HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-01-04SELECTMEN'S MEETING January 4, 1943 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, January 4, 1943 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the peti- tion of Mrs. Bridget Leary for permission to maintain an underground gasoline tank at 45 Waltham Street for the storage of 500 gallons of gasoline. Mrs. John Sexton, Mrs. Leary's daughter, appeared in favor of granting of of the petition. Mrs. Sexton said that the tank had been there for over twenty years and that the gasoline was used in connection with the taxi business. Mr. Rowse said that he heard that gasoline had been sold there without coupons. Mrs. Sexton said that they had a tenant in the rear of the house whom they were trying to evict and who had made a great deal of trouble for them. It was this man who has made the charges but he has not proven them. No other persona appearing in favor or in opposition, the hearing was declared closed at 7:30 P.M. and Mrs. Sexton retired. The Clerk was instructed to check with the Rationing Board to see what type of coupons had been issued to the Learys, and to bring the matter up again next week. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to approve and sign the following licenses: Mike & Christy Hallos Mary A. Rowland Clifton R. Price James Phillips Independent Tallow Co. Peter J. McDonagh Lexington Theatre 1715 Mass. Ave. 150 Lowell St. 1709 Mass. Ave. 1800 Mass. Ave. Woburn 301 Mass. Ave. 1794 Mass. Ave. 123 Leary Gasoline 'hearing Common Victualler's n a M M Trans. of Garbage Methyl Alcohol Sunday Movies Licensee Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Roy A. Cook be appointed Forest Warden in the Town of Lexington for the year end- Forest ing December 31, 1943. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, Warden and it was so voted. It was decided to leave the matter of compensation until the Fire Department budgets for 1943 are discussed. 124 Taylor's car Tax titl land on Woburn S Special Board of Health Agents Tax title Property Re: Calls from Newton Letter was received from the Board of Fire Engineers conveying their appreciation for the Selectmen's coopera- tion in handling the recent Fire Department problem. Letter was received from the Board of Fire Engineers relative to the return of Mr. Taylor's automobile. The Engineers saw no reason for consulting Mr. George McLaughlin in the matter and felt that they should not be involved in the matter at all. It was decided to send a copy of Mr. Wrightington's letter on the matter to Mr. Taylor and to tell him that the Board had no desire to retain the car and wished to return it to him and asked for his suggestions in the matter. Letter was received from Andrew Cupp of 186 Woburn Street offering to pay the sum of $1500.00 for the Ryder land on Woburn Street, provided certain stones were e marked, etc. It was decided to request Mr. Paxton to talk with Mr. Cupp and, if the latter is satisfied with t.what the Town can do, to sell the land to him for the $1500.00. Letter was received from the Superintendent of the Metropolitan State Hospital requesting the appointment of Thomas Bowdidge and Alexander Armour as Special Agents of the Board of Health. These agents are appointed merely that they may be authorized to issue burial permits. Mr. Potter moved that Messrs. Bowdidge and Armour be appointed Special Agents of the Board of Health for a period ending March 31, 1943. Mr.. Locke seconded the motion,. and it was so voted. The following commitments were signed: Water House Connections $18.39 Sewer House Connections 28.90 Water Miscellaneous Charges 192.03 Water Lien Costs 4.00 Water Rates Sec. II 5619.75 The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Daniel J. O'Connell had not paid the $500.00 for the Pearce and Kendall lot on Fletcher Avenue. Mr. Rowse moved that the vote of August 31, 1942 transferring this lot to Mr. O'Connell be rescinded and that the lot be placed on the market for sale. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:05 P.M. Chief James J. Sullivan appeared before the Board. The Chairman asked Chief Sullivan what he thought of the recommendation that the calls from the Newton Warning Center go direct to the police station 1 125 twenty-four hours a day. Chief Sullivan said that he be- lieved that the Police Department could handle the calls all right and he would be in favor of allowing it. The Chairman told him that the matter of moving the Report Center was under consideration and told the Chief that one suggestion was that it be placed in the Guard Report Room in the police station. Chief Sullivan said that as Center far as he knew this would not interfere with any Police Department functions and he would be in favor of allowing the Report Center to be moved there. The Chairman said that some of the men going up to the Observation Tower at night had difficulty in getting their ears atarted in the winter weather and hewondered if it would be all right if they telephoned the police station Police so that they might be taken to the Tower in the police taking car. The Chief said that some of the men have been doing men to thia right along and he had no objection to all of them Tower doing it. The Chairman said that Mr. Emery telephoned him and said that because of reduced personnel in the Fire Depart- Ambulance ment, and for various other reasons, the Engineers felt that the time had come to ask the Police Department to take care of the ambulance. He thought that the ambulance might be garaged in the stall in the rear of the police station. The Chiefsaid that he believed the stall was too small and he thought there would be a great many ob- jections to having the policemen handle the ambulance. It was decided to request Mr. Emery, Chief Sullivan, and Deputy Chief Cook to meet with the Board next week to discuss the subject. Chief Sullivan retired at 8:40 P.M. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 8:45 P.M. He said that fire insurance policies under blanket schedule were expiring as follows: January .14th, 419,400.00 through the office of George W. Taylor and Son; January 14th, *12,500.00 through the office of W. H. Insurance Ballard; February 6th, $22,000.00 through the office of W. H. Ballard. Mr. Rowsemoved that the policies be renewed for a five-year period through the same companies. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that he had received a post card from Selectmen Louis Pfeiffer of Bedford relative to morn- ing street lighting. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. Street lights 126 Street Car Rails Rogers Petition for damages Mr. Paxton said that a Mr. Abbott and a Mr. Dailey, of the Metal Salvage Division, War Production Board, came out to see him relative to the removal of street car rails. There is little possibility of our delaying the project any longer. The War Production Board wants the papers signed so that the rails can be taken out in the spring months. The removal of ties is out of the question. They will not even consider it. Mr. Paxton asked if the Town would be allowed to replace the pave- ment as it saw fit, and they said that the request could not be granted. The pavement will be replaced with a bituminous concrete mixture. Mr. Paxton said that the condition of the pavement would not be worse than it is now, but undoubtedly rippling will show over a period of years. We will not gain anything, but there will be no cost to the Town. Mr. Paxton said he thought that the Selectmen should stipulate that the work must be done between the 19th of April and the 30th of May. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to prepare the necessary papers for signature and to present them to the Board next Monday evening. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington relative to the petition of George E. Rogers for assessment of. damages because of a taking by eminent domain of his land in connection with the relocation of Spring Street. Although the petition is against the County Commissioners, the Town is bound to defend the action. The taking en- titles the Town to cut down a substantial part of the em- bankment and remove a part of the present retaining wall. It is not intended to do this work in the near future, but Rogers must recover for damages now if ever. Mr. Wrightington thought he could get Rogers to agree to take $225.00 in full settlement, accompanied by an agreement for judgment which will make plain that he is being compen- sated for his expense in the future for building any re- taining wall. Mr. Paxton said he felt that it would be well if the Town could get Mr. Rogers to accept a cash settlement. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Wrightington be authorized to settle with Mr. Rogers for any amount between $225.00. and $250.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton retired at 9:00 P.M. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 9:00 P.M. to discuss welfare matters and retired at 9:10 P.M. The Chairman said that he had received two requests from residents to use land owned by the Town for gardens. The Board felt that it should encourage this effort. It eiky 1 127 was decided to request Mr. John J. Garrity, Mr. Frederick J. Spencer, and Mr. John Lamont to serve as a committee to Gardena consider requests for the use of tax title land owned by for the Town, and also park land, provided there is no object- food ion. Mr. Garrity is to serve as Chairman. This committee is to notify the Board of any such requests granted. The Chairman said that Mr. Randall Houghton telephoned him and called his attention to the fact that the School Committee had recommended, for several years, an enclosed field and he wanted to know if the Selectmen would endorse the School Committee's recommendation in their annual Enclosed report this year, the work to be done as an after the war Field project. The Board thought that Mr. Houghton's request should be granted. At 9:22 P.M. the Appropriation Committee appeared before the Board. The salary policy for 1943 was dis- cussed. The sub -committee, appointed by the Appropriation Committee, to study the question reported its findings. It was decided to request the Board of Assessors to meet with the Selectmen next week and to have Mr. Paxton present at the same time. The Appropriation Committee retired at 10:25 P.M. Mr. Sheldon remained. Mr. Sheldon informed the Selectmen that the Police Department -Wages and Expenses Account was short $40.55. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $40.55 from the Reserve Fund to the Police Department -Wages and Expenses Account. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Potter told the Board that John Lamont would need gasoline in order to make the investigations of garbage complaints. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to provide Mr. Lamont with such gasoline as he needs for the Gasoline investigation of garbage complaints, provided Mr. Lamont for Mr. turns in the necessary coupons. Mr. Sarano seconded the Lamont motion, and it was so voted. The expense is to be charged to the Health Depart- ment -Expenses Account. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk