the Lexington Committee on Public Safety be authorized to remove the Report Center to the Engineers' Room and that they be authorized to Report have the Police Department take full charge of telephone Center calls from the Newton Warning Center. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The following communication was received from Miss Eleanor M. Lowe.Clerk of the Board of Selectmen: Lexington, Mass. January 11, 1943. Board of Selectmen Lexington, Mass. Gentlemen: It is with sincere regret that I submit my res- ignation as an employee of the Town of Lexington, effect- ive on January 23, 1943. I leave the Town's employ to take a position in a long established New England concern Which offers excellent opportunity for advancement. I have always enjoyed working with the present Board of Selectmen, and wish to thank each member for the personal interest and kindness shown ma. I shall be very glad to help both the Selectmen and Miss Murray in any way that I can after I leave here, arid wish both to feel free to call on me at any time for such assistance as I am able to give. Sincerely yours, /s/ Eleanor M. Lowe Clerk, Selectmen. It was then VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen accepts with deep regret the resignation of Miss Eleanor M. Lowe as Clerk of the Board. Miss Lowe has served the Town for seventeen years, eight of those years as Clerk of the Board. It is only that the Board believes it cannot stand in the way of her further progress that prevents it from making additional effort in keeping her in the service of the Town. She has served the Town faithfully and with great ability. The Board expresses its appreciation in behalf of the Town of Lexington. 136 Mr. Potter moved that Hazel J. Murray be appointed Clerk of the Board of Selectmen, this appointment to be effective on January 23, 1943. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Locke moved that Hazel J. Murray be appointed Agent of the Board of Health, effective on January 23, 1943. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 11:55 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk wj 1